As consequence of #1 and #2, and the fact a LOC is usually used to purchase the property and it is usually the LOC is in both names, the path of least resistance is usually a 50/50 split where financing is required.However, as you note, it would be best to speak to an accountant before purchasing who could review ur specific situation in detail. Prior to buying house, my wife and I already owned a condo. var googletag = googletag || {}; And it also transpired that Tim was I gifted shares to my child when she was a year old. Example He would like to give them to me today. Would we be considered as "owner occupants" even though it is not our primary residence? Hi AnonI cant answer the questions because I would need to know if the siblings also had their own princiapl residences amongst other factors and I do not provide specific tax planning advice on this blog in any event. Support Desktop, Tablet and Mobile with responsive design. less than market value. I am a Partner within the Tax Team at Deloitte in New Zealand. Transfers of property to your spouse or common-law partner or, to a trust for your spouse or common-law partner Special rules may affect a capital gain or loss when capital property is transferred. For example, do we each pay tax on half of the income, or do attribution rules apply that require us to split the income based on our percentage ownership of the residence?Regards. We need to come up with a solution which will result in the least amount of financial loss should anything happen to our daughter..Thank you for any information or suggestions you might have. Sound accounting, rental property and trust taxation advice is based on years of training, hard work, and passion, as well as familiarity with taxation legislation and precedent and sound consideration. However, if In respect of question 2, this will be a legal transfer and you will need legal documentation and there may or may not be land transfer fees depending upon your province. Strictly considering shares, couldn't I sell $5K of the shares for $5K from my brother (for a buyer ACB of $5K), then gift $45K worth of shares to my brother (for a recepient ACB of $45K = gifter's FMV) in a separate transaction. Hi Mark,If two people own a residential property and one wants to buy out the other, at FMV, do they have to pay land transfer taxes? What is an example of getting something for no money without calling it a gift? The house on today's market would be worth about $195,000. In order to make a gift without impacting on an application for a rest home subsidy, the maximum amount a single person can gift is $27,000 per annum, while the maximum amount a couple can gift is $13,500 each (totalling $27,000 between them). My parents want us to pay $100k and they will in turn gift my brother and sister with $50,000 each cash. which seems in the early years will greatly offset the income. Medical advice. Your guidance is much appreciated Hi AnonI do not provide specific income tax advice on this blog for obvious reasons. The weekly market value Will there be any tax liability for me (after I pass away) and my best friend?3. We note that our estimated fixed fee does not include any cost of negotiations/disputes with other parties and we reserve our right to charge any cost incurred for our extra attendances at our discretion. You gift an asset to yourself from a controlled corporation at FMV. In March 2009 he prepared a will that would leave me his home Also in March 2009 he decided to go ahead and prepare a warranty deed to have my name as the legal owner before he died. Joint liability. } Are Estate Freezes the Wrong Solution for Family Business Succession? I have a rental property, when I bought it only my name on the deed but my husband do all the maintenance work and I almost do nothing. When buying, who should own the rental property, you, your partner, Jointly, Company, LTC or Trust? Anon, gifts are not defined in the Income Tax Act. Not sure if this is different from a parent (anything to know there). Who should pay it, my best friend or I?Many thanks for your help!Bai Yu, Hi Bai, Sorry but I do not provide specific personal tax planning answers on this blog which you are requesting. The Family Trust. He lives there and runs her biz from there. If you buy two condo's, you should consider just each owing them individually as partnerships can also be problematic if one partner needs money etc.. Hi Mark,I appreciate you taking the time to write this article and responding to people's comments. Hi Mark, bit of a complicated situation;)Would you know how capital gains are treated if you receive a cash insurance settlement due to a fire on a rental property (total loss, home demo'd)but you are keeping the land (vacant lot for now)? As your plan is somewhat complicated you should obtain income tax advice from an accountant. After I sell the shares, what are the rules regarding attribution? [In other words situations where the dead person can't claim the title of the property in time for their end of year or even their final tax return, so have basically nothing to claim the loss against. Ask them here: An introduction to buying property in New Zealand, All you need to know to deal with estate agents. or is the a bad idea altogether? If I sell the property @ FMV and provide a spousal loan for any shortfalls is this considered an event significant enought to be treated as a deemed disposition where my spouse could recognize all cap gains and income solely in her name going forward? What are the tax implications for my dad once the property is sold.4. I think by now after reading all these comments that I get the picture: "Speak to an Accountant, a Real Estate Lawyer, and a Tax Lawyer"But I just have to ask:In the case of a husband/wife owning a single principal residence, and interested in purchasing a second home for rental income purposes, are there any articles you'd recommend or key points to share about the pros/cons of whether to purchase the rental as 50/50, 99/1, 100/0, etc ownership?For arguments sake and to make it more realistic, I would want to read advice specific to where the husband is the only Employed spouse, and the wife is self-employed from home. We don't bother with wills or lawyers and as people die I want it to be easy to just keep on going so I want to add my nephew to that title now that he is 21. Deckchair analysis of your I plan to use the proceed from the sale of my house to pay off his mortgage. To show the intention, I would ensure a deed of gift drawn up by a lawyer. This involves setting up two trusts instead of one. They decided they want to gift their apartment to their children, which they thought would push them under the means testing threshold. Also, are there special forms to fill out for this? These provisions are more likely to apply if you gift your assets into trust rather than selling them and then gradually forgiving the debt owed to you. Section 160 of the Act may cause your spouse to be responsible for your liability in certain situations, however, you need to review the criteria. Or maybe you just scrap them. The bright-line test will tax the income arising from the sale, with an allowance to deduct the costs of the property. Choose your own lawyer for independent advice. Engage you accountant to properly plan for this transaction to minimize the taxes. This involves many things, including preparing submissions on behalf of Deloitte and developing thought leadership in the area of tax. I have a related question:In the case where two brothers (who own a property jointly) wish to transfer ownership to their father alone (as a gift), I understand that there will be a capital gain tax that the brothers will owe to the CRA as well as taxes on gains if the father sells the property subsequently.Is this correct? Brasas Restaurant Rincon Beach Resort Menu, Articles T
If you enjoyed this article, Get email updates (It’s Free) No related posts.'/> As consequence of #1 and #2, and the fact a LOC is usually used to purchase the property and it is usually the LOC is in both names, the path of least resistance is usually a 50/50 split where financing is required.However, as you note, it would be best to speak to an accountant before purchasing who could review ur specific situation in detail. Prior to buying house, my wife and I already owned a condo. var googletag = googletag || {}; And it also transpired that Tim was I gifted shares to my child when she was a year old. Example He would like to give them to me today. Would we be considered as "owner occupants" even though it is not our primary residence? Hi AnonI cant answer the questions because I would need to know if the siblings also had their own princiapl residences amongst other factors and I do not provide specific tax planning advice on this blog in any event. Support Desktop, Tablet and Mobile with responsive design. less than market value. I am a Partner within the Tax Team at Deloitte in New Zealand. Transfers of property to your spouse or common-law partner or, to a trust for your spouse or common-law partner Special rules may affect a capital gain or loss when capital property is transferred. For example, do we each pay tax on half of the income, or do attribution rules apply that require us to split the income based on our percentage ownership of the residence?Regards. We need to come up with a solution which will result in the least amount of financial loss should anything happen to our daughter..Thank you for any information or suggestions you might have. Sound accounting, rental property and trust taxation advice is based on years of training, hard work, and passion, as well as familiarity with taxation legislation and precedent and sound consideration. However, if In respect of question 2, this will be a legal transfer and you will need legal documentation and there may or may not be land transfer fees depending upon your province. Strictly considering shares, couldn't I sell $5K of the shares for $5K from my brother (for a buyer ACB of $5K), then gift $45K worth of shares to my brother (for a recepient ACB of $45K = gifter's FMV) in a separate transaction. Hi Mark,If two people own a residential property and one wants to buy out the other, at FMV, do they have to pay land transfer taxes? What is an example of getting something for no money without calling it a gift? The house on today's market would be worth about $195,000. In order to make a gift without impacting on an application for a rest home subsidy, the maximum amount a single person can gift is $27,000 per annum, while the maximum amount a couple can gift is $13,500 each (totalling $27,000 between them). My parents want us to pay $100k and they will in turn gift my brother and sister with $50,000 each cash. which seems in the early years will greatly offset the income. Medical advice. Your guidance is much appreciated Hi AnonI do not provide specific income tax advice on this blog for obvious reasons. The weekly market value Will there be any tax liability for me (after I pass away) and my best friend?3. We note that our estimated fixed fee does not include any cost of negotiations/disputes with other parties and we reserve our right to charge any cost incurred for our extra attendances at our discretion. You gift an asset to yourself from a controlled corporation at FMV. In March 2009 he prepared a will that would leave me his home Also in March 2009 he decided to go ahead and prepare a warranty deed to have my name as the legal owner before he died. Joint liability. } Are Estate Freezes the Wrong Solution for Family Business Succession? I have a rental property, when I bought it only my name on the deed but my husband do all the maintenance work and I almost do nothing. When buying, who should own the rental property, you, your partner, Jointly, Company, LTC or Trust? Anon, gifts are not defined in the Income Tax Act. Not sure if this is different from a parent (anything to know there). Who should pay it, my best friend or I?Many thanks for your help!Bai Yu, Hi Bai, Sorry but I do not provide specific personal tax planning answers on this blog which you are requesting. The Family Trust. He lives there and runs her biz from there. If you buy two condo's, you should consider just each owing them individually as partnerships can also be problematic if one partner needs money etc.. Hi Mark,I appreciate you taking the time to write this article and responding to people's comments. Hi Mark, bit of a complicated situation;)Would you know how capital gains are treated if you receive a cash insurance settlement due to a fire on a rental property (total loss, home demo'd)but you are keeping the land (vacant lot for now)? As your plan is somewhat complicated you should obtain income tax advice from an accountant. After I sell the shares, what are the rules regarding attribution? [In other words situations where the dead person can't claim the title of the property in time for their end of year or even their final tax return, so have basically nothing to claim the loss against. Ask them here: An introduction to buying property in New Zealand, All you need to know to deal with estate agents. or is the a bad idea altogether? If I sell the property @ FMV and provide a spousal loan for any shortfalls is this considered an event significant enought to be treated as a deemed disposition where my spouse could recognize all cap gains and income solely in her name going forward? What are the tax implications for my dad once the property is sold.4. I think by now after reading all these comments that I get the picture: "Speak to an Accountant, a Real Estate Lawyer, and a Tax Lawyer"But I just have to ask:In the case of a husband/wife owning a single principal residence, and interested in purchasing a second home for rental income purposes, are there any articles you'd recommend or key points to share about the pros/cons of whether to purchase the rental as 50/50, 99/1, 100/0, etc ownership?For arguments sake and to make it more realistic, I would want to read advice specific to where the husband is the only Employed spouse, and the wife is self-employed from home. We don't bother with wills or lawyers and as people die I want it to be easy to just keep on going so I want to add my nephew to that title now that he is 21. Deckchair analysis of your I plan to use the proceed from the sale of my house to pay off his mortgage. To show the intention, I would ensure a deed of gift drawn up by a lawyer. This involves setting up two trusts instead of one. They decided they want to gift their apartment to their children, which they thought would push them under the means testing threshold. Also, are there special forms to fill out for this? These provisions are more likely to apply if you gift your assets into trust rather than selling them and then gradually forgiving the debt owed to you. Section 160 of the Act may cause your spouse to be responsible for your liability in certain situations, however, you need to review the criteria. Or maybe you just scrap them. The bright-line test will tax the income arising from the sale, with an allowance to deduct the costs of the property. Choose your own lawyer for independent advice. Engage you accountant to properly plan for this transaction to minimize the taxes. This involves many things, including preparing submissions on behalf of Deloitte and developing thought leadership in the area of tax. I have a related question:In the case where two brothers (who own a property jointly) wish to transfer ownership to their father alone (as a gift), I understand that there will be a capital gain tax that the brothers will owe to the CRA as well as taxes on gains if the father sells the property subsequently.Is this correct? Brasas Restaurant Rincon Beach Resort Menu, Articles T
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transferring property to family members nz

As tax legislation changes wi More. Would undeveloped lands reasonably count as PUP at all?Also, are these rules about PUP only applicable to net capital losses? this summer, just as he had done many times before, Tims parents received a concerning property that is used as a residence (whether principal or not), after the estate closes.If a PRE has been used and PREs will continue to be used (either personally by an heir or by a trust for multiple heirs) to shelter a residence going forward, is there any problem with using capital losses against land gains in excess of 1.25 acres (the PRE limit)? Conveyance by a lawyer, whos the only professional permitted to charge for conveyance, normally costs between $600 and $2,000. So unless you can show the increase Hobby farmer, Hi AnonI do not provide specific tax planning advice on the blog. The principal residence exemption belongs to the beneficial owner of the real property not the named entity on title. Hi,I have a question and here is the scenario.My brother bought 2 lots 9 years ago and paid $11,500 each. Hi LeoI do not provide personal tax planning advice on this blog as I would need to know all the facts including where your son lives. I can not comment in a vacum not knowing what other expenses such as prop taxes, repairs, int x, depreciation she is claiming. apply for or make use of a New Zealand passport. This is an important feature of New Zealands tax system to ensure integrity and fairness. And would land transfer taxes also apply? A father who owns a property with a market value of RM500,000 wants to transfer it to his son, first he has to calculate the stamp duty and then only pay 50% of it. = RM9,000. In many instances the key issue to be aware of is the application of the bright-line test. fuel vehicles up to 5,000 km. Trustees duties (both mandatory and default duties) are set out clearly in the Trusts Act. Get professional advice now!! Can you dumb down both scenarios tax-wise for me please? The cost of extra attendances will be charged on the basis of our time records. What happens when 2 siblings inherit their Dad's house. When you instruct a lawyer, he or she must provide you with certain information, as outlined in our guide Seeing a lawyer what can you expect? At this point, Michaela and Daniel decide to gift their remaining interest in the property to Cameron. HI Mark. The property was gifted for "Love and affection" with no money changing hands.2. Speak to your accountant/lawyer or your parents accountant/lawyer. Anyway, we are now thinking of selling the property and looking at two scenarios: 1) Sell outright to one of the brothers for $150,000; or 2) Deed the property to him to help him qualify for loan (re-fi? If you are eligible, they will give you a transfer application form. are more than the reduced rental income), the owner wont generally be able to There could also be other costs to pay, such as court fees. If you dont have a copy of the deed in your possession, you should go to the Recorder of Deeds office in your county and get a copy. Her husband passed away a few years previous to this transaction.She passes away and now grandson is selling home.I have been told there is a different calculation for the grandson (i.e. An information-sharing agreement Hi AnonTechnically you report income based on the ownership of the residence, assuming the ownership reflected the funds contributed in the first place. Hi SteveI am not sure what you are getting at by saying owner occupied. I have the oddest feeling we are in deep ?&*t???? I would suggest however that if you reviewed your plan with your accountant, it may work depending upon the facts. Based on her current situation, her income wont be sufficient to refinance her home loan. They can be gifted into trust or sold into trust. Hi Me MimiI do not provide personal tax planning on the blog. You authorise us to incur these disbursements (which may include such items such as search fees, court filing fees, registration fees and travel and courier charges) which are reasonably necessary to provide the Services. Sorry, I should note on the above that this is being done primarily for income tax splitting purposes. Are you renting the property at Can you provide a link? Does this mean I have to probate and pay5%? What happens in this case tax wise? The quote above came from the June 2021 discussion document on the design of interest limitation and additional bright-line rules, and possibly may have been the first time alarm bells started to ring for a number of taxpayers who have entered into co-ownership arrangements when buying land. My posts are blunt, opinionated and even have a twist of humour/sarcasm. For the rent income can I put onto his income? We recently bought a new home and intended to rent our first home (a townhouse). However, Karens financial situation changed. Will the settlor do this or will a professional trustee have a continuing involvement with the management and account keeping? Hi Mark, Great Blog.My question is, when my father was dying he traded her a residential rental property for consideration in her part of the family cottage that she would have received through survivorship and Willed the cottage to his adult children. I would speak to a lawyer before undertaking this transfer to ensure you understand the related costs & legalities and confirm with the lawyer or your accountant that this will be a tax free transfer. I'm wondering if this might be an effective income splitting strategy. Of course Tim became distracted Hi AnonI don't provide personal tax planning advice on this blog. Naturally we are afraid of losing our money.We are thinking we should have the condo ownership transferred to us. Based on the facts presented you may be able to at least split the rental, but u need advice. One of the siblings was living in the house, so it was his primary residence. Practically, I would suggest there are many Cdn's who report 50/50. It just seems like I was there for 21 years for nothing and the stocks are useless. Hi AnonOn the main page there is a hire the blunt bean counter link, however, I only take on corporate clients, so if it relates to transferring property to family members unfortunately I do not take on personal tax work. I am in Oakville Ontario.Thanks,Mike, Hi mikeSorry but I do not provide personal tax advice on this blog. Lawyers must have a practising certificate issued by the New Zealand Law Society. I have seen reference, several times, on various advice blogs from lawyers or accountants, to a means whereby:1. You should also ask your lawyer to obtain a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) report from the local council, which describes the title of the land, outlines the official boundaries and buildings, the changes allowed to buildings, and flood risks. My brother trades on the basis of orders received from a financial investor that I subscribe to. Hi AnonI do not provide personal tax planning advice on this blog. In July of 2009 he died. new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], I own the house and I still have a mortgage on it (~$100k). What is best way to do this so lots may be held on to for future sale. There has never been a mortgage on the premises. Should I buy this in her name and let her own this as her primary residence. time to think about how to improve your property investment returns and to Can I do it as gift or need to sell to her? You sort of have it, but I see other ways to go about this that an accountant could help u with. Hi There. "The example of buying something from a relative for less than FMV is clear, and demonstrates the strange tax implication. or friend of the property owner. capital gains) because the grandmother lived in the home the entire time before her passing. However, I would suggest the advice you have been given in not correct if the transaction is properly executed and documented. How can I handle this from a tax perspective? My name is Mark Goodfield. Would I be able to have her payoff the mortgage and we transfer the deed to her name? My question is, can my sisters, who have Power of Attorney for my mother, with the agreement of my brother and I make a gift to the four siblings of $10,000 each? the property, the profit is taxable as part of the owners income. This rule taxes residential land sales when a property is sold within the bright-line period and no other land sale rules are already taxing the property. The gift tax applies to the transfer by gift of any type of property. Hi Mark,Here's another scenario on the Principal Residence exemption:My parents and I owned a farm jointly. the move for a temporary period, or just wants to help someone to get on their This can result in a tax liability and restarting the bright-line test period at 10-years again. The example above is adapted from examples contained in the Inland Revenue draft interpretation statement. And through that base agreement, then the conveyancing lawyer can process the transfer. Not sure why you dont think it is fair, it is your father in laws mutual fund and tax, what he does with the money, is not the CRA's concern. googletag.defineSlot('/1015136/MPU4_300x250', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-1319640445841-8').setCollapseEmptyDiv(true).addService(googletag.pubads()); If you have an estate lawyer, you need to ask them, if not you will require a lawyer for the transfer anyways and you should ask them, Sorry, not my area. What is it about Deloitte that makes it a great place to be? However, you should speak to an accountant or lawyer about your specific fact situation before you undertake such a transfer to ensure there are no taxes of any kind resulting and that the home would qualify as your sons PR going forward. If land is sold (or gifted) at an amount below its market value when it would otherwise be subject to tax (e.g. She is his part time carer though he will require more care in due course. For some reasons, when you purchase a property, you may decide to have your own name on the title. HelloWe currently own a property for 3 years which has been in my dads namemy husband now is able to transfer the home under his namethe home was purchased for $350,000 , the value now is $415,000 the government assessment came at $339,000. -- 02:002. In providing the Services we may incur disbursements and payments to third parties on your behalf. My brothers and I inherited property upon the death of my mother in 2009. The terms of trusts can differ markedly depending on the purpose for which a trust has been established. -- 05:06. The value of the house is somewhere between 610-630K. Webtransferring assets upon separation add or remove a name to a property title in New Zealand gifting your property to a family member transferring a house to your Family I own a home in one city in Alberta. }. My sister-in-law and her husband would like to purchase a second home to allow her daughter's family to live there. Your lawyer will explain if there are any particular conditions of which you need to be aware. I was there approximately 21 years and had 5% of the companies stock "Gifted to me" Do these stocks have any value? One option, I understand, is to form a T3 trust for estate assets and liabilities, to allow more time to figure out what to do with capital losses. I have paid everything including down payment to this point and monthly mortgage payments all along. (regular PRE rules)?3b. regardless of where they lived or whether they used the property before the inheritance or gift etc. My wife and I are currently living in a condo in Toronto. Hi Mark,I have a cottage that I want to gift to my son but I have been told that it could hurt him down the road if he sells the property because his cost base would be zero even if I claim the capital gain when the transfer is completed.One, is this accurate? this are things like Real Estate fees, Legal Fees, advertising costs on the Hi AnonThis is way to complicated a question to answer on a blog, you should speak to your accountant or your parents accountant. ]Capital loss on real estate is especially difficult as it can't be claimed on personal-use property (PUP) at all, i.e. Are you correctly interpreting the IRD rules around Repairs & Maintenance versus Improvements? owners income. It is important to note that trustees, once appointed, cannot do just anything they want with the trust property. or later (deferred) assuming land is sold or gifted 25 years down the road?also, what implications if any would be had if a subdivided lot on the parcel was sold along the way? If my parents change the title to me, it would be my principal residence and from what I have read there would be no LTT and capital gains. she really did not know about owing money to cra. I will however suggest you consider the following issues. Question: We are debating whether to set business as partnership or incorporate. Simple theme. Thus, in your situation, most likely you have a gain equal to the selling price less the value of the house on the passing of your father, that must be reported in Cda and maybe the overseas country. I'm not transferring anything to my nephew just adding him to the title. Assuming so, request a copy of her T776 rental income form 2013. Tax liability should be reviewed regularly. You need to speak to the estate lawyers or accountant who is aware of the details. // ]]> As consequence of #1 and #2, and the fact a LOC is usually used to purchase the property and it is usually the LOC is in both names, the path of least resistance is usually a 50/50 split where financing is required.However, as you note, it would be best to speak to an accountant before purchasing who could review ur specific situation in detail. Prior to buying house, my wife and I already owned a condo. var googletag = googletag || {}; And it also transpired that Tim was I gifted shares to my child when she was a year old. Example He would like to give them to me today. Would we be considered as "owner occupants" even though it is not our primary residence? Hi AnonI cant answer the questions because I would need to know if the siblings also had their own princiapl residences amongst other factors and I do not provide specific tax planning advice on this blog in any event. Support Desktop, Tablet and Mobile with responsive design. less than market value. I am a Partner within the Tax Team at Deloitte in New Zealand. Transfers of property to your spouse or common-law partner or, to a trust for your spouse or common-law partner Special rules may affect a capital gain or loss when capital property is transferred. For example, do we each pay tax on half of the income, or do attribution rules apply that require us to split the income based on our percentage ownership of the residence?Regards. We need to come up with a solution which will result in the least amount of financial loss should anything happen to our daughter..Thank you for any information or suggestions you might have. Sound accounting, rental property and trust taxation advice is based on years of training, hard work, and passion, as well as familiarity with taxation legislation and precedent and sound consideration. However, if In respect of question 2, this will be a legal transfer and you will need legal documentation and there may or may not be land transfer fees depending upon your province. Strictly considering shares, couldn't I sell $5K of the shares for $5K from my brother (for a buyer ACB of $5K), then gift $45K worth of shares to my brother (for a recepient ACB of $45K = gifter's FMV) in a separate transaction. Hi Mark,If two people own a residential property and one wants to buy out the other, at FMV, do they have to pay land transfer taxes? What is an example of getting something for no money without calling it a gift? The house on today's market would be worth about $195,000. In order to make a gift without impacting on an application for a rest home subsidy, the maximum amount a single person can gift is $27,000 per annum, while the maximum amount a couple can gift is $13,500 each (totalling $27,000 between them). My parents want us to pay $100k and they will in turn gift my brother and sister with $50,000 each cash. which seems in the early years will greatly offset the income. Medical advice. Your guidance is much appreciated Hi AnonI do not provide specific income tax advice on this blog for obvious reasons. The weekly market value Will there be any tax liability for me (after I pass away) and my best friend?3. We note that our estimated fixed fee does not include any cost of negotiations/disputes with other parties and we reserve our right to charge any cost incurred for our extra attendances at our discretion. You gift an asset to yourself from a controlled corporation at FMV. In March 2009 he prepared a will that would leave me his home Also in March 2009 he decided to go ahead and prepare a warranty deed to have my name as the legal owner before he died. Joint liability. } Are Estate Freezes the Wrong Solution for Family Business Succession? I have a rental property, when I bought it only my name on the deed but my husband do all the maintenance work and I almost do nothing. When buying, who should own the rental property, you, your partner, Jointly, Company, LTC or Trust? Anon, gifts are not defined in the Income Tax Act. Not sure if this is different from a parent (anything to know there). Who should pay it, my best friend or I?Many thanks for your help!Bai Yu, Hi Bai, Sorry but I do not provide specific personal tax planning answers on this blog which you are requesting. The Family Trust. He lives there and runs her biz from there. If you buy two condo's, you should consider just each owing them individually as partnerships can also be problematic if one partner needs money etc.. Hi Mark,I appreciate you taking the time to write this article and responding to people's comments. Hi Mark, bit of a complicated situation;)Would you know how capital gains are treated if you receive a cash insurance settlement due to a fire on a rental property (total loss, home demo'd)but you are keeping the land (vacant lot for now)? As your plan is somewhat complicated you should obtain income tax advice from an accountant. After I sell the shares, what are the rules regarding attribution? [In other words situations where the dead person can't claim the title of the property in time for their end of year or even their final tax return, so have basically nothing to claim the loss against. Ask them here: An introduction to buying property in New Zealand, All you need to know to deal with estate agents. or is the a bad idea altogether? If I sell the property @ FMV and provide a spousal loan for any shortfalls is this considered an event significant enought to be treated as a deemed disposition where my spouse could recognize all cap gains and income solely in her name going forward? What are the tax implications for my dad once the property is sold.4. I think by now after reading all these comments that I get the picture: "Speak to an Accountant, a Real Estate Lawyer, and a Tax Lawyer"But I just have to ask:In the case of a husband/wife owning a single principal residence, and interested in purchasing a second home for rental income purposes, are there any articles you'd recommend or key points to share about the pros/cons of whether to purchase the rental as 50/50, 99/1, 100/0, etc ownership?For arguments sake and to make it more realistic, I would want to read advice specific to where the husband is the only Employed spouse, and the wife is self-employed from home. We don't bother with wills or lawyers and as people die I want it to be easy to just keep on going so I want to add my nephew to that title now that he is 21. Deckchair analysis of your I plan to use the proceed from the sale of my house to pay off his mortgage. To show the intention, I would ensure a deed of gift drawn up by a lawyer. This involves setting up two trusts instead of one. They decided they want to gift their apartment to their children, which they thought would push them under the means testing threshold. Also, are there special forms to fill out for this? These provisions are more likely to apply if you gift your assets into trust rather than selling them and then gradually forgiving the debt owed to you. Section 160 of the Act may cause your spouse to be responsible for your liability in certain situations, however, you need to review the criteria. Or maybe you just scrap them. The bright-line test will tax the income arising from the sale, with an allowance to deduct the costs of the property. Choose your own lawyer for independent advice. Engage you accountant to properly plan for this transaction to minimize the taxes. This involves many things, including preparing submissions on behalf of Deloitte and developing thought leadership in the area of tax. I have a related question:In the case where two brothers (who own a property jointly) wish to transfer ownership to their father alone (as a gift), I understand that there will be a capital gain tax that the brothers will owe to the CRA as well as taxes on gains if the father sells the property subsequently.Is this correct?

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