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reversing roe transcriptreversing roe transcript

DE LA CRUZ: Well, I am confident that all four seats will be flipped this November, because the Democrat Party has just moved so far from the values that are important to Hispanics. May 15, 2022 at 2:55 p.m. EDT. BARTIROMO: Well, that's right. And they're lying about this decision. And I will see you next week on FOX Business, "Mornings With Maria." DE LA CRUZ: Look, what we're seeing down in the Rio Grande Valley is a self-made disaster by the Biden administration. He got three picks. The takeaway of "Reversing Roe" is that Stern and Sundberg are issuing a warning, one backed by a grim timeline, forcefully presented, that makes it all too clear what's at stake if a . It's not taking anybody's rights away. HAGERTY: Well, it doesn't surprise me at all that Germany's taking this posture. or redistributed. So we're constraining supply at every point. And then, all of a sudden, when there might be a concern, they say, well, it wouldn't look good if we called out the National Guard and we had all this police presence here, in light of what we have said now for several months in the run-up to the election. LEVIN: The majority leader in the Senate is from New York. A deep historical look at one of the most controversial issues of our time, highlighting the abortion debate from various points along the ideological spectrum in a winding story of abortion in America. Reversing Roe. Mark, it's been great to have you this morning. Off hand, those include legal quibbles about Justice Harry Blackmuns original opinion, the role conservative media has played in ratcheting up the rhetoric in the context of incidents like the 2009 murder of Dr. George Tiller, and examples of hypocrisy on the part of certain politicians featured, among them Missouri Gov. They're no longer going to post that publicly. LEVIN: We're not debating Roe vs. Wade. . The drug cartels have no fear of the Biden administration. And we're making ourselves far more vulnerable. That is not a scare tactic, it's the starting line for what comes next. And what I mean by that is, let's take a quick example. The film looks at the decades-long effort to overturn Roe v. Wade, one of the most divisive sociocultural and sociopolitical issues of modern history and one the highest court in the land could drastically change now that it has a conservative majority. Netflixs beyond-timely documentary Reversing Roe, about the decision at the heart of that controversy, feels flummoxed in its attempt to soberly condense a half-century of heated politics surrounding the ruling into a 90-some-odd minute film. You ain't seen nothing yet. My grandparents were Democrats. 2018 | Maturity Rating: TV-14 | 1h 39m | Political Documentaries. Market data provided by Factset. When Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton are reversed, the decision about abortion's legality will be up to each individual state. Notes on "Reversing Roe" (2018)- documentary available on Netflix Introduction 'Texas introduced new abortion regulations' 'Texas house approves of abortion ban' 'Lawmaker proposes bill to ban abortion in Kentucky' 'Missouri house passes 20-week ban on most abortions' 'Abortion bill passes Mississippi House' Since 2010, 300 abortion restrictions . JORDAN: Yes. BARTIROMO: I want to take a short break. LEVIN: The problem is, when you have people like Chuck Todd and all the rest of them, who are flag carriers for the most radical elements of the Democrat Party, we have a more divided and even violent nation. 2018, Documentary, 1h 39m. Reversing Roe: Directed by Ricki Stern, Anne Sundberg. We shouldn't be deciding these cultural issues for the American people. JORDAN: That's not how the country works. Inflation is still in the pipeline, because these funds have not yet been spent. reversing roe transcripthow much to pay rabbi for baby naming. President Biden, unhappy with these decisions, lashed out at President Trump and attacked the Supreme Court. And heading into the new July 4 holiday, gasoline prices doubled since Joe Biden walked into the Oval Office, the issues driving independents, business and the Hispanic community this morning, including Texas Republican congressional candidate Monica De La Cruz. They haven't read Roe v. Wade or the subsequent Casey decision or even this decision. Starring: Ricki Stern, Annie Sundberg. BECOME AN IDA MEMBER TO WATCH DOCUMENTARIES. Then: the most consequential precedent in decades. The president's legacy was on full display this weekend, not just with the abortion ruling, but also with the Supreme Court striking down the New York handgun law. Hispanics believe that that opportunity exists. Today: chaos and choice. Jason Smith in the House, the ranking member in the Budget, told us hundreds of billions of dollars went out in the last couple of weeks to states, and they haven't even appropriated that money yet. And I know for a fact that President Trump told Xi Jinping, stop sending this fentanyl into America. Documentarists Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg interview several politicians, experts, and activists about the state of the abortion politics in the United States and about the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision Roe v. Wade. You had the Democrats saying defund the police. Wade decision. BARTIROMO: And you voted against it. All Rights Reserved. They had to be rescued by police, a mini- insurrection in Phoenix. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. They call it birthing people. Thanks for being here this morning. Have a great rest of the Sunday, everybody. The Democrats would have blown out. In many cases, we can already identify which states will go which direction. Pro-abortion groups lash out, destroying property all weekend, as the Democrat leadership blows off the Constitution and undermines the Supreme Court. Fifty years ago, Roe v. Wade was decided and has been the law of the land since then. A deep historical look at one of the most controversial issues of our time, highlighting the abortion debate from various points along the ideological spectrum in a winding story of abortion in America. 2023 Cable News Network. Thanks very much for being here. HAGERTY: That's true. You can't confront your accusers. You can watch us again today at 3:00 p.m. Eastern. And then, when we dig in and we get the full body of evidence, you find out that what they claimed was never true. But that's something that needs to be answered. BARTIROMO: Well, Congressman, let me get your take on the gun bill that passed the Senate. JORDAN: No. I want to get your take on what's going on with Hispanic voters. DE LA CRUZ: That is exactly right. LEVIN: Thank you, Maria. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, as the recently leaked draft opinion suggests, arguments over how to regulate abortion will move from the courts . The Justice's ruling on that case overturns the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion decision and now Americans do not have a federally protected . The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the constitutional right to an abortion, reversing Roe v. Wade, the court's five-decade-old decision that guaranteed a woman's right to obtain an abortion. IDA Members! Had Hillary Clinton been president, you would've gotten three more like Harry Blackmun, William Brennan, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (even as RBG knew and candidly . Plus: President Trump's legacy on full display this weekend, as the High Court rulings prove. She flipped a seat held by the Democrats for 100 years. Recently while on a flight to Austin, I watched the Netflix documentary Reversing Roe, released September 13.The film looks at how Supreme Court cases have been used to gut the Roe v.Wade decision over the past 40 years, severely restricting abortion access in the United States.. A number of recent documentaries have explored the dismantling of abortion access in the United States, including . And it lost. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of. (END VIDEO CLIP)BARTIROMO: Coming up: constitutional expert and former Department of Justice Chief of Staff Mark Levin on the Supreme Court decision to send abortion rights back to the states, as it was before the Roe v. Wade decision. If you're from the Northern Triangle, they're charging $4,000 a head. He has relinquished our borders to the cartel. And when you get to the January 6 commission, you see this time again the same tactic we saw in Russia, only put out certain pieces of information, leave the rest out. Your customers, the American people, they need relief now. By December of 2021, it had risen to 7 percent, a fivefold increase. Reversing Roe premieres Sept. 13 on Netflix. However, he explains that he does not respect the people who are outside the. And here's a question for you, because Bloomberg is reporting this morning that, at the G7, Germany is pushing back on the European Union's green agenda. We will show evidence of the president's involvement in this scheme. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): A woman's right to choose, reproductive freedom is on the ballot in November. Reversing Roe. The legacy of President Trump decisions is evident in major rulings on abortion and gun ownership in America. [5] Brian Lowry, writing for CNN, was more critical towards the film, stating: "While the documentary sheds welcome light on Roe's history -- on the road that brought us to this crucial juncture -- the filmmakers, perhaps inevitably, bypassed some key stops and turns along the way. Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg's "Reversing Roe" is not a history of abortion itself, or a meditation on the morality of the procedure or the people who fight for and against it. Burma Soldierwas nominated for a 2011 Irish Academy Award for Best Feature Documentary, and premiered as a centerpiece screening at the 2011 Full Frame Festival in North Carolina, where Ricki and Annie received the 2011 Career Achievement Award. WASHINGTON (AP) The Supreme Court has ended constitutional protections for abortion that had been in place nearly 50 years in a decision by its conservative . And I think this is real important, Maria. JORDAN: Yes, fake news. That means the rest of the people are making decisions based on lots of issues. So now Joe Biden is talking about going to the Middle East to genuflect before the UAE and Saudi Arabia to get them to the pump more. I'm endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council. Published The nurse should identify that which of the following factors places the client at risk for infection. That's prices have to go up. BARTIROMO: By the way, we should show the tweet from Liz Cheney, one of the leaders of the January 6 Committee, praising the Supreme Court's decision. Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg's Netflix documentary unpacks the process by which abortion grew from a personal issue to a political one. Joining us right now to discuss the January 6 hearings and the blockbuster news of the week are Ohio Congresswoman -- Ohio Congressman and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, along with investigative journalist and editor in chief of Just the News John Solomon. The film offers candid and riveting interviews with key figures from both sides of the divide . And I think all the crazy things you have seen from the Biden administration, it's going to be a big day for Republicans. That was Democrat Congressman and House Intel Committee Chairman Adam Schiff last week saying that he has evidence of wrongdoing once again by President Donald Trump, just like he did during the Russia collusion lie throughout 2017 to 2019. There's only one way to go. The word abortion is not in there. That's had the effect not only to drive energy prices through the roof. Welcome to "Sunday Morning Futures." And the Biden administration will not take its foot off of American industry, more regulations, more constraints, and particularly when it comes to our energy policy, Maria. This committee, I think the country understands, is purely partisan, and they're not, frankly, paying much attention to what's being said. And so they create the illusion that there's reality there. Congressman Jim Jordan, John Solomon, thank you, gentlemen. In American 1 in 4 women will have an abortion in their life, explains that in the early 1960s abortion was illegal, Went to her doctor and asked what the drug was, and her doctor recommended, Hospitals did Therapeutic Abortions to save the women, Mental and emotional disturbance of the patient, Women had to go before a committee of male doctors to ask for an abortion, If you were a wealthy white woman, you would be given the procedure easier. SOLOMON: Yes, 27 percent of people in a Gallup poll said abortion matters to them, only 27 percent. Thanks so much for joining us. On the other side, Troy Newman of Operation Rescue points to what he calls his trophy wall of photographs of abortion clinics he said his organization had shut down. It was the intimidation tactics they tried to use against Justice Thomas and his wife. For example, they're up in arms about the Supreme Court decision, and yet they don't want to describe what a woman is, and they don't want to keep women and knowing that women have babies. He said Biden's war in Ukraine is currently financed by the United States; $100 oil provides Putin a billion dollars a week. We so appreciate your time. Through interviews with abortion rights supporters and opponents, this film lifts the lid on a decades-long political campaign to overturn Roe v. Wade. Join the Duke Human Rights Center for a screening of the film "Reversing Roe." Through interviews with abortion rights supporters and opponents, this film lifts the lid on a decades-long political campaign to overturn Roe v. Wade. Well, Texas Republican Congresswoman Mayra Flores was with us last weekend. You were a Democrat, right? HAGERTY: I know. They're attacking Clarence Thomas. The American families are worried about how they're going to put food on the table, gas. We're on the outer edges of perhaps another terrorist attack. Rep. Jim Jordan on Supreme Court's landmark abortion decision. But none of that mattered. You and I have talked about this before. The movie also interviews physicians like Colleen McNicholas, an obstetrician-gynecologist based in St. Louis who travels throughout the Midwest. And God bless the Supreme Court. DE LA CRUZ: And that's why people are walking away. MARK LEVIN, HOST, "LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN": My pleasure. JOHN SOLOMON, EDITOR IN CHIEF, JUST THE NEWS: Thank you. I'm sorryBARTIROMO: Go ahead, Jim Jordan. (She is shown working at the Wichita, Kan., clinic where George Tiller, an abortion provider, practiced until his assassination in 2009.) There's viability. They want the Biden administration to stand up for American communities. LEVIN: The Democrats are the funnel through which it takes place. DE LA CRUZ: That is exactly right. Both the president and Nancy Pelosi have said now this is on the ballot. In this special episode of CAFE Insider, Preet and Joyce discuss the leaked Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito, which, if adopted by the Court, would overturn Roe v. Wade. I want to take a break. For those who found the discussion of abortion at last weeks Supreme Court hearings abstract or technical, the documentary Reversing Roe, from Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg, provides a clear and accessible overview of more than 50 years of the social and legal history of the issue in the United States. Secretary Yellen: Overturning Roe v. Wade would have 'very damaging effects on the economy'. A film of this scope was obviously in the works well before Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, long seen as a critical swing vote on the issue, announced his retirement from the Supreme Court in June, a development mentioned near the end. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. And I hear from these brave men and women the catastrophe that is happening there. A nurse is providing teaching to a client about exercise safety during pregnancy. The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of overturning the 1973 decision made in Roe v. Wade. And if you look beneath those numbers, Maria, it's accelerating. The Last Blockbuster. This vote was basically 5 to 3 to 1. And they are overwhelmed by the amount of people that are crossing. In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that women have a right to terminate their pregnancies. Now, John Solomon, you have written this week about government transparency dimming under Joe Biden. The post " Reversing Roe: Exposing the Bias " originally appeared at the Equal Rights Institute blog. Its less interested in rendering a verdict on the morality of abortion than it is in tracing the increasing politicization of the issue. Your district has been Democrat for 118 years. In 1967, as the governor of California, Ronald Reagan signed a bill allowing abortion under certain circumstances. Stay with us. In the case, Mississippi is seeking Court approval on a law that would ban abortion after 15 weeks, but Mississippi also argues Roe v. Wade itself should be reversed by the Court. 8 Reviews 50+ Ratings. To access thescreenings,become an IDA memberat any time! He walked into office and on day one canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, signed in the COVID relief bill in March, signed in an infrastructure bill in November. It's a realization of an extreme ideology and a tragic error by the Supreme Court. Formatted according to the APA Publication Manual 7 th edition. The Supreme Court has been shooting from the hip on abortion now for about half-a-century. Directed and produced by Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg, Reversing Roe examines the . With revised membership levels, new membership portal andbenefits, fall is the best time to join our global documentary community. And then you have to go then and petition to get that right back. Given how inflation has escalated over the past 18 months, would you say that the war in Ukraine is the primary driver of inflation in America? Reversing Roe. It considers the health and safety of women and their unborn children, a choice for those women who face difficult decisions from rape, sexual assault or any threat to a mother's health or wellbeing. Here we have what's called the Constitution of the United States, not the tax code. BARTIROMO: Quick break and then: What is driving the Hispanic community toward the GOP? What can you tell us? Here's the deal. All Rights Reserved. BARTIROMO: You are the former chief of staff of the Department of Justice. And it's happening right here at home as well. Joining me right now is the man himself, Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty. Those values include law and order, securing our borders, and standing up for our Border Patrol agents and customs agents. Really, Roe vs. Wade wasn't overturned. Each project tracks new landscape from criminal injustice in the American South, to Darfur, to stand-up comedy and celebrity culture but all are centered on unforgettable people and their defining experiences. Here's the decision. Please review our help page to get started. President Trump said he would get three picks. 45 years after it revolutionized abortion law in America, the landmark 1973 US Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade is once again at a crossroads. What they left out was that I was quoting justice -- the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. WASHINGTON If the Supreme Court overturns the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, it would have a . And yet we continue to get -- the energy sector needs cooperation, because we continue to get pushback from this administration." So I think Germany is acknowledging the harsh reality that these green policies do not work. JORDAN: Well, the government has already shown that it will weaponize -- the left has already shown they will weaponize the government against their political opposition. This past Wednesday, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. Read the majority decision that overruled Roe v.Wade, with notes by New York Times reporters.. It's not Obamacare. But this decision this week was a win for life, was a win for the Constitution, a win for common sense. You think about what's going to happen this Fourth of July, empty tanks, empty wallets, largely due to the increase in energy cost here in America. Texas congressional candidate Monica De La Cruz gears up to flip a seat Democrats have controlled for 118 years amidst the wide-open border disaster in her community. Thank you, Maria. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. (END VIDEO CLIP)BARTIROMO: Oh, boy. Market data provided by Factset. In fact, we caught them in another lie. It serves us who live in the here and now. That's what they would do. Reversing Roe was worldwide released on September 13, 2018, on Netflix. Stay with us. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. They support abortion. Kavanaugh will vote to reverse Roe, and women will lose their rights as a result. How do they know what is in the decision in 30 seconds to have press releases and so forth? And we have a graphic here of Joe Biden's approval rating with the Hispanic community. They got way over their skis in this green agenda. And I believe that the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, is watching all of our political debates, abortion included. Flores is the first Mexican-born congresswoman just served in the House and one of four Hispanic Republican women running for Congress this November, including my next guest, who is hoping to end the 118-year Democrat streak in another border district. I'm Maria Bartiromo. SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY, D-MA Well, the 11th Circuit this . So, multiple lies we have caught them in. Subscribe to our email list with the form below and get a FREE gift. Alex Brandon/AP. As we know, the Democrats' spending bonanza in 2021 stoked inflation, helping to send costs of everyday goods to 40-year highs. This entry was posted in Abortion, Inconvenient truths, Pro-choice fallacies, Roe v. Wade and tagged abortion, abortion on demand, compelling interest, Dr. Colleen McNicholas, Feminists For Life, Kelsey Hazzard, legalized abortion, Rev. The director's Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern give us a small history lesson in the first act of the film. And, by the way, Maria, Germany never met its obligations under the Paris climate accord, America exceeded our obligations, even though we pulled out of it. (END VIDEO CLIP)BARTIROMO: Coming up, Senator Bill Hagerty on the economy and what's important to voters today. One oft-heard criticism of the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion reversing Roe v. Wade is that it would be the first time the Court reversed a precedent protecting individual rights, as opposed . , an obstetrician-gynecologist based in St. Louis who travels throughout the Midwest any time 're not debating Roe Wade. Are the former CHIEF of staff of the issue groups lash out, destroying property all weekend, the.: thank you been shooting from the hip on abortion now for about half-a-century goods. Northern Triangle, they 're no longer going to put food on the economy & # x27 ; on! Client at risk for infection approval Rating with the form below and get a FREE gift, lashed out President... Himself, Tennessee Senator bill Hagerty on the gun bill that passed the Senate: Oh boy. Food on the gun bill that passed the Senate LIFE, LIBERTY & levin '': My pleasure then what. 1973, the Chinese Communist Party, is watching all of our political debates, abortion included on ruled... 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reversing roe transcript