Brandwatch, headquartered in Brighton, England, is the global leader in collecting and analyzing data about social media. It gathers information from millions of online conversations on Facebook, Twitter, forums, blogs, videos, news outlets and elsewhere. The agency serves its more than 1,000 clients by helping them build their brand.
Recently, Brandwatch issued “Social Insights on the Television Network Industry,” a report designed to help television networks improve their social media presence. The study examined 38 television networks, including the streaming services Netflix and Hulu. The report noted that online steaming is changing the face of network television. Following are some of the report’s findings.
1. Online streaming of television programs is growing in popularity because it permits viewers to watch programs at their convenience.
2. Television viewing differs by age group. People over 68 years of age view 86 percent of their television programs and 90 percent of their movies on television. However, 43 percent of viewers age 14 to 25 watch television and movies online.
3. While watching television at home, viewers are engaged in other activities. Thirty-two percent surf the Web and 26 percent use social media.
4. Even though television networks use social media, what they say does not matter as much as what viewers say because the volume of viewer comments is 99 percent of the conversation to one percent for the networks.
5. Social mediums are not equal. The top social media platforms are Twitter, news reports, forums, blogs, Facebook, miscellaneous and video. The networks post visual content 98 percent of the time. It is more effective than text. Twitter ranks highest with viewers. Facebook has the most potential for networks.
6. Gender differences. On average, 62 percent of people using social media to comment on network television are women and 38 percent are men. Lifetime had 81 percent of females in social media conversations about it, and Eurosport had 81 percent of men in conversation about it. Knowing these demographics, networks can decide either to cater ei to their existing base or take steps to diversify.
7. Social media chatter among viewers is highest on Saturday and Sunday, although it is generally the same throughout the week. However, since network posts lag behind viewer posts on weekends, networks are missing a chance to engage viewers.
All television networks want an edge. Knowing how to use social media effectively can give them that.