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Key Performance Indicators for a Social Media Report

When evaluating a social media report, there are several key performance indicators that each social media platform shows in order for the business to truly thrive in the digital world. These indicators are follower growth, impressions, engagements engagement rate, and link clicks.

Given that social media marketing services give a company the benefit of boundless opportunities, the following social platforms need to be evaluated in a social media report in order to know how to not only improve your strategy, but also improve your brand image in the public eye.


Facebook Reporting: Key Performance Indicators


It is important to look at follower growth to determine if the content you are delivering boasts well with what the community likes. For example, when looking at follower growth on Facebook, you want to see why exactly you are gaining more followers. Is it because of engagement with the public? Or perhaps when an article gets reposted? These are important to know because it shows you what to do more, or possibly what to do less of in terms of adding public content to your company Facebook page.

Impressions essentially measure how often your ads appear on screen for your target audience to see. With this said, Facebook is vital when calculating the number of impressions the ad(s) get. An impression is determined by the total number of times your content is displayed, even if it was not clicked on.

The Facebook algorithm has recently changed, which has actually made engagement more alive for the network. Engagement is versatile is a sense that many things on Facebook count as an engagement. This can be anything such as a like on a post, a follow, a comment, checking into your location and tagging it, etc. This is imperative to look at because it helps to extend your Facebook reach. With this said, engagement rate, which is the percentage of the total people a post reaches, goes hand in hand with engagement and follower growth.

Lastly, link clicks are important to look at in your social media report because it shows how many times the link within your ad is clicked. Facebook is great for creating posts with links to articles or blog posts. Link clicks track the number of times your Facebook ad link was clicked on.


Instagram Reporting: Key Performance Indicators


Instagram works a bit different than other sites, mainly because if it used mostly through mobile. Follower growth is essential when looking at performance. This may vary year-over-year, but the overall goal is to determine why your followers are growing, or why they are not, and how to maintain or improve that. Impressions for Instagram count when your content is shown to the public. As we know with Instagram, stories can be very engaging, so it is important to look at impressions when evaluating a social media report.

Engagement rate for Instagram is the amount of total engagement over a specific period of time. The total engagement is determined by likes, comments, and shares. The total engagement in a social media report simply tells you what gets your fans buzzing. Instagram is a lot of consistent posting (photos, videos, stories, etc.), so it is important to know what exactly you should post more or less of.


Link clicks for Instagram are determined by the links that are clicked on in an ad post. An example would be the “tap to shop” feature Instagram has. This principle on a social media report can help you track Instagram traffic.


Twitter Reporting: Key Performance Indicators


Follower growth for Twitter is much like the other social platforms listed above. It usually varies year-over-year and should be growing continuously. Twitter impressions are determined by the number of times a tweet shows up in someone’s timeline. This all has to do with posting the right content for your community. Retweets play a huge part in this as well.

On the note of retweets, this is also a huge took for engagement. Twitter engagement is the total number of times a user interacts with a tweet. This includes replies, likes, followers, links, hashtags, tweet expansion, etc. The engagement rate is the total number of engagements divided by the number of impressions.

Links are commonly posted on twitter. They can be anything such as a statistic page, article, blog post, etc. This is a common way to improve engagement. In a social media report, the click through rate is calculated by dividing the total number of clicks by the number of followers the page has. Link clicks are a significant part of a social media report for Twitter.


Pinterest Reporting: Key Performance Indicators


Pinterest follower growth can help you gauge an understanding of what the community is interested in during a specific period of time. Pinterest impressions are simply the number of times your Pins were shown. When analyzing this in a social media report, it can help you confirm if your social content strategy is working for your business. The engagement rate is the percentage of your Pins with at least one Repin. Relatively, just like reposts on other social media platforms, you want all of your pins to have at Repins, which would be 100%.

Rather it is a link to a blog post, a website, a blog post, or another Pin, link clicks are essentially a road map for the user to find what they are looking for. Pinterest is a crucial tool for guiding consumers in the direction to your other social media sites or websites, which is why it is important to keep track of this key performance indicator in a social media report.


LinkedIn Reporting: Key Performance Indicators 


LinkedIn is different than the other social platforms listed, however it is still evaluated the same in a social media report. Followers on LinkedIn are presented as connections. These connections are an essential part of networking for a business. It is important to look at the follower growth on a social media report for LinkedIn because it gives you an idea how many people actually want to be a part of your business and if they believe it has valuable information.

Impressions for LinkedIn are the number of times a post was shown to LinkedIn members. Impression rate is presented as a percentage on a social media report. Anything over a 2% is considered to be a great impression rate. A social media repost will evaluate this for you.

Engagement breaks down the types of interactions your posts include. LinkedIn engagement consists of things such as likes, comments, and shares your posts receive. A social media report shows the engagement percentage as well as how many followers you gained form sponsored updates. The engagement rate, total engagement divided by total followers, measures engagement on a per follower basis.

LinkedIn is a great platform for posting links and articles. Link clicks are important to keep track of because it shows if what you are posting is valuable for community management growth, which will show up in your social media report.

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About Adam Post

Adam Post is a Los Angeles Social Media Strategist and Founder of Bright Age Digital Creative Agency. Follow me on Google Plus https://plus.google.com/+AdamPost/