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lascar volcano plate boundarylascar volcano plate boundary

[117] The presence of argon and nitrogen in low-temperature fumaroles indicates that air is involved in their formation,[100] although a portion of each of these two gases is non-atmospheric. [104], Gases are partly supplied from shallow magma; the volume of magma erupted is too small to contain all the exhalations. [139] The magmas were formed from a remelted proto-pluton that had been heated and resupplied with volatiles by mafic magmas. This dome began to shrink in October 1989, and in December 1989, white clouds rose 2 kilometres (1.2mi) above Lascar's crater. [143] The deposits are formed by a Plinian fallout deposit and an ignimbrite rich in lithics. Lscar Volcano, located in the Chilean Andes 70 km SE of San Pedro de Atacama, is the most active volcano of the Central Volcanic Zone. [116] The release of gas by the magma is favoured by strong temperature contrasts between incoming magma and the magma chamber,[94] and processes occurring during the mixing may explain the high emission of sulfur dioxide by Lascar. Research has indicated peculiar patterns, including so called "rapid-fire" events on a background of continuous activity,[232] as well as the occurrence of long-period earthquakes; here and in other volcanoes, this kind of seismic activity is associated with intense fumarolic activity that occurs in the absence of outright eruptions. [36], Lascar is a steep volcano[7] formed by two irregularly shaped truncated cones that extend eastwest,[52][53] on a trend that includes Aguas Calientes. [6] The present-day snowline in the region lies at an altitude of 6,050 metres (19,850ft), higher than the summit of Lascar. Two types of Plate boundaries are often associated with volcanic eruptions: Plates rip apart at a divergent plate boundary, causing volcanic activity and shallow earthquakes; and At a convergent plate boundary, one plate dives or "subducts" beneath the other, resulting in a variety of earthquakes and a line of volcanoes on the overriding plate. It was suggested the nested craters of Lscar did not form due to a large explosion nor due to simple collapse but rather as a result of long term cyclic activity: dome growth, followed by degassing of a shallow magma reservoir and conduit, resulting in subsidence of the dome and further deepening of the crater floor. In this remote territory, where eruptions are poorly recorded, many volcanoes are higher than 6,000 metres (20,000ft). [53] The oldest mafic andesites are less than 43,000 years old, while the Chaile and Saltar pyroclastic flows erupted over 26,500 years ago. Volcanic activity is characterized by constant release of volcanic gas and occasional vulcanian eruptions. We're aiming to achieve uninterrupted service wherever an earthquake or volcano eruption unfolds, and your donations can make it happen! [54], Large lava flows are noticeable on the flanks of the volcano,[34] with a total of eight lava flows recognized. [95], A number of xenoliths occur in Lascar's rocks; a large amount of the phenocrysts are ultimately derived from them. [86], The Soncor deposit was subsequently affected by glaciation[67] and the stage I edifice by a debris avalanche,[39] which was radiocarbon dated at 22,310 +2,700/2000 years ago in the Quebrada de Chaile. [55] The extinct western cone (also known as Apagado) is composed of layers of lava and pyroclastics. In 1985, a 150-by-150-metre (490ft 490ft) hot spot in this crater was observed in satellite images. [47] These valleys were probably formed by erosion during glacial periods. Maintaining our website and our free apps does require, however, considerable time and resources. [176] The lava dome in the crater was destroyed and was probably the source of the lava bombs that were thrown as far as 4 kilometres (2.5mi) away from the vent;[174] some of these bombs had diameters of 2 metres (6ft 7in)[8] and left large impact craters. A convergent boundary. A volcano in the Andes in Chile's north rumbled to life early Saturday, triggering minor earth tremors and sending a plume of smoke and ash 6,000 meters (nearly 20,000 feet) into a clear sky. [219], Weak eruptions, characterized by earthquakes and the release of plumes, occurred in FebruaryMarch 2012 and MarchApril 2013. [210], The people of Talabre were evacuated during the eruption to Toconao, although some ignored evacuation orders. [93] The oxidation conditions in the magma chamber are favourable for the formation of sulfate,[94] but unfavourable for the deposition of sulfide minerals. [196] Additional surfaces were covered by ash cloud surges, reaching thicknesses of no more than 5 centimetres (2.0in) on the sides of the pyroclastic flows. The equilibrium line at Lascar was at an altitude of 4,7004,800 metres (15,40015,700ft) during the last glacial maximum. [135] Possibly, the magma chamber of stage I had almost solidified when the injection of basaltic magma at depths of over 5 kilometres (3.1mi) triggered a remelting. . The flow advanced just north of the head of Quebrada Talabre before passing over cliffs and entering it. [156] The deposits left by this erosional period contain no clear evidence of stage III activity; indeed Lascar was probably inactive between 14,000 and 10,500 years ago. [145] The ignimbrite features three facies, one rich in breccia, another rich in pumice, and a normal ignimbrite. It started to shrink again by May. Ash fall in Salta occurred about one hour after the eruption. [129] In March 1990, the lava dome had a temperature of 100200C (212392F), with some parts exceeding 900C (1,650F). Add an answer . [47] This Plinian deposit reaches thicknesses of 22 metres (72ft) and fell from a 22-to-30-kilometre-high (14 to 19mi) eruption column. [116] Otherwise, activity between 1993 and 2000 was not accompanied by deformation of the edifice. [129], A monitoring network has been built around the volcano beginning from 2010. Which volcano to choose? [45] An area of increased electrical conductivity has been identified beneath Lascar and extends to some neighbouring volcanoes, reaching a depth of over 6 kilometres (3.7mi) south of Lascar. Image: @AlexisBolbaran/Twitter. The Cascade volcanoes in the northwestern United States and the volcanoes in Mexico and Central America are related to the subduction under the North American Plate of the small Juan de Fuca and Cocos plates, which are on the east side of the Pacific Plate. [148] The total volume of the Soncor eruption products has been estimated to be either 5.6 cubic kilometres (1.3cumi) dense rock equivalent or 10 cubic kilometres (2.4cumi) net volume, both minimum estimates. [45] Noticeable erosion occurred in the areas over which pyroclastic flows had passed, forming abrasion surfaces and removing loose detritus from the ground. Light, dark, and banded pumice are mixed in this flow. [80] The magma interacts with former salar deposits before ascending. [113] They correspond to about 2 and 5%, respectively, of the global volcanic flux of these compounds. [239] Past eruptions caused ash fall in Argentina and disruption of air travel[241] and could have major effects in the Salta Province in case of renewed activity. The magma supplied to the volcano ultimately comes from the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South America Plate. [249] 8,500 years ago, the climate in the region became much drier, and the amount of erosion decreased substantially. [178] The first pyroclastic flow was observed around 10:12 on 19 April. The Branches of Geology and Career 4. Hydrocarbons and other organic compounds are also found in the low-temperature fumaroles. [31] The largest historical eruption occurred at Huaynaputina in 1600. [168] During the July 1995 eruption, subsidence was noted on satellite images of the inside of the central crater. At least nine units form the Saltar deposit, with the northern flows displaying flow welding. It probably started shrinking in April 1992, although the shrinkage was directly visible only in November. SERNAGEOMIN reported that seismic signals characterized as moderate were recorded on 19 December and located near Lscar's main crater at shallow depths. The lava dome had disappeared, but in early 1992, another lava dome formed, eventually reaching a size of 180190 metres (590620ft) width and 40 metres (130ft) height, and was accompanied by explosions. [235] The eruptions of April 1993 and September 1986 were both preceded by a reduction of thermal radiation observed by Thematic Mapper. [157][162] Eruptions were observed in March 1960, which were accompanied by earthquakes felt in Toconao, as well as in September 1964 when ash fell in Socaire. [104] Overall sulfur output ranges between 200 and 2,300 tonnes per day (2.3 and 26.6kg/s). Colors of Iceland: Fire, Earth, Ice and Water, Lascar volcano (Northern Chile) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 14 December-20 December 2022 (New Activity / Unrest), Lascar volcano (Northern Chile) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 7 December-13 December 2022 (New Activity / Unrest), Latest earthquakes under Yellowstone volcano. In South America, a safety warning was issued by Chilean officials after the Lascar volcano erupted a giant cloud of smoke comprising of volcanic ash and hot gases up to twenty thousand feet into the sky on Saturday. The westernmost crater of the eastern cone is presently active. The first known activity occurred at the eastern cone and was characterized by lava flows, before shifting to the western cone where lava domes were emplaced. [170] While eruptions before 1993 had always been preceded by a reduction in heat radiated from the volcano, such a reduction in 19992000 did not lead to an eruption, and when an eruption took place in July 2000, it was preceded by only a brief drop in heat radiation. [53] Activity has alternated between the eastern and western part of the volcano during its history. On the southeastern flank, the pyroclastic flows formed a fan extending several hundred metres into Pampa Leija. Long-period earthquakes with magnitudes not exceeding 1.3 were also recorded, with a maximum of 209 events noted in May 2015. [43] The Pampa Chamaca and Tuyajto ignimbrites are somewhat younger, 2.62.2 million and less than 1 million years respectively. [153] The Capricorn Lava overlies the Soncor deposits. Minerals encountered in xenoliths include andradite, anhydrite, anorthite, apatite, biotite, calcite, diopside, fassaite, garnet, gypsum, ilmenite, magnetite, monazite, orthopyroxene, perovskite, plagioclase, prehnite, quartz, sphene, thorite, wilkeite, wollastonite and zircon. Glowing was also reported in October and November 2013. [15] Volcanic centres include calderas and associated large ignimbrites, lava domes and stratovolcanoes;[21] among the better-researched volcanoes are Galan, Nevados de Payachata, Ollague, Purico Complex, San PedroSan Pablo, La Pacana, Tata Sabaya and Tumisa. [88] Magma petrology implies that there is another reservoir at 6 kilometres (3.7mi) depth. Bunch grass and shrubs grow on the volcano's slopes. Match. [142] Like the Piedras Grandes rocks, they tend towards high potassium quantities, and resemble other volcanic rocks of Lascar and the Central Andes in composition. [14], Volcanoes in the Andes occur in four separate regions: the Northern Volcanic Zone between 2N and 5S, the Central Volcanic Zone between 16S and 28S, the Southern Volcanic Zone between 33S and 46S,[15] and the Austral Volcanic Zone, south of the Southern Volcanic Zone. [67] Additional component minerals found at Lascar include anorthite, augite bordering on diopside, bronzite, fassaite, forsterite, hypersthene, pigeonite and more. [90], Temperatures of the magma chamber range from 890970C (1,6301,780F); the mafic magmas that are injected in the chamber are about 150200C (270360F) hotter than the extant andesite and dacite. [246], The area around Lascar is one of the driest and highest volcanic settings in the world. During earthquakes which type of fault results when one plate is compressed up onto . The deposits left contain both andesite and dacite,[53] with phenocrysts consisting of apatite, augite, biotite, iron-titanium oxides, orthopyroxene and plagioclase in a rhyolite matrix. [180] Explosive eruptions, accompanied by the formation of eruption columns reaching heights of several kilometres, sometimes leading to ash fall in Jujuy, Argentina, occurred on 27 February 1994; in July 1994, November 1994, and March 1995; and on 10 May, 20 July and 18 October 1996. [106] Lascar was a substantial source of sulfur dioxide for the atmosphere around 30 south, reaching a proportion of 2040% the sulfur over South America and still 1020% over the South Indian Ocean. SERNAGEOMIN reported that an eruption at Lscar began at 1236 on 10 December with an explosive event that produced a dense ash plume and pyroclastic flows proximal to the crater. [166], An alternating cycle of fumarolic activity, an accumulation of fumarolic gases in the conduit and lava dome, and explosive activity followed by renewed fumarolic activity have characterized Lascar's activity since 1984. [132], Lava flows less than 50 metres (160ft) thick issued from the stage I cone and reached lengths of 16 kilometres (9.9mi). [229], Because of the volcano's remote location, much information on its activity comes from remote sensing. [225] The eruption ended around 15:32 on 20 April,[222] although some explosions occurred in the following days. This way, topographic details can be scanned over large areas with great precision and in relatively little time. Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. VW is a higher education, k-12, and public outreach project of the Oregon Space Grant Consortium Preceding historical eruptions did not exceed 2. On December 9 small amounts of fine ash were emitted from fumaroles and the next day the activity was back to normal levels with only gas and steam emitted. [251], Due to the dry climate, there is little vegetation at Lascar. A volcano in the Andes in Chile's north rumbled to life on Saturday, triggering minor earth tremors and sending a plume of smoke and ash thousands of metres into the sky.. Chile's National Geology and Mining Service reported that the Lascar volcano stirred at 12.36pm. The station was operating discontinuously until 2015. [129] The Observatorio Volcanolgico de los Andes del Sur in Temuco also employs webcams to watch Lascar. ", "Recent eruptive activity from Lascar volcano (2006)", "Informe sobre el sistema volcnico de Lascar", "El ciclo eruptivo del 18 al 25 de Abril de 2006 del volcan Lascar, Andes Centrales", "Impact area determination of pyroclastic deposits in Lascar volcano, eruptive process in the year 1993", 10.1130/0091-7613(1987)15<614:UTLTMT>2.0.CO;2, "Processes culminating in the 2015 phreatic explosion at Lascar volcano, Chile, evidenced by multiparametric data", "La erupcion subpliniana del 19-20 de Abril de 1993 del volcan Lascar, N de Chile", Impacts of the 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano on Chilean infrastructure, utilities, agriculture, and health, "Viajes e intercambios entre las comunidades argentinas y chilenas en la puna atacamea (segunda mitad del siglo XX)", "Insight into ground deformations at Lascar volcano (Chile) from SAR interferometry, photogrammetry and GPS data: Implications on volcano dynamics and future space monitoring", "An InSAR-based survey of volcanic deformation in the central Andes", "Uptake of gaseous thallium, tellurium, vanadium and molybdenum into anhydrous alum, Lascar volcano fumaroles, Chile", "SrPb isotopes signature of Lascar volcano (Chile): Insight into contamination of arc magmas ascending through a thick continental crust", "Similarities and differences in the historical records of lava dome-building volcanoes: Implications for understanding magmatic processes and eruption forecasting", "The emplacement dynamics of pumice lobes ascertained from morphology and granulometry: Examples from the 1993 deposits at Lascar Volcano, Chile", 20.500.11820/704f9e40-352c-49da-af10-83ce7c003ac6, "Post-depositional fracturing and subsidence of pumice flow deposits: Lascar Volcano, Chile", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lascar_(volcano)&oldid=1128908838, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2012, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2017, CS1 European Spanish-language sources (es-es), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 December 2022, at 16:28. [56] The eruption released about 400,000 tonnes (390,000 long tons; 440,000 short tons) of sulfur dioxide, about half the quantity released by the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens,[207] and was sufficient to cause a noticeable increase in atmospheric opacity. The volcano sent "an eruptive column" of volcanic ash and hot gases 6,000 metres above its crater, the service said. [40] MioceneQuaternary volcanic centres in the neighbourhood include Cerro Negro in the north, Acamarachi northeast, Tumisa southwest, and the Cordon de Puntas Negras in the south,[41] which Lascar is sometimes considered to be part of. [184] The total area covered by the flows is about 14.2 square kilometres (5.5sqmi) on the northern slopes (Tumbres fan)[185] and 4.3 square kilometres (1.7sqmi) on the southern slopes (Lejia fan). Terms in this set (10) Active volcano. The Chaile flows are actually formed by two separate units and are found on the southwest flanks of the volcano, up to a distance of 6 kilometres (3.7mi). [53], Lascar has erupted about thirty times since the 19th century. [6] Toconao and San Pedro de Atacama lie 34 kilometres (21mi) and 68 kilometres (42mi) from the volcano, respectively. Because the former are. Other volcanic centres are also located on this line,[54] including the Corona and Saltar lava domes, and the Miscanti and Lejia volcanoes. [20], Of these volcanic zones, the Central Volcanic Zone of which Lascar is a member of[21] is the largest, covering parts of Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. [189] Pumice mostly accumulated on the surface of the flows, and individual stones are up to 30 centimetres (12in) wide. [140] The Soncor magmas were associated with a volatile phase that underwent extensive interaction with the future eruption products. [60] These craters are not collapsed calderas,[57] and there is no evidence of the deposits a large explosion would produce. [5], The new town of Talabre is 17 kilometres (11mi) west of Lascar. [66] While the Piedras Grandes flow was formed by a glacier run that transported blocks with sizes of up to 8 metres (26ft), Soncor was formed by a large eruption. [16] These volcanic zones are separated by areas where recent volcanism is absent; one common theory is that the subduction processes responsible for volcanism form a subducting plate that is too shallow to trigger the formation of magma. [180] Ash from this eruption was identified in ice cores from Illimani[200] while sulfates reportedly appeared in ice taken from the Arctic and Antarctica. Finally, the andesitic pumice Tumbres flow is found on the northwestwestsouthwestern slopes of Lascar. They occur beneath altitudes of 4,100 metres (13,500ft), their vents buried by later activity. [10] Unlike the neighbouring volcanoes Acamarachi, Licancabur and Quimal, there is no evidence of archeological sites on Lascar,[11] possibly because of the volcanic activity. 2017-03-03 22:36:33. The unit is about 2 kilometres (1.2mi) wide[135] and consists of large blocks encased in ash. [39] An alternative dating scheme considers Chaile to be 47,000 16,000 years old and Saltar 167,000 9,000 years old. Estimated temperatures decreased from 800900C (1,4701,650F) at the vent to 580600C (1,0761,112F) farther down the flows. It features well developed levees and a 10-metre-thick (33ft) flow front. Today the volcanic complex consists of the dormant western edifice and the active eastern edifice, the latter comprising three overlapping craters. [35] With a surface area of 54 square kilometres (21sqmi), the volcano has a volume of 15 cubic kilometres (3.6cumi). [194], The flows were strongly erosive, extracting rocks and material from the bedrock, even far away from the vent. [100] Steam explosions caused by rainfall have been reported. the Pacific . As of 2012[update], it had a population of 50 inhabitants. The next day, additional explosions occurred at 15:04, 15:05 and 17:39 UTC, with a maximum column height of 7 kilometres (4.3mi). The first of these eruptions released 1015 cubic kilometres (2.43.6cumi) of material and is known as the Soncor eruption. [161] Another series of eruptions occurred between November 1951 and January 1952; one eruption is recorded from 1940. [9], Lascar, like El Tatio, is a destination for volcano tourism. [50] These domes cover a surface area of about 90 square kilometres (35sqmi). [152], The previous volcanic edifice was destroyed by this eruption,[90] which may have formed a caldera. [227] Precipitation at Lascar is about 50100 millimetres per year (2.03.9in/year) and consists mostly of snow. lascar volcano. [138] An ice cap formed over Lascar at that time, feeding two glaciers that extended northeast and southeast away from the volcano. The two types of plate boundaries that are most likely to produce volcanic activity are divergent plate boundaries and convergent plate boundaries. [175] The total mass flux of the eruption was about 10,000,000100,000,000 kilograms per second (860,000,0008.64109t/d), comparable to the 1982 eruption of El Chichon. Regulatory limits on concentrations of other elements in water were also exceeded, although only temporarily. Unmanned aerial vehicles,[236] occasional reconnaissance flights and infrequent visits to the volcano are also used. [47] The composition of the Piedras Grandes unit is andesite containing amphibole, basaltic andesite and hornblende. [90] The Piedras Grandes unit is over 26,500 years old,[39] possibly between 63,000 and 100,000 years old. Some guidelines. [24], The volcanism of Lascar relates to the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South America Plate. [110] There are temporal variations in the output: after a decrease in 2009, sulfur output increased in 2012, probably as a consequence of the arrival of new magma at depth. However, an eruption of the Cerro Corona lava dome occurred during this period,[60] and activity of stage III did not commence earlier than 22,300 years ago. It is the most active volcano in the region, with records of eruptions going back to 1848. The eastern edifice formed first (stage I), erupting andesite containing pyroxene, and eventually forming the Chaile and Saltar pyroclastic flows. [149] This magma chamber was located at a floor depth of 56 kilometres (3.13.7mi) (older estimate 1222 kilometres (7.513.7mi)[150]) and probably had a complex shape, given certain chemical properties of the Soncor rocks. Lascar Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ISOLATED PUFF AT 1545 to 27000 ft (8200 m) Thu, 3 Feb 2022, 00:26 Lascar (Chile) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 26 January-1 February 2022 (NEW) SERNAGEOMIN reported minor increases in surficial activity at Lscar. It was accompanied by a Plinian fall deposit. [132] Temperatures have been estimated to be 7401,060C (1,3601,940F) for the andesite and 1,1301,220C (2,0702,230F) for the basaltic andesite. [197] The deposits and small structures, such as levees and lobes, were conserved by the dry climate in the region. [218] An ash plume was carried 660 kilometres (410mi) east. The name originates from the Atacameo word lskar or lassi (English: tongue), thought to refer to the shape of the volcano. Another large-scale feature is a hotspot, where a plate rides over a rising plume of hot mantle, creating a line of volcanoes on top of the plate. [6][29] Guallatiri, for example, features fumarolic activity that is visible in satellite images. There are traces of a collapse of the volcano towards the northeast, with an associated horseshoe-shaped scar. [35], A 200-metre-wide (660ft) and 50-metre-high (160ft) lava dome formed in early 1989. Sept. 9, 2022. Wiki User. The Saltar flow reached widths of 0.71.3 kilometres (0.430.81mi) and thicknesses of 520 metres (1666ft), increasing to 35 metres (115ft) where the flow entered valleys. Hikers were near the crater and took video of the eruption. [172] Other flows occurred at 12:05, after 13:37, 17:25, 21:3521:48, 23:4023:50 and on 20 April at 9:20. [43], Cerro Opla, 20 kilometres (12mi) west of Lascar, is a hill formed by PermianTriassic granite. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [242] In 1982,[243] the town of Talabre was moved for safety reasons[52] stemming from flooding and volcanic activity,[243] and ballistic blocks ejected by the volcano are a threat to mountaineers and scientists working on Lascar. [144], The magma erupted was generated in a magma chamber starting from andesite, which underwent complex petrogenetic processes. [39] They reach thicknesses of 5 metres (16ft) in the upper unit[133] and 30 metres (98ft) in the lower one. [239] Explosive eruptions and ash falls are the major threat to humans from Lascar. A major eruption occurred at the Lascar Volcano. The biggest eruption of Lascar in historical time was in 1993 and produced pyroclastic flows, which traveled 8.5 km NW of the summit, and ashfall in Buenos Aires. [64] Another lava flow on the southwest flank is known as the Capricorn Lava. Blog. The movement of lithospheric plates affects surface features at plate boundaries and within the interiors of both oceanic and continental plates. 1-2 mm of very fine ash fell in Jama (international boundary of Chile and Argentina). [27] Given the low population density around many of these volcanoes, there is often little information on their activity. Subsequently, a number of fumaroles were active around the crater. Explosive eruptions are the greatest hazard at Lascar. Lascar is the most active volcano in the central Andes. [226] Other eruptions were recorded in November 2006 and July 2007. Large lava flows are visible on its NW flanks. [174] The strongest pulse occurred on 20 April between 6:28 and 9:20 and sent flows towards the northwest. On 17 December 1993, another explosion created an eruption column 810 kilometres (5.06.2mi) high. Lascar has had a number of small to moderate explosive eruptions in historic times, as well as a few larger eruptions that caused ashfall hundreds of kilometers away. Volcanoes at Plate Boundaries - Geology 101 for Lehman College (CUNY) Skip to content Toggle Menu Primary Navigation Home Read Sign in Search in book:Search Book Contents Navigation Contents I. [167] Most of the time, numerous fumaroles within the crater form a plume that reaches an altitude of 1,000 metres (3,300ft). Lascar is a stratovolcano in Chile within the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, a volcanic arc that spans Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. [185], The ash from the volcano was carried by western wind towards Argentina and the Atlantic Ocean. At what boundaries do volcanoes form? [227], The National Geology and Mining Service of Chile considers Lascar Chile's 14th most dangerous volcano,[237] and in 2020 classified it as a "type I" volcano. [245] High nickel concentrations in crops from Talabre appear to be caused by volcanic activity as well. [44] The end of glaciation may have accompanied an increase in volcanic activity, a phenomenon that has been noted at other volcanoes. [35] Flows from the first stage of Lascar's activity are exposed at its western foot,[54] while lava flows are buried beneath pyroclastic material on the eastern flank. Eruptions in 1972 and 1974 are uncertain. [47] In these valleys, the ignimbrite can be as much as 60 metres (200ft) thick. There were no injuries[211] or fatalities,[8] however the eruption did lead to water pollution in the region, including increases in cadmium, copper and lead concentrations in local rivers. [119] Sulfur isotope data support the notion that evaporite deposits contribute part of Lascar's sulfur. [9], Lascar is located atop of a ridge formed by the 5,293-metre-high (17,365ft) Cerro Corona and 5,192-metre-high (17,034ft) Cerro de Saltar lava domes, south and north of Lascar, respectively. Lascar is an andesitic-to-dacitic stratovolcano with 3 overlapping summit craters. During earthquakes which type of fault results when one plate is compressed up onto another plate. [81], Magma erupted by Lascar appears to form from the mixing of mafic and more evolved magmas; the 1993 eruption deposits contain bands of different rocks. [201] Over 0.1 millimetres (0.0039in) of ash fell over a surface area of over 850,000 square kilometres (330,000sqmi). [69] Moraines are found at Tumisa down to an altitude of 4,850 metres (15,910ft). Panorama from the Lascar Southern pyroclastic flow. [112] Sulfur is released from areas all over the cone, resulting in a noticeable sulfur smell. [64] The total volume of these pyroclastic flows is about 0.06 cubic kilometres (0.014cumi). [3] Other names for the volcano are Hlscar,[4] Hlascar, Ilascar, Kar Las, Laskar, Toconado and Toconao. Both plates are capped by oceanic crust. [105] Written reports of volcanic activity exist since the 16th century, when the Spaniards arrived in the region,[160] though few records exist from before 1848.

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lascar volcano plate boundary