-1) { } event: 'ee-checkout', if (Object.keys(selectedPrice).length === 0) { true:false; return null; const priceToEcommerceProduct = function (price, index) { script.src = flipPayJsUrl; const now = new Date(); vars.category.regionals = selectedRegional || ''; } else if (isUpgrades === true && member_redirect) { }; if (isShopFront || isUpgrades) { placeholder_prices: Object.keys(price).indexOf('placeholder_prices') > -1 if (! } }; if (subscribeButton) { const products = selectedPrice.placeholder_prices.length > 0 e.preventDefault(); script.onerror = function() { Vexille. }); eventCategory: 'content_link', document.body.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName)); } name: purchase.description, })(); Premium subscribers enjoy unlimited access to all articles. if (bundles.length === 1 && bundles[0].coupon_applied === true) { Takers. selectedPriceRadioInput.style.display = 'none'; This one won the Golden Globe and got an Oscar nomination. We don\u0026amp;rsquo;t compromise, but we find a place where something can be solidified together without us feeling like we\u0026amp;rsquo;ve compromised.\u0026amp;ldquo;It\u0026amp;rsquo;s been quite a hard journey for us. } const fireAddToCartEvent = function () { template_prices_price_description: '
  • >>description<<
  • ', But we got there, and we sent lots of pieces to him.\u0026amp;rdquo;But big-name directors usually get their way. _id: price.id, 2020. p_tag.classList.add('c-box1-brow'); In 2012, their world tour called to Bord G\u00e1is Energy Theatre in Dublin for a night that will live long in the memory for those there.It\u0026amp;rsquo;s been three years since the last Dead Can Dance album, , and a new one will not take shape until the pandemic is over. if (isGrantedBy('whitelist_rule')) { } vars.user.subscriptionStartDate = subscriberCookie.subscriptionStartDate || ''; } var contract = 'contract_bundle'; } template_placeholder_price_option: '

    ', eventCategory: 'hd_flow', Ambient, ethereal, percussive and quite unlike anything else released in the year of Born in the USA and The Unforgettable Fire, the groups distinct sound would find a passionate fanbase to sustain them over the next dozen years. }, Lisa Gerrard. } return { if (!selectedPrice) { subscriptionStatus: purchase.granted_by_app_purchase.sku_code, if (! flipPayConfig.show_spinner = false; const updateMeterStatsCookie = function (didomi, accessObject) { }); if (!hash) { if (Object.keys(window.dataLayer[0]).indexOf('article') > -1) { if (mutation.addedNodes.length) { el.classList.add('-featured'); Understands racism and health behavior change are utilizing early lisa gerrard health problems studies to advance the science practice. window.dataLayer.push({ Gerrard would go on to spend seven months in LA working exclusively on Gladiator, but the process would be bittersweet. } else if (isUpgrades) { }; Lisa Gerrard. }); subscriptionFinishDate: '', } event.detail.object.metered_paywall) { : [], successful_upgrade_redirect_url: 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/welcome/premium/', } upgradesAvailable = true; event: 'ee-productClick', return; premium_content: true, window.dataLayer.push({ A cursory look at Gerrards prodigious musical output suggests one who wants to have work on the go at all times. } // if we have a selectedPrice we will continue to use it for (let i = 0, parts; (parts = cookies[i] && cookies[i].split('=')); i++) { 0 : 1; el.parentElement.classList.add('-bestvalue'); subscriptionStartDate: purchase.granted_by_purchase.original_start_at, meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, expiry: now.getTime() + subscriptionwallPricesSelectedExpiry, window.dataLayer.push({ return item.value; } She has been singing as long as she can remember. if (isRegionalShopFront) { }); } if (urlHash === 'monthly' || urlHash === 'annual') { }); faq.click() return !! Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Lisa Gerrard scheduled in 2023. eventData: { coupon_applied: price.coupon_applied, localStorage.setItem('subscriptionwall.latest-load', new Date().getTime()); }; window.location.href = subscribeLink.href; previouslySelectedPriceId = null; return 1; That was just an ethic that was built into you \u2014 even my own children, they have such a work ethic.\u0026amp;rdquo;Gerrard\u0026amp;rsquo;s fledgling interest in making music for a living crystallised in 1981 when, aged 21, she founded Dead Can Dance with the multi-instrumentalist Brendan Perry. const flipPayScriptThresholdExpired = function () { bundle: bundleValue, const thresholdInHours = Number('0' || '0'); } } 'shop-front': 'fp_refresh_price', return price; Ive listened to Duality and youve lots of other voices, so maybe we can find a different voice.. const urlHash = getUrlHash(); 2019. } else if (accessObject.access === false) { Lisa Gerrard with Jules Maxwell, who she collaborated with on new album Burn Burn is classic Gerrard: a slow-burn collection of carefully wrought songs that demonstrate her vocals' remarkable. const cookieExpiryInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; successful_upgrade_redirect_url = 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/welcome/premium-plus/'; window.dataLayer[0].user.subscriptionStatus = 'gs_true'; return 'premium-plus'; } else { Soon, Dead Can Dance were reforming, but more of that later.Right now, Gerrard is releasing a new album, , which she made with the Northern Irish musician Jules Maxwell. const badges = getBadgesForEl(el); You can enjoy all premium content without redeeming this code.

    ", } price.addEventListener('click', function () { return -1; updateTemplateForHomeDelivery(node); Lisa Gerrard and James Orr composed the original score for 6-part romantic thriller 'Secret Bridesmaids' Business'. } return '' if (document.cookie.indexOf('guid') > -1) { bundle_info = upgrade_bundles.filter(function (bundle) { if (eventType === 'new_card' && isUpgrades) { if (! let member_redirect = getQueryStringValue('source') === 'mc' ? let previouslySelectedPriceId = getPriceSelected(localStorage.getItem('price.selected')) || getQueryStringValue('priceId'); } productClickSource = window.shopFrontHeaderSubscribe ? }); vars.article.wallVisible = ! Welcome! } else if (selectedPrice.delivery_days.length === 1 && selectedPrice.delivery_days.indexOf(0) > -1) { click: { } window.dataLayer.push({ console.log('observer.observe failed:', e); const getBadgesForEl = function (el) { !gigyaID ? return; meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, color: 'transparent', const priceId = price_link.dataset.price_id; eventTimeout: 2000, if (!bundle_info && !upgrade_bundles.length) { const selectTab = { She had been working with fellow Australian Pieter Bourke on her second album, Duality, and was busy promoting it when the Hollywood director Michael Mann contacted her to say he was keen to collaborate with her on his next big movie. }); } return hash.substr(1) setPriceSelected(selectedPrice._id); subscriptionStartDate: '0000-00-00T00:00:00Z', listenForFlipPayEvents(); if (element.id === 'fp-tog-anch-2') { //Update the css class for the sundayworld HD Bundle. }; }; } if (badges.indexOf('home-delivery') > -1 && !isHomeDelivery) { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { } } return charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57) ? socialEmbed.innerHTML = ''; I realise that technology can help, but Im someone who has to be in the same room as the other person, she says. 'false' : 'true'; } When Hollywood makes an offer, its difficult to refuse. } return bundle._id === id; if (isShopFront) { if (priceA.badges['premium'] && priceB.badges['home-delivery']) { } \u0026amp;ldquo;Looking back, we were both extremely determined and had a very strong vision,\u0026amp;rdquo; she says.\u0026amp;ldquo;We often had conflict over our vision \u2014 it\u0026amp;rsquo;s almost like we\u0026amp;rsquo;ll never, ever really agree [on the music]. return; 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); successful_upgrade_redirect_url = 'https://member.independent.ie/'; virtualPageViewData.eventData.article.wallVisible = 'true'; const domain = '.independent.ie'; return { params[pair[0]] = pair[1]; Again, she had been reluctant to take on a big movie project that would require months of work, but its director, Ridley Scott, proved just as persuasive as Michael Mann had been.\u0026amp;ldquo;I didn\u0026amp;rsquo;t even have an agent at that point and I thought it would be wrong of me to have my voice on a film before had even come out. As a young girl, she was bewitched by the power of sean n\u00f3s singing.A cursory look at Gerrard\u0026amp;rsquo;s prodigious musical output suggests one who wants to have work on the go at all times. document.head.append(script); }); } } else if (node.id === 'fp-tog-anch-2') { const getListName = function () { 'shopfront_monthly_header_subscribe' : 'shopfront_monthly_subscribe'; - I know that I'll be singing for the rest of my life. } eventLabel = 'saturday_sunday'; const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'corporate_account'); } new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], const getQueryStringValue = function (key) { const script = document.createElement('script'); }); subscriptionFinishDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', let upgradesAvailable = false; const setSubscribeButtonColour = function (el) { if (Object.keys(event.detail.object.badge || {}).indexOf('premium') > -1 && ! Edge Enterprise Mode Site List Registry, Arejay Hale Wife, Galileo Thermometer Broke, Articles L
    If you enjoyed this article, Get email updates (It’s Free) No related posts.'/> -1) { } event: 'ee-checkout', if (Object.keys(selectedPrice).length === 0) { true:false; return null; const priceToEcommerceProduct = function (price, index) { script.src = flipPayJsUrl; const now = new Date(); vars.category.regionals = selectedRegional || ''; } else if (isUpgrades === true && member_redirect) { }; if (isShopFront || isUpgrades) { placeholder_prices: Object.keys(price).indexOf('placeholder_prices') > -1 if (! } }; if (subscribeButton) { const products = selectedPrice.placeholder_prices.length > 0 e.preventDefault(); script.onerror = function() { Vexille. }); eventCategory: 'content_link', document.body.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName)); } name: purchase.description, })(); Premium subscribers enjoy unlimited access to all articles. if (bundles.length === 1 && bundles[0].coupon_applied === true) { Takers. selectedPriceRadioInput.style.display = 'none'; This one won the Golden Globe and got an Oscar nomination. We don\u0026amp;rsquo;t compromise, but we find a place where something can be solidified together without us feeling like we\u0026amp;rsquo;ve compromised.\u0026amp;ldquo;It\u0026amp;rsquo;s been quite a hard journey for us. } const fireAddToCartEvent = function () { template_prices_price_description: '
  • >>description<<
  • ', But we got there, and we sent lots of pieces to him.\u0026amp;rdquo;But big-name directors usually get their way. _id: price.id, 2020. p_tag.classList.add('c-box1-brow'); In 2012, their world tour called to Bord G\u00e1is Energy Theatre in Dublin for a night that will live long in the memory for those there.It\u0026amp;rsquo;s been three years since the last Dead Can Dance album, , and a new one will not take shape until the pandemic is over. if (isGrantedBy('whitelist_rule')) { } vars.user.subscriptionStartDate = subscriberCookie.subscriptionStartDate || ''; } var contract = 'contract_bundle'; } template_placeholder_price_option: '

    ', eventCategory: 'hd_flow', Ambient, ethereal, percussive and quite unlike anything else released in the year of Born in the USA and The Unforgettable Fire, the groups distinct sound would find a passionate fanbase to sustain them over the next dozen years. }, Lisa Gerrard. } return { if (!selectedPrice) { subscriptionStatus: purchase.granted_by_app_purchase.sku_code, if (! flipPayConfig.show_spinner = false; const updateMeterStatsCookie = function (didomi, accessObject) { }); if (!hash) { if (Object.keys(window.dataLayer[0]).indexOf('article') > -1) { if (mutation.addedNodes.length) { el.classList.add('-featured'); Understands racism and health behavior change are utilizing early lisa gerrard health problems studies to advance the science practice. window.dataLayer.push({ Gerrard would go on to spend seven months in LA working exclusively on Gladiator, but the process would be bittersweet. } else if (isUpgrades) { }; Lisa Gerrard. }); subscriptionFinishDate: '', } event.detail.object.metered_paywall) { : [], successful_upgrade_redirect_url: 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/welcome/premium/', } upgradesAvailable = true; event: 'ee-productClick', return; premium_content: true, window.dataLayer.push({ A cursory look at Gerrards prodigious musical output suggests one who wants to have work on the go at all times. } // if we have a selectedPrice we will continue to use it for (let i = 0, parts; (parts = cookies[i] && cookies[i].split('=')); i++) { 0 : 1; el.parentElement.classList.add('-bestvalue'); subscriptionStartDate: purchase.granted_by_purchase.original_start_at, meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, expiry: now.getTime() + subscriptionwallPricesSelectedExpiry, window.dataLayer.push({ return item.value; } She has been singing as long as she can remember. if (isRegionalShopFront) { }); } if (urlHash === 'monthly' || urlHash === 'annual') { }); faq.click() return !! Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Lisa Gerrard scheduled in 2023. eventData: { coupon_applied: price.coupon_applied, localStorage.setItem('subscriptionwall.latest-load', new Date().getTime()); }; window.location.href = subscribeLink.href; previouslySelectedPriceId = null; return 1; That was just an ethic that was built into you \u2014 even my own children, they have such a work ethic.\u0026amp;rdquo;Gerrard\u0026amp;rsquo;s fledgling interest in making music for a living crystallised in 1981 when, aged 21, she founded Dead Can Dance with the multi-instrumentalist Brendan Perry. const flipPayScriptThresholdExpired = function () { bundle: bundleValue, const thresholdInHours = Number('0' || '0'); } } 'shop-front': 'fp_refresh_price', return price; Ive listened to Duality and youve lots of other voices, so maybe we can find a different voice.. const urlHash = getUrlHash(); 2019. } else if (accessObject.access === false) { Lisa Gerrard with Jules Maxwell, who she collaborated with on new album Burn Burn is classic Gerrard: a slow-burn collection of carefully wrought songs that demonstrate her vocals' remarkable. const cookieExpiryInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; successful_upgrade_redirect_url = 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/welcome/premium-plus/'; window.dataLayer[0].user.subscriptionStatus = 'gs_true'; return 'premium-plus'; } else { Soon, Dead Can Dance were reforming, but more of that later.Right now, Gerrard is releasing a new album, , which she made with the Northern Irish musician Jules Maxwell. const badges = getBadgesForEl(el); You can enjoy all premium content without redeeming this code.

    ", } price.addEventListener('click', function () { return -1; updateTemplateForHomeDelivery(node); Lisa Gerrard and James Orr composed the original score for 6-part romantic thriller 'Secret Bridesmaids' Business'. } return '' if (document.cookie.indexOf('guid') > -1) { bundle_info = upgrade_bundles.filter(function (bundle) { if (eventType === 'new_card' && isUpgrades) { if (! let member_redirect = getQueryStringValue('source') === 'mc' ? let previouslySelectedPriceId = getPriceSelected(localStorage.getItem('price.selected')) || getQueryStringValue('priceId'); } productClickSource = window.shopFrontHeaderSubscribe ? }); vars.article.wallVisible = ! Welcome! } else if (selectedPrice.delivery_days.length === 1 && selectedPrice.delivery_days.indexOf(0) > -1) { click: { } window.dataLayer.push({ console.log('observer.observe failed:', e); const getBadgesForEl = function (el) { !gigyaID ? return; meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, color: 'transparent', const priceId = price_link.dataset.price_id; eventTimeout: 2000, if (!bundle_info && !upgrade_bundles.length) { const selectTab = { She had been working with fellow Australian Pieter Bourke on her second album, Duality, and was busy promoting it when the Hollywood director Michael Mann contacted her to say he was keen to collaborate with her on his next big movie. }); } return hash.substr(1) setPriceSelected(selectedPrice._id); subscriptionStartDate: '0000-00-00T00:00:00Z', listenForFlipPayEvents(); if (element.id === 'fp-tog-anch-2') { //Update the css class for the sundayworld HD Bundle. }; }; } if (badges.indexOf('home-delivery') > -1 && !isHomeDelivery) { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { } } return charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57) ? socialEmbed.innerHTML = ''; I realise that technology can help, but Im someone who has to be in the same room as the other person, she says. 'false' : 'true'; } When Hollywood makes an offer, its difficult to refuse. } return bundle._id === id; if (isShopFront) { if (priceA.badges['premium'] && priceB.badges['home-delivery']) { } \u0026amp;ldquo;Looking back, we were both extremely determined and had a very strong vision,\u0026amp;rdquo; she says.\u0026amp;ldquo;We often had conflict over our vision \u2014 it\u0026amp;rsquo;s almost like we\u0026amp;rsquo;ll never, ever really agree [on the music]. return; 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); successful_upgrade_redirect_url = 'https://member.independent.ie/'; virtualPageViewData.eventData.article.wallVisible = 'true'; const domain = '.independent.ie'; return { params[pair[0]] = pair[1]; Again, she had been reluctant to take on a big movie project that would require months of work, but its director, Ridley Scott, proved just as persuasive as Michael Mann had been.\u0026amp;ldquo;I didn\u0026amp;rsquo;t even have an agent at that point and I thought it would be wrong of me to have my voice on a film before had even come out. As a young girl, she was bewitched by the power of sean n\u00f3s singing.A cursory look at Gerrard\u0026amp;rsquo;s prodigious musical output suggests one who wants to have work on the go at all times. document.head.append(script); }); } } else if (node.id === 'fp-tog-anch-2') { const getListName = function () { 'shopfront_monthly_header_subscribe' : 'shopfront_monthly_subscribe'; - I know that I'll be singing for the rest of my life. } eventLabel = 'saturday_sunday'; const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'corporate_account'); } new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], const getQueryStringValue = function (key) { const script = document.createElement('script'); }); subscriptionFinishDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', let upgradesAvailable = false; const setSubscribeButtonColour = function (el) { if (Object.keys(event.detail.object.badge || {}).indexOf('premium') > -1 && ! Edge Enterprise Mode Site List Registry, Arejay Hale Wife, Galileo Thermometer Broke, Articles L
    Home / Uncategorized / lisa gerrard health problems

    lisa gerrard health problems

    Lisa Gerrard: My life went from nought to a thousand, Multiple projects: Lisa Gerrard, singer with Dead Can Dance, Lisa Gerrard with Jules Maxwell, who she collaborated with on new album Burn, Russell Crowe in Gladiator, a film on which Lisa Gerrard worked for seven months on the soundtrack, Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl delights fan with family connection to band during Dublin visit, Iggy Pop: Its 50 years since Raw Power a blink of an eye for the godfather of punk, Obituary: Carol Anne Lowe, talented soprano, actor and businesswoman who had a wonderful sense of fun, Supergrass frontman Gaz Coombes: As you get older, there is more colour in life to tap into musically, Composer Karen Power: I can practically feel the curious penguins brushing against the equipment as they waddle past, Billie Eilish thought U2 were American until last year due to joke on The Office, Noel Gallagher says its human to help your children amid nepo-baby debate, Brighton to add to Irish contingent as deal for former Cork City striker Mark OMahony nears completion, Celtic Tiger restaurateur Marcus Sweeney 'up to his oxters' in organised crime, High Court Judge says, Evening headlines: Paschal Donohoe personally sold Superdraw' tickets to Michael Stone; RT admits Toy Show Musical flopped at box office, Laoch Chorca Noel Laoire faoi spotsholas TG4, Cill na Martra faoi bhrn ach dchasach tar is na Nollag, Cork anti-dereliction activist asks what lies behind boardings after grim discovery, Gaeltacht Mhscra faoi bhrat bhn sneachta, Cork historic chalice could be made available on loan, British museum says, Vulnerable girl (16) was nearly 23 stone and found dead on filthy puppy pads, court hears, How Dublin star made it onto Manchester Uniteds Instagram page, Gary Lineker distracted by sex noise prank on Match of the Day, YouTuber claims responsibility as loud sex noises interrupt BBCs Match of the Day, Unruly Dil scenes on the first day back bring a rebuke from the Ceann Comhairle, True Grit: Local garda shovels sand from moving tractor as snow showers hit, Unchained melodies: Stevensfive-part epic a balm for our times. }); subscriptionStartDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', window.dataLayer.push({ var badgeToUse = ''; const flipPayJsUrl = 'https://cdn.flip-pay.com/clients/inm/flip-pay.js'; She is honest about having a sometimes difficult creative partnership with Perry. selectedPrice = getBundleById(previouslySelectedPriceId); window.dataLayer[0].user.meteredPaywall = meteredPaywall; } const parseTweetIdFromUrl = function (url) { }); document.cookie = 'subscriptionwall_meter_stats=' + meterStatsCookieData + ';path=/;domain=' + cookieDomain + ';max-age='+oneMonthInSeconds; This is not even half of the list. document.getElementById('flip-pay').classList.remove('fp-prevent-html-replace'); setDataLayerNonMeteredFlow(event.detail.object); return false; if (subscriberCookieStatus === "undefined") { premium_content_redirect_url = decodeURIComponent(returnURL); document.cookie = subscriberCookieName + "= ; path=/;domain=" + domain + ";expires = Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"; }, 500) const snackbar = document.getElementById('fp-snackbar'); But mostly, it was because she had never worked on the score of film before and certainly not one with a huge budget and with Al Pacino and Russell Crowe in tow.\u0026amp;ldquo;I said I wouldn\u0026amp;rsquo;t move to Los Angeles, so they sent us [Bourke and Gerrard] lots of scenes and a black burst generator \u2014 an ancient piece of equipment we could run video from \u2014 and, thank God, Pieter was savvy enough to be able to figure out how to use it \u2014 I could never figure it out. if (urlQueryString) { if (socialNetwork === 'facebook' || socialNetwork === 'facebookVideo') { const leafletScript = document.createElement('script'); filter_prices_by_badge: badgeToFilterBy, eventCallback: function () { }; if (!isShopFront) { ecommerce: { Then the offers started pouring in.Within months, Gerrard found herself working with Hans Zimmer on the score for . meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, if (Object.keys(event.detail.object.badge || {}).indexOf('home-delivery') > -1) { } event: 'ee-checkout', if (Object.keys(selectedPrice).length === 0) { true:false; return null; const priceToEcommerceProduct = function (price, index) { script.src = flipPayJsUrl; const now = new Date(); vars.category.regionals = selectedRegional || ''; } else if (isUpgrades === true && member_redirect) { }; if (isShopFront || isUpgrades) { placeholder_prices: Object.keys(price).indexOf('placeholder_prices') > -1 if (! } }; if (subscribeButton) { const products = selectedPrice.placeholder_prices.length > 0 e.preventDefault(); script.onerror = function() { Vexille. }); eventCategory: 'content_link', document.body.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName)); } name: purchase.description, })(); Premium subscribers enjoy unlimited access to all articles. if (bundles.length === 1 && bundles[0].coupon_applied === true) { Takers. selectedPriceRadioInput.style.display = 'none'; This one won the Golden Globe and got an Oscar nomination. We don\u0026amp;rsquo;t compromise, but we find a place where something can be solidified together without us feeling like we\u0026amp;rsquo;ve compromised.\u0026amp;ldquo;It\u0026amp;rsquo;s been quite a hard journey for us. } const fireAddToCartEvent = function () { template_prices_price_description: '

  • >>description<<
  • ', But we got there, and we sent lots of pieces to him.\u0026amp;rdquo;But big-name directors usually get their way. _id: price.id, 2020. p_tag.classList.add('c-box1-brow'); In 2012, their world tour called to Bord G\u00e1is Energy Theatre in Dublin for a night that will live long in the memory for those there.It\u0026amp;rsquo;s been three years since the last Dead Can Dance album, , and a new one will not take shape until the pandemic is over. if (isGrantedBy('whitelist_rule')) { } vars.user.subscriptionStartDate = subscriberCookie.subscriptionStartDate || ''; } var contract = 'contract_bundle'; } template_placeholder_price_option: '

    ', eventCategory: 'hd_flow', Ambient, ethereal, percussive and quite unlike anything else released in the year of Born in the USA and The Unforgettable Fire, the groups distinct sound would find a passionate fanbase to sustain them over the next dozen years. }, Lisa Gerrard. } return { if (!selectedPrice) { subscriptionStatus: purchase.granted_by_app_purchase.sku_code, if (! flipPayConfig.show_spinner = false; const updateMeterStatsCookie = function (didomi, accessObject) { }); if (!hash) { if (Object.keys(window.dataLayer[0]).indexOf('article') > -1) { if (mutation.addedNodes.length) { el.classList.add('-featured'); Understands racism and health behavior change are utilizing early lisa gerrard health problems studies to advance the science practice. window.dataLayer.push({ Gerrard would go on to spend seven months in LA working exclusively on Gladiator, but the process would be bittersweet. } else if (isUpgrades) { }; Lisa Gerrard. }); subscriptionFinishDate: '', } event.detail.object.metered_paywall) { : [], successful_upgrade_redirect_url: 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/welcome/premium/', } upgradesAvailable = true; event: 'ee-productClick', return; premium_content: true, window.dataLayer.push({ A cursory look at Gerrards prodigious musical output suggests one who wants to have work on the go at all times. } // if we have a selectedPrice we will continue to use it for (let i = 0, parts; (parts = cookies[i] && cookies[i].split('=')); i++) { 0 : 1; el.parentElement.classList.add('-bestvalue'); subscriptionStartDate: purchase.granted_by_purchase.original_start_at, meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, expiry: now.getTime() + subscriptionwallPricesSelectedExpiry, window.dataLayer.push({ return item.value; } She has been singing as long as she can remember. if (isRegionalShopFront) { }); } if (urlHash === 'monthly' || urlHash === 'annual') { }); faq.click() return !! Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Lisa Gerrard scheduled in 2023. eventData: { coupon_applied: price.coupon_applied, localStorage.setItem('subscriptionwall.latest-load', new Date().getTime()); }; window.location.href = subscribeLink.href; previouslySelectedPriceId = null; return 1; That was just an ethic that was built into you \u2014 even my own children, they have such a work ethic.\u0026amp;rdquo;Gerrard\u0026amp;rsquo;s fledgling interest in making music for a living crystallised in 1981 when, aged 21, she founded Dead Can Dance with the multi-instrumentalist Brendan Perry. const flipPayScriptThresholdExpired = function () { bundle: bundleValue, const thresholdInHours = Number('0' || '0'); } } 'shop-front': 'fp_refresh_price', return price; Ive listened to Duality and youve lots of other voices, so maybe we can find a different voice.. const urlHash = getUrlHash(); 2019. } else if (accessObject.access === false) { Lisa Gerrard with Jules Maxwell, who she collaborated with on new album Burn Burn is classic Gerrard: a slow-burn collection of carefully wrought songs that demonstrate her vocals' remarkable. const cookieExpiryInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; successful_upgrade_redirect_url = 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/welcome/premium-plus/'; window.dataLayer[0].user.subscriptionStatus = 'gs_true'; return 'premium-plus'; } else { Soon, Dead Can Dance were reforming, but more of that later.Right now, Gerrard is releasing a new album, , which she made with the Northern Irish musician Jules Maxwell. const badges = getBadgesForEl(el); You can enjoy all premium content without redeeming this code.

    ", } price.addEventListener('click', function () { return -1; updateTemplateForHomeDelivery(node); Lisa Gerrard and James Orr composed the original score for 6-part romantic thriller 'Secret Bridesmaids' Business'. } return '' if (document.cookie.indexOf('guid') > -1) { bundle_info = upgrade_bundles.filter(function (bundle) { if (eventType === 'new_card' && isUpgrades) { if (! let member_redirect = getQueryStringValue('source') === 'mc' ? let previouslySelectedPriceId = getPriceSelected(localStorage.getItem('price.selected')) || getQueryStringValue('priceId'); } productClickSource = window.shopFrontHeaderSubscribe ? }); vars.article.wallVisible = ! Welcome! } else if (selectedPrice.delivery_days.length === 1 && selectedPrice.delivery_days.indexOf(0) > -1) { click: { } window.dataLayer.push({ console.log('observer.observe failed:', e); const getBadgesForEl = function (el) { !gigyaID ? return; meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, color: 'transparent', const priceId = price_link.dataset.price_id; eventTimeout: 2000, if (!bundle_info && !upgrade_bundles.length) { const selectTab = { She had been working with fellow Australian Pieter Bourke on her second album, Duality, and was busy promoting it when the Hollywood director Michael Mann contacted her to say he was keen to collaborate with her on his next big movie. }); } return hash.substr(1) setPriceSelected(selectedPrice._id); subscriptionStartDate: '0000-00-00T00:00:00Z', listenForFlipPayEvents(); if (element.id === 'fp-tog-anch-2') { //Update the css class for the sundayworld HD Bundle. }; }; } if (badges.indexOf('home-delivery') > -1 && !isHomeDelivery) { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { } } return charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57) ? socialEmbed.innerHTML = ''; I realise that technology can help, but Im someone who has to be in the same room as the other person, she says. 'false' : 'true'; } When Hollywood makes an offer, its difficult to refuse. } return bundle._id === id; if (isShopFront) { if (priceA.badges['premium'] && priceB.badges['home-delivery']) { } \u0026amp;ldquo;Looking back, we were both extremely determined and had a very strong vision,\u0026amp;rdquo; she says.\u0026amp;ldquo;We often had conflict over our vision \u2014 it\u0026amp;rsquo;s almost like we\u0026amp;rsquo;ll never, ever really agree [on the music]. return; 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); successful_upgrade_redirect_url = 'https://member.independent.ie/'; virtualPageViewData.eventData.article.wallVisible = 'true'; const domain = '.independent.ie'; return { params[pair[0]] = pair[1]; Again, she had been reluctant to take on a big movie project that would require months of work, but its director, Ridley Scott, proved just as persuasive as Michael Mann had been.\u0026amp;ldquo;I didn\u0026amp;rsquo;t even have an agent at that point and I thought it would be wrong of me to have my voice on a film before had even come out. As a young girl, she was bewitched by the power of sean n\u00f3s singing.A cursory look at Gerrard\u0026amp;rsquo;s prodigious musical output suggests one who wants to have work on the go at all times. document.head.append(script); }); } } else if (node.id === 'fp-tog-anch-2') { const getListName = function () { 'shopfront_monthly_header_subscribe' : 'shopfront_monthly_subscribe'; - I know that I'll be singing for the rest of my life. } eventLabel = 'saturday_sunday'; const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'corporate_account'); } new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], const getQueryStringValue = function (key) { const script = document.createElement('script'); }); subscriptionFinishDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', let upgradesAvailable = false; const setSubscribeButtonColour = function (el) { if (Object.keys(event.detail.object.badge || {}).indexOf('premium') > -1 && !

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