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Social Media Channel Breakdown by Generation


Social media has evolved substantially since its creation and are platforms that all generations have begun to take part in. We begin to see the characteristics that differentiate each age group when we look at how social media by generation is broken down. Some use socials primarily for entertainment, while others utilize it to connect with family and friends. In this blog post, we will be dissecting the various ways social media is used by each generation. 

Visual representation of generations to show social media by generation

Gen Z 

Generation Z is the youngest age group being born between 1995 and 2012. They grew up with social media, which makes them very tech-savvy. According to a poll by Sprout Social, 66% of Gen Zers claim that social media is an essential part of their lives. They spend a lot of time on social channels and that time is only expected to increase in the future. 

Visual of generation Z to show social media by generation

Gen Z primarily uses social media for entertainment and as a way to kill time, which is unlike their more mature counterparts. The most popular platforms among this age group include Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat, and most recently, TikTok. 

In terms of e-commerce and Gen Z’s relationship with brands, 78% of them use social media to research new brands. This generation is very aware of their data collection by businesses and expects their online shopping experiences to be very personalized. Gen Z also considers social causes when it comes to their buying decisions, and will be more interested in putting their money towards an issue they support. 


After Gen Z comes Millennials. Their oldest age is 38 and their youngest is 24. This generation is undergoing many life milestones including beginning careers, getting married, and starting a family. About 72% of millennials say social media is essential to their lives with 61% of them using socials to communicate with friends and family. Other uses for social networks of this generation are to learn about new trends, pass time, and get current events. Millennials frequent Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube most often. 

Because this generation is experiencing some big milestones, brands have the opportunity to play a major role in their lives. Businesses should consider that it may be easier to connect with Millennials if their brand can build an online community. The blender company Vitamix has over 427,000 followers on Facebook and their community tab is full of users sharing Vitamix recipes and other cooking tips. It’s also important to note that Millenials heavily consider word of mouth recommendations and product reviews for their purchasing decisions.

Screenshot of Vitamix Facebook page to show social media by generation


Gen X 

Generation X is a smaller generation with people being born between 1965 and 1979. Social media came into their lives when they were a bit older, though that hasn’t stopped them from engaging on social networks. 74% of Generation X say that social media is an essential part of their lives with YouTube and Facebook being the most frequented platforms among them. This age group is more hesitant to broadcast their lives, unlike their younger counterparts, with only 24% saying they have shared on social media

In terms of marketing, this generation is usually overlooked despite having a substantial amount of purchasing power. Growing up with more traditional media and becoming more accustomed to social media gives Gen X an appreciation for both new and old forms of advertising. 

Baby Boomers 

The oldest generation is Baby Boomers who were born between 1946 and 1964. Social media came into the later parts of their lives, with the youngest age being 54 in this group. Social networks are fairly important to Boomers, with 40% of them claiming that networks are essential. They primarily use social channels to connect with friends and family. The pandemic has caused a surge in Baby Boomer users, as they needed a new way to stay in contact with the most important people in their lives. 

Illustration of family video calling to show social media by generation

For businesses, it’s essential to note that this generation’s most popular platforms are Facebook and YouTube with 54% of Boomers watching video content. This should be taken into consideration when developing a marketing strategy for Baby Boomers. 


Overall the social media use by generation differs significantly across all age groups but has brought people of all ages to common spaces. The similarities and differences among each demographic should be taken into consideration when it comes to posting on any given platform.  

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About Adam Post

Adam Post is a Los Angeles Social Media Strategist and Founder of Bright Age Digital Creative Agency. Follow me on Google Plus https://plus.google.com/+AdamPost/