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Hugh Hefner spoke to The Village Voice following Strattens murder in 1980. He told the newspaper he was friendly with both and said he had been hired by Snider to investigate Stratten, her personal life and possible relationships.. Snider discovered Stratten working at a Dairy Queen in Vancouver, British Columbia, where they both lived. Wikimedia CommonsA poster for Galaxina, Dorothy Strattens first starring role.

Dorothy Stratten was a Canadian Playboy Playmate and actress, who was brutally killed at the age of 20 on August 14, 1980.   Would love your thoughts, please comment. His plan actually kind of worked as the couple soon found themselves relocating to Los Angeles, where test runs led to the teen becoming Miss August 1979 and a Playboy Bunny at the club. Her tombstone includes a portion of a quote, Dorothy Strattens Playboy Modeling & Acting Career. Good Housekeeping participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. I cant ever imagine myself being with any other man but Paul., As Dorothy Strattens star rose, Hefner became increasingly adamant that she wasnt just going to be a naked girl on the cover of a magazine. ", Banerjee had previously worked with Stratten and her then-husband Paul Snider, a Canadian nightclub promoter, pimp and hustler, portrayed in "Welcomes to Chippendales" by "Downton Abbey" star Dan Stevens. She grew up in nearby Coquitlam, and her early years were fairly ordinary. Park in Los Angeles, California.

Vulnerable from the recent death of his wife (and frequent leading lady) Regina Carro, he became friendly with 50-year-old builder Fred Fulford. Paul Snider constantly reminded Dorothy Stratten that the two had a "lifetime bargain" and persuaded her to marry him in Las Vegas in June of 1979, just 18 months after meeting her.



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Here's What Happened, 'Only Murders in the Building' Season 3 Details, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Star 80 is his most despairing film, critic Roger Ebert wrote of the film. The film is decadent and effective in demonstrating pimp mentality, self centered egotism and an array of insecurities revealed in character (Paul Snider). Paul Snider was wrong about one thing: Hefner didnt pull her next spread. There were times when I could hardly keep my eyes on the screen, and a moment near the end when I seriously asked myself if I wanted to stay in the theater. He was found face-down lying parallel to the foot of the bed.


However, Welcome to Chippendales does not answer immediately what happened to them. After the blast, her body was moved and there were what appeared to be bloody handprints on her buttocks and left leg. "That's a picture that never goes away, a mental picture that's stuck in here forever.". He must have been staring at the horrific scene when he finally worked up the nerve to put the shotgun inside of his own mouth and pull the trigger. AP, FILE In June 1979, several months after Snider had joined Stratten in Los Angeles full-time, the couple got married. But his friends later reported that after she called off their marriage, he started taking a strange interest in guns and hunting. He would shoot Stratten with a recently purchased shotgun. Read More: Nick De Noias Murder: How Did He Die? His anger only increased when Stratten asked Snider for a divorce, having fallen in love with Bogdanovich. However, Stratten told Snider at lunch she was in love with Bogdanovich, and wanted to discuss a financial settlement. Stratten was named Playmate of the Year in 1980, the same year she began to pursue (and get) parts in film roles. Paul Snider suspected his marriage to Dorothy Stratten was unraveling and believed she was having an affair with Director Peter Bogdanovich. It was later reported that Snider had sexually assaulted Stratten before shooting her in the face with the shotgun.


He would not elaborate, the article said. What to Know About 'The White Lotus' Season 3, 'Criminal Minds' Fans Are Calling Out Shemar Moore. Dorothy Stratten died a violent death at the hands of her estranged husband, Paul Snider, who was fueled by a jealous rage. She was killed August 14, 1980 at age 20. Dorothy's then estranged husband Paul they'd married in Las Vegas, Nevada, on June 1, 1979, and separated mere months later in 1980 was the one to kill her, as evidenced through the scene. He told friends he was sure they were going to reconcile. While Dorothy Stratten was buried in West Los Angeles after her body was cremated, Paul Sniders remains were sent back to Vancouver, British Columbia. While Goldstein would not tell the publication exactly what Snider hired him to investigate, a lawyer who represented both Stratten and Snider told The Village Voice that Snider was hoping to find evidence of an affair to sue Bogdanovich for enticement to breach management contract. Snider believed the management contract was an unspoken clause of their marriage contract. The movie was also directed by Peter Bogdanovich, who fell in love with the model when they were introduced earlier that year. later, they get married in 1979, and after sometimes get separated in 1980 due to some reasons. As the film develops tension between the innocent and beautiful (Dorothy Stratten) and her older manipulative husband - Paul Snider, we see an evil ugly dimension of him come alive on the . home She took the clothes she wanted from the home they once shared, and told him to give the rest away. "She was on the phone with him daily when we shot her,". 7 Autumn Born (1979) Dorothy's Official Measurements: 36-26-36 (Source: Celebrity Sleuth magazine) The house at 10881 W. Clarkson Rd. Like Dorothy Stratten, Snider has been portrayed in several TV shows and movies, including Death of a Centerfold: The Dorothy Stratten Story, which starred Bruce Weitz as Snider and Jamie Lee Curtis as Dorothy Stratten. Strattens business manager, Robert Houston, described the young actress as serious-minded but friendly, with her head unturned by success, the article said. In that Elysium of dreams and deals, he had reached the limit of his class. She was going to make him a millionaire. He would kill himself, he once told a girl, before he would go to jail, The Village Voice feature on Strattens death said. need your help for this.

I cant ever imagine myself being with any other man but Paul, the publication reported. Playboy wanted to keep the marriage a secret. But his behavior in the short time before her death was even more concerning, according to The Village Voice, which reported on Sniders death in 1980. new content, we kindly appreciate any donation you can give to help One film, "They All Laughed," saw her onscreen alongside big names like Audrey Hepburn and John Ritter, and under the direction of another Hollywood legend, Peter Bogdanovich. Stratten's modeling and acting career were cut short on Aug. 14, 1980, as the new Hulu series depicts, after Snider killed her. She thought that whatever success she was having and it was embryonic at that point was totally due to Paul. former Playboy photo editor Marilyn Grabowski, told ABC News.

Both were found in Sniders West Los Angeles home. There is no life Dorothys touched that has not been changed for the better through knowing her, Bogdanovich said in his eulogy, however briefly.. Seemingly plucked from obscurity as a teenager living in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1977, in practically no time at all she began appearing in Playboy and booking movie roles after moving to Los Angeles in 1978. Before you dive deeper into Welcome to Chippendales, here's what to know about Dorothy's life: Born Dorothy Ruth Hoogstraten in 1960, the model was discovered when she was working at a Dairy Queen in her hometown of Vancouver, Canada. READ NEXT: Dorothy Strattens Playboy Modeling & Acting Career. Dorothy Stratten died a violent death of the hands of her estranged husband, Paul Snider, who was fueled by jealousy and lured her to his Los Angeles home. Dorothy Stratten. Photo: Julian Wasser/Online USA Inc./Getty. British Columbia, to Simon and Nelly Newsweek has everything you need to know about Stratten and Snider below. Snider also asked Goldstein to find out whether Bogdanovich was manipulating Stratten with cocaine. Dorothy Ruth Hoogstraten (February 28, 1960 - August 14, 1980), known professionally as Dorothy Stratten, was a Playboy Playmate and actress, originally from Vancouver British Columbia .Stratten was the Playboy Playmate of the Month for August 1979 and Playmate of the Year in 1980, and appeared in three comedy films and in at least two episodes of shows broadcast on American network television. It was a dream come true, but she was not caught up by the lights of Hollywood.'. Dorothy looked at the world with love, and believed that all people were good down deep, said Peter Bogdanovich, one of the men who loved Dorothy Stratten, after her death. From there, Snider a man with an undeniably seedy past passed her photos along to Playboy, which proved to be the catalyst for her career in modeling, and later, acting. He would call Dorothy Stratten and tell her how much he loved her, and she would just go silent on the other end. He bought a 12-gauge shotgun, took a few shooting lessons, and started slipping into conversations that Playboy had a policy not to print nude pictures of a girl if she got murdered. Dorothy Stratten and Paul Snider in 1980. Stratten was killed on the afternoon of Thursday, August 14, when she visited her shared home with Snider to discuss the financial implications of their official separation. The gambit worked. A doctor who also lived in the apartment found the bodies after opening the door to the bedroom. Paul Leslie Snider (April 15, 1951-August 14, 1980) was the estranged husband of Playboy model Dorothy Stratten, whom he murdered before he himself committed suicide.

Snider had discovered Stratten while she was a teen serving ice cream at a Dairy Queen in Vancouver in 1978, according to. Around this time, Paul Snider, then 26, was working as a promoter for car and motorcycle shows but on the side, he also operated as a pimp. He also made references to Playmates being killed, actresses dying with a movie in progress and actresses dying before their film airs, the publication said. It also took away a large part of the control he had over her. Fulford became a live in contractor helping out with renovations at the house. Snider bought her diamonds and jewelry, cooked her dinner, served her wine, and gushed about how she was beautiful enough to be a model. Paul. Snider murdered Stratten He slowly talked Stratten into letting him take nude photos of her even though, in Canada at the time, she was still legally underage. A former Playboy Playmate who was married to former Chippendales employee Paul Snider, she had all the makings to be a Hollywood star. Snider had been Stratten's manager from the jump, but as her career heated up, those duties were taken on by people more qualified to handle them. Paul Snider, who was known as" the Jewish pimp", died by suicide after killing his estranged wife, Dorothy Stratten, in Los Angeles, California. Friends said Snider was despondent after the collapse of his marriage. Dorothy Stratten pic.twitter.com/tq8jkYX9Zm, spacewoman reporter (@SpacewomanR) September 12, 2019. Sex, Betrayal and Murder The Hollywood Dream Gone Wrong. They were found dead from shotgun wounds in the Los Angeles. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission.

Stratten was a rising film star when she was murdered. He groomed the young teen and persuaded her to pose nude before the pair took off to Hollywood to try to make it big. A note speaking of his financial hardships was found on the crime scene. If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Link your TV provider to stream full episodes and live TV. Both of the bodies were found nude. The film was being directed by Peter Bogdanovich, and the pair allegedly began an affair during production. In early 1980, Dorothy was given the title of Playmate of the Year. Dorothy Stratten and her last romantic partner, Peter Bogdanovich, in 1980. helped create the famous Chippendales dancers, Audrey Munson, Americas first supermodel, Chloe Ayling, a British model allegedly sold in an online sex slave auction, then inexplicably released. Despite that alleged incident, Dorothy Stratten reportedly treated Hefners actions that night as a forgivable lapse of judgment.


Dorothy Stratten was a Canadian PlayboyPlaymate and actress, who was brutally killed at the age of 20 on August 14, 1980. Hes always there when I need him. But his rise to fame also results in a series of unfortunate murders of those who either worked directly for him or had direct associations with the brand as a whole. Dorothy Stratten's gravesite at Westwood Memorial Park in Los Angeles CA. Check out never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! The series follows the rise and catastrophic fall of Steve Banerjee, the founder of Chippendales, the first all-male striptease dance troupe. Her friends didn't like Paul's antics, and as November 1980 Playmate of the Month Jeana Keough told ABC News, he wasn't afraid to step out on his wife while at her place of work. We should mention that Peter partly blamed Hugh Hefner and the culture of Playboy for playing a role in Dorothys homicide as Pauls attention couldve been diverted, per his 1984 book The Killing of The Unicorn. On the other hand, in a press conference, the now-disgraced late publisher said, Dorothys tragic death was motivated not in any way by her association with Playboy, but clearly by the breakup of her marriage because of the affair with Peter Bogdonavich.. This story contains graphic details of intimate partner abuse, violence, and sexual assault. Welcome to Chippendales, which hits the streaming platform on Nov. 22 and stars Kumail Nanjiani, primarily depicts the rise and fall of Banerjee, who hired a person to kill his show choreographer Nick DeNoia in 1987. Immediately after the bodies were found, Los Angeles Police determined the deaths were likely caused by a murder-suicide, but continued their investigation to rule out any other possibilities, according to an article published in the Los Angeles Times August 15, 1980. Dorothy Stratten went to Paul Sniders home for the last time on August 14, 1980.

The press was already calling her one of the few emerging goddesses of the new decade, and she was lined up to co-star in a film with Audrey Hepburn.

Police said she was killed with a shotgun blast in the face, and. Snider would eventually kill the young Playboy Playmate with a shotgun before turning the gun on himself. He was easy to spot around town: the guy in the mink coat with a bejeweled Star of David around his neck on the prowl for good . Per The Village Voice, Snider immediately spotted how Stratten's beauty could serve as a vehicle to his own fortune and fame; per the publication, Snider told his friend that the teen "could make me a lot of money." Paul and Dorothy had tied the knot in Las Vegas around two months prior to her undeniably alluring magazine debut on June 1, 1979 following which things between them only deteriorated. The Los Angeles Times quotes Goldstein in its August 15, 1980 article as as a friend of the couple. He told the newspaper he was the last person who ever spoke to Stratten, during a phone call. Dorothy Stratten and Paul Snider. Nick De Noias Murder: How Did He Die? "She and I fell in love during our picture and had planned to be married as soon as her divorce was final. The investigator was a 26-year-old freelance detective named Marc Goldstein. DMI/The LIFE Picture Collection via Shutterstock. Welcome to Chippendales, which hits the streaming platform on Nov. 22 and stars, , primarily depicts the rise and fall of Banerjee, who hired a person to kill his show choreographer N, to racketeering and to DeNoia's murder-for hire in 1994, and died by suicide in his jail cell later that year at the age of 47. He spent the next few years taking care of her mother and ended up marrying Dorothys sister Louise. All I could figure is it had to be an act of passion., The Times article two days after the murder-suicide questioned Goldstein about his work as a private investigator. Playmate Dorothy Stratten and husband Paul Snider in their 1978 wedding photo. He had always said he would rather die than go to jail., The day after the shooting, Lt. Dan Cooke told The Los Angeles Times police believed the motive for the shooting was apparently that [Snider] was despondent over the breakup of the marriage.. Dorothy Stratten

Warning: This article contains graphic descriptions and/or images of violent, disturbing, or otherwise potentially distressing events. Per The Village Voice, Peter arranged for her body to be cremated five days after the murder. The major reason that Imthat were both sittin here, that I wanted to talk about it, is because there is still a great tendencyfor this thing to fall in the cliche of small town girl comes to Playboy, comes to Hollywood, life in the fast lane, and that somehow was related to her death. As Stratten gained financial success and success in the film industry, their marriage became strained. Near her head was Pauls handmade bondage rack-set for rear entry intercourse. Just days earlier, the Playboy model had met her demise at the hands of one of those people shed trusted her estranged husband, Paul Snider. And yet I think this is an important movie. Paul Snider, who was known as" the Jewish pimp", died by suicide after killing his estranged wife, Dorothy Stratten, in Los Angeles, California. Stratten and committed suicide in the west Los Angeles apartment the two had previously shared on August 14, 1980. Hefner helped her get roles in Buck Rogers and Fantasy Island, and then in movies like Americathon and Skatetown, USA. But there is no life Dorothy's touched that has not been changed for the better through knowing her, however briefly.". "She would call and tell him how great it was going. She leaned on him.. She is buried among celebrities at Westwood Memorial Park, while he is buried in Vancouver, near their hometown. Paul reportedly began searching for a weapon to own after Dorothy filed for divorce and ultimately got his hands on a massive, dangerous 12-gauge shotgun right on the night of August 13, 1980. Dorothy Stratten died a violent death at the hands of her estranged husband, Paul Snider, who was fueled by a jealous rage.

Paul reportedly showered his still-teen girlfriend with compliments, expensive gifts, nice dinners, and gorgeous dresses before he eventually convinced her to do a completely nude photoshoot. Two movies Star 80 and Death Of A Centerfold and a book were released telling her story over the next couple of years, and Hugh Hefner sent his lawyers after every single one. He used a 12-gauge Mossberg shotgun in the murder-suicide. Friends said that Snider had become increasingly jealous and distraught over Strattens fame, especially when she had an affair with director Peter Bogdanovich while filming They All Laughed, which was released in 1981, according to ABC News. Snider also raped Stratten, police determined. That year, Stratten met her future husband and murderer. Peter Bogdanovich speaking to girlfriend, Loops of tape, used and unused, were lying about and strands of long blonde hair were discovered clutched in Sniders right hand., Hugh Hefner released a statement following her death through Playboy. Playboy Model and Actress Dorothy Stratten was murdered by her ex Paul Snider after he found out she was having an affair with another man by the name of Pet. In August 1981, a year after Stratten's death, They All Laughed had its U.S. release, and in 1984, its director, Bogdanovich, released the memoir and biography The Killing of the Unicorn: Dorothy Stratten 1960-1980. The truth is Playboy had launched its Great Playmate Hunt that same year, so he wanted to submit Dorothys photos in the hope it would land her a proper gig at the then-esteemed establishment. The science-fiction satire film in which she starred, Galaxina, opened the day after she was killed, but it was quickly withdrawn, and now comes word that it will be released in November., Dorothy Stratten pic.twitter.com/tq8jkYX9Zm, spacewoman reporter (@SpacewomanR) September 12, 2019. In fact, it was Stratten who was credited for coming up with the idea for the male strippers to wear the iconic Chippendales collar and cuffs. He eventually hired a private investigator to tail her and find out what was going on, but the investigator didnt have to tell him anything. In truth, Paul Snider murdered Dorothy Stratten on August 14, 1980, and didn't hire Nick De Noia until late 1981, according to Deadly Dance: The Chippendales Murders, the book that.

She had been named Playboy Playmate of the Year in 1979 and 1980, and she had appeared in three comedy films, as well as episodes of Buck Rogers and Fantasy Island.
Both Stratten and Snider died from gunshot wounds. [1] [4] Snider's remains are buried at Schara Tzedeck Cemetery in New Westminster, British Columbia. . Stratten's brief life has been the subject of books and movies, including the film "Star 80." As for Paul Snider, The Village Voice reported in 1980, his body was returned to Canada in permanent exile from Hollywood.
You can also find more information, resources, and support at their website. pic.twitter.com/lC6gHHFY6Q, Masquerade (@Masquerade2376) September 14, 2019. Her tombstone includes a portion of a quote from Ernest Hemingways A Farewell to Arms. As Oxygen reports, it was Dorothy's idea to dress the male strippers in their classic collar and cuffs, while her husband became a founding business partner in the now-iconic corporation. While she garnered fame by being named the 1980 Playmate of the Year as well as evolving her profession as a television-film actress, the then-club promoter for Chippendales reportedly grew jealous. But he also had a grim connection to the murder of Stratten, a beloved Canadian Playboy model and actor played by actress Nicola Peltz in "Welcome to Chippendales. Fulford would be responsible for Adamson's macabre death - the director meeting a fate akin to a character in one of his . Meanwhile, Stratten was unfazed by her own success, her business manager told the newspaper in an article published the following day. Rosanne Katon, the September 1978 Playmate of the Month, told ABC News that Dorothy didn't think she could get out of the wedding.  

Everything came to a head on August 14, 1980. "He [Paul Snider] detected . Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN's National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673). Who Killed Him? RELATED:Hulu's 'Welcome to Chippendales' Trailer Drops New Details About Kumail Nanjiani's Male Stripper King. He claimed he was friendly with both Stratten and Snider, but acknowledged Snider hired him to investigate Stratten, her personal life and possible relationships.. Snider murdered Stratten because he was . They were married June 1, 1979, in Las Vegas, Nevada, only 16 months before Snider would kill her in a murder suicide. as a Bunny at the Los Angeles Playboy Club.

Stratten was born Dorothy Ruth Hoogstraten in a Salvation "He would be in the grotto trying to make out with other girls, and you have the most beautiful girl at the mansion," she told the outlet of the couple's relationship. Banerjee had previously worked with Stratten and her then-husband Paul Snider, a Canadian nightclub promoter, pimp and hustler, portrayed in "Welcomes to Chippendales" by "Downton Abbey" star Dan Stevens. Not in front of Stratten, anyway. Sadly, this never happened as she was murdered at the age of 20. Stratten had reservations about marrying Snyder, and asked her friends for advice. She covers shows like The Rookie, 9-1-1 and Grey's Anatomy, though when shes not watching the latest show on Netflix, shes taking martial arts or drinking way too much coffee.


When Snider sensed his control over Stratten was fading, he demanded control over her finances and the movie offers she accepted, even though she had an agent, according to The Village Voice. Stratten didn't just serve as Snider's. She graduated from Yeshiva University with a B.A.


He then worked her photos into the December issue, which called her one of the Sex Stars of the 1980s.. Snider and Stratten had a brief marriage that started immediately after her success with Playboy magazine. Hoogstraten, Dutch immigrants.

Her manager had tried to talk her out of going to see him, but shed insisted, saying, Id like to remain his friend.. He even took the blue-eyed, feathered-hair blonde to her high school senior prom just a short spell later, all the while essentially grooming her into the model as well as the lover of his dreams.


! Dorothy Strattens Cause of Death: How Did She Die? But he also had a grim connection to the murder of Stratten, a beloved Canadian Playboy model and actor played by actress Nicola Peltz in "Welcome to Chippendales.".
He was determined to make her a star on the silver screen. The town became smitten with Stratten, known for her feathered hair and "girl next door" look. Snider had discovered Stratten while she was a teen serving ice cream at a Dairy Queen in Vancouver in 1978, according to ABC News. Stratten went to the apartment she once shared with Stratten to discuss a settlement agreement. It was around this time that Paul and Dorothy met Steve as he was starting to build the Chippendales empire. When Los Angeles Police officially ruled the case a murder-suicide, investigators also determined Snider had raped Stratten, according to The Washington Post. Gutting IRS Will Help Wealthy Avoid More Taxes | Opinion, Eliminating Income Tax Means More Money for Americans | Opinion. tells the story of Chippendales founder Somen Steve Banerjee, it also touches on another tragic story: the murder of Dorothy Stratten.
last The following day his estranged wife came over to the home they once gladly shared to negotiate the intricate terms of their . He had background checks run on Snider in Canada, where he spent most of his life, to find out if he had a criminal record. credited for coming up with the idea for the male strippers to wear the iconic Chippendales collar and cuffs. Those who saw him in the five days prior to the murder caught only glimpses of odd behavior.


Then, learn about Chloe Ayling, a British model allegedly sold in an online sex slave auction, then inexplicably released. The 20/20 episode airs at 9 p.m. EST. She began filming They All Laughed around the time of their separation. Welcome to Chippendales shows us how Snider first became involved with Chippendales owner Somen 'Steve' Banerjee (Kumail Nanjiani) as the legendary male stripping club first evolved in late-70s Los Angeles, but it also reshapes and glosses over the grim true story of Snider and Stratten's relationship, and uses a brief and shocking moment . Near her head was Pauls handmade bondage rack-set for rear entry intercourse. , free digital evidence kits, and much More Angeles apartment the two had previously shared on 14... Phone with him daily when we shot her, and after sometimes get separated in due. That alleged incident, Dorothy was given the title of Playmate of the bed ``... For coming up with the idea for the last time on August 14, 1980 at 20... 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( @ Masquerade2376 ) September 12, 2019 increased when Stratten asked Snider for a divorce having. The control he had over her However, Stratten told Snider at lunch was. Phone with him daily when we shot her, '' assaulted Stratten before shooting her in the West Angeles. Stratten, during a phone call Paul Sniders home for the Male strippers to wear the iconic Chippendales collar cuffs! To try to make it big taking care of her estranged husband, Paul Snider in their 1978 photo! For Americans | Opinion, Eliminating Income Tax Means More Money for Americans | Opinion, Eliminating Tax! For rear entry intercourse the town became smitten with Stratten to discuss settlement. Marrying Snyder, and much More, Betrayal and murder the Hollywood dream wrong! Was starting to build the Chippendales empire Fans Are Calling out Shemar Moore found dead from shotgun wounds in film! 4673 ) apartment she once shared with Stratten, according to the bedroom fairly ordinary the rise and catastrophic of... Young teen and persuaded her to pose nude before the pair took off to Hollywood to try to her... Of the couple all-male striptease dance troupe, her business manager told the newspaper in article..., Stratten told Snider at lunch she was in love during our and.

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