nxivm branding videonxivm branding video

She insists that Edmondson is revising history. You should see the VHS tapes in Shadows basement. Nicki Clyne broke her silence in an exclusive interview with The Sun Credit: Nicki Clyne. Glazer should destroy Porter on this. They destroyed my career and my reputation. Address:1300 L.A Grant Parkway P.O. Sarah Edmondson was a member of the infamous cult, NXIVM, for 12 years. Hahahahaha. She also said that she has "come to terms with the pain my actions have inflicted on so many people I love," perVanity Fair. But as a persuasive and charismatic cult leader, Raniere wasn't acting alone. Sarah shares her harrowing experience with Traci Stumpf on Crime Obsession. However, you seem to be glossing over the fact that Sarah was branded without true informed consent. Suneel Chakravorty and I are engaged in a war of words. I really dont want to have a few bad days because of these horrible pedophile-loving douche bags. Shes hot! 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. The two are heard discussing the process in . The film actually shows them murdered and more than that, beheaded and chopped to pieces. Sarah was pleased as punch when it was finished, at least on the surface. My suspicion is that the experiment was an exercise in mind control intended to scare the subjects into blind obedience. Im especially shocked after you went after Cami and used one Ranieres pet names They will be removed. Infamous - NXIVMs Inner Circle: Part 3 "It turns out Press J to jump to the feed. They werent looking at our physical reactions or taping us. I needed to see it to understand. https://www.history.com/news/what-happened-to-the-unabomber-at-harvard And sift the flaccid asshole. The Milgram experiment(s) on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. Video / 9 months ago. She added The Post that Edmondson and some 80 NXIVM participants are launching a civil lawsuit against her and others in the organization. Edmondson arrived at the house thinking she was getting a tattoo to mark her entry into what she was told was a secret sisterhood, but was instead held down on a table and branded with a cauterizing pen. The fact that Moira Penza [the lead government attorney in the Raniere trial] did not consider me as a subject of the investigation is somewhat of an insult to me, said Roberts. Simply because you dont know who these women are doesnt mean it is ok this time. As someone with trauma and years of living in fight or flight mode, these types of videos alongside movies like Hannibal or damn, even the Scream movie empire. NXIVM GURU TO PAY FOR VICTIMS' BRAND REMOVAL AS RESTITUTION The NXIVM Executive Success Programs sign outside of the office at 455 New Karner Road on April 26, 2018 in Albany, New York. The branding, the blackmail and now a snuff film. Years ago, National Geographic removed their myriad of pictures of bare-breasted women on their pages. Edmondson fled Nxivm shortly after her March 2017 branding and is one of the few members to speak on the record about her experience, first in The New York Times' Oct. 17 expos and now in A&E . Sad. Leave the video up lest we forget who and what Raniere is. Obviously theres the coercion and unfortunate fact it made it to Mexican media, but other than that its made to be a much bigger deal than it ought to. Please add a second level of clicking to the video. The New York doctor who branded "slaves" in the Nxivm sex cult with leader Keith Raniere's initials has been stripped of her medical license. I think its quite disgusting to use that photo and to allow the video to be played off your site. Sarah makes it sound horrible, worse than childbirth, with burning flesh. Website:http://www.waukee.org, https://www.dallascountyiowa.gov/Home/Components/BusinessDirectory/BusinessDirectory/418/, https://www.smartbackgroundchecks.com/people/brandon-porter/waterford/ny/El05ZGtjBQVjAwL3BGHmAmL3Zmxm. I think Keith is a brilliant man and that DOS is a tremendous organization, she told The Post during an exclusive interview. Nutjob, Id so love to hear from any of the people who were subjected to this. So popular was the film that Foster won an Academy Award for her role. Roberts has no regrets about the branding or her own involvement in the cult. , Brinks is clearly biased. Now you might understand why I object to medical experiments with nonconsensual or coerced test subjects. If you dont believe me, ask a Salzman. Thats not what he told you these fright experiments were for. ..doubtful. After all this time, supposedly reading up on NXIVM, you still have no idea what youre talking about. That August, she lost her job as an aerobics instructor after a client I tried to help with a shoulder injury said that I tried recruiting her daughter into an organization; this is untrue. Roberts turned to selling life insurance in October 2019. It symbolized our solidarity. I wore a blouse and a nice pair of slacks, Roberts told The Post. You may not even know how you could implicate yourself. They were shown to determine who among the slaves had the mental ability to view other humans as sacrificial objects and who among them had the stomach for extreme criminal violence: i.e., chaotic perverse annihilation of others for filmed gratification or entertainment. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: NXIVM was a pyramid scheme and cult that recruited women and subjected them to hideous abuse such as being branded on their genitals, starved and forced to have sex with the leader, Sign up for the Daily Star TV newsletter for the biggest TV news. The clip shows four women on their knees in a field with their hands tied behind their backs. They were empowered. Keith is Keith Raniere,the leader of the notorious sex cult based in Clifton Park, NY, that purported to deliver members self-empowerment. I say keep it. Keep em alive and let us enjoy some nice tits. Some people were willing to take responsibility for that while others claimed to be victims of their choices.. Maybe some bars? Yes, this was to intimidate some women with violence, but for what reason is unclear. [I] had a sensation somewhat akin to someone being strapped on the electric chair with these electrodes I really started getting hit real hard Wham, wham, wham! You are a sniveling weasel who attacks a woman who was molested by Kieth when she was child. The story of the NXIVM cult, founded by the now-imprisoned "guru" Keith Raniere, has remained headline news ever since details of his abusive sex ring emerged. Naw this man needs hellfire, now. The story of the NXIVM cult, founded by the now-imprisoned "guru" Keith Raniere, has remained headline news ever since details of his abusive sex ring emerged. I think Parlato has a pervy side he covers up in moral outrage while simultaneously exploiting this kind of smut, finding excuses to post this. This was a way to help women surrender and realize that they can take pain. Damn I like the tits of this women. Ive speculated that keith got the idea for Human Fright Experiments from the life story of none other than Theodore Kaczynski, aka The Unabomber. I want Frank to publish the Edmondson branding video. Showing the branding videos only shows how far at that point in time, under lies and coercion, the women went to indoctrinate themselves in this master/slave organization and follow what they were told. Evil can only win if good people do nothing. You have the person teaching them having sex with them as part of their growth? she says. The women being initiated did not know until they entered the room that Roberts would be the one to brand them. #TheVowHBO. Frank I agree. I had no idea about Kaczinskis experience at Harvard, nor that he entered there at 16?!! They are surrounded by 13 masked men, purportedly hitmen from the Los Zetas, a Mexican criminal syndicate, with their rifles pointed at them. They felt bad-ass after enduring the pain. Tolerance for pain impacted the time I would spend [with the cauterizing stylus on her skin], Roberts explained. Hopefully new details regarding the members and activities will come to light. reddit 41 44 He thinks the Glazer civil lawsuit is full of shit and I disagree. No other reason. His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like Captive by Catherine Oxenberg, Scarred by Sarah Edmonson, The Program by Toni Natalie, and NXIVM. Though more specific to NXIVM subgroup DOS, Keith Raniere also collected it on various NXIVM members unaffiliated with the secret female sorority. Gotta agree with others here, Frank: With all due respect, please remove the content. This film which we will show below is also available online on the website, elblogdelnarco.com. The network lay at the heart of the shadowy organization, in which major Hollywood celebrities were involved in the trafficking of women at Raniere's behest. Danielle Roberts branded the women of NXIVMs elite society known as Dominus Obsequious Sororium (DOS) and says she has no regrets. Suneel Chakravorty and I are engaged in a war of words. India shares she later learned she was branded with the initials of the leader, but at the time they were told it was a symbol of the elements. In 2020, Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in prison for a slew of offenses including sex trafficking, forced labor, and racketeering conspiracy, per Vulture. The vid of the 9 women confronting KR before leaving is gold, Two episodes to listen to to overcome your biases. A 2010 Vanity Fairarticle revealed how two heiresses to the Seagram brand spent around $100 million to "help finance NXIVM and the alleged investment schemes of its leader Keith Raniere." Join . When I was in college, many moons ago, I took a course in Psychology, Psych 101. We know keith is lazier than hell and hasnt come up with an original thought in his life. Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist. So if we DONT want to see violated womens bodies and faces right before they are brutally murdered, then we dont have to? ). We've received your submission. Waukee, IA 50276 He was part of a study group of 22 students and endured torturous human experimentation for three years. I was talking with my Dad (an environmental lawyer, but a lawyer none the less) and he said something like, Dont they realize that if he does get another trial and is convicted still of something less that the judge is going to hold the remaining cult members against him in sentencing?. First of all, some of this is overblown on the part of the OPMC. No consent without the luxury of changing their minds and becoming plaintiffs in a civil suit. Plus, he was willing to let his wife die of cancer because of Vanguards ethics. Roberts employment options dwindled. I think the video should stay right where it is to remind everyone what Raniere wanted everyone to see. NXIVM leader Keith Raniere Ed Ney York. If a person wants to see the video, they can click further into the article. We want to see it. India Oxenberg was promised empowerment. It described itself as a 'multi-level marketing company' - a pyramid-type scheme - and offered personal and professional development courses, each costing thousands of dollars. Nothing in the University of Illinois experiment was as dramatic or graphic as a beheading. "A t least forty members of the NXIVM community, trusting in Raniere, Nancy Salzman and Defendant Dr. Brandon Porter, M.D. Were you not once a committed scientologist until you learned more about the corruption within that organization? This particular analogy you are using is so grossly inaccurate. If you didnt know, you can find copies of ranieres methods described in the patent application titled: DETERMINATION OF WHETHER A LUCIFERIAN CAN BE REHABILITATED. Contact Frank with tips or for help. Camilas Doe (Camel toe) as a personal attack; its kinda like his pet name for Lauren (forlorn). Collateral. The organization is commonly called a "cult," and has been termed a "racketeering enterprise" by the U.S. government. The cult made headlines last year when some of its famous members faced charges of sex trafficking, racketeering and forced labour. It does not have to be in everyones face. These subjects believed they were going to watch a talk by Raniere, but instead were subjected to scenes of escalating violence including actual, extremely graphic footage of the brutal beheading and dismemberment of five women in Mexico.. I cant believe a responsible reporter would post either the video or a still from it. "Collateral" in NXIVM is material that can ruin an NXIVM member's life. Disgusted viewers watched in horror as the new HBO documentary series detailed the story of the NXIVM group. Logically, since it's literally been on the news, albeit in Mexico, it should be available. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. All the women of DOS now have choices. That was the point., Besides, Roberts added: With the 18 I did, none backed out.. They would come in and give me a hug. If thats what he wants to do, that should be on their fucking website., Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day. She talked about being branded after going on a Hallmark audition., When asked for comment Edmondson told The Post via e-mail, My lawyer asked me to refrain from doing any media right now.. Soon after, the complaint was reconsidered. Report former Dr. Porter to the Waukee Iowa police. 75 DontTreadOnMe16 4 yr. ago Did anything ever come of the Stormy Daniels accusation of her having the brand disguised by a tattoo? I didnt understand that it was dozens, 20, 30 Vicente says. Phone:(515) 222-3321 Frank, why would you use that photo as a thumbnail on your website? She only made a victim impact statement which is not under oath. Both about a mother trying to save her daughter and recovery from trauma, the series follows Indias seduction, indoctrination, enslavement, escapeand her role as co-conspirator in assisting the U.S. government with bringing down Raniere and his criminal enterprise. Discussing NXIVM, the New York Capital Region-based group that sold expensive seminars of dubious value. Show us the branding video. The women in the snuff film didnt have a choice to be filmed, have their top taken off, be brutally murdered. Woman Branded by NXIVM Cult Says Pain Was 'Horrific' - YouTube A former NXIVM cult member is speaking candidly about her ordeal. This story has been shared 107,238 times. Out of respect. Read this and ask yourself if any of this sounds familiar (from the history.com link below). More than 17,000 people, including India, enrolled in NXIVMs Executive Success Programs, a front for the cult and a hunting ground for its leader, master predator Keith Raniere. While it isnt proven this had anything to do with Kaczynskis later problems with schizophrenia, I think it is reasonable to conclude that it might have. Little was known about the self-help group turned sex cult NXIVM until Sarah Edmondson disclosed its darkest secrets to the world. I dont get the point of mixing a horrific execution and three random movie clips: 1) Four women belonging a gang are executed by the members of another gang this video should belong TO governmental agencies (Mexican Authorities/DEA) as evidence and not accessible from a random website I assume Mexican narcs are so used to that kind of shit that they dont care much about it-, 2) the execution scene in American History X, 3) the most shocking and disgusting scene in Hannibal, Fright experiment? Raniere is exactly where he needs to be. Roberts purchased a cauterizing machine for the sessions. After it was brought to their attention that while the pictures were supposed to be Anthropology, it had more of an effect of exploitation of non-dominant culture. Roberts said she sold her Westbury, NY, home to make ends meet in February 2019. I know. While Glazer got the number of women wrong he says five women, it is actually four the worst one, the snuff film clip, after extensive research by Frank Report has been identified and Glazer is right: the women endure brutal beheading and dismemberment. She currently resides in Wisconsin, living rent-free in a sympathetic friends home. Robert later went on to work at various hospitals as an osteopath, including St. Peters Hospital in Albany, where she met Dr. Brandon Porter in 2013. Was the brainwashing that complete that no one questioned the result of the electrodes on their heads? That would be respectful to them, and the readers will still know they were bare even though theyre blurred. These are known as the Murray Experiments and were conducted by his professors at Harvard; the people a 16 year old boy is supposed to trust. The internet is forever. She was a serious gymnast for nine years, but stopped at 13 due to ankle injuries, and struggled with compulsive eating as a teenager. Waukee Police Department If you or someone you know is dealing with spiritual abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 18007997233. Id agree with you Shadow, but whacky Porter has kids. Watch new episodes of Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult Sundays on #STARZ. Doctor reveals how she branded NXIVM women and why she has no regrets By Michael Kaplan November 2, 2021 4:36pm Updated Danielle Roberts (left) was a successful osteopath in Plainview, NY, when. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment. Parlato has been prominently featured on HBOs docuseries The Vow and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discoverys The Lost Women of NXIVM. In addition, he was credited in the Starz docuseries 'Seduced' for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS. India and Catherine Oxenberg discuss the Nxivm and share the details of India's branding ceremony. my god have some integrity some dignity .. show some respect for these women you utter piece of trash. This is not cinema. Category:Law Enforcement-Legal/Aplicacion de la Ley-Leyes Legales Evidence of the process within the NXIVN cult first emerged inThe New York Timesthanks to escaped follower Sarah Edmondson, who herself was branded. These are the hardest years of my life, Roberts said. Glazer is going to crucify these fools in court. Bad judgement on this one. Luckily, I heard it before I saw it. This is not a joke. India and Catherine Oxenberg discuss the Nxivm and share the details of Indias branding ceremony. There are apparently a dozen women who want to remain anonymous and, as Frank Report readers know, Suneel and his wolf pack are threatening to name every plaintiff on their websites or social media. Im in agreement with you. The Nxivm dead-enders are just defending their dear Vanguard, a stance that is as unpredictable as it is ineffective. The Mexican press released it. - Frank Report, https://www.history.com/news/what-happened-to-the-unabomber-at-harvard, https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2000/jun/22/features11.g2, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment, Suneel Reacts to Viewing the Snuff Film Used in Human Fright Experiment. I dont have a problem with somebody saying they want to have a swinger lifestyle. NXIVM was founded by Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman in 1998. I was mortified and told him that it was not truthful in how they spun it. Nevertheless, she added, My employer would not renew my contract.. Better yet, shut down your social media until the proceedings are over. #SeducedSTARZhttp://starz.tv/WatchSeducedYTYou can watch Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult internationally on STARZPLAY in the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Canada, Brazil, and LATAM.Subscribe to the STARZ YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/1kalhP0Like STARZ on Facebook: http://starz.tv/STARZFacebookYTFollow STARZ on Twitter: http://starz.tv/STARZTwitterYTFollow STARZ on Instagram: http://starz.tv/STARZInstagramYTVisit STARZ on YouTube: http://bit.ly/1mkHKgZSeduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult chronicles the extraordinary and harrowing journey of India Oxenbergthe daughter of Hollywood actress Catherine Oxenberg and a descendant of European royaltywho was seduced into the modern-day sex-slave cult NXIVM. It was just a fun kind of interesting observation I had made, so thank you. Could that be because her branding video proves she did not weep the whole time as she told the New York Times? I was part of an experiment in NYC at a university over 20 years ago where they did this. I wonder if one of those naked and doomed women were his mother, sister, daughter he might see things differently imagine showing a loved one that way. Three of them are bare-chested. I dont know, Frank. Just because the branding video benefitted the defense doesnt mean NXIVM did it. Do not watch if you are sensitive to such material. One thing Ive always wondered about is whether this particular video was selected to scare and intimate the so-called participants. Same shit, different day. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods. And i are engaged in a sympathetic friends home episodes of Seduced: nxivm branding video NXIVM. Taken off, be brutally murdered, then we dont want to see the blackmail and now snuff... Our platform members and activities will come to light make ends meet in February 2019 ( DOS and! Corruption within that organization violence, but for what reason is unclear cult, NXIVM, you still have idea. Actually shows them murdered and more than that, beheaded and chopped to pieces Clyne her... Our physical reactions or taping us are the hardest years of my life Roberts... 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nxivm branding video