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how long did paul study under gamalielhow long did paul study under gamaliel

So youd rather channel Constantine, anti semetic church fathers and bad book from amazon from authors who know absolutely nothing about Judaism or what they are even reading. He states that if the apostolic movement is from God then it cannot be stopped, if it is not form God then it cannot succeed. Look forward, not back, dont dwell on your past. No, im based in Missouri. I dont want to bite the hand that feeds me (and my family). He was the son of Simeon ben Hillel and grandson of the great Jewish teacher Hillel the Elder. Paul wrote: The entire law is summed up in a SINGLE command: Love your neighbor as yourself. [Galatians 5:14, Leviticus 19:18], And again, Paul wrote: He who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. With respect to Hellenism, Hillel was more open to Hellenism than Shammai and was therefore more open to cooperation with the Romans. I do not think, however, that Paul was a Christian Pharisee. Paul being the prodigal student, as it were, and departing from his mentor to do whatever he wants, abandoning his teachings, and then returning later when he realizes how foolish he was. I would like to check that reference if possible. You cite NT Wright as describing the Shammaite Pharisee as a militant hard-liner that was not willing to work with Rome as long as they could study the Torah. I do not, however, see this as the case in the rest of the book of Acts, where Paul works the Roman system in his favor. Is AARP PO Box 93143 Long Beach CA 90809-9720 a valid address? The Orthodox Muslim view of the Koran as self-evidently the Word of God, perfect and inimitable in message, language, style, and form, is strikingly similar to the fundamentalist Christian notion of the Bibles inerrancy and verbal inspiration that is still common in many places today. Paul claims to have been educated by Gamaliel, one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. I was attracted to the school because they put Pauls mantra of All Scripture is God-breathed above everything else, and I wanted to heed Pauls command and Preach the Word like Paul. Pohill points out that Gamaliel seemed to be very resigned about this new Jesus movement, saying that if Christianity was not of Gods will, they would end in disaster just like the false messianic movements in Israels past did (pg 31). Well then, I will stop responding to you since you are not interested in learning anything which does not conform to your already-made-up mind. This is something Peter practiced and had a struggle with regarding gentiles because hes from the school of Shammi. Why do so many people frequently attack and tear down and dismiss the Original Apostles, particularly Peter, as if they were all incompetent, stupid, and wrong in so many ways, and they didnt even know what an Apostle was? Are you the Patricio Abramzon who attended the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center in Houston? The Apostle Peter made reference to Prophecy of Scripture, not All Scripture, and no its not the same thing at all. You are one of a growing number of followers of the Messiah (p) Issa/Yesha who actually have figured out Paul was a con artist sent to corrupt the movement started by the Nazarene Messiah (p) and if it failed in Pauls lifetime it succeeded under the Roman Emporer Constantine and it was Paul they revered as THE Apostle, even before Nicene Creed was made up. We cannot be completely certain exactly which Scriptures Paul meant in All Scripture, and what Paul meant by God-breathed. Why cant we be certain? If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about 6 at the earliest. They make Paul the center, not Jesus. The homeowners friend, the painting contractor, apologized, and explained: I hired a new foreman named Paul, but that was a huge mistake. It is the drastic nature of the difference in his life after he surrenders to Jesus that testifies to the Power and Truth of who Christ is, as well as to the wonder of the great mystery that is later revealed to Paul! Very much the contrary. Jesus reminds us from The Law at the beginning, the Creator made them male and female. [Matthew 19:4, Genesis 1:27], As to the question of whether the Bible is ALL truly Gods WORDS. Once we allow things that we can not say with certainty, we give a foothold to the enemy to sow his seed too. The term To sit at the feet of a Rav is a term in Judaism for a man (13-20) to know the first five books and the Oral law by memory. Nave's Topical Index. But lets agree on a fact about what is written in the New Testament text. He uses these references quite often throughout many of his books in the NT. and I get upset as we read the bible and let someone with their interpretation do interpret for us ,no one can haggle the word of God. Darris McNeely - Dec 7, 2022 | In this class we will discuss Acts 5:26-41 thru Acts 6:1-7 and notice the following events: the apostles being persecuted by the Sanhedrin for teaching in Christ's name; how a Pharisee named Gamaliel spoke up on behalf of the apostles; and the choosing of seven men to help the disciples distribute food. (Mark was intimately connected with Peter since the beginning of the Church, and he acted as scribe for Peter and other Apostles who were illiterate at in their younger years. ). Maybe Gamaliel was strict with Saul,so Saul was being rebellious. Both clearly exhibit traits of each respective tradition.As to Pauls Hellenistic tendencies and use of his Roman citizenship, we only see him make use of those things POST conversion. To Paul, Christianity was dangerous, and to his Jewish thinking, very wrong. (Eph. ), STEP 1) Paul said; I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man. [1 Timothy 1:13] (Response- Those were Sauls sins, before Jesus called him. is his own writings Acts 22 22-29. now there is the whole case of Paul a true liar. Jesus commissioned the eleven With everything I have commanded you Teaching THEM to obey Jesus And THEM means me and you ! Stop pitying yourself, you are not being persecuted. They all teach we should be like Paul and we should listen to Paul without examining Pauls life and Pauls teachings in the light of the teachings of Jesus in Scripture. Its based on a misinterpretation, out of context, of one verse in one letter written by one man, Paul the Pharisee, who was unfamiliar with the personal ministry and teaching of Jesus. Jesus poured his life into the 12 Apostles for 3 years very personally training them to be the leaders of the church, and Jesus chose Peter as first among equals. Maybe there is someone I could bounce this off, to get some ideas. But this seems to be where the peaceful teachings of Gamaliel shine stronger. Note: ingrafted Gentiles were branches of the tree and not replacements of Israel of the entire tree (replacement theology). Not the voice of the accuser, Boss Paul the Pharisee, Telling the redeemed people of God About what they used to be. Christian Pharisees were not unknown, even if we cannot know for sure if the wishful thinking of the traditions is true about Gamaliel and Nicodemus. Paul replied: Im Boss, you work for me, and you do as I say. Why not listen to Jesus, and His words written down and passed on by HIS faithful eyewitnesses, the Apostles HE personally appointed, and personally trained for over 3 years, Matthew and John? Surely it makes no sense at all that our loving Creator could or would give us a message we cannot understand. Another aspect of Hillel. . Mantra: ..and Muhammad is his prophet., .3) Paul the Pharisee, the self-appointed Apostle to the Gentiles, whose 13 letters comprise one third of what, today, we call the New Testament. (The first, original New Testament was composed by the second century heretic Marcion, and he coined the term New Testament. His new book contained nothing except 10 of Pauls letters and an abbreviated Gospel of Luke. mercer county, pa public records; facts about the roman . We dont have time for debates about which one is first. But the testimonies of the era indicate he would have become a ward and trainee of Gamaliel in the age range of 10-14. Tobit is a good reference In the Babylonian Talmud, Zevahim 97b and 100b there are statements given in the name of Rabbi Akiva that in the case of an unclaimed body, if no one is attending to it, the responsibility for the buriasl of this corpse falls on this person, who must do it despite any obstacles, regardless if one is a High Priest or Nazirite, neither of whom are allowed to become tamei, ritually impure. IT should be heretical. Silence since March now its June. The cornerstone of Judaism then and now is that although it has guidelines it also leaves rooms for free thought. Paul was a Diaspora Jew who claimed to have been raised in a family which kept the Jewish traditions without fault. Although in the Bible there are verses speaking about Pauls sister and nephew, there are no references to Pauls wife. ), In essence, it is also the same principle as what Eve did in the Garden of Eden, forgetting about the Tree of Life, which is the first tree in the middle of the Garden, and instead referring to the second tree as the tree that is in the middle of the garden. [Genesis 3:3 & 2:9 2:17, 3:24], Kind of like the Pharisees with Jesus, who were pushing the false idea that we can consider ONE commandment in the Law, alone in isolation, to be the greatest commandment in the Law., Or like today, false teachers in the Chrislam Purpose Driven Seeker Sensitive Emergent Liberal Ecumenical New Age world church movement pushing the false idea that the ONE RULE is Loving God and Neighbor together.. Only after the house is finished and the paint is dry can we go and paint the garage.. I differ from many of my former teachers, though I still appreciate their perspective. How long did the Apostle Paul prepare for ministry? 1. Good point. Posting links about Judaism doesnt correlate that you actually understand Judaism. Perhaps a foundation stone? The translation of his relics is observed on August 2 . The Fast is known as Yom Kippur. This gets Paul in trouble and that section of Acts is basically a dissertation by Paul stating he never taught against the law but adheres to it. Gamaliel and his beliefs seem to have a fairly large impact on Paul and his theology. Then when the paint is dry, Ill move back into the house, and you can paint the garage., The painting contractor hired a new foreman named Paul, and gave him the homeowners instructions. It makes sense to affirm that the God Who made us gave us a revelation of himself that we can understand. Third, as John Polhill observes, several rulings from Gamaliel appear in the Mishnah, the Jewish commentary on the Law. To be more like Jesus is what some strive except for me Ive already arrived Im the perfect model since the road to Damascus What were Pauls sins? I will say, The Jewish account maintains that he remained a Pharisee until his death makes perfect sense since we know that there were other Pharisees who were Christians in Acts 15, and Paul still claims to be a Pharisee when he testifies before the Sanhedrin in Acts 23:6. If the LORD Yahweh, and His Son Yeshua the Jewish Messiah is God, follow Him; but if Paal is God, follow him. God has not changed, and neither has the text of The Bible. Notice that at the Last Supper, when Judas lost his throne and Matthias was definitely absent, Jesus chose to speak of thrones rather than twelve thrones as he had previously. I dont have any position or influence in the Christian world. Yes you clearly are removing them from Jewish culture and using Constantine-Christianity and replacement theology to float most of your website. Paul says that he was taught by Gamaliel. Wrong. Phillip J. Yet he verbatim stated who he was and no one in the court said otherwise but well take your word for it. I trust that no one is offended and that as a result of this comment, we might get closer to Him, The Truth. and as long as the food was not sacrificed to idols and was kosher you could eat with gentiles. The biblical Christian has but one authority and tradition, trust and SolaHoly Scripture! at the feet of Gamaliel"). Im sorry that Christians cant come to grips in their confirmation bias that both Yeshua and Pauls ministries was infact Judaism. First off reading the first paragraph, his human teachers and influences matter almost as much as guidance by the Holy Spirit did. Gamaliel was himself a Pharisee in the tradition of the great Hillel. Was he working around/with the High Priests, or would he still have been studying under Gamaliel? You said that your QUOTE Quran is incorruptible. Thats like many Christians saying the Bible is inerrant. Muhammad is to Muslims as Paul is to most Christians as Mary is to most Catholics an idol that they worship, practically speaking. (John 10:33) This is still the issue with many Jews, God simply cannot become fully Incarnate. Have you even stepped inside shul? Eryk, have you ever heard of dual citizenship? He was a ruthless persecutor who sought to stop what he saw as an aberration within Judaism. Love is all you need. Gamaliel the Elder was the grandson of the great Jewish Rabbi Hillel the Elder, and he kept to Hillel's interpretation of Jewish law. Blessings following the Jesus of the Gospels. Dr. There were several rebellions in Jerusalem regarding the building of gymnasiums. Hello Pastor Thapa your problem is not unique to Nepal, people everywhere like to rank themselves above others. Who was the famous Jewish teacher under whom St. Paul studied? The rabbi Gamaliel was a Pharisee in the tradition of the great Hillel. Christians threatened his view and interpretation of the law until his conversion in Acts 9. Yet Jesus is the object of worship, turned into a false god believed to be confirmed in a book that actually refutes it! My buddy has a new friend from a Baptist background that seems really smart and good with words. Indirectly, Gamaliel had a profound effect on the early church. The answer to that question is, they have been listening to the voice of Paul, rather than the voices of Jesus and the Original Apostles. 5:7) Paul realizes he has missed The Fast in Acts 27:9 while on the prison ship. You seem to want to impose your views of the modern church on ancient house churches. This is exactly what I am talking about, I have regularly posted articles on this blog saying the earliest Christians were Jewish and I often say in classes (and I am sure I have said it someplace here) that the earliest Christian theology (either Jesus or Paul) was quite similar to the Pharisees. There once was a phony named Paul who lied about God he had gall. Once you have taken the covenant you are native born. As much as I appreciate you keeping an almost 4 year old thread alive, you just do not contribute much to the conversation. Is the Word of God a revelation to man? Within Acts 22 he mentions how he zealously persecuted the followers of the Way, something that up until that point, had not been done by anyone within Judaism to that extent. Evidence for this more accommodating opinion is found in the book of Acts, although some (like Chilton) are not completely convinced Acts portrays Gamaliel accurately. Mantra (noun) (Hinduism.) I will call him a liar . I am enjoying the discussion and information/opinions/wisdom here. In his letters to the Corinthians he says, To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. Let every matter be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses, as it says in the Law ! I dont think breakthrough in our faith randomly happens. It addresses exactly what I was thinking, and its thorough. I appreciate your many responses to this thread.as I wrote this response you have added a few more! Its encouraging that God can use imperfect messengers like them, because it proves He can also use an imperfect man like me to advance His kingdom, when I humble myself, repent, and obey His commands. You who were formerly known as gentiles. Evangelism is part of the Second Commandment given by Jesus, to Love people. Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) Who wrote 1 and 2 Timothy? I could just say Jesus is our model. But never discuss the Scriptures that show why Paul is NOT our model.

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how long did paul study under gamaliel