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darlie routier dna results 2021darlie routier dna results 2021

She turned on the porch light and the men ran off. An attorney representing Darlie Routier, a former Altoona woman facing the death penalty in Texas for the murder of her two young children 25 years ago, said he is buoyed by an order issued last week in Dallas County ordering additional DNA testing of the massive amount of evidence collected in the case. JustinCase976 (author) on October 29, 2019: Heather Rose, I agree with you completely. Now, when I look at the pictures of the sink, I see: the left side, the right side, and the front. Darlie's husband, Darin Routier, was sleeping upstairs with 7-month old Drake. There were at least a dozen people coming in and out of that house in the early morning hours. Let's think about this claim rationally for a second; do you really believe that Darlie would attempt to smother Drake, in broad daylight, in front of two witnesses? I see nothing in them that definitively points to Darlie's guilt, but I do see numerous red flags with regard to how the case was handled by both the prosecution and the defense. I have a pretty good idea of who was in there with Arkansas but I don't think it would be wise to speculate in an online forum. Perhaps this sighting coincided with a major life event, such as a wedding, birth of a grandchild, or death in the family, and therefore the date stuck out in her mind. Routier's 911 video of the . The state of Texas gave Darlie Routier the trial and verdict they WISHED they could have given Susan Smith. Police almost immediately focused on Routier, who was sleeping in a downstairs television room with the children. Okay. JustinCase976 (author) on December 05, 2019: I'll tell you exactly what I think, and have always thought: it's downright IRRESPONSIBLE to rely upon the fractured memories of a traumatized crime victim whose entire recall of that night is like a piece of Swiss cheese. The implants were a gift from Darin. Guilters claim that those tears were the result of her being "caught in her own lies.". Within 20 minutes, he decided that the crime scene was staged and the perpetrator was someone in the house. I really don't think there's any substance to that theory, and I believe this avenue has been explored with no success. I knew Darin liked his nose candy, but never heard anything about meth use. But you don't remember that part; is that right? The prosecution asserted that Darlie had enough time to commit the murders, run 75 yards down the alley to deposit the sock daubed with Devon's and Damon's blood, run back to the house, slash her throat, inflict her other injuries, and stage the scene. If she was just seeking attention, it would make more sense to call the police the very next day upon hearing about the murders. Devon kicks out at the man and catches him squarely in the balls, and the man begins viciously stabbing Devon in a violent rage. How did the glass get on top of those bloody footprints? The Routier home, which has 2,740 square feet, is listed for $396,000, or $145 a square foot. Would this reopen the case? Maybe one of them jumped on her while she was on the couch and they began fighting. His little demonstration showing how castoff blood from the knife supposedly dropped onto Darlie's night shirt by stabbing motions was completely over-exaggerated. It would have to be proven that: the witness knowingly gave false testimony; this testimony had a direct influence on the court decisions and/or verdict; and that the prosecution was aware of the false nature of the testimony--which even I have to concede that they may not have been. Many of the concerns you mentioned are actually addressed in the article, but no worries; we'll go one by one, slowly. The detectives had crossed into a bit of a legal gray area by setting up a hidden microphone at the cemetery where funeral services for the children were to be held. They testified that she did not appear to be grieving appropriately. Since her husband worked nights and often came home during his break to check on her, she was not unduly concerned even when the "jiggling" at the door continued. Even now, over 25 years later, Darlie Routier still maintains her innocence, asserting that someone broke into the home and attacked her and her children. The print could only have been left while the blood was still wet, meaning that whoever left it was present at the time of the murders. Q. Waddell testified that when he first pulled up to the house, he saw a man (Darin Routier) coming out of the front door into the yard. Q. Guilters insist the only way this could happen is from Darlie raising the knife over her shoulder while stabbing Damon. It's a small thing, but it's just one more detail that was used to make her look guilty, but which turned out to be completely untrue. In fact, a trauma nurse named Teresa Powers had provided lead detective Jimmy Patterson with an affidavit. Now, one might ask why Waddell would lie; what does he gain? When questioned on the witness stand, Rickels stated, "Well, it was over at that point, the men were already gone. No more so than the idea of Darlie as the killer, in my opinion. He attempted to hang himself in his cell, but was not successful. Did you ever tell her to do that after Sergeant Walling arrived? October 15, 2021 11:56 am. If she was struggling and twisting away from the guy wielding the knife and he slashed at her, the cut would not be a perfect slice all the way across. Groggy and confused, Darlie instinctively followed the man through her kitchen toward the utility room that leads out to a garage. JustinCase976 (author) on February 26, 2020: I do not have actual links to the photos I have seen. Further, if Darlie was the one who broke the glass, she would have to have been actively bleeding for her footprints to be under the glass. You seem to be one of the most thoroughly researched & credible sources out there regarding this whole mess. Attorneys for convicted killer Darlie Routier having old evidence tested again Routier, Darlie Lynn Photo credit Texas Department of Criminal Justice By L.P. Phillips, NewsRadio 1080 KRLD December 17, 2021 3:53 am Attorneys for convicted killer Darlie Routier are having old evidence tested again in an effort to try and prove Routier is innocent. He's also the one who arranged Darin's polygraph test. False. Dr. Phil is a non-factor and is about as useful as tits on a bull. Where is Teresa Powers affidavit? He began submitting open records requests of all inmates that were at Potter County Jail in the fall of 1996. Legally, I believe this fell under the "Hearsay Exception" and Harrell should have been able to take the stand. Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Darin, nor do I believe he's innocent as a newborn lamb. No, she most certainly didn't. The 6th of June 1996 2021 8:30:09 GMT -5: Total Posts:. "OK, just stay on the line with me." Quinncy was skeptical, to say the least. It makes sense, right? When someone comes up with a cover story, they've usually got their details in order before they start talking. He never submitted a report, becauseyou guessed ithe was instructed not to. Still, Karl had nothing to gain by telling this story. Okay. If Halina Czaban really believed the baby was in any danger from his mother then she is negligent for not calling the police or CPS right then and there. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: not even the most hardened criminals would go around talking about stabbing little kids if it never happened. Seeing those bloody, butchered children invoked anger in the nurses, most of whom were women. If anyone doesn't care to take my word for it, they can always feel free to contact Mountain View and request Darlie's visitor logs, which I believe are public record. and we do tend to presume it is a male unconsciously i though male intruder up until you mentioned what the psychic said about been a female. So please forgive me for not taking those transcripts as the holy grail of this case. Here's the problem with that theory: The process of taking photographs and collecting evidence didn't begin until later that morning. He even left a huge clue to his identity by cutting the screen in the shape of his first initial. I do not know who specifically moved the vacuum cleaner, but I'm fairly certain I know why: It was in someone's way. What happens next? According to Jovell, I believe she said the accomplice was a friend of her daughter's and that they took the car to a farm in Oklahoma to hide it. Did the Court get this one right? Wonder where they went? I told her not to worry about that. I scoured the documents with a fine tooth comb looking for the answer to that question. So it's clear, did youwere you able to determine what time it was when you woke up with Darin yelling? After killing the kids and attacking Darlie, do you really think they are going to take anything with them that might possibly tie them to this house? The vacuum was photographed laying on its side, smack dab in the middle of the kitchen. She said she saw him, and that once they had more information on him, she was sure she'd be found innocent. I can understand her anger and frustration at yet another violation of privacy. One replied that he did not; the other replied he remembered seeing it, but wasn't sure if it was there when he first came in or if it was later when he did a walk through. Ha-ha! These maggots do not know the facts of the case like me and you. My belief is that Darlie is the one who grabbed the butcher knife, to fight the man off, and he got it away from her. Somethings up. Darlie routier dna results 2020 Transcript for Darley Rathier remains on death row for killing her son: Part 11 Darley has been on death row for 22 years and she still has no date for execution. It fell off when bandage removed. If it quacks like a duck. The CPR is taking place in the Roman room (family room, den, whatever you want to call it), which is toward the back of the house, past the kitchen area. State's exhibit 85-J, the unidentified fingerprint found in blood at the crime scene, was recently uploaded into the system after years of fighting. Two of them that testified one after the other used the same peculiar word to describe her: whiny. What mother wastes precious seconds while she's got two bleeding children right in front of her? You will never get me to believe that Darlie threw a glass to simulate a struggle for the simple fact that I know someone rounded a corner and walked smack dab into the wine rack, shattering a glass while it was still in place in its holder. However, after reading all of the incident reports from the guards on duty that day, the affidavits of the inmate witnesses, and his three prior suicide attempts, I am satisfied that his death was indeed a suicide. 5) Her changing stories--they really didn't change all that much, and there is no reason why everything she said couldn't possibly have happened. You either understand the effects of psychological trauma and the memory lapses that accompany it, or you don't. The examiner must then evaluate whether or not the print meets the standards to scan and upload it; if enhancement is required, the examiner must do that first. During the trial, the character assassination of Darlie Routier continued when several of the nurses who treated her in the hospital were called to testify. It was also so popular that if you listened to any pop stations at all, you were bound to hear it no less than 12 times per day. I would probably roll my eyes at the conspiracy claim, too if this happened in any other state. Shaking my head. darlie routier dna resultsfunny counselor gifts. John Ramsey, when asked why he obtained legal counsel after his daughter, JonBenet, was murdered. Some people theorize that the bruising was a result of Devon kicking at her while she was stabbing him, since he did show signs of defensive injuries. I am tired of feeding them. He did not become fully awake, nor did he look at the clock. SMH. The results from the system are then evaluated by the examiner, requiring a combination of experience, training, and visual inspection. There was no investigation of Darin. Because they were more than likely caused by two different people, with two different knives. The prosecution called a number of so-called experts and analysts to the stand. So here's my challenge to you: Find me proof of such a crime. Cron certainly had an impressive resume and over 30 years of experience, but sometimes this can work against a person. She was tried for the murder of her youngest son, 5-year-old Damon, found guilty, and, on February 4, 1997, sentenced to death. If she was really this calculating, cold-blooded murderer, she had plenty of better opportunities to pull this off. Everything that points to Darlie's guilt is in the transcripts." JustinCase976 (author) on December 16, 2019: You may very well be right. Have you ever read "The Disputed Conviction of Darlie Routier" by S Clemmons? Evidence was placed into paper grocery bags and cross-contaminated. Defense attorneys have fought for years to obtain court approval for DNA testing of the blood spatter evidence that was found throughout the lower floor of the Routier home, but progress on the federal court case has been on hold for more than a decade. According to her arms, she certainly did. Q. Court reporter Sandra Halsey pled the 5th when questioned about the errors in the trial transcripts and the missing audio tapes. She refused. Well C. George, in a perfect world, the others would definitely be held accountable. I would LOVE to know what is in the affidavit of Teresa Powers. I believe it ALL happened. Okay. The Darlie Routier, a homemaker sent to death in the garage a! Although the crime scene photos show that there was blood all over the house, what they don't realize is that the blood was not present at the moment the intruder left. Consider this: If Waddell truly did see a man come out of the front door and into the yard when he first arrived and lost sight of that man while getting out of the car and walking up to the house, then it is a reasonable assumption that the person Waddell saw was one of the intruders/killers. Thanks for commenting. Sung by a Black man? What do you think of Halina Czabens evidence the part about suffocating baby Drake the day before the murders? Among the not-so-minor errors: answers of "yes" were recorded as "no" and vice versa; during deliberations, the jury had a question with regard to whether or not Darin testified that he had locked the door connecting the utility room to the garage; the answer they received was that he did. On June 6th, 1996, someone brutally murdered two little boys and got away with it. In Darlie's case, she probably subconsciously realized there had been more than one person, but since she only has a memory of seeing one of them, her confusion is understandable. I hope its the garage door to a new life for her. Darin and Darlie Routier were a young couple in their 20s with 3 children, 6-year-old Devon, 5-year-old Damon, and 8-month-old Drake. So I guess he gave them Terry's clothes? She was nervous, intimidated, and probably terrified, but she came off as cold and arrogant. Darin wasn't hurt and the baby was with Darin. I really hope the whole truth comes out, sooner rather than later. 20, 2008, edition of the last DNA results Explore the story! Why? New evidence may allow former Lubbock resident Darlie Routier to walk free after being on death row for the last 12 years. Nope, try again. If the California lab, after comparing the many blood samples to the DNA profiles of the Routier family, determines that a foreign eligible profile has turned up, that sample is to be sent to Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory in Iberia Parish, La., to determine if it matches the profile of anyone in the national DNA database. A. I only remember them really by their faces. Rickels would not actually contact police with this information until June 11th, five days after the murders. When an arrest is made for a felony charge, the suspects are automatically fingerprinted and the prints are uploaded into the system. When I asked her that, she told me that he was stillsomebody was still in the house. Just my theory. HOLLIDAYSBURG A Blair County judge has authorized the use of a computer generated animation to help a jury TYRONE The fitness and wellness center at Penn Highlands Tyrone soon will be closing its doors. That plan was still in place on the night of the murders, although it certainly raises the possibility that the men got the date wrong and were counting on the house being empty. None of these areas appear clean. He may not have been able to see the ambulance from his bedroom window. It makes absolutely no sense that she would clean up a few little areas and then stop, especially while she's actively bleeding. Halina Czaban was an older woman, a foreigner with a completely different set of morals and beliefs. He loved to cut things and show off with his knife. The presence of blood and water alone does not indicate a cleanup job, in my opinion. I see what you're saying, Curious George. He was treated, evaluated, and it was determined that he was not a serious suicide risk. Did Darlie get a fair trial? Their mother, Darlie Routier, has been fighting to get off of death row for over 25 years. The prosecution held a mock trial prior to the nurses testifying, a bit of a dress rehearsal, you might say. I am also in possession of a crime scene photo that clearly shows there is still some broken glass in the holder. At the very end of the call, the operator tells her to go talk to the police officers. Captain Edward J. Smith had a good 40 years of experience on the sea, but he still sank to the bottom of the Atlantic with the Titanic in 1912. She told me that she had fought with somebody in the kitchen area, and that after she fought with him he had ran out into the garage and dropped the knife somewhere in the kitchen, between the kitchen and the garage, and that she had went and picked up the knife, and laid it on the counter, which was, she pointed to the counter, and the knife was sitting there. JustinCase976 (author) on February 27, 2020: Czaban's testimony was one of the few that literally made me laugh out loud. I think it's just plain silly and not worth even considering. James Cron testified that there was no intruder since the mulch beneath the window was undisturbed. I believe Darin was strapped for cash (perhaps even owing a large sum to his dealer) and wanted people to come in and clean out all of the valuables in the house while the Routiers were in Pennsylvania, so he could file an insurance claim and split the benefits with his accomplices. All three were sleeping in the family room on the first floor of their upscale home. When it comes to criminal investigations, there are three main indexes utilized by law enforcement: offender profiles of those convicted of crimes; arrestee profiles of suspects, and forensic profiles collected from crime scenes. Rickels, a 34-year-old registered nurse who lived about a half a mile from the Routiers, testified that she heard the sounds of someone trying to get in the front door. Do you think the jury would of still voted guilty if they had saw all of the pics of her injuries? The biggest discrepancy was that the article cited Greg Davis as the attorney who cross-examined Darlie, when in reality, it was actually Toby Shook. How can the crime scene and evidence be expected to match her story when she can provide part of the narrative? Arkansas was known for his quick violent temper and substance abuse issues. To believe she is the killer, I would have to believe in one of two scenarios: Even back in 1996 and 1997, I personally was never convinced of Darlie's guilt. The wheels of justice turn excruciatingly slowly, and even slower in the state of Texas. This would also explain why he tossed the knife down. Days later, Darlie began menstruating again, and the relief washed over her. Darlie picked up the knife without thinking about it and headed back to the family room where she and her young sons had fallen asleep. They weren't supposed to break in either, there should have been a key underneath of a ceramic frog planter but the key wasn't there. And too add it is not impossible what the psychic said they is evil in both male and females in this world and is possible that it could have been a female intruder ? I can understand that, except that I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. The spectators got a good chuckle at her expense when Shook replied scathingly that it was not. It is very possible when Darlie was wetting the towels if they were big towels and they drapped down infront of the sink cupboards then could have rubbed against the front of the kitchen sink cupboards and this is why it looked like an attempted clean up. Would Darlie walk? Kudos to you JustinCase Great article. There are other indexes as well, such as missing persons and unidentified human remains. Perhaps someone on Darlie's defense team did seek her out and decided her information was not particularly useful; or she may have slipped through the cracks in the shuffle of switching from the court-appointed attorneys. Darlie was home alone with the kids every day. Even the state's expert witnesses conceded that an intruder may not necessarily have tracked blood while making his exit. As a private citizen, why cant Teresa Power be heard? According to the prosecution, Darlie cut her own throat while standing at the sink, and then attempted to clean it up. Blood under glass & vacuum. By L.P Phillips, NewsRadio 1080 KRLD April 30, 2021 8:31 am DALLAS (1080 KRLD)- The Rowlett woman convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death over the 1996 deaths of her two sons is getting a powerful ally. On December 28, 1996, Arkansas was found hanging in his cell once againthis time with his hands tied securely in front of him with a bed sheet. If you're going to plant evidence to throw police off your trail, why not leave it in the yard or somewhere closer to the house where it is more likely to be found? When Shook confronted her with these letters, she became angry and demanded to know where he had gotten them. What do four of the world's top body language, behavior, and interrogation experts weigh in their personal opinions on behavior w. A lot of people doubt that Darin was actually planning a burglary scam; they say he just made that up to help with Darlie's appeal. This resulted in both men invoking their 5th amendment right against self-incrimination; it also effectively robbed Darlie of her own 6th amendment right to cross-examine her accuser, since Patterson was the one who drafted her arrest warrant and filed charges of capital murder. When it comes to courtroom trials, it's not about the truth, or even what you can prove. Okay. Yet, there was no blood on the actual glass itself, nor was there any on the wine rack. "; Darlie: "They killed our babies!") I don't doubt that these things happened, but I do think that she overreacted and willfully attempted to make the events of that day sound a lot more ominous than they actually were.

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darlie routier dna results 2021