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Social Media Data Tracking

Social Media Data Tracking: A How To Guide

With all of the social media content that is on the web, it is important for businesses to assure that they are not only tracking their social media data, but also tracking data that is relevant and important to their company. With social media data tracking, you can figure out what it is that your viewers are interested in and what it is that keeps them interested for longer amounts of time. These social media data insights allow you a better idea of how your viewers read, view and share your content unlike ever before. Before you begin your next social media campaign to boost your viewer’s interest, consider these tips on how to maximize your efforts.

What Are You Looking To Track?

You wouldn’t start a promotion or a sale at your website or company, without knowing what your target is. When first looking at social media tracking, assure that you know what you are looking for and how you can track it. There are different methods for tracking, depending on what you are looking for.

Analytic Programs and Software

After you decide on the social media data insights you want to track, you can then implement programs that will help you better find information that you want to know. Depending on the platform you are using, will greatly determine what software you should use. Here are some helpful options:

BackTweets: Not only is it free, BackTweets is a great tool for Twitter feeds. This program tells you who is talking about you and what they are saying on the network that allows 140-characters or less of text.

Bottlenose: Unlike other platforms that are specific to certain social media outlets, Bottlenose does a fantastic job of compiling information from a variety of outlets and storing it all in one easy to read format.

Facebook Insights: If you aren’t using Facebook for your social media, you’re missing out on the largest opportunity’s of social media tracking for your customers. The website is one of the most popular in the world and adds new people each day. Facebook Insights is a free social media data tracking tool that works flawlessly with the website. It’s easy to track what people are saying about you and also how people share your information on their friends walls and comments.

Utilize Your Information

The problem with some companies and their social media data tracking is that once they find out the valuable information, they don’t know what to do with it. Once you learn where and how it is being talked about, use that information to engage and interact with customers. Just having the information is pointless, unless you actually use the social media data insights to learn from your customers and listen to what they are saying. If you can utilize this information, you should notice that your social media campaigns are becoming more valuable and more recognizable by your followers and viewers.


Now that you know how to track your social media data insights and what to do with it, begin back at step one and start implementing these processes into your own campaigns. If done correctly, social media data tracking will help build your business and please your customers.

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About Adam Post

Adam Post is a Los Angeles Social Media Strategist and Founder of Bright Age Digital Creative Agency. Follow me on Google Plus https://plus.google.com/+AdamPost/