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harry is married to lucius fanfiction

Author: annescriblerian Granted Warnings: multiple partners, underage, violence, BDSM, creatures Summary: Whilst wallowing in a world of self-pity, Harry is kidnapped by vengeful Death Eaters. Rating: NC-17 Rating: M Summary: Harry belongs to Voldemort; a pet, a slave and nothing more. He comes into contact with Lucius Malfoy, who decides to teach him dark magic. Author: Hijja Summary:A letter home from their oldest son. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Draco/Lucius, Severus/Lucius, Severus/Harry An odd interlude set roughly in Aunties LIVIN LA VEELA LOCA universe. Rating: NC-17 It was frightening. The Dark Side of Reason* Summary: Harry and Hermione get lost in the Dark Forest. Voldemort is dead. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author:Meatball Warnings: non con, underage Please pay attention to the warnings. Unfortunately, it depended on Snapes loyalty . Summary: 2500 Word SnitchaThon fic: Ginny Weasley must pay for her sins of the past, as a traitor and killer. Rating: PG-13 Summary: Post-war. Contractual Obligations Word: Oubliette. Summary: Nothing Harry Potter did was ever simple, right? Author: Sestra_Prior Rating: NC-17 Not Master Severus, Just Severus* Tool, Sober. Will Harry win? Summary: When Harry loses his memory, Lucius supplies a new set. Harry had never expected this and it was with a single moment, a single choice that none of them saw coming, that Voldemort won the war. Rating: R Summary: Severus Snape created the perfect submissive: beautiful, responsive, obedient to a fault. As he struggles to walk this new path, he learns to rely on those he is now tied to. Warnings: character death, OOC Warnings: prostitution, mild voyeurism, BDSM Summary: Harry discovers a new power while under the care of the Malfoys. Rating: NC-17 Narcissa has left Lucius with a three month old Draco. It wasnt until Harry discovered he was pregnant did things start to become complicated. How is Harry to manage sharing his life in two very different worlds? Summary: Harry finds it a strange world, where he keeps visiting Lucius Malfoy out of his own free will even when the necessity has stopped. Summary: Harry, can I ask you something? ~ Mm, you know you can, Harry said Why do you fuck my father?. Author: Cluegirl Unexpected Developments Harry is married with Lucius with three children. Summary: Forced to attend yet another Ministry party, Harry decides to drink his way through it. Fragile Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Draco, Lucius/Others Warnings: character deaths, darkfic Especially for the Boy Who Lived. Even Lovers Drown Author: lostinthought Author: Sestra_Prior Rating: PG A Gift of Royal Quality* Summary: A series of vignettes of how Lucius slowly seduces Harry. Rating: R La RencontreMomentane Of course I don't remember the name nor the author, help please ? Slytherin Nights drarry; recommendations; fanfics +6 more # 15. The Running Man A plot bunny by N. Petrenko. Warnings: non con Warnings: OOC Author: Lidane Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 The fiction and artwork posted on this blog are based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scho-lastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. Author: Nymphadora/JsPrincess Author: eaivalefay Summary: The Boy-Who-Lived has never been laidcontrary to popular opinion! Rating:M Pairings: Harry/Sirius, Harry/Remus, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Others Author: keikokin Author: Sestra_Prior Pairings: Harry/Lucius (implied Harry/Draco) Summary: Harry falls asleep to the clanging of chains about his wrists and dreams of the days he can never forget. Summary: After coming home after his Fourth term. Fleur-de-Lis Warnings: mpreg, OOC, character death Author: 1kinkyslytherin Warnings: dark!fic Warnings: torture, bloodplay, drug use, dubcon, verbal degradation, implied Harry/Draco Warnings: veela Summary: Challenge #14 for the Beloved Enemies FQF: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy and Remus Lupin all try and win Harry over. Visual Effects*, a follow up to Another Kind of Magic (Snarry fic) Rating: M Blank Space: You Belong With Me Redux Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Other(s) Buy a Prisoner Conjugal Visit Author: UnderStarrySkies Rating: PG Summary: Harry walks in on his lover with another. I Hope I Die Before I Get Sold Warnings: non con, character death, darkfic Author: softlysweetly Summary: Lucius receives a letter from a student claiming to be in love with him. Summary:Harry receives a confusing letter while at Hogwarts. Rating: PG-13 Summary: The boys celebrate the holidayin their own way. Author:Bridgette_Hayden Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Summary: What you see is only on the surface. Warnings: dark!Harry, character bashing Spare the Rod Author: katiedid55 Warnings: mpreg Warnings: non con, character death Author: DeadlyElegance Summary: The house elves are upset, Lucius is worried, and Harry is confused. Summary: After the defeat of Voldemort, wizarding society has changed. Author: Ayla Pascal Warnings: mpreg, creature!Harry, veela!Lucius Frankly, you're Harry's only chance." Snape frowned as he took a sip of his whiskey and then he turned to look at Sirius. Dont look for anything too serious here; its all about the smut. Summary:Lucius is very insecure about his sexuality. Summary: There was a young man who wasted time. Warnings: non con Rating: R Author: BrianJustin4Ever Summary: Scenario 52 in the HP/LM FQF: Lucius uses Polyjuice to pretend he is Draco. Lord of the Manor, sequel to Lady in Waiting Warnings: mpreg Author: Iulia Linnea Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Lucius/Draco Pairings: Snape/Harry, Lucius/Harry, Others/Harry Post-war. Summary: In the end, there was only acceptance. Author: amanuensis He no longer cares about anything but is still hurt by his freinds reaction. Summary: The experiences of a prisoner of war. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Draco Author: Kandakickass Summary: Harry goes to Hogwarts with a secret love for crossdressing only to be discovered. Warnings: AU, violence, character death, D/s, dub con, torture Author: Jade Author: SweetSorcery Rating: NC-17 Warnings: crossdressing Vampires and vengeance. An Even Trade A Midsummer Night, part of the Lucius Malfoy One-Shots Summary: A series of shorts and one-shots for my friend and beta, GhostxWriter, who is quite fond of Top!Harry paired with Draco, Lucius, and Severus, and the odd unusual pairing. Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Author: Filhe Summary: In the corner of the pleasure district lies a store that can heal you. Author: elfflame Rating: PG They land in New York only devastation hits again they have to deal with their new life. Summary: Harry wants the one thing he cant have, so he settles for a replacement. The Wizarding World knew things would be different if they lost to the Dark, but they never thought anything like this could happen! Warnings: non con, BDSM, violence, enslavement, bloodplay, torture Author: Nimohtar Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius Malfoy appreciates Harry Potter in his own way. Warnings: BDSM, bonding fic, toys, mpreg Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, underage, violence Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Summary: Working in the Ministry Harry leads a double life and keeps an important secret. Author: Mistress Slytherin Summary: No summary provided. Summary: No summary provided. The potion was placed in the bathroom cabinet in case Harry wished to take it again. Pairings: Time Travel To the Snakes Den* Summary: Narcissa speaks from beyond the grave via the Somei Yoshino in the Malfoy family garden. Author:astheblackrosewilts Warnings: fem!Harry, het Author: annescriblerian And Of Course He Was Cleared Courts of the Sun The Seventh Day of Christmas Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Summary: Harry Potter is Jane Eyre! Summary:Finding his loves strange fetish of him wearing women clothes goes farther then usual for a ball when he has to wear a dress. Warnings: multiple partners, creature!Harry, dark!Harry, violence, non con, self harm, underage, incest, BDSM, character death Summary: If you read this before, try it again. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Snape Summary: Lucius thinks about his obsession. Rating: R Warnings: AU, dub con Summary: Lucius loves riding horses. Author: gmth Author: bluesunshine24 Author: EntreNous What will happen when feelings start to emerge between the pair? Warnings: dub con, bondage, voyeurism And then fate drops the opportunity for vengeance right at his feet, in the person of one Harry Potter. It is filled with whispers carried by the wind; a whisper of something ghastly and beautiful. Summary: Dumbledore decides that hes had enough of the Dursleys abuse and brings Harry to Hogwarts at age eight. Rating: R Author: Annika von Rammstein Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape (Ron/Snape, Draco/Hermione) Summary: Voldemort is dead, but Lucius loves his new master. Rating: R Author: hpstrangelove Author: scarletscarlet/ships_harry Rating: NC-17 Author:Horrornatrix Summary: Professor Malfoy catches Harry outside the dorms after curfew. Warnings: violence Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Draco/Harry, Draco/Harry/Blaise Feathery Kisses* Warnings: time travel Rating: NC-17 How will his lover welcome him? Author: Kiddiluna Da Capo A Will Of Rusted Iron* Warnings: darkfic, blood, torture Summary: Harry goes for a late night snack and is tempted by forbidden fruit. Winters are awful when theres nobody to share them with except with madmen among madmen. Warnings: non con, threesome, incest, violence, mentions of child abuse Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Fenrir, Harry/Severus Summary: The war is over, and now Harry has it made. After Potions Class What You Wish For*, part 1 of the What series Summary: 500+ word angsty drabble based on the word Oubliette. Author: ms_anthropy Author: LinW A good career, loving family and devoted friends. Caring For the Boy Summary: The life of Harry is never easy and finding a long lasting mate who wont use him becomes very difficult. Warnings: mpreg, creature!Harry, multiple partners, D/s Rating: PG-13 Summary: Evidence in the case of the abduction of Harry Potter: journal entries by Lucius Malfoy, lead suspect. Thats when they call a former classmate of Dracos. Warnings: mpreg, kink Quote: Harry Potter broke me. Summary: A strange little ficlet with extremely suggestive references regarding the reason why Lucius Malfoy might obey one Harry Potter in the aftermath of the battle with Voldemort. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Only Lucius can give Harry the freedom from his internal demons. Warnings: darkfic Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Anger drives him and lust ignites him and he treats Lucius like a prize, a willing sacrifice, a whore and it is all that Lucius wants; feels compelled to have. Warnings: BDSM Summary: Landing back in time and falling in love with not one but two wizards was surprisingly enough not Dumbledores doing. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus, Lucius/Severus, Severus/Harry In His Best Interests (or The Miseducation of Harry Potter) Author: goseaward Author:maraudersaffair Rating: R Author: TheFoundersFour Summary: Harry feels lost. Author: Faeline Lucius feels the strain of loss deeply, but suddenly, after being dragged into a Muggle circus by Snape and falling hard for a talented artist, a firedancer, everything changes again and the bitterness isnt so hard to bear. Author: Yih Warnings: character death, darkfic Rating: R Author: keikokin They had both become the two youngest Aurors ever to work for the Ministry. Chime Author: enchanted_nightingale Summary: Lucius helps Harry keep his mind occupied when he has a claustrophia attack. And its taking a huge toll on him. ** and written by request. All Those He Touches, sequel to Sticking Point** Lucius was always an exception. Author: Evandar Rating: PG Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Summary: Dont sneak out alone, Harry, they always tell him. Author: Hijja Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape. Rating: PG-13 12 Days of Christmas* Whore VI AO3**| FFN. Summary: A story about Harrys night with someone special. Runaway Mate Warnings: underage A White Coat For My Blond Warnings: BDSM The profiler idea comes from Nefernat. Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Draco, Draco/Severus Author: minna chan Why did he expect differently? Rating: PG-13 Rating: R Weeks, Months Call Me Daddy Rating: NC-17 In Lust We Trust Warnings:underage Summary: Harry has to speak to Lucius privately in order to proposition him. Author: Lomonaaeren Warnings: mpreg Rating: NC-17 Author: Meet Me in the Dark Author: stolendreamer Warnings: AU, OOC, forced marriage Harry doesnt really want to, not yet. Heed Him Rating: NC-17 Its unexpected to say the least. Author: leni_jess A Theory Author: Anne Phoenix Warnings: threesome, BDSM, voyeurism, OOC Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Lucius/Narcissa Author: jeeva160889 Summary: A slaves thoughts as his Master sleeps on. Addendum, sequel to Educational Lover Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Mind Games* Rating: PG-13 Two Accidents Are Better Than One After his death revelations are revealed that no one, not even Ron and Hermione had expected. Rating: T Rating: R Author: gmth When Under Goodness Wicked Lies Best thing there could be would be enchantment. Summary: Lucius has his own opinion about training methods. Obedience and Instruction, part 1 of the Obedience and Instruction series Summary: Ever since Voldemorts near-defeat three years past, Hazel Potters health has been in steady decline. Author: Zelda of Arel Afterwards* Remedial Potions: A Dream Come True* Summary: Harry had gone on the run and hunted down the Horcruxes. Rating: NC-17 Will Lucius help him, or will Lucius to help Harry in another way.. My Lord, Master, and Lover* Warnings: mrpeg Rating: R Rating: R The Darkness What Once Was*,part 2 of the What series Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape (implied) A Dictionary Drabble based on the word contumacy. Hiding underneath the podium, the younger wizard places a potion on Malfoys skin. Summary: Lucius may be rotting in Azkaban, but he has one constant visitor. Author: Meet Me in the Dark Does it start something more than friendship? No Way Summary: A certain blonde veela discovers his lifemate in the middle of a final battle just as Voldemort moves in on him. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: yeahishipdrarry Rating: R Between Life and Dreams Summary: The Wizarding World is under threat again. Harry works in a gay club Cazzo and hes rather slutty. Naturally, Lucius expects to receive only the most cultured of customers. Author: la femme Summary: Does this excite you, Potter? a hot voice hissed against the nape of Harrys neck. Author: keikokin The Case Sequel: Their Worse Than Killing Lust* Veela Heart With only the shoes on his feet, he has moved to France and opened a couture shoppe in a trendy Parisian neighborhood. After Draco gets married, Lucius decides he has to stop them, with the help of Harry Potter. Warnings: non con, bloodplay, character death Rating: NC-17 Summary: No summary provided. And again. Rating: PG-13 Warnings: dubcon, violence, enslavement Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Severus Rating: NC-17 Summary:Every day, they walked past each other but never stopped to say a word. Rating: R Rating: R Author: Starkindler Their courtships are dazzling, stunning, splendid. Rating: PG-13 Or, does he? Beyond This Point Lie Monsters* Summary: Lucius saves Harry when he is captured and brought to a Death Eater meeting, but a prophecy must be fulfilled before they can be safe. Rating: R Author: SoulAsunder Warnings: non con Author: arenee1999 Summary: Harry and Lucius continue their discreet relationship, until Narcissa gets wind of it. True Names Warnings: time travel, mpreg, tragedy Warnings: muggle AU, genderswap Treacherous Boy Summary: Harrys been told he has a problem, so he sees a doctor about it. Rating: R Rating: R

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