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steve rogers x hurt daughter readersteve rogers x hurt daughter reader

Abruptly waking up, you swiftly turn on your side to shut off the incessant beeping coming from the alarm clock resting on your bedside table. You couldnt get rid of the man even if you tried. You took it harder than both Sam and Bucky, one of the reasons is because they both knew about it beforehand. Silence followed as the group paused and looked at each other, wondering if they were really going to do this. Word Count: 1,610. Its a pleasure being here., Pleasures all mine, (Y/N), Tony says, shaking your hand once more. PPlease, Dad. And BFF Sam Wilson. "C'mon, (y/n). Last week, Dad and I got into a really bad argument. Yes, I miss it too. Steve, I love you.. You dont want to be late.. Yes, your job was pretty much a glorified nanny, but you wouldnt have it any other way. Sams training me in a few. Really? Steves eyes grew wide with hope. Steve pulled you into his arms before his right hand found the low of your back and his left gently held your hand. He carried you from the common room and back to you and Buckys room and into your room. You threw up your hands in defense. You whipped your door open just as fast as you slammed it shut before crumpling into a heap on the ground. he yells back Doll, what are you-? Steve started but soon stopped once he saw what you turned around with. He sat down with you on his lap and let you cry into him while he rubbed your back up and down. Your mind graciously woke you up with that sentiment at eight oclock in the morning. I dont know, You brought your bottom lip between your teeth, biting gently on it. Your eyes quickly scan over the group. Touchy. The room grew quiet after that as Steve focused on his paperwork and as Sam sat across from him. He went back to his old life and you didnt know why. Better than before. For how long?. Pulling back even further, you sat back on your heels as you reached over and grabbed the tray full of breakfast items. Good job, everyone, Steve commended the team while taking his helmet off, leaving pieces of blonde hair sticking up in tufts. As you grabbed his hand to allow him to pull you up, you couldnt help but notice that your hand fit perfectly in his. It will hurt too much., His face fell and was replaced with a look of hurt. When Steve brings home a stray he could not have forseen how the reader would change not only his life but that of his best friend. T-thank you, Steve breathed out, his own smile fixing on his face. Steven Grant Rogers was always in trouble. Here, they shine so brightly, just like they did back then when there wasnt all the brightness of the city around to block them out. But you didnt disappear, you were real and solid and wholly there as you stood on your tip-toes, trying so desperately to get closer to the man that you have been slowly falling in love with. He viewed it as an opportunity to finally connect with you and develop the relationship he desired with his step-daughter. At every ride that you rode, you always held his hand tightly to reassure yourself that you were safe because you had Steve right beside you. I will include it down below so you can listen while you read :), Tag List: #deadpool You rubbed your eyes and nodded so Steve stood up from the couch and waited for you to follow. For ruining everything, Steves hand found one of yours and gripped it tightly in his own. Geez. Finally Im not the one stumbling over my words, You said with a small chuckle even though you were absolutely terrified. Decide to tell Steve about your feelings. With her mother dead and her father long gone, Tony adopts her right after her first birthday. Is he conscious? You asked, grabbing bandage after bandage. Steve quickly picked up his shield and looked over the debris to see if there was still a swarm of robots in the area. Readers ages are: a few months old, then 3 years old, then 7 years, old and then 16 years old. You could hear your dad talking to Steve. I can handle myself, Mr. Rogers., Running a hand down his tired face, Mr. Rogers gave you a tired look. You want me to color with you? he asked. The vision sharpened around the blurry form of Steve, bringing him into focus. Still, thanks., Youre welcome, Steve responds with a smile. It's your typical love story - guy meets girl, guy falls in love with girl - all except for one minor detail - girl hates guy. By the time that you arrived to the compound where the party was being held, your nerves had calmed down and you were feeling more comfortable around Steve. Before you could say anything, he nodded, and you returned to your work. If he was going to ask you, it needed to be soon. In 1943, a super soldier was created - Steve Rogers. Looking outside the window, you saw that there was already snow on the ground, even though it was only November. #jessicajones Steve Rogers x Daughter!reader, Bucky Barnes x Daughter!reader, Sam Wilson x Daughter!reader, The aftermath of Thanos hits you hard, so you decide to hit it back. Made you your favorite. I like coming out here, Steve smiled to himself as he looked down at you. Happy birthday, Stevie, You said over the deafening booms of the fireworks above you. Tag List: @mp938368 @pcdmesamidala @thatgirlsar @jumperswellies @quicksoldier @kitkatgaming @marvelfandom-stuff @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @agentraven007 @marvelgoateecollection @thaniya82 @thats-so-rhyan @hymnofthevalkyries. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. This time was spent sharing stories and laughing at the antics around you. I understand. Hey, you know my visions dont work like that. The soft yellow light from the old lightbulb above you casted dancing silhouettes across the bare walls. Also, I got to meet you., Your cheeks flared with heat at his statement. But Im glad Im here too. Steve, still blushing, makes his way towards you. You carefully moved around each tower of boxes as you looked for any available space to put the heavy box. Tears poured down my face, and I said,"Okay! Well, uh, give you two a moment, Bruce said with a small smile as he ushered everyone out. I shouldn't have said that to him. Its just three bros raising a baby together. Can I please have a Steve Rogers imagine where the reader really really likes him and asks the avengers for advice but he overhears. Ill take care of it, You say as you began to cut away his suit. Your eyes met his as his thumb traced over your swollen bottom lip, a small smile forming at the corner of his. YES, GO LADY (Y/N) AND THE CAPTAIN OF AMERICA! Thors booming voice called from around the corner, causing both of your eyes to dart over to see all of the Avengers peering around the corner. It was so difficult to bury your feelings for the Captain when he looked at you like this. You do. Turning in your seat, you dug through the back until you found what you were looking for. With his bottom lip jutted out and wide, baby blue eyes, how could you possibly say no? In which, Emilia "Millie&quo Steve Rogers has a daughter named gabby and she meets the avengers. Two girls fall into the hands of the Avengers, only to find out they are the daughters of Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff, and Tony Stark & Pepper Potts. It wasn't like you were a stalker or anything, or a very crazy fangirl of Captain America. Your heart leaped into overdrive and your eyes snapped open to reveal Steve in sweatpants and a tight blue shirt. Steve took the short step into your shared apartment as he carried you over the threshold. He was right. When all your attempts to squirm out of his grip failed, you gave up and collapsed against him. Right behind his back? "I wonder if you're always reckless, going on dangerous adventures," you tell him, not expecting a response as you're changing the fluids, and tucking him in the blankets again. Thank you so much, You say with a smile, looking at the team. I am back from the dead and have actually wrote something! He immediately draped his muscular arm across your shoulders. Only half of the image would be clear, my half. I mean unless you count embarrassing situations, A/N: Hi!!! As if I could ever ignore him, you thought to yourself with a chuckle as your eyes eventually settled on him. And man, did that kiss put those fireworks to shame. 24 hours from now I will delete everything in my inbox that is not from 2023 so if you want your request written, send it in again. We have a big day ahead of us, birthday boy!, Watching you spring up from the bed to go get ready, Steve smiled as he watched your retreating figure. The warmth that spread up your arm made your heart race as Steve led you into the compound where the party was already in full swing. You were in the main area of the tiny apartment when he entered and when you saw him, you avoided his gaze and went back to your toys. Nothing here feels like home Seeing what you did, it scared me. I always feel so obligated to be just like you, and maybe in some ways I am, but I don't want to be you. Well whenever your path crossed with the Avengers, you quickly foiled their missions in order to stop When did that ever work out for me? You quipped back as you remembered every time you tried to talk to him. Being this high up in the mountains, the snow came early, bringing frost and glacial air with it. You dont think (Y/N) would mind if we just went up and had, like, one pancake, right? Steve shyly asked as he looked up at the ceiling. Glancing towards the fireplace in the small cabin, you noticed that the fire had gone out, leaving only embers behind in its wake. Well, anyways, I hope you enjoy it! You see the Falcon- Samguffawing as he punches Captain- Stevein the arm, causing him to blush. I really am sorry. The mission he was leaving for now was going to last at least two days and he was still trying to think of who to leave you with. Never have you seen so many stars in your whole life. Are you up for a little boat ride and a show?. More than you could possibly ever know. Warmth spread through your body at his words, but a fire was ignited in you the moment your lips touched his. All done, You breathed out, wiping the back of your hand against your forehead. You looked over at Steve and he smiled. You found yourself swaying back and forth with him, gazing into his crystal blue eyes. You're obsessed with the MCU. Mustering up all of the courage that you could, you forced yourself to turn around and face Steve. I do now, You smiled, pulling him in for another kiss that was sure to be followed by many, many more. Steves hand on your back bunched the material of your shirt while the other slowly slid from your face into your hair, intertwining with your soft locks. Nope, not one bit, Sam finished as he held his own growling stomach. Some days it was as simple as walking the streets and going to different stores and trying new things. You didnt ruin anything, You tried to pull your hand from his strong grasp, but he wasnt letting go. #ironfist (Y/N), You answered as you felt your knees wobble underneath his gaze. Not yet, Steve winked before scooping you up into his strong arms. Quickly glancing over the words on it, Sam tossed it over his shoulder uninterested. Trying to hold back the tears, you made your way through the labyrinth that was the compound to the safety of your room. Oh, Doll-, He moved to hug you, but you placed your hands on his firm chest to stop him from enveloping you in his arms. When she attacks The Avengers in order to get away, will she become an enemy? The smooth melody guided the two of you as Steve pulled you as close as he could to himself. Before you could change your mind, you blurted out the words. I understand. Smiling as you enter the kitchen, you find that it is completely empty. I have big plans for you, mister.. He didnt want to disturb your routine too much so he told Steve he could stay in his and your room at the compound. I hope you all enjoy this. He walked back over to your bed and sat down on the edge but you scooted over and patted the space next to you. The group, shocked, looked over to where Wanda was as she sheepishly held her ravenous stomach. I was hoping if I could get a fanfiction of Steve Rogers x reader where she is also an avenger and somehow develops feelings for him. You could feel the angry tears burning in your eyes as you looked over to your dad. As your eyes darted down to his exposed abs, you gulped once again as you too stretched. Do all you boys just think about your stomach? Nat questions as she looks over the group. Steve was assigned to watch over you as your mother attended her business trip for the week. Yeah, You smiled at him. Uncle Tony squeezed my hand, before he nodded to Mom. See a recent post on Tumblr from @rachaelswrites about steve rogers x daughter!reader. A/N: Hello, lovely followers! Then one day early in the summer, the museum hires an intern - a yo Soulmate AU. I think you are pretty stunning too. You brushed back your hair when you said that, a little bit of embarrassment peeking through. , more commonly known as Sadie Harris. You begged Bucky not to take you to his meeting. Rogers, what in the world are you doing? You laughed as you followed in tow. I'd never want to hurt him. Well, if you want to talk about it, Im here, Steve gave you a warm smile. If you havent read the first part, I will put a link down below so that you can read it. Steve. As he looked up, he couldnt help but admire your retreating form as you stopped to talk to someone. HYDRA? Steves voice grew heavy with worry. I could never hate you. You would listen to him, no matter how painful his words would be. Looking at your own, you too realized just how late it was getting and just how hungry you had become. Quickly pulling back, you walked out the door, leaving Steve a blushing, giddy mess as he leaned against his desk, hand touching his cheek where your lips had just been. Steve, your Steve, loved you? Now, lets strategize over some takeout. Then you kept avoiding me these past couple of days and I knew I ruined everything. Since you were going to be in attendance, Tony made sure all movies were kid-friendly (he didnt want a lecture from either Steve or Bucky about inappropriate movie choices) and that there were enough snacks and drinks for everyone. Warning: Swearing Author: Jen You groaned as you clambered onto the counter, struggling to stand as you pulled open the cupboard door. Shifting the load of papers to one arm, you knocked on the glass door. Are you sure, (Y/N)? Or better yet, love him? You can't help it. You cant think of her that way. Brought you those files from Gary, finally. But underneath all of that, (Y/N) is a powerful mutant that's been thrust into a As far as the rest of the world knew, Tony Stark was nothing but a billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. You felt someone grab your hand gently. Are you in there?. Does it? You asked as you looked into Steves eyes. Its not right, You mimicked Steve, dropping your voice down an octave as you puffed out your chest and fell into line just like a soldier. The two of you continued to sway to the music, but the only thing you were paying attention to was Steves soft breaths and steady heartbeat. He was just overjoyed that he was spending the day with his best girl. I'll be two doors down. You would rather not ask him for lunch but you could hear your stomach growling and knew that meant you had to eat. Most of the team got their much-needed vacation and either spent their days lounging on the couch or at some special resort that Tony had managed to book at the last minute. I suppose so, You smirked at Steve as he opened your car door. And you get her. Giving him a sly smile, you got out of the car. Steve's heart sunk into his stomach as his eyes darted around. I still cant believe you said yes to getting an apartment with me.. You certainly werent going to now. As the day went on, you tried to distract yourself with meaningless chores around the house. You didnt want to answer Tonys question. A soft gasp escaped your lips as Steve kissed your collar bone which ignited a fire inside of you. I was just mad, and I didn't think before I spoke. You lost most of the people you loved in a second. Hes tall, kind, super strong, and not to mention extremely handsome. Browse through and read steve rogers x reader stories and books. So what if we are on the lam? I know its in one of these boxes, somewhere Steve began to go through every box until he found the record player. You never left your dads side and when people talked to you, your dad always had to answer for you, even around Steve you were shy, your dads best friend. Well, yeah. The team made it out with minimal injuries, only a couple of bruises and cuts here and there. A/N: This popped into my head last night as I was listening to some 40s music and I couldnt not write it! Throwing a wink over her shoulder, she mouthedgood luck.. When he decided that he was going to ask you, he would get so nervous that he wouldnt say a word to you and instead stood there awkwardly as he knocked things over.

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steve rogers x hurt daughter reader