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why baha'i faith is wrong

Beware! After Islamic fundamentalists came to power in Iran in 1979, the 300,000 Bahs there were persecuted by the government. In parts 1 & 2 of these articles, lets deal straightforwardly with some of the most obvious untruths: the. May 13, 2018 Note Investigation of the truth doesn't stop when one accepts the Bahai faith. They have been the axis around which religion revolved but now are no longer fruitful; on the contrary, in this day they have become the cause of human degradation and hindrance. Bah'u'llh Exploring Thematic Areas This area of the website aims to organize a selection of central Bah' beliefs into a few thematic areas. It is hardly surprising that some of them decide that theyve made a mistake. This is not love. But all religions, to a certain degree value truth more than good deeds. That is what you are made to believe by UHJ. instead of deepening and developing their understanding of reality and relationship with God are likely to leave the Faith. These Spiritual Assemblies address the spiritual needs of the community. [21] The Universal House of Justice stated in 1995, and has repeated since, that the teachings on sexuality are laid down in the faith's scripture and that, "the House of Justice has no authority to change this clear teaching on homosexual practice. Despite the persecution, the Baha'i faith has attracted millions of adherents around the globe for its ability to transcend nationalism, racism and the like. Information control (publishing) Todays major religions are all manmade that is why they do not make sense. Independent and innovative thinking are viewed with suspicion, with submission to the institutions viewed as a fundamental value. v. Proselytizing while claiming they dont proselytize. Answer (1 of 5): > According to reports by the NSA, they saw 1,198 enrollments in the year to February 2005, 82 child registrations, 271 withdrawals, and 16 reinstatements; In 2009 there were 2,500 enrollments, 1200 child registrations, 322 withdrawals, and 35 reinstatements; and in 2015 there w. God has not intended man to imitate blindly his fathers and ancestors. Kathy Roman is a retired foster youth educator, aspiring writer, wife and mother of two who lives in Elk Grove, CA where she serves as the Bahai Public Information Officer. He remained there until his passing in 1892. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your observations are dead on. A fundamental tenet of the Baha'i Faith is the common foundation of all the world's religions. why baha'i faith is wrong . I remain very interested in religions but will never subscribe to one again. The Baha'i Faith is a world religion whose purpose is to unite all the races and peoples of the world. The Equality of Men and Women 7. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It was a momentous event in my life, yet one I did not see coming. Can you please point me in the right direction where it appears so that I can correct it. t. Tearing families apart in the name of the Almighty Protection obsession If men could only learn the lesson of mutual tolerance, understanding, and brotherly love, the unity of the world would soon be an established fact. The underlying foundation of the religions is one; there is no intrinsic difference between them. It is becoming popular nowadays and has its origins from the Shi'ite Islam sect. In 1850, the Bab was charged by Shi'i religious officials with heresy and was put to death by firing squad. Just follow the goodness of the faiths . It differs from, but may be associated with, excommunication . However, it is almost axiomatic among Bahais that half of the Faiths enrolled members are inactive. That's because it is IMPOSSIBLE to explain it, because the fact remains that ever since Shoghi Effendi's passing . Ive come to see that the actual pivot of the Bahai World Faith is not an inclusive and true oneness of humanity but an exclusive oneness of Bahainess, a false oneness based on the belief that all of humanity needs to believe as we Bahais believe. Bahai is a new religion or rather a religion of the newer world. Baha'u'llahs father was a minister in Irans government, which supported Shi'i Islam as the state religion. His concern was genuine for a number of Baha'i males did indeed have beards! It doesnt help that, like the Falun Gong, theyre a CIA propaganda front for hooman rites imperialism and do terrorism for Mossad. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. Its life long.. Due the ignorance many are given misconceptions. Author Lil Abdo says that the Bah understanding of sexual equality is different from that of secular feminists. In reality, the Scriptures teaches that the heart of men which is the inward being is truly wicked. 14 . These words are from all prophets of god . Just as there is no Second Coming of Christ. The Bible says: Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Every year, Bahais democratically elect a Local Spiritual Assembly of nine individuals in each city, entirely without campaigning or politicking. k. Some laws are irrational and some cause extreme emotional pain to those trying to follow them The answer is "No," but this is how strong perceptions are especially on new people we meet, and how clear we Baha'is must be about our dress, and demeanor, to portray the best human qualities we can and to not get attached to outward trappings. I talk about your Firesides in part two! I was a Bahai for a few years in the 70s and can testify that I departed for the first reason cited. (God bless Democracy), Well,I think we dont need a new world order but just a new view on it and a new way of acting which is based on ethics.Democracy is best because it allows itself to get better. Because when I was a Bahai I was right, my religion was right, there was no need for me to question anything. It was during this exile that he publicly announced the establishment of the Baha'i faith. It has been the fastest growing religion in percentage terms since World War II but from a smaller base on initial believers. k. I ask myself: Would a religion that treats me this way be from God?. This page will be expanded with explanations added as I continue to research the Bahai religion. Bahais want to say they are the most wide-spread religion so they force members in the USA (not sure about other countries) to have a community in each and every locality even if it is only two people for example, say there are 11 people living in a city and 9 people living just outside the city limits. In our World of Worship series, we're exploring different ways people practice faith and religion around the globe. Baha'is were encouraged to avoid reading anything they wrote and instructed to entirely shun them. 4. That fact also can come as a shock to a new convert, and perhaps cause them to leave. b. He must not rely implicitly upon the opinion of any man without investigation; nay, each soul must seek intelligently and independently, arriving at a real conclusion and bound only by that reality. The itself is not dishonest, since those liberal teachings are actually present in Bahai scripture, and historically, converts into the Faith have been from among more open-minded and educated people. With social media and many alternate media sources, the truth will always reign supreme. The most notorious incident of this was theTalisman crackdownin 1996, where professors and intellectuals were threatened with shunning for statements made on an email forum. While doing research for, I came across this Blog which I think should be read by Muslims and by Bahais. The simple fact is that the Bahai Faith has just done a terrible job in creating a rich and rewarding community life for its members, and many of them drift away for that reason. These appointed officials have the responsibility for the protection and propagation of the Faith. Iam a proud Bah' but due to the nature of my job, I am abit stagnant but I know the truth which is the most comforting feeling you can have in our short stay in this relm, Great text. Persistent, public, and continued violation of one of these laws (for example, drinking alcohol, or cohabitation without marriage) can result in sanctions, most commonly the removal of administrative rights. Is what we have been fought by tradition and culture through our parents and our community as we are all tribuilist by nature.. Constant self examination is essential. And to articulate to that Science and Religion should be compatible.. yet insist that homosexuality is wrong, when all of Science is demonstrating that it is a biological state, not a moral failing. Abdul Husain Aayati was born in 8th Zilhaj 1287 AH in Taft. [20] Particularly in the United States, Bahs have attempted to reconcile the immutable conservative teachings on sexuality with the otherwise socially progressive teachings of the religion, but it continues to be a source of controversy. This the only true cemanmends was given by krishna, moses, Jesus, Muhammad and bahaullah. This section is about how the religion affected me. As part of its crackdown on the followers of the Bab, the Iranian government incarcerated Baha'u'llah. b. You know is easy to say bad things about your religion too and people are saying! Generally speaking, Baha'ism is a fabricated faith; it includes elements from Buddhism, Brahmanism, idolatry, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and beliefs from the Baatini school of thought. Thanks so much for sharing! The religion began with considerable controversy. So while Bahais have no clergy at all, an elected Bahai administration does exist. For example, they have the principle of the equality of men and women but have different inheritance laws for each and dont allow women on the House of Justice (governing body) and they say they have a principle of the unity of religions but that doesnt mean that they respect people of all religions so much as it means that people of all religions can join Bahai, give up their own religion, and then be united as a Bahai community. Since the Bahai Faith validates the spiritual teachings of many past traditions, and recognizes and honors all the world religions, it is rarely an issue. Published: SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 13:24. The underlying foundation of the religions is one; there is no intrinsic difference between them. They should strive to be shining examples for all mankind, and act as true reminders of the virtues of God amidst men. That is quite interesting to learn, Matthew. Bahais who are married before conversion dont have to face this, but for those who marry afterwards will not be recognized as being married unless they do so in a Bahai ceremony. Why? Bahais do not have any form of leader in order to tell them what the book says. His most well-known book is The Hidden Words, which is composed of short poetic statements that get to the heart of his spiritual and ethical teachings. It asks us to consider if the present society is influencing us to examine the notion of human sexuality in a way that instead just leads us down a philosophical blind alley. This is only one of many aspects of "information control" - a well-known sign of cult mind control, per many websites and books that expose cult methodology. His son and successor, Abdu'l-Baha, traveled to Europe and the United States to spread the faith. After these years, he saw the corruptions of the Bahais first hand, renounced the Bahai Faith and finally reverted back to Islam. Here is a brief about Awareh. d. His sons couldnt get along well enough to fulfill his covenant Sad Posted July 2, 2016. In all my years of following and writing about the Bahai Faith, this excuse is perhaps the funniest! At the same time, the Baha'i faith has spread around the globe. Read more of this post, Filed under Why I Left Bahai Faith Therefore, if the essential and fundamental ordinances of the religions be observed, peace and unity will dawn, and all the differences of sects and denominations will disappear. The reason is that the leadership of the Baha'i Faith, from its founder, Baha'u'llah, to the Universal House of Justice today, claims to be infallible because it is guided by God. e. Hypocrisy write one thing and do another; not a good sign The Baha'i concept of Jesus is based upon the revealed word of Baha'u'llah, and you believe his interpretation is true because he has said so. No love Inasmuch as the essential reality of the religions is one and their seeming variance and plurality is adherence to forms and imitations which have arisen, it is evident that these causes of difference and divergence must be abandoned in order that the underlying reality may unite mankind in its enlightenment and upbuilding. Thats it for now, from my point of view. Thats what makes us believers. [27] Cole went on to criticize the Bah Faith in three articles written from 19982002,[28][29][30] describing a prominent Bah as "inquisitor" and "bigot", and describing Bah institutions as socially isolating, dictatorial, and controlling, with financial irregularities and sexual deviance. History of the Baha'i Faith - ReligionFacts Then the Baha'i arguments regarding homosexuality are dishonest. Your email address will not be published. Independent, Unfettered Investigation of the Truth 3. o. In fact, the first school for girls in Iran was established by the Baha'is. Christian and Islamic authors (e.g. Thanks Sissy. In a generation where feminists are struggling hard to bring about equality between both genders, Baha'ism is the religion that teaches equality between both genders in its very principles. While the protesters were united in their hope that the law would not be changed such that it . Why I Know Bahaullah Isnt a Manifestation of God (by, Deprogramming from the Bahai WorldFaith, A Confession by an ex-Bahai (23 years! You describe God as a selfish dictator that is all about it, not us. c. He abandoned his family in Baghdad and his son died because of no medical care (ie: neglect) Importantly, the Baha'i Faith first emerged in a Muslim culture in what is now Iran, so Islam could be said to be its parent Faith - in the same way that Judaism was the parent Faith of Christianity. I saw a lot of those fanatics latched on other spiritual platforms on internet and tried to lure ppl in discussion. Check your email for the latest from The Baha'i Faith is the latest world religion and the second most widespread religion in the world after Christianity. For these reasons and others, I became disillusioned and quietly departed. i. Beware! He further argued that in the case of "Baha'ism, with its rather vague doctrines as to the nature and destiny of the soul of man, it is a little difficult to see whence the driving force to enforce the ethical maxims can be derived. For most Muslims, the prophet Muhammad was the last and final prophet. Founded in the 19th century by a Persian nobleman . The Bahai Faith appears to be a religion that is wasting its potential. The ineligibility of women has caused discontent among small but vocal groups of western Bah intellectuals,[5][1] and criticism from others. Beliefs, ideas and rituals of the Baha'is: 1 - Belief that Allaah is incarnated in some of His creation, and that Allaah was incarnated in al-Baab and al-Baha'. Shoghi did not nominate any successor after him because of which many divisions occurred in Bahai faith. Too often these differences lead to contention, conflict, injustice, suffering, oppression, and social instability. 197. This posting is a work in progress incomplete! Carmel for about twice the length of the condition of advanced Israel has existed, this work having started in the 1880's s. . "[6] Former Bah William Garlington said the Bah position in America, "can at most be characterized as one of sympathetic disapproval" toward homosexuality. There are more people on this planet who have heard of those who believe in the flying spaghetti monster than they have of the Bahais. Also, very few people have ever heard of the faith. How Bahais are trying to capture the Middle East.. [27] For example, Juan Cole converted to the Bah Faith in 1972, but later resigned in 1996 after conflicts with members of the administration who perceived him as extreme. Bahais are often enjoined to be patient, and told that the Faith is only in its infancy. Religion (and more particulary its followers and leaders) can only serve as condiuts of the Spirit of truth, but it can never claim to be the Spirit of truth (or God) in itself. It would be an embarrassment to reveal to another educated person that they belong to a faith that espouses gender equality, but ahem.. actually women are prohibited from the faiths highest governing body. I attended, we only discussed the societal potential of young people and by the end of the day some older youth I met had already signed me up to start the Ruhi Institute books despite the fact that Id never heard of them and they didnt show them to us or tell us what they were about. You will see lots of items which Bahais tout as their own actually came from Islam. Answer (1 of 11): Lifelong Baha'i, I've been around and do not sugarcoat. Is he God? HIs initial contact with Bahais and the Bahai Faith So shame on us for causing division not unity. . Baha'is have also been discriminated against in Yemen and in Egypt. Unfortunately for them, the internet was invented and knowledge of their imperfection has spread. Belief in God should be as God wants us to believe Him and not the other wway around. We were led to believe that entry by troops and the lesser peace would happen by the year 2000, meaning that there would be a political peace in the world, and many, many thousands of people would be lining up to join the Bahai religion. In the early fifties I was in Virginia and witnessed racial segregation in nearby Washington D.C. There are more than 100,000 local Baha'i communities in places as diverse as Chile, Cambodia and the United States. [1][2], The criticism and challenges it has faced vary considerably in different regions of the world. 2 Comments. Lets unit in that one absolute truth not divide the truth. This is regrettable. Although the prophet and founder of the Faith, Bahaullah, was born into a Muslim family, he went on to establish a completely independent religion. The Bah' Faith was founded in Iran in the mid-19th century by Mirza Hoseyn 'Ali Nuri, who is known as Bah'u'llh ("Glory of . How Bahais are trying to capture the MiddleEast.. 2 - Belief in the transmigration of souls, and that reward and punishment happen to the soul only. I was briefly involved with my local Bahai community. h. Prayerbooks interfere with directly talking to God (ie: prayer) In fact, Assemblies exist on paper that never actually meet because not enough of the people in the community are active. The followers of such splinter groups are shunned and not considered Bahs by the majority. m. Treating members like theyre not able to make up their own minds [35] By contrast, MacEoin has generally praised the work in Bah studies of Bah historian Peter Smith and non-Bah sociologist Margit Warburg. I had to speak out. u. Shaming people who make mistakes I did attend meetings in other Bahai communities after that eye opener but the evidence that Bahai is a cult simply mounted. Firstly, I wanted to mention that Im an atheist, I always have been and I imagine I always will be. The 9 people living outside the city limits have to form their own community and must hold their 19 Day Feast meetings separately from the 11 people living within the city limits. b. Race and genders. Christianity also has a teaching called "original sin", which the Baha'i clearly rejects. Dear Ryan,This is a very important issue and rather than provide a simplistic yes or no answer, I would refer you to the following article that re-frames your question in an interesting way. Love bombing is their pretty important tool in doing so. The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens, Events Coordinator - Melbourne Law School, Monash Business School - Senior Academic appointment opportunities, Lecturer (Level B) / Senior Lecturer (Level C) in Social Work Field Education. I was not friends with any Baha'is at the time, and had only met two in my life. 9 Taken literally, of course, the biblical prophecies of Christ's return do not fit Baha'u'llah. The National Bahai Center in Wilmette, IL claims that there are 140,000 Bahais in the United States. At that time it was a manner of persecution, now it is really a blessing that they indirectly acknowledged a new Revelation even if not believing in Its Revelator. Baha'u'llah encouraged Baha'is to cooperate with their governments and engage with the followers of all religions in a spirit of fellowship. The Baha'i Faith has been at the present time building its World Center on Mt. Filed under Uncategorized, Why I Left Bahai Faith, March 26, 2017 I dont think Bahais know who the fraud that Bahaullah actually was how he took what he wanted from Islam and created his own trash which is now known as the Bahai Faith. 2( Mohamad a final prophet for humanity Yet Baha'is in Iran, who are the largest non-Muslim religious community, continue to face persecution. The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. Also, unfortunately, some Bahais feel it is their duty to turn in people who are not living up to Bahai standards. Bahaullah , and Jesus and Mohamed says conversion to believe in God only comes through good works not unnecessity doctrine.

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