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sermon on hard work and diligencesermon on hard work and diligence

Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity (II Peter 1:57). Topic: THE RESULTS OF SERVING DILIGENTLY AND SELFLESSLY (Proverbs 4:20-27) Acts 6:5-7, Denomination: Good morning everyone, let me get your mind thinking- As mentioned, the beginning or end of an important task can be the most difficult. God waited patiently, hoping for mankind to repent while Noah was building the ark (, God specifically worked with mankind for 120 years before sending the flood (. And the hard road looks hard but once you do the hard thing in life, it turns out to be the easy thing. Centuries ago others illustrated the same concept with the adages, Dripping water hollows a stone, or Drop upon drop collected will make a river. [Proverbs 10:5; 15:19; 22:13; 26:13, 16], 2. What is it that you know you need to do this week that is undone in your life? We must choose to obey God rather than people. read more, Scripture: Whether at home, at work, or in ministry, admit to God that you havent been working as hard as you should (He knows already)HeH, and ask Him to cleanse you from sin. Do it. [Proverbs 14:23; 20:17; 22:16; 30:8-9], 8. And the very reason for exercising it is the completeness of God's gift. Foolishness is born in the heart of a child. Proverbs 22:15. When we are most intent we are most silent. Get in it. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat (Proverbs 23:13). There is no substitute for the goodness a godly mother brings. 1 Corinthians 3:6-9, Denomination: God waited patiently, hoping for mankind to repent while Noah was building the ark (I Peter 3:20)God specifically worked with mankind for 120 years before sending the flood (Genesis 6:3)Question: What do we mean by the terms, "diligence", "work . "Work is like an armour that protects a person against afflictions, and diligence is like a sword that wards off misfortune." Another scholar said: "Nothing is better than having a reason that is adorned with forbearance, a deed that is adorned with knowledge, and forbearance that is adorned with truthfulness!" Some scholars have said: . I. It is the road that leads you to the top. Here is the solution to the problem. Do you see a man skilled in his work? Bankruptcy, debtors prison, law suits, and a lifetime of forced labor await such people. Somebody said to me, Well, what about the work-aholics? I answered, One sermon at a time, please. Even on the brink of success, while he holds it in his hands, procrastination seduces him to stumble at the threshold of victory. The same idea is seen when it comes to the quality of diligence. In the book of Nehemiah Gods people experienced the same drop in motivation when they were working on rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, Thus in Judah it was said, The strength of the burden bearers is failing, yet there is much rubbish; and we ourselves are unable to rebuild the wall (Nehemiah 4:10). Whoever loves wine and oil will never be rich.Proverbs 21:17, The sluggards craving will be the death of him because his hands refuse to work. 'We cannot read the eternal decrees of God nor know the names written in the Book of Life. Prayer- Five characteristics of Difference Makers in this world. You're Preaching, But Do You Know Who's Listening? Therefore, we must prepare early, so we will have time to handle unforeseen events. Better advertising would be his work done diligently and thoroughly at a competitive price, and the word-of-mouth recommendations are far less risky than an initial burden of overhead investment. Theme: Character development is not an important part of life?it IS life! 1. A Secure Defense Diligence is a virtue but when God is taken out of the picture, it becomes a liability characterized by vanity, sorrow, hard labour, restlessness, failure and poverty (Ps 127:1-2). In Scripture diligence is highly commended. Guest. The day of full salvation, repose, and blessedness is near dawning. 1. THEME: CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY FOR GROWTH Yes, some have more than others, and no, my experiences do not enable me to exactly or completely sympathize with your own. For the glory of God, take up the call to be diligent, remembering Gods provision for you. - Sunday Morning. In Scripture diligence is highly commended. Ruth 2:1-7. Dont try to make money by deceit or fraud. It can be worse than you think, and it can get worse than that! The hard road looks difficult and daunting. In Scripture diligence is highly commended. We serve a big God. Noah would have been busy preaching, trying to persuade the lost. Diligence makes God's gifts ours. No man or woman, old or young, white or black can make it, succeed or prevail in whatsoever by diligence, strength or hard work alone (1Sam 2:7-9). Seest thou a man diligent in his business? Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons sons (Deuteronomy 4:9). Dont work so much, however, that you need to re-introduce yourself to your family. We do not know. Of one fellow-worker, Paul said, And we have sent with them our brother, whom we have often tested and found diligent in many things (2 Corinthians 8:22). read more, Scripture: He will not serve before obscure men.Proverbs 22:29. That is your moment of truth, when you cast off laziness and embrace diligence! All the while the game of life is being played all around us and we are sitting on the bench, sound asleep. Look for them. Gal.1: 4Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of 2. Things invariably go wrong in ways that we cannot anticipate, because of our limited experience. Take it easy. Thorns had come up everywhere. Hebrews 10:26-39, Habakkuk 1, Habakkuk 2:2-4. It is the way of staying in bed. II Peter was written from prison during a time of intense persecution and a time of false teachings which condoned a virulent sexual permissiveness and moral relativity. 1. There must be fervour if there is to be growth. For example, consider your choice of major in school, or sought position in employment: Many people advocate a job that makes you happy. When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: and put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Young Women: DO NOT under any circumstances whatever you do, DO NOT marry a lazy man! Its the way of laziness, the way of the sluggard. There is not much work out there. Proverbs 6:9-11, Denomination: Although seductive pitfalls abound, which lure us into a denial of the consequences of laziness, the wise will grow in the knowledge of Gods Word, overcome, and diligently lead a life of commitment. Read, re-read, and even memorize the proverbs that pertain to both laziness and work.c. Though your work will differ from my work and from everybody elses work, the qualities of success are always the same: planning, forethought, diligence, enthusiasm and full commitment to whatever God has called you to do. Back in 1940 a man named Harlan Sanders was in Corbin, KY and he bought this old dilapidated restaurant and built a motel which was very advanced for that day. read more, Scripture: Far more important, diligence is a quality valued by our Creator Himself, and is one that can, when combined with the other virtues, prepare us to for eternity. It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. Baptist. Outline: 1. I am preaching about the value of hard work. Consider its ways and be wise. Truly, when you have diligence, you do have real power. The night of weeping, the night of toil, is nearly past. Sermon illustrations on Work. (For example, we may be diligent in service to needy saints but fail to stand for Gods truth and resist spiritual compromise , Such diligence will be in vain if we give up and quit before we finish. Introduction - An Example of Diligence; Noah may have worked up to 120 years constructing the ark! The desire of the lazy man kills him, for his hands refuse to labor. The spiritual gift of leadership is one of the gifts of Romans 12. God wants us to be diligent in virtually every corner of our lives. Little naps are followed by little distractions, which are followed by little hindrances, which are followed by more little rests, which are followed by little emergencies, which are followed by little breaks and suddenly, ones life is in shambles! Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. God created people to be his coworkers Man was created in the image of God and since God is a worker, man - created in God's image - must be a worker, too. If you find yourself dating or even engaged to such a person, then like those who stumble upon a Plutonium-239 core, disengage carefully, raise your shields, and head for the hills, because you dont want to be anywhere nearby when that bomb self-destructs! In more modern times, Ernest Hemingway warned, Never mistake motion for action. If, on the other hand, we set ourselves to our tasks, then out of faith will come, as the blossoms mysteriously and miraculously do out of an apparently dead stump, virtue, manliness, and knowledge, and temperance, and patience, and godliness, and brotherly mindedness, and charity. Chico Alliance Church Furthermore, the extreme shakiness of that excuse indicates their desperation to avoid their due labor. However, difficulties do not excuse the need or erase the consequences. Thank You for Your abundance. Another of the phases of the virtue, which Peter here regards as sovereign, is represented in our translation of the word by 'earnestness,' which is the parent of diligence. Preaching Today is blessed to have him as an editorial A few months ago, I came across an article in The Boston Globe about religion in the workplace. In this case, laziness detaches us from the world and the consequences of our unmet obligations. One of the most talked-about shows on television today is called, The Office. It is a great thing to be convinced of this, that there are no mysteries about the conditions of healthy Christian living, but that precisely the same qualities which lead to victory in any career to which a man sets himself do so in this; that, on the one hand, we shall never fail if in earnest and saving the crumbs of moments, we give ourselves to the work of Christian growth; and that on the other hand, no fine emotions, no select moments of rapture and communion will ever avail to take the place of the dogged perseverance and prosaic hard work which wins in all other fields; and wins, and is the only thing that does win, in this one too. 'On this very account' -- because He has given so much -- we are to lay 'all diligence' by the side of His gifts, which are useless to the sluggard. As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into full effect on 25th May 2018. Have you ever wondered if God made the perfect person for you? Go out to the cemetery. If your girlfriend or fianc is slow to help her parents, ambivalent towards her schooling, sluggish in her work, always complaining, or slothful in spiritual labors, DO NOT marry that woman, because she is no woman. It is good to move with speed, but diligence is something more than mere movement or even quick movement. How It is so easy to just stay in bed, sleep a little longer, watch a few more minutes of TV, facebook just 5 more minutes, play one more level of a video game, etc. It will release you into your divine destiny and will become a positive memorial in your life.

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sermon on hard work and diligence