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names of pilots shot down in vietnam

1:00 Jan. 6 will mark 50 years since former Newburgh resident Dave Middleton was shot down in Vietnam while piloting a Loach helicopter on a mission to which he wasn't originally assigned.. You softy, dont deserve the freedom which we veterans fought and died for! VMFA-115. Thank You for your service. With a Commercial Pilots License, with Single, Multi, and Instrument ratings, I thought the Air Force would let me fly, but, when I went in for my physical, my eyesight had deteriorated to 20-40 and I was told I could be a navigator, a GIB (guy in back . The aircraft banked sharply to the left, then to the right. While I was thinking how dumb a question that was, Scotty asked me an entirely different one over the intercom: To me, this is a refreshing change of phraseology, demonstrating a far greater sense of situational awareness. John Stuart Mill 28 NOV 67. In addition to the roof, the toilet was destroyed! When Maj. "Jump" Myers' plane crashed in flames, there was no chance of rescue - yet Bernie Fisher defied the odds and brought him out alive. I even remember glancing around the cockpit at the throttles and the control stick. The 366th TFW Gunfighters consisted of three squadrons; 389th, 390th and the 480th. Sorry you couldnt be there. Source's information probably relates to the incident.. 1850 Joined up and reported a suspected Truck Park near Finger Lakes since we had avoided calling in to Ask Permission and wait the usual half hour to allow the Russian Radar trainers time to get out courtesy of our GD State Dept. Scotty had ejected. Model names were normalized in 1962 to UH-1s. Others had knives and were, to my complete surprise, cutting the clothing and equipment from my body. Fogleman became the only Super Sabre pilot ever rescued by riding out on a Cobra helicopter. 2,197 of the losses were fixed-wing, and the remainder rotary-wing. God bless you Joe, hearing the story was very touching. Thank you Sir. Our flight should never have been going into the target. But, instead of cutting through my throat, as Id imagined, the blade moved away, cutting the helmet strap. GBU my friend! The man who had less than an hour ago cautioned me against premature ejection had ejected. Looking down toward my feet, I could see dozens of hands. Get it? Crecca/Wilson International would be my recommendation in honor of a deceased F4 pilot and a 6 year POW since the F4 was the most numerous of Vietnam War aircraft casualties. I reached bingo, bingo minus 5, minus 10, minus 15, and reported to lead each time. The claimed flying aces of the Vietnam War, pilots who shot down five or more enemy aircraft, include 19 North Vietnamese pilots (six MiG-17 and 13 MiG-21 pilots),[1]:228 and five Americans. Served in SAC during early fifties and proud of our commander. I then looked at myself to see if I was in one piece. Got this forwarded in late 2017. If not for an Air Force ROTC deferment, I was most definitely headed to Vietnam. Dulles International Needs a name change. So glad that you made it back in one piece, and were able to continue flying. The tale I heard was that at the time the 480th TFS shot down our 4th & 5th MiG-21s only eight of them had been bagged by anyone else anywhere. Youre the best and always will be with me when I go flying. The USAF sustained approximately 0.4 losses per 1,000 sorties during the conflict, which compared favorably with a 2.0 rate in Korea and a 9.7 figure during World War II. With the helmet strap no longer in existence, my helmet flew off like a slingshot. It is awful that people make bad decisions for selfish reasons. On their MiG-killing mission of Jun. Site content may be used for any purpose without explicit permission unless otherwise specified. The intercom was intermittent. The United States, along with their allies (The Republic of Vietnam, South Korean, Australian, Thailand, New Zealand), lost about 12,500 aircraft, helicopters and UAVs. May God continue to bless you. Although I was only a few thousand feet away, I hadnt been able to hear the explosion. First of all, we only had three airplanes. The cockpit pressure vessel was intact; incredibly, it had not been penetrated despite a direct hit by a Soviet SA-2 missile traveling at over Mach 2 with a 400 lb., high-explosive warhead! Encountered SAMs Finger Lakes area. Our tour dares overlap and i served in the muddy water NAVY in the Mekong Delta. How many MiGs were shot down in Bolo? Manacles were locked onto my wrists as well. At 10,000 ft, the automatic man-seat separation features operated exactly as advertised. The flight call sign was Dogwood and we were number 2. While in that spin both of us, the RIO were reaching for the eject handle but couldnt move our arms. If I failed to keep this from them, they would reposition their anti-aircraft batteries and SAMs to make the target a flak trap, making this JCS target even more formidable than before. It is only individuals such as yourself with great writing skills and sound memory who can bring aviation exploits in Nam to light. Ed McGaa, Marine F4s, Chu Lai Mostly CAS. 71-0305 (3rd TFS, 388th TFW) shot down in Cambodia on 4 May 1973 (1Lt T.L. When I was finally in front of President Nixon, I said what hed be hearing all night, Thank you Mr. President for bringing us home with honor. Then without missing a beat I said, And Im really sorry about that F-4. And the plane that carried them, a commercial jet . The author, during training on the F-4 Phantom. Secondly, everybody else all the other strike flights, 15 of them, one after the other were calling, Outbound for weather meaning the target area was socked in and it would be just plain stupid to drop into the clouds where it would be hard to locate the target and easy to get nailed by a SAM (Surface-to-Air Missile). A second missile had been fired and aimed precisely where our aircraft would have been had we dived straight ahead to avoid the first missile. Jim Hestand the AC of the fateful flight gave the eulogy at Bobbys funeral! The Thud flights were all calling Outbound for WX but our FLs OER was going to be written by the guy on MiG CAP so in we went and we took a SAM from dead six with no RHAW gear. First loss: 560937 (476th TFS, 497th TFW) shot down by enemy ground fire during CAS mission near Tri Dao, Vietnam, on 29 June 1965, pilot Capt. I always enjoyed flying with you and sharing a beverage. They performed as they were asked. Joe, thanks for sharing and honoring Scotty. Its not from the How did you survive? As a nation I believe we learned the difference between necessary disagreement with our leaders, and needless, disrespectful persecution of and confrontation with our soldiers, who are/were following orders. all i can do is thank you so much for allowing common people like myself to be inspired . Joe ( and Gus), Im honored to have met and flown with both of you with FEDEX. I remember their faces were not contorted with anger or hatred but rather with kind expressions of understanding almost bordering on a smile. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. I am a high school friend of your daughter back in the 80s but I am still raising young ones today. At Tulsa TRACON, I would have lumped him in with any group you could think of that wouldnt give a damn about anyonehow wrong that lumping would have been. By this time I was at 1,500 ft. s F-4 Phantoms, paint it with the Squadron 21 and 161's colors and mark the splitter plate with the names of the eight pilots. Only loss: 606058, destroyed on the ground during a VC attack on Tan Son Nhut, SVN on 14 June 1968. Messrs. Crecca and Wilson were asked by their nation to serve. First loss: EC-121R 67-24193 (554th Reconnaissance Squadron, 553d RW) crashed 25 April 1969 on take-off in a thunderstorm from. I wont embarrass you by calling you a hero, though you unquestionably are. Upon arrival at the Hoa Lo prison, I was placed in a dimly-lit room with light green, uneven walls. The result was the signing of the Paris Peace Accords on 27JAN1973 and the release of 591 POWs. I never came face-to-face with either asshole but I emailed the flight lead recently and told him off that he was incompetent, got Scotty Wilson killed, cost the USAF an F-4, caused my Fathers premature death and was responsible for unimaginable hardships for Scottys widow and daughter not to mention my 6+ years in prison. You were a great morale boost when we needed it the most. RIP Scotty thank you Joe for sharing your experiences and for your commitment as an aviator. This requires the pilot to smoothly and precisely adjust control inputs to maintain takeoff attitude as the aircraft accelerates and the landing gear and flaps are retracted. Once the controller whod witnessed the crash learned that the men were alive, he settled down enough where we thought he could drive home safely. Dickens rescued) I did enjoy reading this and I am grateful for men like you. Many thanks for contributing this excellent memoirhope to read more of your writings in future, and wishing you many more years of life aloft: youve sure earned them! You need four for effective mutual support; i.e., lookout coverage for all four in all quadrants. It was about 0200 hours and the flares lit up the place like day. Lt. Wilson and his family paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Tried to cross-service in 64 or 65 to Army for WO pilot program, but because I was already in the military (being in a critical COMSEC AFSC probably didnt help), I was offered no guarantee of flight training, so I withdrew the request otherwise, I may have been one of your grateful students, or still buried in some shallow grave. All I was aware of was a short, sharp ringing sound and my white, silk parachute billowing above me. On 3 January 1969 Light Attack Squadron Four (VAL-4) was commissioned at NAS North Island, California and after an intense period of training was transferred to Vietnam. Joe, Every Friday Im privileged to have lunch with a WWII veteran who flew virtually every airplane in the arsenal of the time. . Ronald Fogleman was shot down in the I Corps area 200 miles (320 km) north of Bien Hoa while flying aircraft 56-3245. The bomb release button was now hot! This is aviation commentary. Presently it dishonors over 50,000 dead and how many maimed and wounded? Thank you, Joe. Scotty compensated nicely and kept us in formation while I was continually checking six. During the left, 270 degree turn, the flight leader must have been having problems with his navigation system because he asked if our own nav equipment was operating normally, saying, Dogwood 2, hows your inertial?. No need to bring up the sorties flown with 1/2 ordnance loads so the (Squadron, Group, Wing) would look good on paper. When naval aviator Porter Halyburton deployed for Vietnam, he left behind his young wife and five-day-old daughter, Dabney. At the 480th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Danang AB, RVN, four two-man crews were hand-picked to deliver the lethal ordnance onto both targets selected by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). List of aircraft losses of the Vietnam War. He called me to come back coming out of a Split S spin. Of course, things were beginning to wind down in Viet Nam by this time, but it was still mega impressive to see the F-4s light em up and blast off the runway like angry rocket-powered birds of prey searching for their next meal! Yeh, the F-4s wings dont come off even from a SAM induced Spin. The baro switch was supposed to open my chute at 10,000 ft. Fritz was Nape. Both were exactly right because the top of my parachute was practically in the bottom of the clouds right above me. I was escorted a few hundred feet to one of the village hooches Id seen from above. God Bless them all. I was a classmate with him in 64-C but the other flight. Scotty then took control of the airplane as we proceeded to follow our leader along the preplanned route. Then we switched roles and Scotty flew while I coordinated the rendezvous. The USN was the only service which had been forced to learn power projection as the fundamental war-fighting technique. Shot down. . We beneficiaries need to know the experiences, sufferings, challenges, life and death, victories and miraculous acts of God in the lives of our fellow countrymen in war, especially from their own voice and pen before the stories are gone. Reading yours was dismal, doom and gloom. But I promise if youll just give me another one, Ill take much better care of it. He squeezed my hand so hard I thought he was going to break all the bones in it as he said with great gusto, I want you in one!, The next evening at the receiving line at the White House he recognized me and said, Youre the man who wanted an F-4. I said I was and he said, Youve got it!. Final loss: CA-27 Sabre Mk 32 A94-986; 3 January 1968; crashed due to engine failure three miles south west of RTAF Ubon; Pilot Officer Mark McGrath was killed, one Thai national injured (later a fatality) on ground. Joe Crecca was a USAF F-4C Phantom pilot who served during the Vietnam War and was shot down by a Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) while on a deep strike to a target very near the capitol city of Hanoi on November 22, 1966. I hope the AFJ editor will exercise more discretion in the future. Instead, dummy missiles had been placed at the site as a "flak trap.". Notes. God bless you all. Im glad you made it home. By The Associated Press. Only once did I ever have an airplane problem (pressurization system) until that SAM hit us. It was less than a minute before I would be on the ground. It was a bittersweet event and Im so grateful I was able to attend. Lockhart is still alive, although. After that, I was blindfolded and transported two miles by motorcycle sidecar to another village and locked in a small building made of large stones. There's an old Air Force saying that you should never bail out over an area you just bombed. Thanks, again, for your story many more years of good health & happiness to you. Summer-67- Lost an engine to one but miraculously survived blast suffocation and stupidly re-started the J-79 after safely- feet wet. And Ill salute only with that nickname fondly given him by my children, our Elder Eagle, who flew Linebacker BUFFS, along with numerous other often difficult taskings, during his 28 years in USAF. Having been a teenager in Vietnam years, I had a Vietnam map on my bedroom wall and marked bombing missions that Cronkite would report that night. Lasted almost two weeks on the island before a Japanese sniper gave him his ticket off the island. American airmen shot down 196 MiGs137 by the Air Force, 59 by the Navy and the Marine Corpsand sustained 83 losses. Scotty gave the Phantom back to me and then it was my turn. [I was USAF SAC (enlisted) 62-66. This description of your combat experience and captivity is the first time Ive heard it and that only adds to my admiration for you, Joe. When I got to the control tower, the controller whod witnessed the crash was catatonic. As my turn got closer and closer, I was still mentally tongue-tied. A sub-standard OER means you dont get promoted on time. Don Ward, came up to me and said words that someone in operations never, ever hears from anybody in maintenance. Just read this story about your mission over North Vietnam. 1st Lieutenant Scotty Wilson, the best stick in [the squadron].. I quickly figured out that, because we were going to be late, our flight lead was cutting Alfa out and going directly to Bravo. Its a tough story to take. I replied that I still had a positive lock to a radio nav-aid and if he could get us through the clouds I could get us to the target. In fact, there is no way you may be honored equal to what you gave. Two were pilots, two Air Force weapon systems officers, and two Navy radar intercept officer; both awarded an aerial-kill claim for each enemy aircraft shot-down. On 27 July 1968, Commander Mongilardi was the pilot of an A4C Skyhawk that launched from the deck of the USS Coral Sea as the section leader in a flight of two on a armed reconnaissance/strike mission over North Vietnam. Those of us that were there were paying attention; I remember that it was not assured, back then, if anybody would be repatriated. u-6 losses need added all are army fixed wing aircraft, 5,195+ (which include not in addition to the above statistics)[2], North Vietnam captured 877 South Vietnamese aircraft at war's end. Flight lead arrived and took his fuel after we were finished. Directional control was by use of nose wheel steering or rudder up to 70 knots, at which airspeed the rudder became effective. R.I.P Scotty. God bless them! I saw 3 aircraft in front of me, so I asked lead to flash his lights. Blows were raining all over my body including my head, thankfully still protected by my helmet. Much aviation has occurred in the context of military service. I wondered what good it did to tell us there were guns, MiGs and SAMs everywhere. A total of 17 four-ship flights were to hit a vast complex of oil and munitions storage and NVN troops. And equipment from my body Sabre pilot ever rescued by riding out on a Cobra helicopter off. Exercise more discretion in the context of military service is thank you so much for allowing common people like to... Going into the target most definitely headed to Vietnam did I ever have an airplane (. Is no way you may be honored equal to what you gave that them... 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