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folder with document - colored manila folders stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Potential military bombings of a nearby lake could have sent jellyfish material into the air and caused it to mix with rain clouds. Reich doubts that dimethyl sulfone would split apart in the human bodys relatively cool environment. file security - colored manila folders stock illustrations. Meanwhile, Sally Balderas, a vocational nurse who had gone back inside to help take Ramirezs body into the isolation room, began retching and felt a burning sensation on her skin. A bare minimum of staff remained to stabilize Gloria Ramirez. Grant didnt get to Welchs file until a few days later when he was on a flight to a business meeting in Washington, D.C. It is manufactured as an industrial solvent, but it is also sometimes produced naturally in our bodies from amino acids that contain sulfur. Ramirezs seemingly average life took its unusual turn on Feb. 19, 1994, when she was taken to General Hospital in Riverside, Calif. after she experienced a rapid heart rate, a drop in blood pressure, and was unable to form coherent sentences. However, the unique environment also means that the United States, New Zealand, and Australia all share jurisdiction, which prevented significant investigation from taking place. On February 21st, Lams body was found on the roof of the hotel in a water tank. They continued on and found three more bodies in the snow. The American government stated that they believed Cuba was responsible for the events. Then came the pathologists from Riverside Coroners Office who took samples of blood, tissue, and air from the body bag and aluminum crate in which Ramirezs body was held. When it became clear that Ramirez was responding poorly to treatment, the staff tried to defibrillate her heart with electricity. A trained forensic eye can quickly dismiss such misleading signals. For now, researchers cant find a similar poisoning in the medical annals, nor can they say whether hospitals should fret about future cases. Canadian college student Elisa Lam checked into the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles on January 28th, 2013. In addition, they pointed out, neither paramedic who had treated Ramirez in the ambulance became ill despite the close quarters and their having touched her skin and some of her blood after starting an intravenous line. Others developed breathing problems and one nurse experienced paralysis - and no one knew why. Researchers Double-Play Cancer Clinical Trials, Dogs May Be Key in Early Bladder Cancer Detection, A Blood Test That Screens For Multiple Cancers At Once Promises To Boost Early Detection, Developing A Drug To Identify And Target Tricky Cancer Cells. Since nicotinamide is relatively inexpensive and can cause euphoria, dealers can extend their expensive drugs with it and make a larger profit. This was the moment when things went from a bit odd to bizarre. Then Kane collapsed on the emergency room floor. Twenty-three people eventually reported symptoms. Two months after Ramirez died, her badly decomposed body was released for an independent autopsy and burial. Nevertheless, according to Grant and other chemists, some fraction will still vaporize at room temperature. Residents speculated that it could be human waste dumped from passing planes, which could explain why it made people sick, but airlines quickly disputed this because plane waste is dyed blue. Top 10 Creepy Mysteries From The American South. They dont become hysterical because of a heart attack. There are 3 types of particles that are colorizeable, however it is not so obvious how this works. But if Ramirez had taken PCP, someone should have found some traces of the drug itself. When oxygen was added, it could have become dimethyl sulfone, forming the crystals in Ramirezs blood. Browse 270 colored manila folders stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. It was so bizarre that it inspired episodes in many TV shows, including The X-Files, Greys Anatomy, The New Detectives, and Law & Order. The FDA later relaxed that policy and in 1978 approved a 50 percent solution of DMSO as a treatment for interstitial cystitis, a condition marked by painful urinary tract lesions that occurs predominantly in women. Welch called Andresen at Livermore and implored him to take another look. They also stated that the cuts on her scalp may have been caused by the owls talons. But other factors that correlated with severe symptoms did not appear to match a scenario in which fumes had been released: the survey found that those afflicted tended to be women rather than men, and they all had normal blood tests after the exposure. [3] Oxygen administered by the paramedics would have combined with the DMSO to form dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2). [2] Electric shocks administered during emergency defibrillation could have then converted the DMSO2 into dimethyl sulfate (DMSO4), the highly toxic dimethyl ester of sulfuric acid, exposure to which could have caused some of the reported symptoms of the emergency department staff. The Sodders put up a billboard with their childrens pictures and continued searching for them for the rest of their lives. (Although dimethyl sulfate has been tested as a nerve gas, it has apparently never been manufactured for use in war.). Andresen asked Grant, his deputy director, to sift through the file. There were also injuries on the back of her head consistent with blunt force, and the coroner stated that he believed she had not died from a fall, but may have been beaten. Some experienced a pressure sensation in their ears along with the noise. Her name was Gloria Ramirez. In real blood those crystals might have appeared manila-colored. At this point in the mystery, the only unusual thing were seeing is dimethyl sulfone, says Andresen. Appreciable amounts of it built up in the syringe, and some of it vaporized out of the blood. The worlds only Antarctic murder mystery remains unsolved. Over a period of two years, various staff reported hearing loss, nausea, and memory loss connected to these sounds. Grant decided to find out more about DMSO and dimethyl sulfone, so when he got back to Livermore he looked up the two compounds in the Merck Index, a chemists bible that describes the characteristics of more than 10,000 chemicals, drugs, and biological substances. With the rise of internet sleuths, true crime podcasts and videos, and discussion forums, its safe to say that many people love speculating about real-life mysteries. [citation needed] Because the paper is generally inexpensive, it is commonly given to children for making art. The team was supposed to come back by February 12th, and a search party of their classmates and teachers were sent out to look for them on the 20th. But in Ramirezs blood and tissues there was a hefty concentration of tens of micrograms per milliliter, about three times higher than the codeine in the samples. Like many other chemicals, dimethyl sulfate has a good side and a bad side. [8][9] The first paper was technically detailed and contained two potential chemical reaction mechanisms that may possibly have formed dimethyl sulfate from dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfone precursors. The match between the symptoms experienced by the hospital staff and the symptoms of dimethyl sulfate exposure was uncanny. Strange orange orbs were sighted by other nearby hikers around the time of the incident that some believe could have been a type of bomb. Colored Particles. Realizing dimethyl sulfate was their best lead yet, Richard Whipple and Jeffrey Haas, chemists at the forensic center, searched among the thousands of papers that have been written about these compounds. They searched for any of a host of noxious chemicals, including hydrogen sulfide (also known as sewer gas), an insidious poison that smells like rotten eggs and at high concentrations can kill a person after one or two whiffs, and phosgene, a gas with a dual identity on the one hand, a law-abiding ingredient used in the preparation of many organic chemicals, and on the other a terrible weapon for chemical warfare that tears open capillaries in the lungs, drowning its victims in blood. Overall, 23 people became ill and five were hospitalized. A third odd chemical signal defied being pigeonholed as either trivial or important: dimethyl sulfone. That goal fostered the creation, in 1990, of the forensic center, a clearinghouse that would allow state and federal law enforcement forensic teams to enlist high-tech aid from scientists at Livermore and other Department of Energy labs. After Welch collapsed, several other staff members began to say they felt ill, and hospital administrators declared an internal emergency. An emergency room entrance. Ramirez earned the nickname the Toxic Lady because no one could examine her body without exposing themselves to a wide range of medical problems. Doctors quickly got to work trying to save her life, but nothing seemed to be working. Thousands of Cuban scientists and officials investigated the case at the time and the country denied any involvement with a potential attack, but many people remain unconvinced. Social media has allowed people from around the world to connect and share ideas on bizarre occurrences that have puzzled investigators. The coroners office has remained tight-lipped about the analysis it conducted in the days that followed. Andresen thinks some of the backlash was avoidable. Rodney Marks was a 32-year-old astrophysicist doing research for the University of Chicago. Marc Micozzi, director of the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, D.C., is one. Even if Ramirez had applied DMSO to her body to ease her pain, however, and even if it had combined with oxygen to form the dimethyl sulfone Andresen had found, that still didnt explain the outbreak among the hospital staff. George and Jeannie Sodder were Italian immigrants who lived with their ten children in Fayetteville, West Virginia, an area with many other Italian families. The Toxic Lady (The autopsy, the researchers note, had found that Ramirez had a urinary tract blockage. When absorbed into the body, dimethyl sulfate causes convulsions, delirium, paralysis, coma, and delayed damage to the kidneys, liver, and heart. Pine needles and clumps of her own hair were found in Kathleens hands, which also point to a potential entanglement. It incorporated all that was known about subatomic particles at the time and predicted the existence of additional particles as well. Lams strange behavior in the elevator has led some to believe that Lam was playing a Korean elevator game. He was discouraged. The medical staff injected her with diazepam, midazolam, and lorazepam to sedate her. Since DMSO can react with oxygen and form dimethyl sulfone, Grant began to wonder what other compounds might be formed when oxygen is added to the chemical. Stanley Jacob, a physician and medical researcher at the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, doubts that significant quantities of the suspect chemicals could have been produced from dmso. All That's Interesting is a Brooklyn-based digital publisher that seeks out stories that illuminate the past, present, and future. Though other theories were proposed, including mass hysteria, the Coroners Office concluded Livermores explanation more probable. Andresens team had a more likely explanation for the amine, though: they said it formed as Ramirezs body broke down the antinausea drug Tigan. This urban legend, similar to the Bloody Mary mirror game, involves pressing elevator buttons in a certain order to travel to a different dimension. Five were hospitalized for the rest of the night. Manila paper is a relatively inexpensive type of paper, generally made through a less-refined process than other types of paper, and is typically made from semi-bleached wood fibers.It is just as strong as kraft paper but has better printing qualities, such as stronger pigment retention. Order Pick-Up; Pure Leaf Iced Tea . Shortly after arriving at the hospital, Ramirez died from complications related to cancer. YouTubeGloria Ramirez, before her 1994 death. Source: Wikipedia commons Although the books on Ramirezs death were now officially closed, there was no explanation for the outbreak of illness among the hospital staff. I remember hearing someone scream, Welch says. in /home1/neuxs/public_html/ . It took six months before the body could be removed and autopsied, when it was determined that Marks had died of menthol poisoning. Stansberry was being investigated for financial crimes at the time of Riveras death and placed a gag order on his employees during the investigation. Livermore Labs postulated that Ramirez had been using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a solvent used as a powerful degreaser, as a home remedy for pain. In the end, all of the dimethyl sulfate either vaporized or broke back down in the blood into its constituents. It seemed that everybody in the athletic department was using dmso on injuries, he recalls. By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications. Agents such as lidocaine and Bretylium were given to correct her heartbeat. None of the hospital staff reported tearing or other eye irritation. Adapted from Sheng, 2017. The tent was sliced open from the inside. A total of 23 staff became sick after exposure, and 5 were hospitalized. But other scientists come to Livermores defense. Others were concerned it could be a strange science experiment that had been released on the town. In support of this mass hysteria theory, Osorio and Waller cited the lack of evidence for a poison and the fact that women were more likely to suffer severe symptoms, both hallmark signs of mass hysteria. The Ramirez family's pathologist was unable to determine a cause of death because her heart was missing, her other organs were cross-contaminated with fecal matter, and her body was too badly decomposed. However, the autopsies never presented definitive reasons for Ramirezs strange ailments and why several of the hospital staffers fell mysteriously ill. DMSO has a checkered past. Sulfates (SO4) are common in the body, so the two CH3 molecules may have linked up with them to form (CH3)2SO4 dimethyl sulfate. She was convinced that neither she nor anyone else that night had been party to mass hysteria. Not only did Grant use it, but Andresen as well remembers the DMSO rage from his days during the 1970s as a pharmacology professor at Ohio State University. The medical staff noticed an ammonia-like smell coming out of the syringe used to install a catheter in Ramirez's arm. The Livermore scientists do offer a cautionary note in their report, which recommends that hospitals be made aware of the possible consequences of such a chemical reaction occurring in their emergency rooms. Her blood smelled like ammonia and there were manila-colored particles floating in her blood. After that, Gorchynski felt nauseated and lightheaded, she left to a nurses desk, and there she fainted too. Fourteen months after the incident, the Riverside cases legacy remains peculiar and shadowy. This theory has been endorsed by the Riverside Coroner's Office and published in the journal Forensic Science International. Ochoa ordered the staff to evacuate all emergency room patients to the parking lot outside the hospital. I just tell them the dimethyl sulfate theory is a chemical impossibility, says Jacob. Yuri Yudin stated that he believed there was an explosion, possibly from a weapons test, and cover-up by the Soviet military. Andresen also found a lot of hydrocarbons, chemicals that had leached into the samples from their sterile plastic containers. It is also very expensive, being several times more expensive than woodpulp, hence the change to that fiber for what is still called Manillausually with two Ls. An investigation by local scientists found human white blood cells in the material, leading to the idea that the blobs were at least once a living material. Gloria Cecilia Ramirez (January 11, 1963 February 19, 1994)[1] was a woman from Riverside, California, who was dubbed "the Toxic Lady" or "the Toxic Woman" by the media when several hospital workers became ill after exposure to her body and blood. The tan-ish color of the envelope is known as Buff or un-dyed. Susan Kanes symptoms were flailing limbs and rise in body temperature. Her heart was beating too rapidly to allow its chambers to fill before they pumped, so her blood pressure was plummeting. Police turned suspicion onto her husband, who they believed may have attacked her with a fireplace poker. The nurse who drew the blood quickly fainted, and soon two other people in the room passed out. tough manila colored stock. The 10 Weirdest People In History, From The Toxic Lady To The Hopeless Romantic Gravedigger. The electrons shatter the molecules into all types of pieces, says Andresen. The most severe case required two weeks of hospitalization. Several hikers were only in their underwear. Soon she was in such bad shape that she too was laid out on a gurney. They conducted an experiment to see how much dimethyl sulfone could accumulate in the blood at normal body temperature. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. The truth behind Lams death, however, remains a mystery. Other scientists are more convinced that action is necessary. The warning is that the human body can be a place where bizarre and potentially deadly chemistry can occur. The nurse who replaced her noted that Gloria's blood contained manila-colored particles. Outside, in the parking lot, hospital staff were treating patients and ill colleagues under the dull orange glow of sulfur lamps. But other factors that correlated with severe symptoms didnt seem to match a scenario in which fumes had been released: the survey found that those afflicted tended to be women rather than men, as well as people who had skipped dinner that evening rather than those who had a full stomach. So the products they use are superclean and sterilized but covered in chemicals. Up to 600 dogs may have died this way, prompting theories that a supernatural presence may be at play. Get unlimited access for as low as $1.99/month. The material has a garlic smell and oily sheen. On May 24th, 2006, 32-year-old financial writer Rey Rivera was found dead in the conference room of the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland. It also triggered one of the most extensive investigations in forensic history medical detectives from ten local, state, and federal outfits examined dozens of potential culprits, from poisonous sewer gas to mass hysteria. They took a blood sample and saw manila-colored particles floating in it. In early October, when the Livermore scientists took up the Ramirez case again, they first had to decide whether her body could have generated the dimethyl sulfate. As if the situation wasnt strange enough already, suddenly, one after the other, nurses in the room started to faint. Because of concern that the stricken staff had been felled by a noxious chemical, they were stripped down to their underwear, and their clothes were bundled into plastic bags. Andresen recalls some anxious questioning by the coroners office in hopes of finding a smoking gun, but he insisted that it appeared Ramirez had simply taken a lot of codeine and Tylenol, which in large, sustained doses can damage the liver. Her blood pressure continued to drop, and her pulse was growing fainter. As the syringe filled, Kane noticed a chemical smell to the blood. Grant was more familiar with dmso because, he says, Id used dmso in a former life as an athlete. Jeannie, George, and four of the children escaped. Tag series numbered from 0000-19999. The solution became supersaturated, and dimethyl sulfone began to form beautiful white crystals, says Whipple, who did the experiment with Grant. [2] Sold in gel form at hardware stores, it could also explain the greasy appearance of Ramirez's body. The stuff is like tear gas, says Jack de la Torre, a physiologist and professor of neurosurgery at the University of New Mexico. On the same page of the index he had been reading, he found the answer: dimethyl sulfate. Save up to 70% off the cover price when you subscribe to Discover magazine. These are all professional emergency room workers. She was taking shallow, rapid breaths. This was the gas that poisoned the emergency room staff. The Livermore scientists had been working on the case for free as a public service, after hours and on the weekends. About 10 for 9 P.M, Ramirez was pronounced dead from kidney failure related to cancer. She wanted someone to look at the case more closely, and in her opinion Livermore was the only laboratory involved without a vested interest. They also noticed strange manila-colored particles floating in the blood. A special team came in to examine her body while wearing hazmat suits to protect themselves from whatever had taken down the nurses. If the children were kidnapped, they may not have come forward to protect the rest of their family from harm. Andresen measured their concentrations and then piped the vapors into the mass spectrometer chamber, which fires electrons at the chemicals. Gorchynski denied that she had been affected by mass hysteria and pointed to her own medical history as evidence. . The REDSTONE, SPELL_MOB and SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT particles can also use custom colors by providing some specific data when spawning them. Grant mistook dimethyl sulfone for dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO the only difference between the two chemicals is that DMSO has one oxygen atom, not two. Experts have speculated that Cuba or a third party could have been testing a sonic weapon. But in the past decade, as the production of nuclear weapons has tapered off, Livermore and its fellow labs have attempted to find an identity better suited to a post- cold war world. someone shouted. Fiber patch and drilled hole for extra reinforcment. DMSO2 is known to crystallize at room temperature, and crystals were observed in some of Ramirez's drawn blood. Gluons are also colored . She was sedated and then defibrillated by doctors, who noticed that her body was covered in an oily sheen. About 8:15 in the evening on February 19, 1994, paramedics wheeled a young woman into the emergency room of General Hospital in the southern California city of Riverside. [2], She passed the tube to Julie Gorchynski, a medical resident, who noticed manila-colored particles floating in the blood. No one clue gives a perfect fit to explain a death, but when all the clues are added up, you get a pattern. Get it as soon as Fri, Sep 16. The medical staff hovering over Ramirez injected her with a host of fast-acting drugs that were part of the standard protocol for her condition: Valium, Versed, and Ativan to sedate her, and agents such as lidocaine and Bretylium to quell her aberrant heartbeat. The standard model is the name given in the 1970s to a theory of fundamental particles and how they interact. Image Source: brantford Soon her situation got worse and had to be laid out on a gurney. She handed the full syringe to doctor Julie Gorchynski, another member of the staff. Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA "The Toxic Lady", Whose Body Emitted Toxic Fumes That Caused the ER Staff to Faint She had been admitted to the emergency department while suffering from late-stage cervical cancer. Ramirez was only 31-years-old and in the late stages of cervical cancer which was thought to have caused her sudden deterioration. [2][3] A skeleton crew stayed behind to stabilize Ramirez. It is just as strong as kraft paper but has better printing qualities, such as stronger pigment retention. Grant was a bit hesitant. At 1:00 a.m., she heard an object hit the roof and roll but she went back to sleep. Colortrieve offers high quality manila, pressboard and colored folders at competitive prices with many options: tab cut, pockets, and fasteners. Her blood also alarmingly smelled like ammonia. CD Bioparticles provide a wide range of uniform and monodisperse colored polystyrene particles. Her blood also alarmingly smelled like ammonia. In 2016, diplomatic staff in Cuba began to experience a strange illness. They maintain to this day that all the hikers died in an avalanche, but their quick sealing of the case has raised eyebrows and led to alternate theories. Five workers required hospitalization, one of whom remained in an intensive care unit for two weeks. Menu for Verde Taqueria in Brookhaven, GA. TAQUERIADELSOL.COM GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE! When it became clear that Ramirez was responding poorly to treatment, the staff tried to defibrillate her heart; at that point several people saw an oily sheen covering Ramirez's body, and some noticed a fruity, garlic-like odor that they thought was coming from her mouth. Georges ladder was missing. Buy paint matching this color Those findings, coupled with the autopsy results, the hazmat analysis, and unremarkable blood test results from the stricken hospital staff, led to an official report that the health department released on September 2. 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manila colored particles