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how far did jacob travel to haran

However, now we believe that Mary and Joseph were both in their teens when Jesus was born, around sixteen and eighteen respectively. The Philosopher, the Lover & the Mourner, Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets, Amos denounces social injustice in Israel, Hosea laments the unfaithfulness of Israel, Micah decries social injustice in Israel and Judah, 39. Why did Jacob leave his families home and go to Haran? The Journey continues from Sinai to Moab, The Israelites defeat King Sihon and King Og, The Israelites defeat the kings of Midian, Canaan is divided among the twelve tribes, 28. The people of the East.Usually the Arabians are designated by this phrase, but it here signifies the tribes who inhabited northern Mesopotamia. Aram (Aramaic: , Orom), also known as Aramea, was a historical region including several Aramean kingdoms covering much of the present-day Syria, Southeastern Turkey and parts of Lebanon and Iraq. Jacobs family grows but with much angst and sorrow. Then Jacob went, &c.Hebrew, "lifted up his feet." Discuss the comforts and discomforts of each choice. Gen 32:24-32 Jacob wrestles all night alone with God, seeking his blessing. Haran is located around 12180 KM away from Canaan so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Canaan in 243.62 hours. This theory is based on the assumption that the journey took place over a much shorter period of time possibly as little as 10 years.Either way it's clear that Abraham traveled a significant distance from his home in Ur to the land of Canaan. Jacob crosses the ford of the River Jabbok (the modern River Zarqa) at Mahanaim under cover of darkness. After deceiving his father and brother Jacob left his family home and makes his way north to his mothers relatives in Haran. The miles based distance from Canaan to Egypt is 5270.8 miles. Click here for Jacob Goes to Haran printables to print (Letter size-USA). The Book of Exodus itself attempts to ground the event firmly in history, dating the exodus to the 2666th year after creation (Exodus 12:40-41), the construction of the tabernacle to year 2667 (Exodus 40:1-2, 17), stating that the Israelites dwelled in Egypt for 430 years (Exodus 12:40-41), and including place names. Later in the narrative, following a severe drought in his homeland of Canaan, Jacob and his descendants, with the help of his son Joseph (who had become a confidante of the pharaoh), moved to Egypt where Jacob died at the age of 147. He told Laban that he would work for him for seven whole years and at the end of that time, Laban could give Rachel to Jacob as a wife. They reached Egypt after a 65 kilometers journey where they lived for three years until after the death of Herod in 4 B.C. The period between Abrahams call to enter Canaan (AM 2021) and Jacobs entry into Biblical Egypt is 215 years, calculated from the ages of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the period in Egypt is stated in the Book of Exodus (12:40) as 430 years, although the Septuagint and the Samaritan Pentateuch texts both give only 430. This story can be told using a variety of methods. "Joseph waited over 13 years before his prophetic promise was fulfilled. The miles based distance from Haran to Canaan is 7568.9 miles. God also promised that allthe families of theearth will be blessed through Jacobs offspring (Genesis 28:14). association with Jacob Arriving at his uncle Labans home in Haran, Jacob fell in love with his cousin Rachel. Jacob set out in haste from Beersheba and camped at Bethel (formerly Luz) before continuing on to Paddan-aram (Genesis 28:10-29:1). Jacob decided to strike a deal with Laban by offering to work for seven years under the agreement that Laban would give his daughter Rachel to Jacob to be his wife. and came into the land, &c.Mesopotamia and the whole region beyond the Euphrates are by the sacred writers designated "the East" (Jud 6:3; 1Ki 4:30; Job 1:3). Bargains, tricks and deception all play a part in the lives of Laban, Jacob and Jacobs wives. Abraham spent 75 year in Haran, whereas the Syriac traditions give 14 years. You will be the father of a great nation. How many days did it take the Israelites to go from Egypt to Mt Sinai? But Isaac recognized that it was the will of the Lord that Jacob should receive the birthright, so he said, He shall be blessed. Esau wept. Check the Teaching Ideas page on this website for ideas that are adaptable to any lesson. Home Travel How Far Did Jacob Travel When He Went To Laban. Someone from his family would bring blessings to the whole world. It was a very long journey, and he was very tired. John's Revelation to the 7 Churches of Asia, John's Letter to the 7 Churches of Asia Minor, The messages to the believers on the coastal plain, The messages to the believers living inland, 21. On the way Jacob wrestled with a mysterious stranger, a divine being, who changed Jacobs name to Israel. Paul's Letters to Galatia & Thessalonica, The risen Lord Jesus appears to his followers, Christ's Victory Parade & the New Covenant, 15. It was already centuries old when the Hittites fought Ramesses II ofEgyptat the Battle ofKadeshin 939 BC. top. 8. Gen 34:1-31 Jacobs sons take revenge on the people of Shechem when their sister Dinah is raped. He had lost the blessings that could have been his because he had not lived to be worthy of them. The official reason that he is looking for a wife but it is evident that he is fleeing the wrath of his brother. And who do you think was at the top of the ladder? God took care of Jacob and God can take care of you. Learn how your comment data is processed. There is a real-world town called Harran in Turkeys anlurfa Province close to the border with Syria. He poured olive oil on it and named the special place Bethel. At the coastal end, this lowland routeway joined up with the Via Maris the Way of the Sea which ran along the coastal plain linking the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Question: How Far Did Jacob Have To Travel To Egypt, Question: How Far Did Jacob Travel From Canaan To Egypt, Quick Answer: How Far Did Joseph Travel To Egypt, How Far Did Jesus Parents Travel To Egypt, Question: How Far Did Ptolemaic Egypt Travel By Sea, How Far Did Josephs Brothers Travel To Egypt. Jacobs son Joseph is later buried in this tomb when his body is brought back from Egypt in c.1405BC (see Joshua 24:32). 1. Jacob continued his trip eastward. God gives Jacob the name Israel, meaning He struggles with God. What happened to Jacob in Haran and why did he stay there twenty years? Haggai & Zechariah encourage re-building, Haggai urges the exiles to re-build the Temple, Prophesies about the coming of the Messiah, 47. Click here to download the slideshow or click here to download the pictures to print. Paul's Journey to Cyprus, Pamphylia & Galatia, Paul & Barnabas return to Antioch in Syria, Paul & Barnabas attend the Council of Jerusalem, Paul & Barnabas take the decision to Antioch, 10. For a pillow he laid his head on a stone. The total straight line distance between Beersheba and Bethel is 9675 KM (kilometers) and 127.36 meters. Paddan-Aram must have been situated in northern Mesopotamia since it included the city of Haran (28:10; 29:4). Jacob sends his wives, concubines and children on ahead to Esau while he, himself, stays behind. What color was the Canaanites in the Bible? There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance . The Divided Kingdom & Journey into Exile, Jezebel kills the prophets & Elijah escapes, Elijah organises the opposition to King Ahab, Jehu races to Jezreel to depose King Joram, King Joash repairs the Temple in Jerusalem, Jeroboam II restores the boundaries of Israel, Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria invades Israel, Israel falls & the exiles are led to Assyria, King Hezekiah of Judah rebels against Assyria, Isaiah prophesies the destruction of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invades Judah, Jerusalem falls and the exile in Babylon begins, Biblical sources relating to Judah in exile, The later years of exile & the return to Judah, The completion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, A third group of exiles returns with Ezra, A fourth group of exiles returns with Nehemiah, Mordecai uncovers a plot to kill the king, The origin of the Jewish festival of Purim, 37. Isaiah offers comfort to those in exile, Words of comfort after the fall of Jerusalem, Those returning are encouraged to follow the LORD, The LORD's blessing will rest on Jerusalem, 41. Joseph was in prison for two years after he interpreted the dreams of the chief butler and baker (see Genesis 41:1). Jacob even bowed down to Esau when he saw him. Yet, he feared his father too much to cause him such grief, and he decided to postpone his revenge until after Isaac 's death. How far did Jacob travel from Beersheba to Haran? From Ur, Abraham traveled 700 miles to the borders of present-day Iraq, another 700 miles into Syria, another 800 down to Egypt by the inland road, and then back into Canaan - what is now Israel. His new name would be called Israel.. His wives are jealous of each other and even bargain over the nights they spend with their husband. (y) Bereshit Rabba, sect. The total straight line distance between Egypt and Canaan is 8482 KM (kilometers) and 583.09 meters. Bethel, ancient city of Palestine, located just north of Jerusalem. The total straight line distance between Canaan and Egypt is 8482 KM (kilometers) and 583.09 meters. Isaac was 130 years old when he blessed Jacob (Genesis Chapter 27). A smooth stone. How long did Israelites reach the promised land? Interview: Put a towel, sheet, or piece of cloth on the head of one of the students and let them represent Jacob. In sum, according to Adler, what is shared by Jerome, Syriac traditions, and Jubilees is only one thing: Abraham was 60 years old when he clearly denied idolatry. Seven years later, at the wedding, Laban switches the brides so that Jacob marries his older daughter, Leah, by mistake. Jacob continued his journey and soon arrived in the land of the "eastern peoples" where he saw a well with three flocks of sheep laying near it. Jacob had left his home because Esau wanted to kill him; and Jacob wondered if Esau still felt the same. The period between Abrahams call to enter Canaan (AM 2021) and Jacobs entry into Biblical Egypt is 215 years, calculated from the ages of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the period in Egypt is stated in the Book of Exodus (12:40) as 430 years, although the Septuagint and the Samaritan Pentateuch texts both give only 430. Esau returns to Seir (Edom), but Jacob follows the track downstream and erects shelters for his cattle at Succoth (meaning shelters) on the floor of the Jordan Valley. (Thai) Who is the Creator? In sum, according to Adler, what is shared by Jerome, Syriac traditions, and Jubilees is only one thing: Abraham was 60 years old when he clearly denied idolatry. What kinds of discomfort, loneliness or loss did Jacob face in his travel to Paddan Aram? How old was Jacob when fled? Jacob met his Uncle Labans beautiful daughter, Rachel, and her older sister, Leah. Because of its strategic position, the Jezreel Valley was the site of many battles. 2. Valley of the Zarqa River, Jordan (Jim Greenhill). In his dream, the LORD renewed his covenant promise to give the land ofCanaanto Jacob and his descendants. The miles based distance from Beersheba to Bethel is 6011.8 miles. The miles based distance from Bethel to Haran is 5483.6 miles. Days Turned Into Decades The Hebrews spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness before they finally did take the Promised Land. The Jewish World of the Old Testament, Sources of the History of Israel and Judah. Quick Answer: How Far Did Abraham Traveled From Haran To Canaan, How Many Miles Did Abraham Travel From Haran To Canaan, Quick Answer: How Far Did Abram Travel From Haran To Canaan, Question: How Many Miles Did Abraham Travel From Canaan To Egypt, How Many Miles Did Abraham Travel From Ur To Canaan, Quick Answer: How Many Miles Did Abraham Traveled From Ur To Canaan, Question: How Far Did Abraham Travel To Moriah, How Far Did Joseph Travel From Canaan To Egypt, How Far Did Jacob Travel From Canaan To Egypt, How Far Did Abraham Travel To Sacrifice Isaic. Jacob greeted them and asked them about the town and his uncle Laban. Jacob then served another seven years in exchange for the right to marry his choice, Rachel, as well (Genesis 29). He had experienced great hardship during these twenty years, whereas Esau was a great chieftain. Isaiah predicts the fall of Israel & Judah, Prophecies written before the fall of Jerusalem, Isaiah reassures King Ahaz of God's support, Troubled times and a glorious future kingdom, 40. Jacobs parents sent him on a trip to see his relatives in Haran. How far did Jacob travel from Beersheba to Haran? Esau wanted to kill him for stealing the family blessing. Create an obstacle course and have the children travel like Jacob did. Jacob stopped for the night on his way to Haran. Two possible locations have been suggested on the north bank of the River Jabbok the more probable site is 10 miles / 16 km north east of the Jabboks confluence with the River Jordan near Tulul ed-Dahab, while the other is a further 9 miles / 15 km upstream. This website uses cookies to monitor usage (see Privacy Statement in drop-down box under 'Contact Us'). This can be determined by looking in the scriptures. Jacob inquired why . Genesis 28:9 said Esau went to Ishmael to marry his daughter. God gives Jacob the name Israel, meaning He struggles with God. How far is Haran from Bethel? Jesus's Childhood Journeys Jesus's birth announced Mary & Joseph go to Bethlehem The birth of Jesus Shepherds visit the infant Jewish religious rituals Wise men visit Jerusalem The holy family flee to Egypt The holy family return to Nazareth Jesus grows up 4. Laban said that Jacob could marry Rachel now but he would have to work another seven years in exchange. Confirmed in the possession of the birthright by God as well as man, and encouraged by the promise of the Divine presence, and of a safe return home, he casts no wistful glances back, but pursues his journey under the inspiriting influence of hope. 29), on Jacob before Esaus return. In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years and six months, and in Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel and Judah thirty-three years. He also said, I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you. Abram left Haran with Sarai, Lot and many other people. He made an agreement to work for his uncle Laban for 7 years for Rachels hand hin marriage. Jacob thought he was marrying Rachel but Laban switched the brides. Just then, Rachel, Laban's daughter, arrived with her father's herds. Haran first appears in the Book of Genesis as the home of Terah and his descendants, and as Abrahams temporary home. He puts his wives and children on camels and crosses the river (the River Euphrates) then heads for the hill country of Gilead. After this momentous struggle, God gave Jacob the name Israel (which sounds like the Hebrew for He struggles with God). God commands Jacob to leave and return to his home but Laban attempts to squeeze even more years of work out of him. Jacobs son Joseph is later buried in this tomb when his body is brought back from Egypt in c.1405BC (see Joshua 24:32). According to the Talmud, the sale of the birthright took place immediately after Abraham died. The total straight line distance between Bethel and Haran is 8825 KM (kilometers) and 73.99 meters. Tricked by his father-in-law into marrying his true loves sister, Jacob waited 14 years before he could be with Rachel. He is supposed to have been buried in the Cave of Machpelah. They bargain that Jacob should serve seven years for Rachel, Genesis 29:15-19. The trip from Beersheba to Damascus is about 282 road miles. When the death of Absalom was reported to David, he retreated to the room above the city gate at Mahanaim to mourn his son (see 2 Samuel 18:24-33). click here to download the pictures to print, Click here for Jacob Goes to Haran printables to print (A4 paper), Click here for Jacob Goes to Haran printables to print (Letter size-USA), Jacob and Esau colouring page and puzzle worksheets (Calvary Curriculum), Jacobs Dream colouring page and puzzle worksheets (Calvary Curriculum), Rachel and Leah colouring page and puzzle worksheets (Calvary Curriculum), Printable maze for Jacobs journey back to Esau, Your Name Shall Be Israel activities (Calvary Curriculum), Colouring page of Romans 8:28 (Teacher Help), Directions for building a pretzel ladder (DLTK), 10 Ways to Prepare to Share Christ with Children on a Mission Trip | Mission Bible Class, Wrapped Up, Tied Up and Zentangled Up in Jesus, Colouring Pages: Christian (Bible) Colouring Pages, Maps and Kids' Resources: bible-history.com, Visual Aids: Free Christian Illustrations, Mission Bible Class Copyrights and Permissions Page. He is persuaded to accept Jacobs gifts. Heb. Jacob lift up his feet; which may note either the gesture of his body, that he went on foot; or the temper of his mind, that he went not sadly and unwillingly, drawing his legs after him, as we use to say, but readily and cheerfully, being encouraged by Gods word. Use a paper or real rock for the children to lay their head on while listening to the story. Abram was called out of Ur to go to a land he did not know according to Acts 7:2. And on that long stairway he saw angels going up and down! Josephs tomb can still be seen today in Shechem (modern-day Nablus). At Rebeccas urging, Jacob flees to a distant land to work for his mothers brother, Laban. This lesson takes up where the story of Jacob, Esau and the Birthright left off. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! How many years was it from Jacob to Moses? Hes calling us to come before him with thanksgiving even if were still waiting on a promise. How old was Abram when he traveled from Haran to Canaan? Jacob sent servants ahead of him with many gifts for Esau. Jonah goes to Nineveh & Nahum condemns it, Jonah is thrown overboard to appease the gods, 42. This became a journey that kept him away from his family home for almost 20 years. Genesis 46: Jacob and Family Move to Egypt. The land known as Canaan was situated in the territory of the southern Levant, which today encompasses Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, and the southern portions of Syria and Lebanon. Always remain true to the facts found in the Bible but help children connect to its meaning by using drama, visual aids, voice inflection, student interaction and/or emotion. Joseph was a teenager when his family had last seen him. (How to choose the best learning activities for my teaching situation). Every time, in good and in bad, God kept his promise and took care of Jacob. It is more likely that Harran is based on Istanbul, Turkeys largest city and former capital. Map of Jacob's Journey to Haran and Back Follow Jacob: 1. The angel told Jacob that he was a fighter and so his name would no longer be Jacob but would be changed to a new name that suits a fighter. but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me where they are buried. I will do as you say, he said. According to this theory Abraham could have traveled as little as 350 miles from Ur to Canaan. Under the leadership of Joshua, they prepared to cross the Jordan River. He was sold into slavery when he was about seventeen (see Genesis 37:2), and he was thirty years of age when he became vice-regent to the pharaoh (see Genesis 41:46). As the years went by Jacobs family grew. He did not always obey God. Rachel and Leah. Modern travellers toHarran(Haran),nearAltinbaakin easternTurkey, can sense the antiquity of the settlement when they encounter its decaying walls, the ruins of the ancient 11thcentury citadel, and the remains of the Old Mosque. Rachel was beautiful. Gen 33:1-15 Jacob meets Esau by the River Jabbok. Jacob leaves Beersheba and flees to Haran in c.1703BC. 7. Jesus's Childhood Journeys Jesus's birth announced Mary & Joseph go to Bethlehem The birth of Jesus Shepherds visit the infant Jewish religious rituals Wise men visit Jerusalem The holy family flee to Egypt The holy family return to Nazareth Jesus grows up 4. Obadiah foretells the punishment of Edom, Obadiah prophesies the resurgence of Israel, 46. How far did Jacob travel from Beersheba to Haran? I will give it to you and your children and your childrens children. But Esau was now prosperous and had forgiven his twin brother long ago, so Jacob was able to proceed peaceably to Canaan. Isaac and Rebeccas son Jacob was sent there to avoid the wrath of his brother Esau. The site was probably a Canaanite place of worship, so Jacob renamed it Mahanaim, or two camps referring to his own camp and the camp of the heavenly hosts. The miles based distance from Bethel to Haran is 5483.6 miles. 2011-2023 Mission Bible Class. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Abram was 75 years old when they left. Having deceived his brother and father Jacob escaped to relatives in Haran. Twenty years after leaving his home Jacob now has two wives, two maidservants who mothered some of his children, eleven sons and one daughter. Game to Play: One child covers his or her head and face with a white cloth or bridal veil (like Leah) and the groom has to guess who it is. Using the website implies your agreement to the use of cookies. Jarchi in loc. but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me where they are buried. I will do as you say, he said. From Haran to Canaan The journey from Haran (in the southern portion of modern Turkey) to Canaan (in what today is Israel) is about 400 miles. They were led into the Promised Land by Joshua; the victory at Jericho marked the beginning of possession of the land. It is more likely that Harran is based on Istanbul, Turkeys largest city and former capital. 165), hollowed out in the great mass of rock, and covered with a large, thick, flat stone, in the middle of which a round hole had been left, which formed the opening of the cistern, and in many cases was closed up with a heavy stone, which it would take two or three men to roll away.). You could simply use masking tape on the floor or use furniture and other obstacles. Through his son Lot, Haran was the ancestor of the Moabites and Ammonites, and through his daughter Milcah he was ancestral to the Aramaeans. God reassured Jacob of his blessing and promise. Haran first appears in the Book of Genesis as the home of Terah and his descendants, and as Abrahams temporary home. Ezekiel warns of the conquest of Jerusalem, Ezekiel's vision of idolatry in the Temple, Ezekiel speaks through prophesies and parables, Further prophecies & the fall of Jerusalem, Hope for the future - New life for Israel, 45. He dreamed that a stairway or ladder reached from the ground all the way into heaven! Near its junction with the coastal plain, the Vale of Jezreel was guarded and controlled by the well-defended fortress at Megiddo Biblical Armageddon. Remember how Jacob tricked his father and brother in last weeks story? From Ur, Abraham traveled 700 miles to the borders of present-day Iraq, another 700 miles into Syria, another 800 down to Egypt by the inland road, and then back into Canaan what is now Israel. 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