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slur urban dictionary

May be a contraction of 'Bohemian/Hungarian', and might refer to Hungarians, Czechs and Ukrainians (As well as Russians). Englands weather is often extremely foggy. It is used when 2 Bloods meet and greet. The French are said to laugh like frogs. Commonly used by American Jews to deride the Israeli culture. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. Italian Retards Out Crusing. Used mainly in Australia as a derogatory term for British People. See Frostback. Black on the outside, yellow on the inside, Black Children. When the wind blew and swung them back and forth against each other southerners would refer to them as windchimes. Possibly the lack of melanin resembles the pale skin of a vampire. An Apache chief who killed many a white man. Term used by English speaking South Africans to refer to Afrikaners. Refers to an Asian who rolls X-tacy, e.g. Poor Filipinos, Filipinos who act black. Used mainly by darker-skinned Blacks to lighter-skinned Blacks. African Blacks, specifically. See more. Comes from Native American tribes that wore feathered headdresses. Comes from the main Eskimo food source - Muktuk - whale fat/meat. A joke that the Finnish don't have an identity of their own. Ulster Scots who supported the Protestant King William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne came to be known as "Billy Boys." The stereotypical person from Ecuador is short with a big head, giving the appearance of a mushroom. Reference to the holocaust when Jews were often worked so hard, they were turned into a mere pile of bones. Used by U.S. Marines in the Pacific Theater of WWII, and some survivors of it to this day. A derogotory nickname. Used in the movie Thunderheart. Used by darker-colored Blacks to refer to Blacks with a very light complexion. A traditional, middle-aged caucasian: Soft and White. 9 Canadian Celebs Got Roasted By Urban Dictionary & They Might Need Some Ice For Those Burns. by a non-trans person: "Somebody . Also suggests life without meaning, value or worth. "Hash browns eater". Down With Brown. According to Urban Dictionary, the C slur refers to degrading the names of Asian people and their eyes. Often used when referring to those of Portugese descent who come from the Azores. Elongated whites, such as Nordids, resemble equines. Hawaiians eat a lot of poi (taro root) and are fat. Elderly Jews in Palm Beach County Florida deadlocked the election for 2 months. Champion is used by Spaniards to refer to Ecuadorian immigrants in Spain. "Spota get a job. They ain't white and they ain't black, THEY'RE IN BETWEEN. Filipino slang for Americans. Kirby is a popular black bean manufacturer amongst cubans. Military term for Icelandics, origin unknown, Stands for "Fresh off the Boat." Since greeks work in the diners all of their lives, their uncircumcised penis build up grease underneath the flap. More stories from Canadian News. Means nigger. S. African Kaffir possibly imported during the Boer War by British soldiers who had fought in the Sudanese campaign. Etymology of the word comes from a tradition of Russian males, before Peter the Great, to uniformally wear a goatee. Shortened from Gangster or OG (Original Gangster). Need for Dominicans to always eat and have Platanos in their house. Refers to the color of the Communist revolution, as well as old Red Russia. And, now, eight years later, the Disney streamer has censored one scene for its use of a racial slur. It is a reference to our eating habits, used as a reply to us calling them "frogs" after their habit of eating frogs legs. (e.g., "fairy"). Blacks who suck up to white people. Similar sound to Caucasion; Implies their persuasive, scandalous actions and attitudes. Derived from the movie "Scarface" which stars a cuban immigrant druglord named "Tony Montana", slur usually said with a Spanish accent. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Navajo term which roughly translates to "silly white person", Term used by Asians when refering to westerners because of their larger noses. Chad is the country next to Niger in Africa. Italians are said to wholly enjoy pizza, as it is considered their national dish to the rest of the world. HUKbong Bayang Laban sa Hapon (Citizens' Forces Against the Japanese). Could also have meaning as a shortening of "raccoon", as raccoons have a tendency to steal. Is generally used to refer to all foreigners/tourists of apparently northern European descent. Stupid Ass White. Name which they call one another, when others call them this it is derogratory similar if a non-Black calls a Black nigger, Derived from the typical rural Ukranian haircut of the 19th century: a shaved head with a "hohol"- a single strand of hair hanging to the side. Derived from the show "Oz" on HBO, where the character Beecher was raped and sodomized by Blacks and Racist whites. Used by Native Americans to describe people who are "non-native". Push-Start also. Could only be a slur if you say it the right way. May technically only refer to Portuguese people. Pronounced "baht-see". Refers to Ghengis Khan, used towards to Eastern Europeans of Mongol descent, Ask their president Milo Djukanovic, and his brother Atzo. Pronounced 'guppy' (like the fish). Would not be suprised if used for black people as well, but definately more commonly used towards other whites. Asians have relatively large and round heads, which resemble Halloween pumkins. A non derogatory name of themselves bosanats turned derogatory in Slovenia, a word bos also means barefoot, many Bosnians are muslim, and walk barefoot around the house, mosque etc. Germans typically have, or are thought to have, rather square heads. Mexican term for white Americans. Filipinos, who are fixated on Japanese pop culture (anime, music, etc. During the potato famine, the would lick their pots clean to get every last morsel of food. Inspired from the 80's version of Degrassi Jr. High where the black guy wore a shirt with the phrase "BLT," his initials. French WW2 term. Not inherently derogatory. Multiple origins. in Korean) which sounded like they were saying "Me gook." Eskimos chuck spears to hunt fish. From the character Babar the Elephant. Non-demanding job for education-less/trade-less person. The slur is also used by some Native Americans against whites: "moon" as in pale, and "cricket" as in whites have big eyes and gangly legs. It means Little Black Head; Most of the Argentinians from european heritage either have blonde or light colored hair. Means avocado in south american spanish, referring to the color of a ripe avocado, Politically-correct version of "Porch Monkey". Overweight white business men, on the typical. Same idea as Sand Nigger, only with Moolie. Indicates that these women like Petrolium because them men they date are black like petrolium. Could be combination of Moolie and hooligan. Specific words of the original submitter, of which I am fascinated by. "Lando" is the token Black character in both the original Star Wars Trilogy, and in Clerks: The Animated Series (Which lampoons that aspect of Star Wars). Al Sharpton's radio show. From the Polish word for Lithuania, Some Jews do not consider this an insult but ethnic Lithuanians do. A bludger, or more accurately "dole-bludger", in Australian slang is someone who doesnt work and relies on the government for money (doles). Commonly used in England where Irish immigrants did much of the manual labour. Polish word for Gypsy, used officially, but Gypsies prefer to be called Roma. Hebrew Israelites refer to whites as being the actual color of "red". Hindi/Punjabi slang meaning "our guy," and referring to a male of their own race. Since they had no boots due to the trenches eating them away, when they ran their feet became all covered in mud. Unknown origins, possibly "goo-goo," from the Tagalog language (a major language spoken in the Philippines). Reasons for this word: 1) it may be because the word sounds very much like the language. Frog definition, any tailless, stout-bodied amphibian of the order Anura, including the smooth, moist-skinned frog species that live in a damp or semiaquatic habitat and the warty, drier-skinned toad species that are mostly terrestrial as adults. Cockney rhyming slang for "yank", often abreviated to "Seppo", Cockney rhyming slang. Common name: Chaim, pronounced (roughly) hy-EEM. Also used in the former Confederate states to refer to people of the Union states. Many bosnians have large heads with flat facial features. Pronounced 'boo-jee'; refers to all the 7-11 workers of the world. Black children. Female Filipinos, or Asians in general. There are a lot of Hispanics on the Mets. After Ringo Starr of the Beatles. Nigerian word for White people. Originally meaning people whose ancestors came from different parts of Catalonia, and later Spanish-speaking people that migrated into Catalonia. Mentally lacking, blonde haired, white women. The offspring is called a mongrel breed, Black/White mix, or white women who date black men. When an Indian gives you change at 7-11, they sound like they're saying, "Here is one dollar and bipty cents.". In early America many Chinese were sent to build the railroads. Originally the name of a South European frog, although during the Napoleonic Wars it became a term used by British soldiers referring to their French enemy. They could never catch Chaka. General Hideki Tojo, Japanese Prime Minister during WW2. Making fun of a certain person's hairdo. Non-English ethnics in the USA use the term derisively towards English-Americans, Stereotypical view of Northerners love of Black Pudding. cheesy), Rizzo's pasta sauce advertises on dumpsters, Italian body odor is often reminiscent of salami, Popular Italian dish and method of eating said dish. Blacks refer to whites as this because they are thought to infect everything they touch, Pronounced "poo-tee;" Filipino-American slang from Tagalog's term for the color "white". Could probably be used on any native peoples. A mispronunciation of the capitol city of The United Arab Emarites, which is Abu-Dhabi. Thais, living in Thailand, refer to the Indians (who have been in Thailand for at least 200 years, I think) as Kaeks, which means "guest" in Thai. Famously used by Republican U.S. Educated blacks. See: Haole, From a Christ Rock skit on Saturday Night Live where he bemoans lack of racist terms for whites, Possibly comes from the term "Honky Tonk", which is a type of country music. Variation of "paddy." Brown texans, usually illegal and doing drywall work. IROC Camaros are popular among east coast Italians. Coined from an Irish policeman in a Melbourne court, claiming the prisoner was "larkin about". The lead singer was black (Hootie), the band was white (The Blowfish). Used in the movies Apocalypse Now and Platoon to refer to the North Vietnamese. Refers to the Neanderthals living in caves; used by rappers. Two possible origins: the dictionary definition is "A narrow opening or slit", meaning a reference to their eyes . From the Thai word for French (farangsayt) who were among the first to colonize Southeast Asia. Means "hey," or "hey you. Luigi. Hawaiian-born Japanese Americans. Possibly a real Italian word bastardized by English-speaking Italian-Americans. Frequently used at sporting events. Pronounced "flems", from Monty Python's Flying Circus. Bitchy black woman from the TV show "The Apprentice". Used by Hispanics against White Women that like Black Men. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural words and phrases, not typically found in standard English dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word, event, or phrase (including sexually explicit content). Natives are known for there love of corn. Bacalou (codfish) is a major part of their diet. Vandals is actually a racial term to describe filthy Germans. For white people who kowtow to Black people or racist White People. Australian version of Sheepfucker. The word has different meaning based on where its said, but it all references Italians. Derived from the sound of them speaking (as heard by a dumb American). Derived from the shacks they lived in -- the shanty. For the Muslims that invaded Europe during the Middle Ages. In Star Wars Episode 1, the computer-generated character Jar Jar Binks was filled with stereotypical black behavior. Finnish people regard Swedish men to be woman-like homosexuals - thus bg which is Swedish for a homosexual. Generally thought of the worst person ever. Means "Oil Drillers". The R-Slur / R-Word is a word used against disabled people. Refers to "Pure whites.". It indicates a word, spimply, that refers to a red-neck worker who enjoys munching on our hot dogs. Skin color can resemble that of a burnt piece of bread. Previously referred only to the rural prejudice whites, mostly farmers, who have reddish necks (or a "farmer's tan"). Comes from the Taco Bell food. Many prominent hijackings over the past 25 years were done by various Arab/Islamic fundamentalist groups. Seminal: adjective. Originally, coined during the 1950s to describe American soldiers, the word is a shortened version of the German word "Amerikaneri." This term is used frequently in informal speech, especially in areas near an American military base in western German or by the general public in the German Democratic Republic . Instead of chewing tabacco they chew coca leaves (cocaine). Made popular by Lethal Weapon 2. Refers to the caste-mark (dot) on their foreheads. A fish monger is a Shakespearean term for pimp, and there are many coi at Chinese restaurants, Keye Luke's protege (the young Caine) from the TV series, Kung Fu. Increasingly being used by the media to denote KKK members who sometimes display the Confederate Battle Flag. Very dark black people are refered to as crispy, Relatively large black bird. Great Targets, slow moving, and slow witted. Canberra word for bogan. Also, Spudfucker. Israelis call black ethiopians kushi and blacks period. Vietnamese/Black mix. oh my buddha. Common stereotype representing that large, black, single-parent families are disproportionately represented on welfare rolls. Pronounced 'Ing' . US Military radio code breakdown for "Vietcong", Adaptation of Chinese 'chink' for Vietnamese. In reference to the shine their skin can sometimes give off. White wall tires have a thin line of white. They huff gas to get high as they can't afford real drugs. Could be used for any race. Whites who act black. From the joke; What is an East Indian that got hit by a truck called? ": graffiti from Ireland. Used often on USENET and other internet forums. Whites primarily with blue eyes are said to be the most evil. I don't think this is really a slur. Called this by foreigners because they think Germans eat a lot of potatos (Kartoffel), Cossack tribes who lived in Northern Germany. Most likely originates with the Latin word "niger" which translates to "black". Eskimo orginated from southern Indian tribes describing the northern Inuit, whom they were constantly fighting. iPhone. So are the poor, crowded neighborhoods that Blacks are forced into. A Gang known as the Bloods, say PRAAAAAP! Similar negativity connotations as "nigger". From the color of their uniforms in WW II. Some say their music sounds like etch-a-sketch. Related to slur "Boxhead" for Germans.. it's a slightly more efficient and cleaner version of a box. Mandarin Chinese term meaning "white head". Pronounced "Kuh-blasian" (example: Tiger Woods), Chinese/Black mix. Black racists in NYC area use it to refer to Whites. White slur used by blacks. Data was a stereotypical Asian child prodigy. From all the Hispanics that work in the agriculture industry in California. It has been said that Cajuns are the Jews of Louisiana because of their propensity for commerce and finance. Hatians in New Orleans, practice alot of voodoo. A large portion of the landscapers are Mexican/Hispanic. Wisconsin is the dairybelt; frequently used in a derogatory manner. For Rednecks. ', Named after Sammy Davis Jr.'s famous song, the "Candy Man.". First appeared in the book "Babar the King" published in 1963 and made into a popular animated HBO show in the early 90's. Short form of Ukrainian, not derogatory, commonly used by Ukrainians to refer to themselves or one another. "Banana" and "anime." Refers to Asians, esp. Originally from "buta-head" meaning pig-headed since Hawaiians were stubborn compared to their mainland counterparts. Highly influential in an original way; constituting or providing a basis for further development. From a 1970s TV commercial for Calgon stereotyping all laundry services are run by Chinese immigrants (. What fisherman and dockers call Icelanders. Means "Black American Princess". Term used by Indians in the late 1800's to describe white settlers. He's a right bat fastard, he is. At that time, they will be able to become the family "anchor" to legally bring in the rest of the family. Word defined as "an ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person.". Round shape of their faces. Non-Whites who date only Whites or have a strong preference for whites. because it looks like they have liver on thier faces (originates in the southern US), Commonly used on poor black people. Japanese term for Blacks or anyone of African descent. The uniform was made up of tanned bottoms and dark upper clothing. The light color blacks in South Louisiana, mainly around New Orleans (Creoles), skin is the color of a brown paper bag. Originally referred to Communist sympathizers - later as a general slur against all Leftists, including Communist Party members. Maldito is used so commonly before Bori by many other Hispanics because they steal, rob, kill, and smell. Used by Jews to describe White gentiles or non-Jews in general. It's used across northern Scandinavia, and is equivalent to calling an Inuit an 'Eskimo', An old Norwegian name for Smi that is now considered derogatory. Shortened from Melanzane, meaning "eggplant" in Italian. Pineapples grow there and they kinda look like pineapples. Potato. Originated from the cereal of the same name that turns white milk into chocolate milk. All white people come from Europe, they claim to be American, but they are not, they are pilgrims. "We ain't Spoda be here." In Zimbabwe, the blacks are referred to as floppies because of the floppy hats they wear on their heads. Corruption of West African "Buuker" meaning devil, boogie-man or white man. Used by Canadians, referring to American tourists who eat a lot of hot dogs. Italian men are often very short tempered and hot headed. Term used to describe when an Asian drinks and turns really red. Flip + nigga. Female version of Mooley. A phrase made popular by stereotypical Indian convenience store owner Apu on The Simpsons. A British Chinese person who may or may not understand Chinese culture. Refers to the name of the Chinese cook on the television show "Bonanza". Used by Native Americans. Some Filipinos told critics to be cautious in their use of derogatory words to describe Alex Gonzaga after she drew flak over an icing-smearing incident. 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