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[15] Both the Huns' and Magyars' historically attested skill with the recurve bow and arrow are attributed to Nimrd. She was the wife of King Ninus, who, according to tradition, was the founder of Nineveh and was himself also one and the same as Nimrod (equated as such by second-century b.c.e. In other words, if this BC 2800 to 2900 dating is correct, mankind is on the threshold of Watchers being raised from their underground prisons and thrown into an abyss of fire, while their giant offspring return to the surface of earth in violent fulfillment of multiple prophecies (and does this coincide with the Mayan 2012 return of Quatzlecoatl?) In Pseudo-Philo (dated c. AD 70), Nimrod is made leader of the Hamites, while Joktan as leader of the Semites, and Fenech as leader of the Japhethites, are also associated with the building of the Tower. Since priests had foretold that a boy would born named Abraham and would fight idol-worshipping and . The name mighty one connotes tyrant. He was renowned as a hunter and protector, and the phrase mighty hunter before the Lord would better read mighty hunter against and in place of the Lord. This man, as we will see further down, set himself up as a god over his people, and he worked directly to counter the will of God. Perhaps Nimrod's rebellion, occult religion, or occult knowledge changed Nimrod, but we are not told how he became Gibborim. The Tomb of Gilgamesh was announced to be found in 2003 in the Location as described in the Epic of Gilgamesh.One month later, the American Military entered Iraq under the Pretext of finding Weapons of Mass Destruction during Desert Storm and supposedly raided the Tomb as well as several Museums. Some may be shocked to learn that in addition to the citations above, the Bible actually describes an end-times confrontation between the mythological gods and Christ. 2023 (Again, see The Two Babylons for more information.) Babel was the beginning of Nimrods kingdom. [22] Ibrahim refutes him by stating that Allah brings the Sun up from the East, and so he asks the king to bring it from the West. Additionally, Enmerkar is said to have had ziggurats built in both Uruk and Eridu, which Rohl postulates was the site of the original Babel. He is the Antichrist, the future despot who comes in the name of the ancient mystery religion. . Her worship included a variety of perverted sexual rites, and her chief center of worship was located in Enmerkars city Uruk (a new cult location, superseding worship of her father-god Enki at Eridu/Babelperhaps this was after the incident at the tower of Babel?). As an example of this possibility, in 2009 blood was extracted from the bone of a dinosaur that scientists insist is 80 million years old. 127-129, The Secret Order of The Illuminati As some of you may already know, archeologists claim to have found the tombs of both Osiris (Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead) and the tomb of Gilgamesh (A king who was claimed to be one third man and two thirds god [66.6%]). I have looked his info, but Im not sure what to think about it. George Rawlinson believed Nimrod was Belus, based on the fact Babylonian and Assyrian inscriptions bear the names Bel-Nibru. [Nimrod] told him: Worship the Fire! I would be interested in your thoughts on this view. No one but they gained power over it. Hence the Mysterious Babylonian Religion was born. . St. Augustine himself wrote of such demoniality in the City of God [9], and in the De Daemonialitate, et Incubis, et Succubi, Fr. It describes him in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10), alongside about 65 other figures. When Nimrod appears at the head of enormous armies, Abraham produces an army of gnats which destroys Nimrod's army. According to Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier in The Dawn of Magic (first published in France under the title Le Matin des Magiciens 1960 by Editions Gallimard, Paris), this was certainly the goal of the antichrist Adolf Hitler: Hitlers aim was neither the founding of a race of supermen, nor the conquest of the world; these were only means towards the realization of the great work he dreamed of. And a building in the shape of a ziggurat would fit the description of the tower of Babel from Josephus, who commented on the towers mountainous width rather than sheer vertical height. Shortly after Nimrod died, Hislop reports that Semiramis earned the title Queen of Heaven when she claimed that Nimrod was a god and that her newborn son was Nimrod, reincarnate. This is an important fact because if Enoch was truly a prophet, then the world may be in for an unfathomable surprise concerning the return of Nephilim, and soon. These include the great cities of Babylon and Nineveh. You can read about those parallel tower of Babel stories, from Asia to the Americas to the Pacific and beyond, here. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile, Canadian military divers have recovered the body of one of the seven RAF men killed when their Nimrod aircraft plunged into Lake Ontario on Saturday. While the book of Enoch is no longer included in most versions of the Bible, Enochs writings are quoted in the New Testament in at least two places, and he is mentioned by name in both the Old and New Testaments, including Jude 14-15 where one of his prophecies is cited. Modern Sumerologists have suggested Euchous and Enmerkar are the same individual. Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. Nimrod the mighty hunter was one of the sons of Kush. BAGHDAD, Iraq -- The treasure of Nimrud survived 2,800 years buried near a dusty town in northern Iraq. This table is largely a simple list of namesbut prime space (several verses) is given to describing just one of these figures: Nimrod. Sounds weird, but many people have reported this same issue. 16:13-14;16). Although traditional scholarship places the time of the Great Flood between BC 2500 and 2300, modern dating by some researchers has roughly estimated the flood to have actually transpired between BC 2800 and 2900. DISCOVERY: Anunnaki Nephilim King FOUND INTACT in TOMB- Giant Skeleton Retrievedfor DNA GENOMES.- Gilgamesh NIMROD INTACT Tomb Found - NEPHILIM Giant Skeleto. He was a real figure, king of ancient Babylon a. Nimrod - without a doubt, he is the first anti-Christ figure described in the Bible. One of Enmerkars chief cities was Kulaba. Noting that Isaiah ties the destruction of Iraq/Babylon with the reappearance of Gibborim in this way, we recall how thousands of US troops on invading Iraq during the Bush administration admittedly filled U.S. containers with archaeological materials, including what some have speculated to be cuneiform tablets pointing to the location of pure-blooded Nephilim buried in underground caves. The Real Reason America Went To Iraq! In the Hungarian legend of the Enchanted Stag (more commonly known as the White Stag [Fehr Szarvas] or Silver Stag), King Nimrd (Mnrt), often described as "Nimrd the Giant" or "the giant Nimrd", descendant of Noah, is the first person referred to as forefather of the Hungarians. [Nimrod] told him: Worship the cloud! . The Tomb of Gilgamesh was found by the US Military in 2003 and they raided retrieved Nimrod's . It further adds that Nimrod "saw in the sky a piece of black cloth and a crown". She is described as the goddess of sex, war and power. Nimrod Is The King Of Babylon. In those days the giants were considered as gods. He was the man choosen by GOD to eliminate the remnant of the giants that survived the flood. Several of these early Judaic sources also assert that the king Amraphel, who wars with Abraham later in Genesis, is none other than Nimrod himself. Hungarian legends held that twin sons of King Nimrd, Hunor and Magor were the ancestors of the Huns and the Magyars (Hungarians) respectively, siring their children through the two daughters of King Dul of the Alans, whom they kidnapped after losing track of the silver stag whilst hunting. Sir Walter Raleigh devoted several pages in his History of the World (1614) to reciting past scholarship regarding the question of whether it had been Nimrod or Ashur who built the cities in Assyria.[5]. This is repeated in the First Book of Chronicles 1:10, and the "Land of Nimrod" used as a synonym for Assyria or Mesopotamia, is mentioned in the Book of Micah 5:6: And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders. Godhatesodomy: Greetings. Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. From the Septuagint, we read: The vision which Esaias son of Amos saw against Babylon. The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the gods (Jer. Im not sure about what is to come from the point of what evil may be loosed upon man. Nimrod Son of Cush, King of Mesopotamia, and the Dates of P and J. israel knohl. [24] Nimrod is also mentioned in one of the earliest writings of the Bb (the herald of the Bah Faith). 5:6). The Epic Of Gilgamesh - written by a Middle Eastern scholar 2,500 . [31][32][33], According to Mujahid ibn Jabr, "Four people gained control over the Earth, east and west, two believers and two disbelievers. This movement will result in the reign of the Antichrist.. The Belus-Nimrod equation or link is also found in many old works such as Moses of Chorene and the Book of the Bee. The universal sentiment of the Masons of the present day is to confer upon Solomon, King of Israel, the honor of being their "first Grand Master." But the Legend of the Craft had long before, though there was a tradition of the temple extant, bestowed, at least by implication, that title upon Nimrod, the King of Babylonia . [29] Then Abraham says, "Indeed, God brings up the sun from the east, so bring it up from the west. Abstract. The Sumerians called her Inanna. Fudd. This tradition can also be found in over twenty other medieval Hungarian chronicles, as well as a German one, according to Dr Antal Endrey in an article published in 1979). Nimrod thought after killing them, he could use the same weapon against God's angels. Given that the prophets foretold a day when mythical characters and gods would return to earth to conduct war against the God of the Bible, it is more than a little disturbing that man has, for the first time since before the Great Flood, intentionally set course to repeat what ancient records say the Watchers did. So have we found him? and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers! Nimrod rejected God as his ruler; he trusted in his own might, therefore it is said of him, "Hewas mighty in hunting, and in sin before theLord; for he was a hunter of the sons of men in their languages. The Assyrians and Babylonians called her Ishtar. When the numerous ancient texts from inerrant Scriptures to extra-biblical sources are added up, there is persuasive evidence that Joels army could indeed be more than simple grasshoppers, and that this massive Gibborim army that runs upon the wall from which nobody can escape could be the result of mans willingness to play god in reviving forbidden science and opening gates to what lurks beyond. If you want your minds totally blown away, READ this Hebrew scholars latest book which deftly correlates ancient texts with our modern science and other things to paint an incredible picture of WHO we are, HOW we came to be trapped here, WHY and most importantly HOW to get out of the cycle. I was once told by a former Colonel of our armed forces about human enhancement via the pineal gland, that such enhancements have occurred throughout human history. Nimrod became that god [emphasis]. Genesis says that the "beginning of his kingdom" (reshit mamlakhto) were the towns of "Babel, Erech, Akkad and Calneh in the land of Shinar" (Mesopotamia) (Gen 10:10)understood variously to imply that he either founded these cities, ruled over them, or both. Nimrod was a great Mesopotamian king who founded the city of Babylon and established the first great empire after Noah's flood. [2]According to K. van der Toorn and P. W. van der Horst, this tradition is first attested in the writings of Pseudo-Philo. Archaeologists in Iraq believe they may have found the lost tomb of King Gilgamesh - the subject of the oldest "book" in history. [Abraham] said to him: If so, shall I worship the wind, which scatters the clouds? In the middle is a large granite sarcophagus, which I expect to be the grave of Osiris, the godI have been digging in Egypts sand for more than 30 years, and up to date this is the most exciting discovery I have made. (The next two verses describe further cities built either by him or Asshur.). The tower described in the text was to be a lofty temple located in Eridu. Here is the amazon link 2:43). According to the Sumerian list, Enmerkars father is a ruler called Meskiagkasher. [citation needed], In some versions, Nimrod repents and accepts God, offering numerous sacrifices that God rejects (as with Cain). There will also be a fake resurrection of the body that he uses. He is also traditionally associated with the Tower of Babel. I give command and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfill my wrath. Enki: God of freshwater, male fertility, and knowledge; patron deity of Eridu. The commentaries on this Surah offer a wide variety of embellishments of this narrative, one of which by Ibn Kathir, a 14th-century scholar, adding that Nimrod showed his rule over life and death by killing a prisoner and freeing another. In modern North American English, the term "nimrod" is often used to mean a dimwitted or a stupid person, a usage perhaps first recorded in an 1836 letter from Robert E. Lee to a female friend. However, I am sure Jesus wins in the end and those with faith in Him alone shall be saved. Human followers of the pagan deities will also join the conflict, calling upon their idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood (Rev. His real aim was to perform an act of creation, a divine operation, the goal of a biological mutation which would result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the apparition of a new race of heroes and demigods and god-men. [8], One cannot read the conclusion by Pauwells and Bergier regarding Hitlers antichrist ambition without seeing how it corresponds perfectly with the Cumaean Sibyls prophecy pertaining to the coming of Apollo, who receives the life of gods, and sees Heroes with gods commingling. This calls to mind that from the Middle Ages forward, church leaders have believed the Antichrist would ultimately represent the return of the Nephilimthe reunion of demons with humans. This is because as interbreeding begins between transgenic animals, genetically modified humans, and specie as God made them, the altered DNA will quickly migrate into the natural environment, and when that happens (as is already occurring among genetically modified plants and animals), alien and/or animal characteristics will be introduced to the human gene pool and spread through intermarriage, altering the human genetic code and eventually eliminating humanity as we know it. Its just a matter of working out the details. [4] And some form of a tower of Babel story is found throughout seemingly disconnected cultures all over the world, pointing to a common post-Flood genesis of mankindand perhaps even explaining why the ancient temples in the Americas and the pyramids in Egypt and around the world so closely parallel the ziggurats of Mesopotamia. Genesis 10:8 tells us that Nimrod was the first person to be a 'mighty man' (the adjective 'mighty' is used three times in Genesis 10:8-9; see also 1 Chronicles 1:10 ). There are lots of info about Donald when use Donald Marshall as a key word in the search on top of this page. Now this dream about Nimrod. Enmerkar threatens that if the tribute does not come from the lord of Aratta, he will wreak havoc on the land of Aratta like the devastation which swept destructively (possibly a reference to the Flood). Some accounts have a gnat or mosquito enter Nimrod's brain and drive him out of his mind (a divine retribution which Jewish tradition also assigned to the Roman Emperor Titus, destroyer of the Temple in Jerusalem). For those who are unaware, Steven Quayle said that Genesis 6 is the Rosetta Stone to understanding the Bible, and I think hes right. And Nimrod king of Babel, the same was Amraphel, also frequently went with his mighty men to hunt in the field, and to walk about with his men in the cool of the day. He does . Insofar as we know this discovery did not ultimately provide the physical remains of the deity. But what it did illustrate is that at least some very powerful Egyptologists believe Osiris was a historical figure, and that his body was stored somewhere at or near the Great Pyramid. Answer (1 of 4): I'm not sure if the body shown in the pics or videos were real but there was a burial that German archaeologists found in Iraq that they believe could possibly be the tomb of King Gilgamesh according to the descriptions in the epic. whether it had survived Saddam Hussein's son, a U.S. missile strike, looters, a flood and a. grenade attack. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? As some of you may already know, archeologists claim to have found the tombs of both Osiris (Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead) and the tomb of Gilgamesh (A king who was claimed to be one third man and two thirds god [66.6%]). They are wicked and have demonically possessed people according to priest during . Nimrod 's Humble Heritage. Nimrod certainly acted Like a Nephilim tyrant, but was not Nephilim by definition or likely a hybrid human/ Nephilim. Most books and articles expound on the biblical Abraham found in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Qur'an. Wherever the true site is, it surely wasnt originally called Babel (as this means confusion). Monsters, Inc.: The Pentagon Plan to Create Mutant Super-Soldiers, CounterPunch, January 13, 2003 Hi and thank you for your comment. [7] Flavius Josephus believed that it was likely under his direction that the building of Babel and its tower began; in addition to Josephus, this is also the view found in the Talmud (Chullin 89a, Pesahim 94b, Erubin 53a, Avodah Zarah 53b), and later midrash such as Genesis Rabba. Their inner secrets have been known by various names, including alchemy, magic, sorcery, conjuring, soothsaying and so forth. So his name is translated King King, for real. So what of that great architect and tyrant Nimrod? Check out our king nimrod story selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. : , , ? 6, Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Forgotten Books, 1967, pg 104 The name "mighty one" connotes "tyrant." He was renowned as a hunter and protector, and the phrase "mighty hunter before the Lord" would better read "mighty hunter against and in place of the Lord." This man, as we will see further down, set himself up as a god over his people, and he . Nimrod's party then defeated the Japhethites to assume universal rulership. The Pharaoh of Egypt (at the time of the Exodus) - again a man arose, thinking himself to be a god and whose motives were to enslave and wipe out the children of the One True God. Historian and Egyptologist David Rohl (who took the lead in putting forward Enmerkar as Nimrod) believes that this city Eridu was the original Babel, and that the massive ziggurat (a large, wide Mesopotamian terraced tower, believed to be temple-related) found there is none other than remains of the tower of Babel itself. All of this can be read in Donald Marshalls testimony so check that out. Nimrod is Satan's seed as opposed to Jesus, who is the seed of the woman. Gen 10:10 The beginning of his kingdom was Babylon and Erech and Accad and Calneh in the land of Shinar. [45] The word Nibru in the East Semitic Akkadian language of Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia comes from a root meaning to 'pursue' or to make 'one flee', and as Rawlinson pointed out not only does this closely resemble Nimrod's name but it also perfectly fits the description of Nimrod in Genesis 10:9 as a great hunter. In keeping with our study, imagine the staggering implications of such science if dead Nephilim tissue was discovered with intact DNA and a government somewhere was willing to clone or mingle the extracted organisms to make Homo-nephilim. And Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one in the earth. It was he who constructed the great pyramid that overlooked the city of Babylon. For other uses, see, Depending on how the text is read, "Calneh" may be the fourth city name in this enumeration, or it may be part of an expression meaning "all of them in Shinar". These are for corruption [corruption] and leading astray men before Satans judgment (10:7-12). Founded c. 3250 BC and invaded by Nimrod in 3000 BC. Nimrod is also known as the war-god Asshur, which brought forth the name Assyria, corresponding to the Antichrist's title in Isaiah 10:5, "the Assyrian"; and in verse 12, "the King of Assyria". Knoxvllle, Tenn. Workmen of the Keene-Strunk . After the catastrophic failure (through God's will) of that most ambitious endeavour and in the midst of the confusion of tongues, Nimrd the giant moved to the land of Evilt, where his wife, Enh gave birth to twin brothers Hunor and Magyar (aka Magor). Nimrod in the Bible was the great-grandson of Noah through the line of Cush ( Genesis 10:8 ). This was to be as a place of refuge in the event of future floods and also to act as a temple. In like manner, Sargon left an abiding influence on Assyrian culture by introducing the Eponym . It then spent 12 years tucked away in a vault. (Simon Kzai, personal "court priest" of King Ladislaus the Cuman, in his Gesta Hungarorum, 12821285. Be on your guard. This article is part of our series on biblical figures brought to light through archaeology. 7, Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman, Alien Encounters, Koinonia House, Coeur d. Alene, ID, 1997, pg 275 Finally, a prophecy in the second chapter of the Book of Joel could refer to the same end-times volcano of resurrected Nephilim. A notable example is "Quando el Rey Nimrod" ("When King Nimrod"), one of the most well-known folksongs in Ladino (the Judeo-Spanish language), apparently written during the reign of King Alfonso X of Castile. Nimrod, also spelled Nemrod, legendary biblical figure of the book of Genesis. This article is about the biblical king. Similarly, Targum Pseudo-Jonathan (date uncertain) mentions a Jewish tradition that Nimrod left Shinar in southern Mesopotamia and fled to Assyria in northern Mesopotamia, because he refused to take part in building the Towerfor which God rewarded him with the four cities in Assyria, to substitute for the ones in Babel. These cities are one and the same. The Lord will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth says Zephaniah 2:11. Thank you for your comment. However, Abraham's mother escapes into the fields and gives birth secretly. Ancient Book Of Jasher 27 - Death of Nimrod. And her links with her much younger husband/sexual partner Enmerkar. The scene was fresh then, and people were ripe for all kinds of new ideas. In the History of the Prophets and Kings by the 9th century Muslim historian al-Tabari, Nimrod has the tower built in Babil, Allah destroys it, and the language of mankind, formerly Syriac, is then confused into 72 languages. Noting that the mountain in Adyaman has no relation to the mountain in Bitlis, Serdar said, This is only a resemblance in name.

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