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o negative blood type physical characteristics

I am very curious and always asking questions, I value honesty and knowledge over anything. cheers. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Tweets by @RhesusNegatives The same applies to writing, poetry, baking, designing, crafts, music, rituals, and more. My dad was a fair golden skin and never had a freckle on his body. Things DO seem to happen around me, bad things tend to work out for the better most of the time. Physical characteristics of Basque people include flat noses with bumps, pale skin with dark hair, heights that are either very tall or very short, and very high concentrations of the very rare O negative blood type. These overstressed personalities can lead to self-medicating with alcohol or drugs. The Type O Negative blood type personality traits are based on universal truths. 1. Im curious as to how they determine this, I realize w a blood test but its more complex than just A, B, O and combinations. My mom didn't have warm coloring at all. I started to look into science and theories of Rh-negative blood when my children started showing psychic and medium abilities. I yelled that my dream was coming true and we had to get out, "fire!". One of the reports that can be found on Blood Banker even says that up to 0.5% of people who have B negative blood type are not ''non-famous'', which means that approximately 1.5% of average people in the world have this rare blood. what is the soul? I found it fascinating. I've always been a positive and up beat person so this issue of extremely low iron isn't cool at all. I have dreams that come true, I know things before they happen, I have to be careful of who I touch because whatever is going on with them will come to me, I have to be careful what I watch on TV because it can have a hard effect on me ( very empathetic )I can tell if theres another presence in the room, I know when someone is lying to me or fake. I finally agreed but on the way out the door a radio station was giving the astrological reading for the night. I'm wondering if you and I are having the same problem with out blood. People with Type O Negative personality traits tend to go to bed at the same time each night, wake up at the same time each morning, and do something to take care of themselves before heading off to work. To avoid the pitfalls of Type O personality a healthy diet, exercise and hobbies that require time and effort can help to alleviate the constant annoyance with others. Not quite MENSA , athletic but feeling the wear and tear of time. We have been discussing various blood types for the past several podcasts because theycan be bio-markers inkeeping you healthy. Type O blood can be used in place of type O negative when type O negative is in short supply. I have low heart rate 40/60 bpm but over and 100 when active low blood pressure.i have a way of plugging in and often talk about what someone is thinking.have high energy work out in floridas sun loading shingles on roof for 10 in good shape and still working harder than someone 10/15 yrs younger.i have hazel eyes and im never sick.when i split up with girlfriends i get sick for weeks dont know blood type .i love science truth and unknown.i have faith but alot doesnt gel with traditional beliefs.i am smarter than most and feel u have me curious what my blood type is. You are just a deep thinker. You have to have control. O negatives get each other. She travelled the country for years before cell phones and I would send her messages to call me and she would, sometimes within minutes. I hope we don't come from snakes I am terrified of them even little grass snakes. Hell, this weekend I'm having a date with my best friend from 3rd grade who I haven't seen in 40 years.. To this day my son and I still talk about it. (And yes --many blondes in my family who are not RH neg! At the very least, the questioning process is more interesting than the answering process. - looking young for my age (now that's a cool one) :). Both my children are Rh positive like their father. You purposely create feelings to give yourself energy. yea kind of lines of missing hair. As already mentioned, thisblood group means absence of all of the three major antigens ("A", "B" and "Rh") on the red blood cells. Change happens only when it is absolutely necessary. This may have had serious consequences for the offspring of Neanderthal and modern human interbreeding; a male foetus could have sensitised his mothers immune system so any subsequent male offspring would be at greatly increased risk of being miscarried. What were the blood types of the Vikings? Strange "magical" characteristics that are debatable: some sort of extrasensory and/or psychic ability, tendency to be in close proximity to inexplicable strange events. Steven is a young student from San Francisco who is obsessed with computers. Rh null, which is super rare, refers to a lack of D, but also C/c, and . I am Rh-negitive. There is a long history of depression on my mother's side of the family. as I am the otherworldly person from another world( 4 star systems in Andromeda Galaxy MI-#1)---Not belonging to humankind on the Earth. Started nursing school at the ridiculous young age of 15. Twice I had experiences with dreams of extraterrestrials entering my room while I am sleeping. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It's very strange. Or your feet? Were the ancient Etruscans an important link to rhesus negatives today. Usually, they are drawn to other O negatives, but at times can be in good relationships with AB negatives, especially if they are cisAB/O (opposites attract). That is probably the reason why my second son is fine. They dont see any benefit to having a mood swing or creating purposeful drama with other people. I used to think as a young child I belonged in the forest with the fairies and any day I would wake up and be with them lol. I was reading everyone's comments and can totally relate to others here. I have 99% of the characteristics. Many years later, I tried again. Type O blood type is the first type of ancestral blood line. Like you, I didn't think twice when they told me with my first pregnancy, but fortunately, had baby 2 at the same hospital, so they had the records for the first. What is an O Negative personality? * I don't have a lot of friends which is my own preference. Some might say the RH negative blood type features suggest alien origin. I was fortunate enough to live, but he wasn't. I am an Asian aged 60 with AB Neg blood. You love finding things to do in isolation. They form opinions based on the facts that are available to them, willing to keep an open mind about their decisions if new information comes to life. It is quite powerful though. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on October 29, 2015: I have been reading the comments I missed during the past few months and want to write a ten page reply to each one! but they are very sensitive.. One of the components of this attack is antibodies (special class of molecules that bind to antigens and helps immune system eliminate foreign antigens and the cells bearing them). My ex husband used to call me an Irish Witch and this was before I even knew anything about the RH negative traits. O negative is the first blood supply to run out during a shortage; The blood type is more common in Caucasians, at 8% of their population; Only 4% of Africans and Hispanics have O negative; Only 1% of Asians have O negative blood type; People with O negative blood type have higher levels of stomach acid and experience more ulcers; People with O blood type need to eat lean protein for a healthy life It also, upon consideration, does not sound so far fetched. Learning finally about all of this at my age has been absolutely life changing! I am not religious, more spiritual. O-negative persons are believed to be more self confident, loyal, competent and passionate. My sister also has heightened senses like smell etc. For some, that might mean reading or watching the news. Did someone ever tell you they cannot figure you out? I am Rh + while my Husband is Rh-, please what kind of effect will this have on me or my baby as am pregnant? Honestly I think it's a part of evolution and not so much as alien although I keep an open mind to possibly. Are rh negatives more likely to be lactose tolerant? 9. one of my grandchildren has one green eye and one black eye. If for instance I've misplaced something mentally i'll ask where it is and the next thing I know I'll mentally hear look behind your desk, or look on the kitchen table etc. at the root of it, it is not known, this ancestor of all negatives. Dr Frankenstein asks Igor. Here is an article explaining the O negative blood type diet. You might say these characteristics add to the theory of alien origin. These people weigh the consequences of each action, then choose the best option, accepting whatever consequences may come because of it. Concentration is nearly impossible. I want to mention my characteristics, and traits: Me and all three of my siblings and mother all have the blood. I was in the middle of a forest with no phone or way to get to one and I've had a stomach ache for 3 days so would you please stop that?". Life has been very perplexing to this point. Eventually passed what looked like liver. The B Starseed Blood Type is associated with the star system Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky. Do you notice anything in the Neanderthal skeleton which resembles you more? But I felt them! I have many of the traits mentioned, but not all of them. I have red hair that changes colors, my eyes are a blue/grey/green that also change color. Because O Negative blood is more attractive than other types, there is a natural instinct to stay indoors, away from other people, which can lead to times of social isolation. WOW! Probably I also have a extra rib. This probably doesn't mean anything reading the many many comments here--no one has used foul language. I am an O negative . And they are fine with that. So this explains a lot to me. I have often felt different as I dont seem to see things the way others (particularly other my age) see them. Your blood type doesnt drive your personality. An antigen is anything that riles up our immune system into making antibodies, and we have a lot--about 50--that are in our blood. I am often taken as my daughter's sister at schools and she is now 25. They can see through others but are hard to see through. I do not have light eyes. in my point of view O negative people are very sensitive ,their initial prespective toward things is always negative.they can catch mental illness easily, specially bopar disorder and depression, they think a lot about things, they are energetic,powerful,good sex drive,intelligent. I have dreamed about events that were to come, sometimes not completely understanding my dreams until the event began to unfold. Unfortunately they already labeled the protein Antigen RH. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on April 14, 2014: Gunilla, thank you for reading and replying- Congratulations on your son! I get dizzy & feel like I want to pass out if I spend just minutes in the sun. Right now I am working on health (and also getting through the polar vortex). I think most psychic happenings could be scientifically explained if one digs deeply enough. I live in Texas and I just have always hated the heat! I can't support the news in the newspapers about the children victims of violence and abuse, kidnapping, murders, etc. I am Rh-negative and so are my 3 children we have many of the listed characteristics. I've always had a psychic connection with my RH- daughter. I have a peaceful calm nature but I am subject to anxiety. Eyes have changed colour over my lifetime from blue to green to hazel with a ring of brown around the pupil when it is small. Their heads might be telling them one thing, but then their intuition tells them to take a different approach. To compare myself: So based off of my pseudo-scientific analysis, using myself as my Rh-negative subject, it would seem that this list of thought characteristics is so far, so goodof course taking this process with a grain of salt since like a horoscope, most of these characteristics apply to many people. O negative people are also said to have some sort of connection to Atlantis or Lemuria. ie a very bad man was eaten by mountain lions within a day of upsetting me..another man crashed his motorcycle and breaking his leg within an hour of a confrontation concerning my children..he then taunted us again and crashed his car that day..his girlfriend had a stroke within 2 days(she was bad too). There are too many other factors that would go into an individual prediction for you alone. His blood type is A negative. O negative are said to be natural born leaders very much in tune with themselves and their instinct and always ready and unable not to act according to it. She was so observant of the world and I so wish I could of had a conversation about it with hershe was a true Irish lady, spit fire deluxe. x the unknown? B - blood type and physical characteristics I'd love to hear from RH negative people who have none of the traits! RH negative not sure witch one; all I know is I had to have shots before and after all 3 of my children, carry a card, and was told I can only have my blood.For yrs I felt like I didnt belong here until recently when I saw something about RH- blood on YouTube. 30 year old female O- blood type. I'm O+ although for years I was told by my parents that I was O-. They can also be very loyal and trustworthy. Not particularly social - easily bored by small talk and quite content to be alone. Didn't even know it was her when we made the date and we're not even close to where we grew up. I assume I was given RhoGAM after the birth of my lovely daughter. I have green eyes, brown hairs almost redhair and so white skin intolerant to sun. Also, as far as I know, none of the other traits. I saw my stepmother in a dream before I ever met her. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. 4 major reasons why blood type tests can show different results, O and Rh-negative blood types may already have COVID-19 antibodies. A, B and Rh. in double-majors of Biology and Chemistry from Gallaudet University with Class of 1981 then I later became computer-literate as "Hi-Tech Savvy" as I cooperate with NASA-ESA in online via Facebook and Twitter. I'm not an Einstein, but my IQ is above average (and above all my cruel, nasty and rude O+ family). Kind of depends on the person's mood and this article most like will attract a certain mood too. Can they be explained? When I was a kid I had a porch outside my bedroom that I would go out to late at night, close my eyes and try to make myself a bright light, or a beacon to UFOs. They were used to conduct the study and tests and when those were too hard to come by they used rabbits instead! The blood type As may operate in a cohesive way by going through the motions of what is correct and moral, they may be great achievers and play some significant roles in all aspects of life but i have never met one that has the depth morality love grit or temperance like an O negative. However, I'm a Mexican-American, and within my ethnic group it is rarer still. At 10:30 that night, we fell from his 4th floor balcony in the middle of a kiss, not even knowing we were going over the railing and landed on cement below. I have the fountain of youth too. Yes, people are social creatures. Cool list of vague things that should fit most people but probably don't. I do feel different but not like a serpent different lol (had to throw in a joke). Where is rh negative blood most frequent? 6. They will think you are crazy. Low blood pressure. I would have to say I would never want to be a public figure or world leader. There are more people with RH positive group. I love taking hot showers but sometimes have to sit on side of tub because I feel faint. Left my hip hurting for MONTHS. The list goes on. I have never fit in to a groupEVER which actually made me pretty sad as a kid being called weird. Approval of comments does not equal agreement with content. flashbulb visions minutes before somethin happens. I used to get sick a lot as a child due to poor diet and life style from the parents. her three children are all ab negative. The heightened sense of hearing and smell are spot on! Some people may not know that there are also starseed blood types. I've always wanted to be a healer, although I tend to stay away from people because of the noise and emotions I pick up on everyone. All the eukaryotes on earth have very similar genetic makeup; it's just a couple hundred nucleic acids that make us humans and a bird a bird. Does salt water carry significant health benefits for Rh negative individuals? There was absolutely nothing that would have caused him to say "13" but we can often do that little trick. She's made jokes (?) 4. I also had a strange weather and electricity experience that I wrote about, and I still am amazed by the flying lamp and swirled snow cone structure on my roof. Well, that happens often if you have RH negative blood. (My falling asleep does not usually tend to help matters much). As I have O Neg. I became a doctor, I am so empathetic with people, their feelings and illnesses, that I have to build a wall between me and them to keep from taking on the feeling of their signs and symptoms or emotions. Someone with O-type blood without Rh factor would therefore be an O Negative blood type. The body will attack any foreign antigen, e.g., aperson with blood group B will be having B antigen on the red blood cells and therefore "A" antigen will be foreign. RH Positive blood does not mean you have money blood! I made sure with babies 3, 4 & 5 to mention it, and sure enough had that mean Rhogam shot after each. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; A person with AB+ blood group will have all 3 antigens (A, B, and Rh) on his/her red blood cells. How theres a bit of Neanderthal in all of us: DNA link to cavemen revealed. For reference, I am left handed, A Rh-, have most characteristics stated above, and have the INFJ personality type. Good to know there are similar people out there! I was diagnised high empathy capability by a psychiatrist I saw for my anxiety problems. Blood group is determined by the presence of antigen(s) on the membrane of red blood cells. Blame Neanderthals! And you do that with common daily events. * Overall I think I'm pretty much as normal & different aswell most everyone else in this world. There are times the air is on full blast and I will be sweating! They had to quickly raise my feet and get me back to a normal blood pressure. I should find out what their Dads is and figure it out with one of those charts we used in biology class growing up! However, there is little scientific evidence in favor of this believed association and so far blood group has not been found to affect a person's personality. About 85% of the US population has Rh+ blood. My eyes are very dark Hazel with more green than brown. When put in the right position, O negatives thrive and surprise again. Could not resist this one. I've seem many mentions here of grandmothers having the RH- factor. I honestly do not know what it is, it is 43 years ago! People oftened just stare at me and try to figure out my ethnicity. Thus, people with RH Negative blood type characteristics are uncommon and rare. -Black haired as a baby with black eyes and a black mane of hair down my back which turned fair as did my hair. The people that have this type of blood all share in the following traits: In Japanese culture blood typing and personality typing go hand in hand. That said, much of this does seem to fit this old guy. Clearly this is speculation, but the point is that we don't know for sure what happened in our prehistory. After her birth, I had 8 miscarriages! Thanks for the information, it answers a lot of questions. Ended up with bed rest for the last two weeks now and I'm having a hard time building up my ferritin because I'm told I cannot STORE it. I was a software engineer for 20 years and I'm still interested in almost every aspect of the sciences. I am freakishly strong for a woman of my size 5'7" 135 lbs. Including the fact that I always asked if I was adopted. Nothing obvious about it was scary but I was filled with that sick feeling of dread. Similarly, a person with "B" blood group will have "B" antigen on the red blood cells and anti-A antibody in the plasma. Take me". Things You Should Know About O Negative Blood Type, Leukocytes in Urine: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments, Symptoms of Iron Deficiency and the Causes and Treatments, 4 Ways of Increasing Your Red Blood Cells, Water Retention in the Legs: Causes & Treatments, Low Hemoglobin Level? on the roof of my house. (See also: DO RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE A CERTAIN LOOK?) Patty from Cincinatti on December 08, 2017: Too weird, and strangely correct. and I know to make a statement that has an absoluteness to it regarding the gray areas that the blood type As seem to thrive with would be viewed as dogmatic and even outright mean or in acceptable. They should eat peanuts and not cashews or pistachios. RH Negative Blood Type Characteristics Everything You Should Know, Distinctive characteristics of RH negative, O Negative Blood Type Personality How Your Blood Type Affects Your Personality, Songs About Anxiety The Best Playlist to Get Your Through Depression. If you work hard, focus on your strengths, and use all the tools which are available to you, then you can accomplish almost anything. If you have the protein, then you are positive. I was being pressured to go to my boyfriend's house one night and I just DIDN'T want to go. People who have type O negative blood can only receive the same O negative type blood. It has also been found that there are more carriers of the gene in areas where toxoplasma is more common. My most obvious sign of empathetic illness is that I have been known to fall asleep in the middle of situations in which other people are extremely upset. If I do, I won't be able to get it out of my head for days, months, & even years with certain news stories or images that I've seen or heard. If anyone out there has been told the same thing, it would sure help to know. One of the reasons is they have a distinct mental nature. More or less they vanished into what is us. When you do not have the protein, you have RH negative blood. Ive been told that I have healing hands and have a strong connection with cats, children, and the elderly. What are the characteristics of RH negative blood type? Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. However, this person can donate blood to any blood group person as none of the three antigens is present on the red blood cells. I am O neg. When it can be controlled, people with this personality type can achieve amazing things that others thought would be impossible to do. About 2 months ago, our son was over, and we were kidding around in the kitchen and out of the clear blue while I was cooking and they were helping, I asked my husband what number I was thinking of from one to twenty. The A Starseed Blood Type corresponds with Alpha Centauris star system, which is the closest star to Earth. BioBalance Health Can Help You Fight Aging with Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy, Aesthetics & Weight-Loss. My B+ husband annoys me a lot. I vote, but it is an ordeal each time because I don't want to be in charge of something so big in case I make the wrong choice. Are-- Are you for real? Therefore, he can be transfused with any blood group (referred to a "universal recipient"). I had bright orange hair and blue eyes. I however am dark haired and am a sun worshipper who tans like a dream. Characteristics of People with Type O Blood, Become a FEMALE hormone replacement patient, Become a MALE testosterone replacement patient, Womens Hormone Therapy Pricing & Fee Schedule, Womens Hormone Therapy Reference Articles, Testosterone Therapy Pricing & Fee Schedule, Mens Testosterone Therapy Reference Articles, What is Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS), Diagnosing Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS).

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