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national geographic grant proposal examplenational geographic grant proposal example

Investment game $2160 Living expenses for Co-PI (12 months) $6200 Glencoe: The Free Press. Please submit your pre-application at least eight months prior to your field dates, at least six months for the Expeditions Council. The first phase will lay the groundwork for the second, so that I will be prepared to complete a baseline assessment of exchange and social interactions before the dry season begins in May. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) provides links to example narratives, as well as links to open opportunities for funding. my work. 1999 Globalisation, neoliberalism, and negotiated development in the Andes: water projects and regional identity in Cochabamba, Bolivia. However, as this level is highly competitive, applicants should make a strong case for why their project is relevant and impactful, and why they are best suited to carry out the work. 3. If you are working on a project outside your home country or community, you must include at least one local collaborator on your team who is significantly involved in the project. Descriptions of project personnel and their experience and skills relevant to complete the proposed tasks must be provided. During phase two, in-depth interviews will be conducted with key informants, and four interviews will be conducted at each household. To do this, I will ask 20 women to indicate which of the tasks on the streamlined list (e.g., drinking, washing windows, bathing, watering plants, and cooking) each household member has -- in each room in the house that were acquired in the last week. Research Competence of the Student a. Most likely, it will not make sense to implement at the state level. 1970 All Our Kin. Bribery Act. Measurement of water availability Sample Youth Program Funding Proposals We offer grant opportunities at various entry points to provide a dynamic pathway to join our community and engage with us. Familial support is also enhanced with compadrazgo ties, in which ceremonial parents establish relationships for mutual aid with their fictive children (Isbell 1985 [1978]). Since my return from Bolivia, I have stayed in frequent contact with representatives of the three organizations, and continue to receive data and consult with them on logistics of conducting research and living in Villa Israel. The researcher has also undertaken independent research projects in Mexico and Bolivia, and therefore has the fieldwork and language skills required for the project. For instance, the category of 'neighbors,' especially in the absence of ayllu membership, may be important in this barrio, and would be worth examining. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Which meals? Lacking the capital to extend water services to its growing periphery, Cochabamba contains a For the purposes of this research, the social support networks of impoverished urban communities are considered to be characteristic of the first stage of response to deprivation. Environment and Planning 31:1404-1415. In New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 140 Broadway 46th Floor Organizations can apply for grants, but the person within the organization who will lead the projectnot the institutionshould be the applicant and will be expected to meet the requirements of the grant. The objectives of the research are to document the incidence of water scarcity, to determine how water scarcity affects the frequency and quality of reciprocal exchanges between households, to determine how water scarcity affects social interactions between households, and to evaluate community norms for engaging in or withdrawing from reciprocal exchange relationships. Rating: Excellent, Very Good In Cooperation, Reciprocity, and Punishment: Experiments from 15 small-scale societies. In marginal urban settings, poverty and mutual assistance foster social support networks (Low 1999) that strengthen community ties. You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. When I return to Bolivia in January 2004, I will have the experience, knowledge, and local support to successfully conduct the proposed research. 4 0 obj to determine if community norms exist for determining the order in which households withdraw from reciprocal exchange relationships. Level II Grant recipients receive funding up to $100,000. New York: Academic Press. You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. In Lima, groups of siblings and cousins migrated together from the highlands. In Bolivia, the average day s wage for a factory worker is $3.50; the Co-PI will set the starting bid at $3. We recommend reviewing the following information before applying for funding. In Studies in Social Psychology in World War II. Shaanxi Teachers University, Chinese Language and Literature, Aug. 1998-May 1999, Appointments: Employment and Research Experience, 2002 Preliminary fieldwork, interviews on water scarcity in Bolivia A. Stouffer, ed, Vol. All applications must be submitted through our online application system. People will trust partners to reciprocate under experimental conditions most if they believe partners are kin, followed by compadres, then paisanos, then co-workers, and finally co-parishioners. Maloney, R. Shawn and Michael Paolisso Half-time Undergraduate Student Research Assistant (46 weeks) $2020 In addition, paisanos, or people who came from the same highland district, are relied upon to help and defend each other in urban settlements (Lobo 1995 [1982]). Analysis of variance tests will also be used to determine if different social ties are associated with differences in mean monetary measures of trust and reciprocity (H7, H8). Each household will be University of Florida, Anthropology (specialization in Tropical Conservation and Development in Latin American Studies), Doctoral program , September 2000-curr. 1994 Environmental scarcities and violent conflict: evidence from cases. Fill out YEG pre-application for Expeditions Council (EC). To determine the amount of water available to each household at each interview time (independent variables H4-6), I will use a Guttman scale. While not all the components of this Sample Proposal are required from OCJS grants, it is a good example of a universaland soundfunding proposal. The material provided here is solely for informational purposes only without any warranty. THE ACQUISITION OF GOODS Is it a kind of economic free-for-all or are ideas of turn taking employed at times? 1989 Famine Early Warning Systems. Simmel, Georg H. Russell Bernard (U. Florida), Anthony Oliver-Smith (U. Florida), Marianne Schmink (U. Florida). This game will test trust and reciprocity among participants. My responsibilities include overseeing a four-survey evaluation of health care in the state of Florida, which involves 300 interviewers and 13,500 interviews. Fourth, the experimental game allows me to determine how certain ties affect trust and reciprocity, controlling for other factors like history. 0000037846 00000 n I will use repeated measures ANOVA to test hypotheses 9 and 10. Ohlsson, Leif This research will contribute to two areas of social science inquiry: urban anthropology and conflict theory. Guttman, L 1985 Coping with Risk: Reciprocity Among the Basarwa of Northern Botswana. 1995 The Role of Water and the Origins of Conflict. Impending water shortages and conflicts over scarce water are now widely predicted (Ohlsson 1995, Elhance 1999). H10. During spring 2003, I will take a fourth course in statistics, as well as a course in hydrology. Fill out YEG pre-application for Conservation Trust (CT). Those who applied to the October 2022 deadline will receive funding decisions in March 2023. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Lobo, Susan There is no maximum age limit for Early Career Grant applicants. Understanding how reciprocal exchange and social ties are strained during periods of severe deprivation will contribute to efforts to understand the dynamics involved in conflict over environmental resources. Recording(Click here for mp4 file656MB). The overall objective is to understand how severe water scarcity affects reciprocal exchange relationships and social relationships in a marginal urban setting. Trips to the Cochabamba center will be necessary to make photocopies, purchase food, and acquire research supplies. 0000001973 00000 n to determine if households withdraw from reciprocal exchange and social relationships in the order established by community norms. National Geographic Society grants may not be used for indirect costs, overhead, and other expenses not directly related to the project. We do not accept mailed or emailed applications. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press. This would leave a residual 320 hours of transcribing and coding work to complete in December, after the monthly interviews end. It is crucial that the interviews be transcribed and coded in Villa Israel, so that the Co-PI can perform preliminary analysis and use findings to conduct follow-up interviews with respondents, as needed, before she leaves the field. Mack, Raymond You must be 18 or older to apply for a National Geographic Society grant. Fill out YEG pre-application for Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE). Projects can be up to two years long. About us, Premium Sign in Premium Terms of Service, FUNDSFORNGOS LLC Then, tell us how you will measure that success. Smaller requests will be accommodated and will not be more or less competitive. Submit a Grant This will be the first study to examine if and how urban social support relationships are transformed by severe water scarcity. a. These examples of data management plans (DMP)are available for reference to support proposal writing. Stewart-Gambino and Wilson 1997). In Bolivia, the average days wage for a factory worker is $3.50; the Co-PI will set the starting bid at $3. Sampling and choosing key informants Using the Unin Cristiana Evanglica census of Villa Israel as a sample frame, I will select a purposive sample of 60 households. Experimental game If your pre-application is approved, you will be sent an email with a link and a password giving you access to our full application online. Want to view application templates, budget guidelines, and tips for applying? The Young Explorers Grants Program supports a variety of projectsand an age-range of applicantsthat are generally not covered by other sources of funding. 1995). Coser, Lewis A. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Nash, June Similar to the survival tactics documented in rural African households, urban Andean households engage in frequent reciprocal exchanges to guard against privation. (Gilbert 1998). You must submit a final report and media from any previous grants for which you were the leader before applying to lead a new project. d. What did you do for someone else this week? However, Laughlin Eligibility If the money is sent to player B, it triples and player B determines how much of the money should be returned to player A. The presentation is available from the October 2021 webinar on the NGGDPP Webinar on FY2022 Program Announcement. Ross, Marc Howard fundsforngos.org and fundsforngospremium.com domains and their subdomains are the property of FUNDSFORNGOS, LLC. The individual responsible for carrying out the project should write the application and be listed as the project leader. This item has been moved from budget item B4 to B6 because it requests funds for out-of-country employees. (Also, it might be important to determine whether the community follows any kind of water distribution system. The anthropological literature on Andean survival strategies indicates that people form mutual support relationships based on five Fringe benefits are also excluded, as are salaries. Glencoe, Il: The Free Press. Attempts to physically measure the volume of water acquired by the household from all sources may result in serious measurement errors. Projects are typically funded for between US $10,000 and US $30,000. Researchers planning work in countries abroad should make great effort to include at least one local collaborator as part of their team. Sample Proposal for SDF Filmmaking Grant Sample Grant Proposal Page 2 History Filmmaking. She has not only been trained in anthropological methodology but has managed data collection and analysis for several projects. The theoretical perspective for the research comes from economic/ecological anthropology. In Cochabamba, the study's findings will be disseminated through partnerships with three local NGOs, along with suggestions regarding ways in which the research might contribute to the success of future water delivery projects. National Language Resource Center: This George Washington University/Center of Applied Linguistics grant proposal sought funding to establish a National Language Resource Center to provide support for the needs of foreign language instructors in K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions. Assuming that semi-structured interviews last, on average, 6 hours each, each two-month cycle would involve: 360 hours of interviewing, 720 hours of transcription (at 12 hours per interview), and 120 hours of coding (at 2 hours per interview). Clear justification for preserving the selected data and materials should be provided, includinghow the results of the project meet the organization priorities and benefit stakeholders and society. Inferential statistics t-tests, ANOVA, and repeated measures ANOVA will be used to test the hypotheses. New Haven: Yale University Press. These five do not take into account other possible reciprocal ties that migrants might use. Level I Grants are only available to individuals who are entirely new to the National Geographic Society network, as well as individuals already in the network who are not yet Explorers, including team members on previous grants, National Geographic Young Explorers awarded in 2019 or later, recipients of discretionary funding opportunities such as the COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists and the COVID-19 Remote Learning Emergency Fund, and recipients of grants from the China Air & Water Fund. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40(4):637-656. major kinds of ties: kin, compadrazgo, paisano, work, and church. Homer-Dixon, Thomas, and Valerie Percival b. New York, NY 10005 Urban Studies 36(2). Economic and Business Research under the supervision of Dr. McCarty. A purposive sample of 60households will be chosen, primarily for development of test protocols, mainly for the creation of a water scale. By determining when and how social ties become vulnerable during periods of severe water scarcity, the research will point to possible avenues for conflict prevention in marginal urban communities. Understanding how reciprocal exchange and social ties are strained during periods of severe deprivation will contribute to efforts to understand the dynamics involved in conflict over environmental resources. Bus fare will be needed to travel from Villa Israel to any other part of Cochabamba. The interview will be conducted primarily with the adult responsible for housekeeping, but I will verify responses with other household members during the interview. The researcher proposes to measure whether cooperation among neighbors, especially certain forms of reciprocity, are altered by water scarcity. Sample Grant Applications Preparing a stellar grant application is critical to securing research funding from NIDCD. 2001). People will reciprocate under experimental conditions most if they believe partners are kin, followed by compadres, then paisanos, then co-workers, and finally co-parishioners. Give a physical description of the item. 2001), I will use an investment game (Berg et al. We explore, understand, and conserve terrestrial and freshwater systems and inspire and empower local and global audiences to better understand and protect our lands, lakes, and rivers. 0000005079 00000 n If you have received a grant from National Geographic in the past, you may submit a new proposal after you have closed your previous grant record. 2002 Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. But I hope the researcher will use participant observation to first test this. Level I grants receive funding up to $20,000 and offer unique opportunities for training, networking, coaching, mentorship, and more from fellow National Geographic Explorers, experts, staff, partners, and forums. Your tax-deductible gift will fund Explorers protecting wildlife, preserving our oceans and ecosystems, uncovering our ancient heritage, and solving the planets mysteries and challenges. Regardless of the denomination, parishioners generally belong to church organizations that provide assistance to needy community members, and form informal assistance networks among themselves. Laughlin, Charles, Jr., and Ivan Brady Bus fare will be needed to travel from Villa Israel to any other part of Cochabamba. The research design has several strengths. The National Geographic Society does not discriminate on the basis of race, religious creed, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, age, or handicap. Two of these projects took place in Mexico and Bolivia, where I honed my ability to do research in Spanish. Secret Discount Link The Society encourages applications from around the world. Annually, the NGGDPP solicits proposals from state geological surveys for the preservation and rescue of geoscience materials and data. This revised item requests funds for two full-time research assistants to work in Villa Israel from March to December 2004. London: Zed Books. Projects are typically funded for US $5,000 and cannot exceed . It also saves you money so you can fund more projects that help important species around the world. Stewart-Gambino and E.L. Cleary, eds. Level I full applications will be. National Geographic Society grantee. 2001 Presenter, Living Local and Going Global: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in a Study of Internet Use in Xi'an, China" Society for Applied Anthropology Conference, Merida, Mexico, Collaborators: 1995) to discover the social norms that determine when and with whom households trust (dependent variable H7) and reciprocate (dependent variable H8). Although early conflict theorists called for empirical Laughlin and Brady argue that if resource scarcity becomes severe enough, cooperative ties will break down as people focus on their own needs, and withdraw from reciprocal exchange relationships and social relationships. National Geographic Societyis a 501 (C)(3) organization. I will attempt to find key informants using an a priori analytic framework 0000005564 00000 n The research assistants salaries are calculated at $2.20 an hour, 40 hours a week, totaling $3520 per assistant over the 10-month period. Funding requests at this level can be up to USD $20,000. NGS Grants Application Sample 1 of 9 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY GRANT APPLICATION SAMPLE APPLICATION Please note: This application is for preparation purposes only and these questions are provided as a reference for developing your proposal. 0000001366 00000 n The purpose of the research is to better understand how conflicts develop in water-scarce regions, and to outline the social and economic factors that mediate cooperation and conflict. Please be as specific as possible. During the first phase, I will use a sampling frame to choose a 60-household purposive sample, create and test interview protocols, choose key informants, and train a research assistant. Semi-structured interview protocol (Modified version of Stack 1970). During the dry season, households with more water will engage in more generalized reciprocal exchanges than will households with less water. hb``d``nc`e` B,@Q$]V%^W5p>9{0)9x\J[RYB{q5Qv4:s]VO77;r\0BCGDZ'd. During the dry season, households with more water will engage in social relationships with more households than will households with less water. 1980 Social Responses During Severe Food Shortages and Famine. The Conservation Trust funds innovative and applied approaches to conservation with potential for global application. The research objectives are clearly outlined and include documenting water scarcity in the community, determining the effects of water scarcity on reciprocal exchanges and social relations between households, and ascertaining whether a community norm exists for determining how people withdraw from reciprocal relations, and whether people follow these norms in practice. Having several to determine how water scarcity affects the frequency and quality of reciprocal exchanges between households. In summer 2002, I traveled to Bolivia to conduct preliminary fieldwork and establish relationships with institutions that support this study. Households will be selected to maximize variation on the following variables: ethnicity, religious affiliation, head of household's profession, number of members, and geographic location of the house (distance from water sources). For this reason, they warmly welcome individuals from underserved and underrepresented groups around the world to apply. A digital sound recorder is needed to record semi-structured interviews, so that they can be transcribed by the research assistant. And we dont just support their incredible work. Protestants, lacking a system of festival-based reciprocity, form informal social support networks to provide goods and services to churchgoers (cf. Living expenses were calculated for the Co-PI to reside and work in Villa Israel, Cochabamba for 12 months. Transportation from Miami (the least expensive airport in Florida for travel to Latin America) to Cochabamba. During the dry season, households will withdraw from social relationships in the order predicted by the experimental game. The project and workflow process should be described. Stewart-Gambino, Hannah W., and Everett Wilson In Extinction and Survival in Human Populations. Get updates about our critical work to explore and protect our planet. The requested amount is 46% of the State Department estimate for the cost of living in Cochabamba, and totals about 85% of an average factory workers salary in Bolivia. protocol are that it has been pre-tested for research on urban survival strategies, it is flexible enough to accommodate Andean social structure, and successful replication of Stack's results will enhance the external validity of previous findings about how urban support systems f. Was it a gift or a loan? 1957 Community Conflict. In the Andes, the basic units for such groups are nuclear and extended households (Lobo 1995 [1982]). Hypotheses Homer-Dixon, Thomas Princeton: Princeton University Press. Who is living in this house right now? 1997 Latin American Pentecostals: Old Stereotypes and New Challenges. 1995). The proposed research in Villa Israel will test the Laughlin and Brady model to determine if severe water scarcity erodes reciprocal exchange and social relationships. 1995 Trust, Reciprocity, and Social History. When resource scarcity becomes more severe, households will shift to balanced or negative reciprocal exchanges and will withdraw from social relationships. Living expenses for Co-PI (12 months) $1030 DMP - Core and Core Photos(Click here for Word document), DMP - Geologic maps, Well logs, Geochemistry, Critical Minerals, Field Notebooks(Click here for Word document), Preserving Valuable and Irreplaceable Geoscience Collections, National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 20192, Region 2: South Atlantic-Gulf (Includes Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), Region 12: Pacific Islands (American Samoa, Hawaii, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands), Registry of Scientific Collections (ReSciColl). Who drinks or uses it? Current Anthropology 21(1):21-44. Cochabamba is a large Bolivian city located in a semi-arid zone, made famous in 2000 by city-wide protests and riots over water delivery. The Program places high value on increasing access to preserved materials. Link to an image of the original budget page 1 for 0314395, Bernard & Wutich Click here to Get Email Alerts about the Latest Grants, Level I grants receive funding up to $20,000 and offer unique opportunities for. 0000031329 00000 n Intellectual Merit We discover, understand, and conserve individual species or genera of animals, plants, or other forms of life and inspire and empower local and global audiences to better understand and protect them. The research assistants salary was calculated at $2.20 an hour, 20 hours a week, for 46 weeks. Students should not submit in their advisors name. The amount of offers (H7) and counter-offers (H8) made during the investment game will be recorded in Bolivianos. 2000 Interviewer, Ford-funded Web Research Materials Project, a project to develop web-based cognitive research tools Undergraduate Honors Research, The Effects of Estimation on Elicitation in Social Network Research The methodology section is particularly strong. ANOVA and repeated applications of ANOVA will be used for analysis of the data. Also I hope the researcher will work towards a broader bibliography of studies from Bolivia and specifically Cochabamba (such as Albro, Dandler, Larson, Paulson) in which to contextualize the results of the study. Reports on the state of freshwater reserves warn that severe local shortages are imminent, and predict that violent conflicts will emerge in water-scarce regions (Ohlsson 1995, Elhance 1999). (List relationships.) %PDF-1.4 % 1980 Participant Observation. with key informants and four ethnographic interviews with each household in the sample. In addition to testing the effects of water scarcity on reciprocity and sociability, the research will facilitate the learning of two students. The third is the Unin Cristiana Evanglica church, which manages the distribution of water through tap stands in Villa Israel. Advertise, Guest Posting & Backlinks Broader Impacts I will conduct 60 repetitions of each interaction for each scenario, totaling 360 repetitions. The protocol includes questions about daily life, the acquisition of goods, finances, and leisure time. Spradley, James P American Airlines round-trip ticket $650 University of Florida, Anthropology and Chinese Language and Literature, B.A., May 2002 Honors thesis in cultural anthropology All licenses, permits and other government permissions or approvals required to carry out a grant must be obtained through the lawful, legitimate process of the country where the grant activity occurs. The transportation budget also includes funds for occasional taxi rides to and from the airport, to carry large loads, and in the evening when buses stop running to Villa Israel. This system works best on Internet Explorer 5.5 and Netscape 6.0 or higher. We actively seek to help them network, connect, and learn with National Geographic and each other, empower them with cutting-edge tools, technology, and training, and further their impact and recognition through our storytelling. Fill out YEG pre-application for Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE), Access your saved CRE pre-application form, Fill out YEG pre-application for Expeditions Council (EC), Access your saved EC pre-application form, Fill out YEG pre-application for Conservation Trust (CT), Access your saved CT pre-application form. In what ways, if any, are your project's goals aligned with the mission of the National Geographic Society? My aim is to learn how people spend their time from the moment they wake up in the morning until they go to bed at night -- to learn who they visit, which relatives they see daily or weekly, what they do for each other, whether they exchange goods and services, and how these exchanges are arranged. International Security 19(1):5-41. % 1999 An Emerging Logic of Urban Water Management, Cochabamba, Bolivia. sq &SDlq$DAJTH u@B="X@ Lk@20%@ r| endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 79 0 obj <>stream In 2001, I conducted a study on the effects of social support networks on child feeding decisions with the Mexican Social Security Institute in Oaxaca. If after reviewing information and materials you have additional questions, please email. Because of the amount of luggage the Co-PI will be traveling with, she will need to fly directly to Cochabamba. Methods and Analysis 0000008271 00000 n 2002 Presenter, Getting Health Care Advice on Her Own: Social Network Effects on Weaning Decisions in Oaxaca, Mexico" Society for Applied Anthropology Conference, Atlanta, GA What does the Co-PI anticipate that the codes will be, i.e., what will be coded for? New York: Columbia University Press. The ability of a household to acquire sufficient water depends on its per capita income and its exchange relationships with other households. Level I applicants who submit pre-applications will be notified of decisions in May 2023, whether declined or invited to submit a full application. During the wet season, households also collect rainfall and water from canal beds used to drain sewage and wastewater. Instead, I will develop a Guttman scale of water use (Guttman 1950). These additional state geological survey proposal examples from 2020 are available for reference to support proposal writing. 3. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press. Household interviews Household interviews will produce data for the following variables: number of reciprocal exchanges (H1,3), number of reciprocal exchange relationships (H4), number of social visits (H2,5), and number of social relationships (H6) that each household has reinforced (through visits, for example) during the week preceding each interview; and the order in which households withdraw from exchange and social relationships (H9-10). So that they can be transcribed by the household from all sources may result in serious measurement errors Expeditions. Of Dr. McCarty, finances, and leisure time, form informal social support relationships are by. Fly directly to Cochabamba basic units for such groups are nuclear and extended (... ( CT ) Guttman scale of water through tap stands in Villa Israel from March to December 2004 in order. Facilitate the learning of two students test trust and reciprocity among the Basarwa of Northern Botswana of ANOVA be! 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national geographic grant proposal example