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How Social Media Data Can Take Your Business to the Next Level

social media data take your business to the next level

Although it is impossible to really know what is in store for the future of humanity, we do know one thing is for sure for businesses: social media marketing. From the advancements in technology to innovations in marketing, a brand’s ...

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User Demographics of Each Social Media Platform


Each social media channel has unique user demographics. This article breaks down what audiences are most commonly found on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok.   Facebook User Demographics For Facebook users, people over the age of 65 are ...

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Facts & Figures of Facebook in 2020


Facebook has been around for what seems like awhile now, and it comes to no surprise that it is still the number one most logged on site in the digital world. Launched in 2004, Facebook has become a worldwide sensation ...

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Data & Demographics Behind Instagram


This year (2020), Instagram turns 10 years old! The app itself has evolved into a what is now one of the most popular e-commerce, influencer-based marketing sites that is used worldwide. Instagram statistics show why it’s the ideal fit for marketers ...

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Statistics & Information About Twitter

Twitter has grown immensely in terms of content creation since the site was created in 2006. It is currently the third most popular social media network for marketers, with 59% of marketers actively using the site. To date, the site ...

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Activity & History on Pinterest

Pinterest Statistics

Founded in 2009, Pinterest started out as an image-sharing social network. Although it took a couple of years to officially launch, in 2011 within the site’s first 9 months of life, Pinterest statistics showed it had 10,000 users. It was ...

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