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Social Media Template Checklist

Social Media Checklist Template for Facebook

When setting up a Facebook business page, it’s important that you focus on the fundamentals so that you set yourself up for success. A good way to make sure that you cover all the important points is to use a social media checklist template. Here’s a checklist of ten different things that can help make your page successful.

1. Choose the Right Name – Make sure you choose the right name for your business page. If the one you’re trying to get is already taken, put some thought into it and come up with one that is relevant and impactful to your business. Once you cross the 100 fan threshold, you’re no longer allowed to change your name.

2. Use Custom Tabs – You want to extend the capabilities of your page with custom tabs. You can use these custom pages to welcome visitors, get them to subscribe to your newsletter, get them to Like or add your page, and more. Using the default wall is definitely a waste of an engagement opportunity.

3. Make Your Cover Stand Out – Your cover image is the first thing that people will notice once they arrive on your page. That’s why you want to make sure that you use it to convey a unique benefit. Make sure that your image is relevant and also uses graphical text to address your visitors.

4. Add a Contact Us Page – For some reason, many businesses that set up a Facebook page forget to add a contact us page. The only way for people to contact them is to message them through Facebook. By adding an email and phone number to your page, you will get more inquiries and sales.

5. Add an Incentive for Your Website Visitors to Facebook You – Give your website visitors a powerful incentive to become a fan on your Facebook page. There are also applications that you can use to reward users once they Like your page.

6. Display Testimonials and Ratings – Do you have positive customer testimonials lying around in your emails? Do you have a high feedback rating on Yelp? Try to feature these credibility statements on your page to inspire the confidence of potential customers.

7. Take Advantage of Applications – There are many Facebook applications that help your page become more effective. For example, you can use the social RSS page to populate a page with your blog updates. You can set up a page to list all your YouTube videos with the YouTube app. Make sure you use apps that add value to your page rather than using it to impress your visitors.

8. Preload Your Facebook Page with Valuable Content – First impressions count. That’s why you want to add valuable content to your Facebook page before you start telling everyone about it. It will result in more follows, Likes, and shows that you are a business to pay attention to.

9. Post Regularly – This is the most important point in the social media checklist template. You have to post on a regular basis because your post slowly gets pushed to the bottom over time. That doesn’t mean you need bother your followers with constant promotional posts. You just need to post content that adds value more than once a month.

10. Socialize and Manage Reputation – Social media is all about interaction but for some reason many businesses never interact with their fans. Take out some time to answer questions and respond to feedback. Being aware of conversations will also allow you to manage your reputation by addressing customer complaints and negative press.

By using this social media checklist template, you’ll be able to bring in more fans, generate more Likes, and build momentum for your Facebook page.

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About Adam Post

Adam Post is a Los Angeles Social Media Strategist and Founder of Bright Age Digital Creative Agency. Follow me on Google Plus https://plus.google.com/+AdamPost/