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Statistics Behind the World’s Largest Video Platform

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You can find almost anything on YouTube. From cute cat videos to learning how to change a tire, the site has it all. YouTube is currently the second most popular website in the world, just trailing behind the mega search engine—Google. This means that almost everyone with some form of access to an internet connection has probably stumbled across the site at some point in their lives.

Specifically speaking in terms of online marketing, understanding YouTube statistics can provide a lot of benefits. As previously mentioned, YouTube is trailing behind Google as the second most widely used platform in the world. However, YouTube is also considered a search engine and a popular one at that. YouTube is currently considered to be the second-largest search engine in the world. This is extremely useful information for marketers to know because they can incorporate this site into their SEO strategies.

YouTube statistics on laptop screen

It’s also helpful to know that people watch over one billion hours of content on YouTube every single day. If your business is worried that they won’t be able to reach their desired audience, make sure to give YouTube a shot. By uploading creative, entertaining content, you’re bound to find your niche in the world of YouTube.

On the topic of finding your audience on YouTube, be sure that your business understands the kind of content your target audience likes to see. Since over 500 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube every minute, there’s a chance your content can get lost and not appear in the feeds of the people you want to market to. There are a number of ways you can ensure your content reaches the right people, but some of the best practices are using specific keywords in your titles and descriptions so YouTube knows the people to recommend your videos to.

YouTube statistics homepage screen

Another important tip to better understanding the YouTube algorithm is recognizing that 81% of users watch the videos that YouTube specifically recommends for them. This is great information for businesses and online marketers to know because it means that by using the right choice of hashtags and keywords, your content will continue to be recommended to the people who have the highest chance of being interested in your business.

One of the last YouTube statistics to touch on is that it’s extremely important for businesses and marketers to create YouTube content that is mobile-friendly. As more than 70% of content on YouTube is watched through some form of mobile device, it’s essential to make sure that the videos you’re uploading look just as good on an iPhone as they do on a laptop. That means you probably want to use larger text sizes so people with smaller devices will still experience the same great content one would on a computer.

YouTube statistics on iPhone App

Overall, using YouTube to market your business is one of the best decisions you can make for your brand. You’ll have the opportunity of reaching such a wide audience of people just by using the right combination of strategies.

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About Adam Post

Adam Post is a Los Angeles Social Media Strategist and Founder of Bright Age Digital Creative Agency. Follow me on Google Plus https://plus.google.com/+AdamPost/