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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchyadvantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

"But if we had women rule the world, they would want to train men from the time they are children, to be loving and caring human beings.". In other words, women who try to get ahead in any patriarchal institution, has to act and behave like competitive and ruthless men, because if she was to show her caring and maternal nature, she would be condemned as being weak and sentimental. As you have pointed out patriarchal politicans only pretend to be caring people. Men are not permitted to be fathers to their children, and strong pair-bonding is forbidden in the serf class. William Bond (author) from England on July 18, 2012: The story of Rosalind Elsie Franklin was revealed in a science BBC TV show some years ago, here in Britain, and revealed Crick and Watson for the crooks they were. 145 other terms for advantages and disadvantages- words and phrases with similar meaning They are not careful about protecting it from the harmful effects of by-products. What I find is that people dont reguard humans as animals - they think we are something completely different, coz when you look in the animal world at how male animals and female animals are so different its easy to see how the males are so aggressive and competitive - its there natural instinct, its perfectly natural for a male animal to go and fight and kill fellow animals and what people dont seem to realise is that male humans have the same natural instinct. We say, "She was confused and troubled", or "her circumstances were very hard", or "she was a good mother, but society failed her, she just slipped through the cracks". And you want to put women in charge? In this case, there are negligible chances of growth and development for all. Some advantages of a nuclear family are financial stability, strong support systems for children, and providing consistency in raising children. Implementing policies or social change based on genitalia is the same as doing so based on skin color. Price Stability Due To Competitiveness. It sounds like you just have an image in your head of what a woman should be like and that's what you compare your picture of men with. Multiculturalism can also be beneficial for companies. Matriarchy exists as an antithesis to the notion of patriarchy. In the whole history of warfare only a small handful of women have joined in this insanity. It is also weird that people don't see the total insanity of this. You're just using this to justify an idealized image you have of women. We can only change this for the better by allowing women to rule our world. But to point out that men do a really terrible job of ruling our world and that women because of their maternal and nurturing instincts would do a far, far better job. Sigh. Patrairchal rulers treat people as if they are numbers, or pawns in a chess game. Are you saying that any criticism of men is not allowed?". Likewise despotic dictatorship is again possible, because a dictator has an army of young men whom will murder and torture the population when ordered to do so. And in our competitive patriarchal world is seems that the most competitive and aggressive people get to the top. Wow. It is a system of governance where the male member of a family or a social group is the head or the senior-most member. On the other side, patriarchy promotes monotheism. Yes, it is strange, whenever I talk about matriarchy, in my experience, I have found that some of strongest and most vocal supporters of patriarchy are women. Because of the failure of both religions and politics to create a better world for us all, many people have given up on this, while those who still try, end up using the same methods that has been tried so many times in the past. Start with kindergarten and work your way up from there. The accomplishments of men are not the result of men being better. Tesla lived and died a pauper. Most male animals tend to fight each other for power and access to females, and evolutionists tell us this is a good thing, as the strongest male gets to pass on his genes to the next generation. When you see the mess the world is in, with men ruling our world. The focus of most females is to bring the young into the world and to care and look after them, until they can fend for themselves. Why would I? This is what terrifies me about people like you. She was the first female mathematician, she was also an astronomer, and a NeoPlatonist philosopher, she was a woman of science. They do not feel the same compulsion to innovate and invent, to distinguish themselves through rigorous and difficult accomplishments, because they do not have the same motivation and competitiveness as men. Perhaps your grim view of men is self fulfilling in your case. Virtually all were outcompeted, conquered, absorbed or annexed by patriarchies. Who invented the atom bomb? WW2 was all about patriarchal, (male dominated) governments fighting each other. However, their history is feudal, and the ruling class engages in pair-bonding and paternal investment. yes i do think that over the years men have surppressed any idea like this to protect themselves and there greed. Yes, I am aware that women have to live in a patriarchal society and have adopted patriarchal values. Just this sentence of yours could be straight from Orwell: "The public will also have to be re-educated to want to vote for geniune caring and nuturing women.". For example, a producer might try inbreeding to increase milk production. I cannot believe that the men ruling our world are actually going to change and see the errors of their ways and become nicer people. Women are inferior to men, the reason we have patriarchy and not matriarchy, is because society rules that way. Previous Post All about Microsoft Access Database you need to know. No learning, no growing, no progress. Advantages of Materialism. It has to live in its pristine form. William Bond (author) from England on May 17, 2012: Men are in a lot of trouble, Lucy, because they are ruling the world, a job they are completely unsuitable for. It is just a matter of convincing women of this. , If you are going to claim that saying that men and women are different is sexism . . Teaching boys to hate their own sex is a sure way to make things worse, not better. There was no feminism in those days to question and to criticize, and to take the blame for failing to bring about equality! As for saying that if women take over they will be the puppets of powerful men. But because they do not have an alternitive to it they are forced to vote for the status-quo. With all do respect, I do not understand the overall purpose as to why you come to a hubpage that has existed for a couple years now, that supports the vision of a Matriarchal society, a subject that you are not only against but haven't the slightest idea save for your own theoretical assumptions as to what exactly a true Matriarchy is and what it would look like, given the fact that many rather arrogant individuals agree that there never existed in the history of written literature a Matriarchy. And he is definately not saying that women are not responsible for their violence, I would whole-heartedly accept resonsiblity for such actions as I always have; those who avoid there responsibilities, the consequences eventially catch up to them and they have to end up facing them anyway so any rational woman knows that there is no use in avoiding one responsibilities! So women are not driven to want to fight and compete with other people in the same way men are. The other advantage is that patriarchy enables men to know their place in the family. The essence of the two social systems of governance is almost the same. I really do beleive its time for men to step aside and give women ago - how much worse could they do! Women are just as capable. And in our competitive patriarchal world is seems that the most competitive and aggressive people get to the top.. There is not a big problem with men competing with each other in sport, but it becomes a real problem when men compete on a battlefield with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, field guns, flame throwers, aircraft, rockets and nuclear weapons. Deal with that or let the statement go. Given that humans are inherently non-violent and given that violence is inversely proportional to your social status, that would suggest that men's greater tendency to violence is largely circumstantial and not inherent in being male (you're not violent either are you?). Which is just a better wording of what I said earlier. Studies have shown that men will invest more in their children if those children physically resemble them--that is, when they are certain of paternity. While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to anthropology and feminism differ in some respects. Having the tubes tied will prevent the egg and sperm from meeting and, therefore, fertilization will not be possible. Absolutely nothing, and how come you claim to not be interested in speaking with others who do not agree with you when by reading Wabond's article above this should have been obvious and you should have avoided this in advance? I already answered this several times. Not responsible for their violence? Every family plays their role by performing these functions: Reproduction and sexual relation Care & protection of children Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. If not, here's another suggestion. Now, whatever may be said about dominance, good or bad, there seem to be certain personality traits that lend themselves to leadership, and certain ones that don't. I'm sorry for being late, and miss you Lucy.. Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on April 30, 2014: I note that activist Germaine Greer in her weekly newspaper article said it all just in the headline 'Women are now worse off than 50 years ago!' Women leaders demonstrate an inclusive, team-building leadership style of problem solving and decision making. 2. Are you saying that it would be political correct to say, "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". Take my life for example, I am a woman who seeks to make a major difference in the world someday in a rather revolutionary way, I am a multi-racial, multi-ethnic woman of color, who is a lesbian, and a transvestite, I am the proud daughter of a strong Matriarchal women, and belong to none of the patrarchal Abrahamic religions, I freely believe in a higher power that I identify as "The Great Cosmic Mother," and for most of my life I've been treated as a social outcast; absolutely nothing has come easy for me; my very existence as something that every single society on face of this earth hates (and would if they had the power brutally kill) has been paved through hardship! William Bond (author) from England on August 13, 2011: I am not painting a patriarchal picture of women i am painting a biological one. It gives glossy and attractive appearances to the building, making it a very useful material for aesthetic purposes. Most definitions have highlighted the unequal distribution of power between men and women. No, the best way forward is for women to be proud of the fact that they do have a strong maternal and nurturing instinct. It make sense for our world to be rule by nuturing and maternal people and not the most competitive people like we have throughout our history. 4. Are you going to say that is also a sexist remark? As for using violence as a calculated strategic method, psychopathic leader like Hitler or Stalin or just your local gang leader do use violence to achieve results. You can't even attempt to question your beliefs can you? In a world filled with deception I've known it to be the best approach. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. But, it maintains a conservative system of governance. People tend to believe too much of what their being told and its a pity because then, when the truth comes out everyone becomes blind to it and then chooses the lie over the truth. That is what happens when we believe women are somehow less violent than men, and are not willing to hold women accountable when they are violent. The very fact that women are far less ruthless, aggressive and competitive than men, will make them far better rulers of our world. But the fact remains that far, far more women are beaten up and murdered by men, than women murdering men. Again you can have a small minority of women who are violent but they are far outnumbered by men. There is a greater sense of financial security and parents can save up for their children's future to a larger extent. The reason would be that women have a powerful nurturing instinct. You then have to ask yourself why are we allowing idiots like this rule and dominate our world? A matriarchal government will be far more likely to want to care for the children and people in the countries they rule. It's a successful way. I have one more question: Supposing what you say is true, then could you please describe to us in detail how your matriarchy should look? There are still a variety of risks involved in using an MRI scan despite its overall beneficial use. Most partnerships like to have one person focus on big picture concepts while the other manages accounting or financial obligations. "but you tell me that it may not have nothing to do with male rule!? For the ladies Mary Wolstonecroft, Ada Lovelace and Edith Girraurd. I never get the same problems with men. It has been men who have ruled all our all our countries in that time, so if it has nothing to do with men, then whose fault is it? There are no good guys or bad guys in our world there are only violent men who are as bad as each other. Or do not receive the support they need in raising a child. Surely you don't want people like that to run the world. Key disadvantages include the high costs of ERP software, its complexity, slow implementation, and data migration. The authority belongs to a male head followed by the distant members of the same family tree. They are objects, merely reacting to things that are done to them, with no volition or free will to choose a better way? The system usually rewards women for this behavior. One judge in Florida estimated that 80% of temporary restraining orders handed to women during divorce and custody cases were either completely unfounded, or maliciously false. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power?. Which would be all right, if men done a half decent job in doing this. This is why they do a terrible job in ruling our world. William Bond (author) from England on August 14, 2011: I can see by your comments that you are a Feminist who believes that men and woman are the same. ". This is not an easy problem to overcome. How about teaching compassion, forgiveness and respect? Those men were certainly capable of organized fighting, if they were capable of taking down a muskox. We have had many great thinkers trying to solve these problems, through either religion or politics, but what is noticeable with all these solutions, is that they all have failed. It seems that patriarchy can fight wars, commit genicide, condemn billions of people into poverty, mess up the finacial system of world, and get away with it, because people will swallow all the bullshit patrirchy gives them, without question. tages and disadvantages. What percentage? The fact is that men are totally useless at ruling our world. Even today the scientific establishment is still controlled by men. This was harmful to your children. We will never see eye to eye nor will we ever agree with you, we are two groups on the opposite side of the fence. William Bond (author) from England on May 15, 2012: Over 99% of the violence of the world is committed by men. It is nearly always men, and this is to do with the male competitive instinct.". I think what is most pathetic about your statement is that your reducing men to nothing more than their biology. Just education but more of it and most importantly, available to more people. Religions like Christianity, Islam and Buddhism all have not succeed in stopping conflict and wars. Not realising that if you have sexual equality, men will then compete with women for power and in that power struggle it seems that women lost. Women are currently at a disadvantaged with respect to rights, compared with men such as respect and such conditions According to dictionary.com Feminism can be defined as a doctrine or movement that advocates equal rights for women. They were filled with fit men capable of organizing into tactical units for the purpose of killing. For a long time, men have dominated the better portion of society. But if we had women rule the world, they would want to train men from the time they are children, to be loving and caring human beings. And now you've also declared women naturally less intelligent than men. What about the Native peoples of the Amazon Rainforest who know a great deal more about the rainforest then you or I ever could? Hey you, go take that group's stuff and give it to me so my kids will have a successful upbringing!". We live in a world where countries still settle differences between them with warfare. There has never been a time, in recorded history, when men were not fighting a war somewhere on our planet. There are other cases like this, where male scientists have stolen the work of female scientists. ". Come on. I think what needs to be done is more infromation such as the articles you have written to be more widley avaliable and for more people to be able to read and be educated about this to get more people thinking about it. You stated that "most men who seek to invent or innovate are not "given" the tools, money, education and encouragement to do this. Women in patriarchal society tend to be subordinate to men, whereas women in matriarchal society may hold power positions. There has never been in history a case of an Amazon army of women that set out to conquer the world, but this has happened many times with men. "No govement dominated by women will want to see children in the country they rule live in poverty and ignorance. When mothers stay home with their children, their children will end up happier. There's nothing involved in it that women cannot do as well. It is said if all men stood up for their rights, who would stop us? May foster technological progress. Descent, Inheritance and Succession: Here the descent is traced through the mother. "It is true some human men do help with caring for the young". As mentioned, this system is the descendant of female governance. Where women can behave like women and not have to act like competitive and ruthless men. If we look at female politicians today, they are given a hard time if they want to get into any position of power and end up having to act and behave like men to get anywhere. Just take a step out of your belief system and look at the world objectively. Women still have a hard time if they want to be a scientist or engineer. So things could be a lot worse. The role models given to boys in comics, books and films are violent heros who wins the day by being better at violence than the villian. We cannot always believe what is reported by the officials we must trust no one, and question everything. It includes transferring the name, power, and authority towards the son. Women have had equal access to education for the last half century. Again, repeating a statement doesnt make it right. It does not promote research and development. Patriarchy and matriarchal societies both have male heads of state or religious leaders. Which i personally cannot understand, because to me, on the whole, the sexes are very, very different from each other. Maternal instinct is a red herring. Do you honestly think that telling the men who rule our world that they are being sexist is going to change anything? Do you have any idea the kind of moral hazard involved in putting people in charge whom society is not prepared to hold accountable for their actions? All the matriarchal societies of the Neolithic age was destroyed by violent conquest. But today, through democracy, it is now possible for a political party to gain power without the use of violence, so it would be possible for women to set up a Matriarchal political party or even take over existing political parties, Now, many feminists say that one sex shouldn't rule our world and men and women should share power equally. Body paragraph 1 should state the advantages of the topic. Thats called a puppet government usually set up by conquerors. Advertisement. They are simply less likely to be motivated to overcome the hurdles involved, because over millennia, their reproductive success did not depend on their ability to self-differentiate from the collective in that way. But if you try to make any such claims about other peoples worth and capability people you have never met that is when you're out of you're causing trouble. To me government should be about getting intellegent and caring people into positions of power. This structure makes it easier to share resources in different divisions. Einstein was a poor student. This was a extreme case of blatant sexism against female scientists. There is higher reported domestic violence among lesbian couples than straight or male homosexual ones. The main disadvantage of matriarchy is that it's almost bound to create a patriarchy in the long run. Wiki User 2014-06-11 21:43:24 Study now See answer (1) Best Answer Copy The advantages is that they are strong because one. However, I don't understand what you may be gaining here by persistantly arguing with people whom you will never agree with and who will also never agree with you in return, I mean, do you love being in needless conflict with individuals who's views of the world are different from yours? Here too, what are you talking about. It is crazy to say men and women are the same when it is so clear that they are not the same. Advantages of Marijuana. The debate is ongoing about the exact time of matriarchy in different civilizations. Important research that has already been done on this topic has been, and will continue to be, included in . In a broader sense it can also extend to moral authority, social privilege and control of property. There is some conflicting evidence of matriarchal tribes. This may be all right for animals to behave like this but can be a disaster when human males have the same instincts. How about condemning the whole male sex on the actions of Hitler, Stalin, Po-Pot, Atilla the Hun, Ivan the Terrible? Now, I can understand the fear Feminist have, that if we undermine the dogma that men and women are same, and say that women are driven by a powerful maternal instinct and men driven by a powerful competitive instinct. Advantages of family a) Perform various functions The culture of the family started before humans came into existence. Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. There is also violence by proxy. In other words, if you accept that women are better leaders because of their genitalia, then you must also accept that women are less intelligent because it is exactly the same reasoning that you use to support those arguments. Donald Trump and whatever arm candy he's with at the moment is a perfect example of this. A business partnership may be one of the paths you've considered to help grow your business or to answer your current business needs. Hi girlwriteswhat, You are obviously ignoring the evidence that men have been ruling the world for the last five thousand years, through force and violence. As for hating their own sex, men already do this. I never said "patriarchal politicans only pretend to be caring people". So can women. Hi girlwriteswhat, Where have I ever said that I think women are perfect!? We may not like it but last I heard women are human beings as well and I don't think that they should sit back and take the abuse and not get even for the treatment that is brought upon them. Muslems hate Jewish and Christian men, Christian and Jewish men hate Muslems. Patriarchy thinks in another way. When you go on about how men ruling the world has been such a disaster, you're making the assumption that it is because they're men that it resulted in disaster. The first one is the general tendency of parents to bond more closely with children of opposite sex. So, scroll down to find all the relevant details as the article is for you. It's just preaching. You are incapable of seeing women as agents. yes, these atrocities were mostly committed by men but that does not mean that the majority of men would want to do such things. I cannot understand you thinking my articles are full of hate!? This not only handicaps them in their participation in the political sphere (because being a politician is a risk-prone and uncertain endeavor), but it also means that they'll be less likely to perpetrate public sphere violence. For example, matriarchy liberals promote all relationships among humans of all genders. Political systems havent been that successful either, as countries with different political ideologies have fought each other, over this. 1 Mosuo, China. As we will always be ruled by aggressive, ruthless and violent men. ". yes i agree but like you have said the women already in politics tend to have to go about it in a very male way to fit in, what we need is for a female only party to be set up were there are no male members to allow women to freely behave as women in the party. Women burst into that male-dominated scientific field without need for tools, money or encouragement. Matriarchy is not this perfect utopia, but it is a society that is based upon the well-being of all life on earth and is a vision worth striving for even if it brings me great suffering. Many men are very aware that warfare is total insanity, but men cannot help themselves. This goes against the principles laid down by the religious beliefs and practices. Even removing the largest single univariate difference (sensitivity), there remained only a 24 percent overlap. Here are some of the disadvantages of insurance: 1. Until then, have a nice life.". Perhaps the failure of female leadership of the time is not appreciating just how dangerous men were. Chimpanzee males will choose trucks over dolls, and chimpanzee females will choose the opposite. There's nothing basic about the problems in warfare and poverty. Are you saying that any criticism of men is not allowed? Violence in women against other women, against children, or against men should not come as a surprise, just like men's violence aginst women, children, and other men is of no surprise to me. The tragedy of all this will be, that the new goverments the people have laid down their lives to bring in, will not be any better than the last goverments. In the process of helping the children they will within a generation, also help everyone else in the country they rule, When matriarchy is discussed, some people mention Margaret Thatcher and point out they she wasnt a very caring leader, so it seems all women are judged by her actions, but we wish to explain that a female leader of a patriarchal political party, is not a Matriarchal government. If I take away the house or withhold a share of the assets, it will harm the children. The gap between rich and poor is growing all the time, we still have wars, and even democracy is failing because our elected politicians are so easy corrupted. So this is a long term thing but you have to start somewhere. That sounds like a perfect Orwellian nightmare. I am currently 22 years old and never in my life have I ever been in a romantic relationship with a woman, I can only imagine how long it will take for me before I truly find a mate! Burden of work. Women can only do this, if they start injecting themselves with steroids. Women are as capable of invention and innovation as what men are. Alternatives must be more seriously embraced! And what makes you think that to do this women had everything given to them, do you foolishly think that men just opened the doors and embraced women who wanted a position in their dominated careers with open arms? And that is the reason why the world is in a mess. If you believe you are less valuable than a woman, fine too. But patriarchal propaganda doesn't like to acknowledge this. Point is, not that your negative critcism is something we are ignoring nor aren't thinking about, its simply that this is a space for like minded people; we know perfectly well how the MRA movement views feminism and women in general, we poltiely do not agree with it and damn sure never will; however what will all this fighting and arguing bring us? Men have a competitive instinct and women have a maternal instinct and these instincts make a big difference in the way men and women behave. Is forbidden in the countries they rule no govement dominated by women will want to be scientist! Policies or social change based on skin color not succeed in stopping and! Does n't like to acknowledge this moment is a system of governance this can... Society may hold power positions sex on the actions of Hitler, Stalin Po-Pot. English, definitions specific to anthropology and feminism differ in some respects you thinking articles. 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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy