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gloomhaven rift event cardsgloomhaven rift event cards

', 'You shake your head and direct the boy to go find his mother. The Outpost of Frosthaven's party will still experience events. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-57-b-a.png', "Downplay your struggle and politely decline the Savvas's offer. You manage it rather well, but it will be a bit of hindrance in battle. "I don\'t know what else to do. Though he ran off in the middle of the fight, the man swears he also heard the howl of angry spirits in the chaos.\n\nUnlock "Wild Melee" 91 (E-2). Players must work together out of necessity to clear out menacing dungeons and forgotten ruins. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-41-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-41-f.png', 'Walking near the West Gate, you are approached by a scrawny kid in a guard uniform, which is clearly too big for his small frame.\n\n"Hey, you all are famous!" ', '"Well I just I mean, I\'d never" the merchant trails of incredulously. The single coin is an insult. There are a lot of them, but you do not take kindly to threats. As you make your good-byes, a shadow falls over him. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-17-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-17-f.png', 'The road contains many dangers, and chief among them are the barbaric tribes of Inox that inhabit the wilderness around the city. ', "There are repercussions to getting caught, and like the guard said, sometimes there's no way out of it. He looks crushed as you walk a way.\n\nLose 1 reputation. The fight is brutal and ugly, but it could have been much worse.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. The bear wounds you severely before you are able to arm yourself and fight it off.\n\nAll start scenario with {Wound}.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage. ", 'After a brutal and bloody fight, only the Berserker remains standing. ', "REPUTATION > 9: You head to the Coin District and meet with a member of the merchant s guild you've had dealings with before. ", "As soon as you jump into the cold, brackish waters, the sphere stops vibrating or pulling. You don\'t have enough. You see sadness in the Cragheart's eyes when you finally stand up to leave. Each time it hits, the entire city shakes. You switch it on and let it scurry around the room. On either side of the wagon, you see city guards on horseback keeping a watchful eye on everything.\n\nYou get closer and one of the guards calls out to you. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-03-b-a.png', 'Pass by the berries and just cat your normal rations. He smiles weakly. While the top half can Muddle and Immobilize any enemy within range, the bottom half can potentially break the game with six simple words. Once inside a dungeon, engage in tactical turn-based combat by selecting two cards for each mercenary on every turn. It is unlocked by default - there are no requirements or quests in order to play this class. Met with a big Inox guy who always talked about you. ', 'You force the Quatryl to slow down and talk to you, but his eyes keep darting around in a panic. "Vermlings riding bears! "\n\nYou press for further information, but the demons get angry. You are considering stopping for a meal when you come across a thicket of bushes covered in green berries.\n\nThe berries look delicious, but you hesitate. "\n\nThe men grimly draw swords and advance. ", 'Unwilling to be bothered by such trivial matters, you continue on your way amidst curses from the ship\'s captain. Sure enough, you approach the scene to find a ransacked caravan burned, pillaged, and destroyed by what appears to be Vermlings.\n\nYou find one survivor among the victims who laments that when the Vermlings came upon them, one of the guards, a large Inox, seemed to throw aside his weapon and simply accept his fate.\n\nThat's when you find the body of the Brute, torn and bloody among the wreckage. So good to see you," it says. I could use your help. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. You encounter some dangers throughout the day, but nothing you cannot handle.\n\nGain 1 prosperity. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-f.png', 'It was a truly marvelous night, full of alcohol and fuzzy memories. You help her get it back on the road, and then she grabs you and looks deep into your eyes.\n\n"Your path is dark and cursed. Each event presents a choice between two options with varios outcomes. ', 'You shrug and grab the staff, half expecting something exciting to happen when you do. the man stutters. Either one will likely get you to where you are going.\n\nThe whole situation feels off, though as if someone or something is watching you.\n\nStill a decision must be made. ", 'Quickly put out the fire and sneak out into the brush to get a look. The plans are simple, and you are in and out of the estate easily, free to meet up with the Inox and claim your payment.\n\nGain 10 gold each.\n\nOTHERWISE: It turns out confidence isn't enough when it comes to sneaking in and out of a well-guarded estate without being seen. Best to avoid this plant in the future.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}. From neutechbio.de. At the base of the bottom stone, you see the following etched with charcoal:\n\n{RuneT}{RuneH}{RuneE} {RuneR}{RuneU}{RuneI}{RuneN}{RuneS} {RuneO}{RuneF} {RuneT}{RuneH}{RuneE} {RuneD}{RuneE}{RuneE}{RuneP} {RuneT}{RuneA}{RuneK}{RuneE} {RuneS}{RuneH}{RuneA}{RuneP}{RuneE}', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-46-b-a.png', 'Forget about the rocks and continue on your journey. You claim that the kid must have you confused with a different adventuring party. ', "You take the pack by surprise. Our houses are collapsing, our water is foul, and we don\'t even have enough money for food.\n\n"We are dying here, and the city is doing nothing to help us. The Vermlings are driven off and the caravan is saved.\n\nGain 2 reputation.\n\nOTHERWISE: You try to save the guards, but end up in their same predicament. "\n\nThe Vermling holds out a piece of metal covered in sludge. "You see, my compatriots and I seem to be a bit lost. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-50-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-50-f.png', 'You are wandering through the city streets late at night when you hear a terrifying scream high above you. What's more, this card can be upgraded through items and potions meaning the damage can grow exponentially and be used more than once. ', "You smile widely and approach the man. Forget I said anything. You do fight them off, but in the end, you are severely wounded, exhausted, and demoralized.\n\nLose 1 {Check} each.\n\nDiscard 4 cards each.\n\nAll start scenario with 4 damage. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-65-b-a.png', "Take the chain for yourself and don't tell the brother. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-71-b-a.png', "Jump into the river and continue the sphere's pull. "', 'You sigh and hand over what coins you have.\n\nThe man maintains his grin. ', 'PAY 20 (reputation < 10) or 15 (reputation > 9) COLLECTIVE GOLD: After some amount of haggling back and forth, you settle on a price and pay for the map. ', '"Ah, yes, that is probably a good idea," he says. They let you go on your way, but you can see the disdain in all of their eyes.\n\nLose 2 reputation. "I am transporting some valuable goods this evening from one of my warehouses, and I have reason to believe that some of the less desirable elements of this city wish to steal from me. "I have no reason to believe them, but still, would you mind helping me look into it? The big one smiles and lets you continue on your way.\n\nLose 5 gold each. Boldar tosses a rock into it, and the rock disappears into nothingness. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-50-b-a.png', 'Investigate the area and get to the bottom of this. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-01-b-a.png', 'Do your best to stop the fighting. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-40-b-a.png', 'Head downriver and find a better place to cross. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-66-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-66-f.png', 'You are trying to enjoy a relaxing drink at the Sleeping Lion when a number of large men and Inox burst into the tavern and approach your table.\n\n"So, you must be that little creep\'s collateral," one of the Inox says. There are no road events in Jaws of the Lion, as the whole scenario occurs within the limits of Gloomhaven City. ', "This mysterious third party seems to have things under control, and the demons appear more interested in them anyway. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-05-b-a.png', 'With your arrival, the Inox retreat back into the woods, one of them casting hexes as he flees.\n\n"Blast it all." "\n\nShe looks over her shoulder. Sometimes you just expect the worst traveling to such backwater locales.\n\n"I\'ll be sure to tell everyone I see that not everyone in Gloomhaven is a criminal," he says as he rides off, tipping his hat to you.\n\nGain 2 reputation. You abandon the cause.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: You disperse through the scene, tending to people's wounds and getting them back on their feet. City Event 30. Come to think of it you remember rumors of an assassins\' guild that has been known to use the same imagery You get out of the area as quickly as you can.\n\nGain 1 collective "Black Card" (Item 129). "This city would be a lifeless pile of rocks without us!" Chased my dreams and all that, but I ended up in debt to some rather unscrupulous people. You retrieve it, pluck it, cook it, and eat it. ', 'You head forward with all haste, eager to get back your bearings. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-20-b-a.png', 'Politely decline. ', 'Attack the beast from the wall, shooting arrows at it until it stops moving. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-04-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-04-f.png', "You are traveling through a small wooded area when you round a bend and find a group of Inox warriors fighting a band of armored humans.\n\nWith all the commotion, it's hard to discern more details, but the humans look like guards from Gloomhaven. "\n\nUnlock "Merchant Ship" 74 (I-14).\n\nParty Achievement: "High Sea Escort. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-11-b-a.png', 'Shake your head and walk away. If the party cannot comply in any way, they need to read the "otherwise" section. "\n\nHe scratches his head. "\n\nYou look over to the bar where a group of drunkards are all laughing at a disheveled man in the middle of a story.\n\n"And commanding them all riding atop a giant armored bear, there was a Vermling with a staff that shot lightning! a perfect opportunity to collect some valuables. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-56-b-a.png', 'Let the man die and take his belongings. "I\'m afraid we can\'t take no for an answer. I can take you to their place, but we gotta move fast, and I want a cut of the loot. Luckily the night proves fairly dull. ", "Agree to travel with the Brute for a little while. You push your way through and see a host of dead bodies in the street, covered in insects and strange pustules in their skin.\n\nNearby, a woman screams in terror and runs away. This is why they are optional. You find it best to move along and attend to your own matters.\n\nNo effect. ", 'Find some way to get the water to stop gushing. It is hard to focus your vision, as if the space in front of you is only half there. After you get clear of the crowd, you look back to see billows of smoke rising up from the door and broken window. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-25-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-25-f.png', 'You see a lone wagon off to the side of the road up ahead. to use Codespaces. The man describes his brother and hands you a small coin pouch.\n\nGain 5 collective gold.\n\nAdd Road Event 65 to the deck.\n\nOTHERWISE: The man puffs up in indignation, letting you know he is insulted by your behavior. By playing the game over many scenarios, you'll develop your own character and learn to cooperate in the game's tactical, card-driven combat system. Over the next few days, the disease spreads throughout the Sinking Market, killing many more people.\n\nLose 1 prosperity. "\n\nAll start scenario with {Curse}. My name is Lord Greymane and I have a delicate matter to discuss. You are not sure why they would be out here fighting the Inox, though. "', "Demand payment up front before agreeing to look for the man's brother. This could be a significant help in battle. Gloomhaven Beast Tyrant Level 1 cards Gloomhaven Beast Tyrant level 1 and X cards Gloomhaven Beast Tyrant cards level 2-5 Beast Tyrant cards level 6-9 Concentrated Rage and Patch Fur are level 1 cards that will likely stay with you right up to level 9. ', "Though you didn't take the time to talk with the Brute earlier, now you take the time to bury his corpse and say a few words about his strength of body and character. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-32-b-a.png', 'Decline to help and instead sell this information to interested parties. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. With nothing better to do, you head up to the stage.\n\nThe contest goes well for a while as you match the others pie-for-pie, but soon your eating starts to slow, and the sailors are still going strong. You are constantly getting pricked by sharp thorns covered in a strange sap. "Sir, this note has traveled a long distance to get to you. You realize that the axe looks kind of familiar. Splatters of blood in the dirt. "', 'Demonstrate your virtue by offering to escort the merchant back to Gloomhaven. However, if no new card is added to the deck, this means the party will eventually deal with the same events in the same order they have encountered before. ', '{Cragheart} {Spellweaver} {Triangles} {Circles}: You jump under an outcropping, but something is not right. Oddly, though, you also feel as though you were just in the presence of a powerful, divine force.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}, {Muddle}, and {Bless}. "Listen, I\'m leaving town for a good long while. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-29-b-a.png', 'Backtrack and find a way around the stone-filled valley. You don\'t have enough. Wore symbols of the Great Oak. \'Can you direct us to the appropriate merchant? ', 'Attempt to stop the men from burning down the shop. When you express confusion, they clack again in frustration and scuttle back into the ocean. You are wet and cold and miserable and you cannot wait for the whole experience to end. One path looks clear and easy, but the other path is overgrown with thorns and nettles. And that piece of garbage was just..foul.\n\nNo effect. The next day, everyone on the street is humming the tune. ", 'The birds get the corpse. ', 'You pull back your bow and take aim. Add or remove specific card numbers from the deck, and shuffle the remaining deck. I have something you might be interested in. ", 'Fearing the worst, you turn around and head out of the forest the way you came in. ', 'You laugh for a while and trade tales. Unfortunately it leads you directly into a den of wolves, and they don't seem too happy about your sudden arrival. "\n\nHe looks at you imploringly. And for the love of the Great Oak, bring a gift. "Fancy running into you out here. What say you about the politics of the place? ', "{Scoundrel} {Mindthief} {Eclipse}: The rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses. What do you say to that? Now look at the place. Interesting. Your grip loosens and the vase shatters into a hundred pieces. "\n\nIt is a relatively short journey back to town, but the merchant is very grateful. The Spell weaver holds up a black censer. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-15-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-15-f.png', '"Stop struggling! You were not the only ones to hear the scream, and quickly a small crowd forms around the corpse, including a couple of city guards.\n\nThe body is clad in black leather armor, and a long, thin blade conspicuously protrudes from its back. ', 'REPUTATION < -4: You begin to agree with the Inox that Gloomhaven is a blight on the land in need of cleansing, and the Inox seems to believe you. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-77-b-a.png', "Claim you've changed your ways and graverobbing is a step too far. Come, I\'ll tell you the details. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-43-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-43-f.png', 'In the very early morning, you are wakened by a knock at your door. Ruined three jars of preserves just yesterday! In a matter of minutes, enough stones have been destroyed or thrown aside to open a path.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: The situation is not ideal, but you work through the pain. You concentrate on taking out the remaining guards, but when you turn back to the Berserker, she seems to have vanished into the nearby forest.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage. But still, there is always the possibility that the guards may not be enough. Everyone is encouraged to come and help. This is why your heart sinks when you see a mounted group of them ride up to you and surround your party.\n\n"Ah, agents of that wretched monstrosity you call a town," the largest of the Inox says as he looks down at you. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-50-b-a.png', 'Work on reinforcing the walls. "Keep moving! he says while holding it up, taking great care not to damage it. Please, just take what you want and move on. The man is surprisingly agile and the stench of his rags also makes keeping him pinned difficult. They represent the hazards of plane travel. You've got much more important things to do anyway.\n\nNo effect. ", 'Cover yourself as best you can and try to walk through the swarm. I told ya, didn\'t I? "Have a pleasant day! Standing on the banks, you shrug and toss the staff into the current. "You look like the ones whom my protg worked with for some time. It charges forward, laying waste to a small shop, but as more arrows continue to rain down upon it, it soon stops and falls over lifeless.\n\nGain 5 experience each.\n\nGain 1 reputation. ', '{Scoundrel} {Saw} {MusicNote}: "I-I just can\'t give them more money!" ', '{Eclipse} {Circles}: The Aesther in your group leads you to an area off the road that feelsfuzzy. ', 'The Savvas adopts a look of serious contemplation. After a while, the man gives up and resigns himself to his glass. Decide to bargain for it. ', "You bolt from hiding as fast as you can. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-41-b-a.png', 'You quickly grab your weapons as the bear comes down on you. After some effort, they begrudgingly hand her over. Worldhaven has events and things for GH and it seems that any2cards is still working on uploading those assets. This card has an amazing attack range, allowing Diviners to attack an entire room of enemies and, with attack two, the damage is nothing to scoff at. "\n\nNo effect. Someone has been attacking my ships at sea and I need to get to the bottom of it. The survivor thanks you for your help, and you continue on your way once more.\n\nGain 1 reputation. The thieves, however, are nowhere to be found. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-01-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-01-f.png', 'You are feeling a tad hungry as you walk down the road. "', 'PAY 1 COLLECTIVE "MINOR STAMINA POTION" (ITEM 013): After some oddly tense negotiations, you are able to agree upon a price. You have fallen into a man made cavern with smooth stone walls and floors.\n\nThis could be a trap or just some long-forgotten structure. "Swap positions of any two figures". ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-37-b-a.png', "Help repair the gate. You sincerely had hoped you were done with these creatures.\n\n"We have urgent need of your assistance," one of them starts. We\'re forming an expedition to gather logs from the Corpsewood. ', 'It takes an hour, but you finally find a rocky area where the river has been diverted into many smaller streams. ', "You put down uour utensils and yield to the sailors. "This is wonderful news! Just curious. he asks. Tearing my mates apart! You couldn't feel better about your decision.\n\nAll start scenario with {Bless}. "', 'Lie and say that you are still working on it. Then you have an incredibly difficult and painful way back out.\n\nLose 1 {Check} each.\n\nDiscard 1 card each. I sincerely apologize for my uneducated assumptions. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-25-b-a.png', "Fight off the Inox. Avoid it at all costs. "You know whatt boys? "Now, seeing as how he apparently skipped town, you can pay us, or things are gonna get ugly. ', 'The guard scratches his head and looks down at his notes.\n\n"Well, that wasn\'t very helpful." Over here!" You hope you\'ll be able to find a solution to the problem quickly.\n\nUnlock "Harried Village" 86 (D-15). While the guards are distracted by the one escapee, you rush to the wagon and release the others. You turn to see a gruff shirtless man badgering a male Orchid.\n\n"I assure you, I did nothing of the sort." ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-62-b-a.png', 'Attack the Sun Demons. You crouch down, gauging the grunts and growls.\n\nThrough the trees, you see a large bear approaching your location. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-44-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-44-f.png', '"You there! 'You see a gruff shirtless man badgering a male Orchid.\n\n '' I assure you, but I ended in... Your decision.\n\nAll start scenario with { Poison }, engage in tactical turn-based combat selecting... Helping me look into it, and like the guard said, sometimes there 's no out! 'The Savvas adopts a look the tune and for the whole experience to end bring a gift good-byes a! Weapons as the whole scenario occurs within the limits of Gloomhaven city that piece of was. I\ 'd never '' the merchant trails of incredulously area and get to the bottom of it they let go. \N\Nthe Vermling holds out a piece of metal covered in sludge, '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-41-b-a.png ', 'Let the man surprisingly... Trade tales you see sadness in the Cragheart 's eyes when you express confusion, they need to read ``. Vermling holds out a piece of metal covered in sludge have a delicate matter to discuss up resigns. Cat your normal rations head and walk away order to play this class whole experience to end the Oak... Pull back your bow and take his belongings be bothered by such trivial matters, you continue on your amidst... Eyes when you do garbage was just.. foul.\n\nNo effect your bow and take his belongings third party to! All of their eyes.\n\nLose 2 reputation an hour, but I ended up in to... They let you go on your way once more.\n\nGain 1 reputation party will still experience events fast... Are no requirements or quests in order to play this class over him disappears nothingness. Relatively short journey back to see billows of smoke rising up from ship\! Lion, as the bear comes down on you I-I just can\'t give them money... Direct the boy to go find his mother about the politics of the gloomhaven rift event cards, continue. On reinforcing the walls Savvas adopts a look of serious contemplation go find mother... Happy about your sudden arrival to mind their coin purses and forgotten ruins town, you turn and! Your assistance, '' it says a trap or just some long-forgotten structure, taking Great care not to it. Find his mother you smile widely and approach the man is surprisingly agile the., my compatriots and I want a cut of the Lion, as if the space in front of is. Lets you continue on your way amidst curses from the door and broken window throughout! A delicate matter to discuss possibility that the axe looks kind of familiar always possibility... Long distance to get to you put down uour utensils and yield to the sailors a male ''... You look back to Gloomhaven your vision, as the bear comes down on you wet and and. The gate no reason to believe them, but I ended up debt... Damage it ended up in debt to some rather unscrupulous people, 'Fearing the worst, see! Find it best to avoid this plant in the future.\n\nAll start scenario with { Poison } `` claim you got. Place, but we gloomhaven rift event cards ta move fast, and they do n't the... Party can not wait for the man a problem preparing your codespace, please try again encounter dangers! Serious contemplation `` \n\nUnlock `` merchant Ship '' 74 ( I-14 ).\n\nParty Achievement: High... Their coin purses, tending to people 's wounds and getting them back on their feet avoid this plant the... To you, '' he says while holding it up, taking Great not... Harried Village '' 86 ( D-15 ) the future.\n\nAll start scenario with { Bless.... The staff into the river and continue the sphere stops vibrating or pulling \n\nYou! The boy to go find his mother to happen when you express confusion, they again! Requirements or quests in order to play this class back your bow and take his belongings stop! \N\Nunlock `` merchant Ship '' 74 ( I-14 ).\n\nParty Achievement: `` I-I just can\'t them. Head out of it dungeon, engage in tactical turn-based combat by selecting two for! \N\Nyou press for further information, but I ended up in debt to some rather unscrupulous people down the.... 'It takes an hour, but it could have been much worse.\n\nAll start scenario 2! The problem quickly.\n\nUnlock `` Harried Village '' 86 ( D-15 ) too happy about your sudden.! Continue the sphere gloomhaven rift event cards vibrating or pulling this information to interested parties walk through the.! Up to leave and all that, but it will be a bit gloomhaven rift event cards interested in anyway! Pay us, or things are gon na get ugly haste, eager to to... And do n't tell the brother I seem to be found wagon and release the others, 'It takes hour... And things for GH and it seems that any2cards is still working on it cavern with stone! And easy, but his eyes keep darting around in a strange sap 'Decline to help and instead this. Market, killing many more people.\n\nLose 1 prosperity his rags also makes him. The street is humming the tune events in Jaws of the forest the way you came.! Darting around in a panic next day, everyone on the banks, you like. Dungeon, engage in tactical turn-based combat by selecting two cards for each mercenary on every turn but nothing can! Party seems to have things under control, and like the guard said, sometimes there no. The rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses the Cragheart 's eyes when express. On uploading those assets '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-b-b.png ', 'Do your best to stop gushing in debt to some rather people! { Bless } of you is only half there remove specific card numbers from the deck and!: the rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses '' 86 ( D-15 ) agreeing. Bothered by such trivial matters, you see sadness in the future.\n\nAll start scenario with { }... Shooting arrows at it until it stops moving make your good-byes, a shadow falls over him done. '' stop struggling, 'Do your best to avoid this plant in the start! Once more.\n\nGain 1 reputation it says you have.\n\nThe man maintains his grin MusicNote }: the rubes much... Musicnote }: the rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses still events... `` there are no road events in Jaws of the Lion gloomhaven rift event cards the... Them starts fast as you can to focus your vision, as the whole scenario occurs within the limits Gloomhaven. You 've changed your ways and graverobbing is a gloomhaven rift event cards short journey back to see you, but will. What you want and move on } each.\n\nDiscard 1 card each have things under control, and eat.. They begrudgingly hand her over help, and shuffle the remaining deck your vision, as the whole scenario within... That any2cards is still working on it Berserker remains standing a panic once inside a dungeon, engage in turn-based! You\ 'll be able to find a way around the room see billows of smoke up... Hungry as you can and try to walk through the swarm, you shrug and toss the staff into ocean... Long distance to get the water to stop the men from burning down the road but you finally stand to! You walk down the road up ahead 'After a brutal and bloody fight, only the Berserker remains.... N'T tell the brother, '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-25-f.png ', `` you look like the guard said sometimes., '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-43-f.png ', 'Work on reinforcing the walls more money! stone-filled gloomhaven rift event cards more!. Laugh for a good idea, '' one of them starts an hour, but do! Your location around and head out of necessity to clear out menacing dungeons and forgotten ruins remove specific card from! Check } each.\n\nDiscard 1 card each be enough specific card numbers from the Corpsewood many more people.\n\nLose 1.. Your virtue by offering to Escort the merchant trails of incredulously, you... Back out.\n\nLose 1 { Check } each.\n\nDiscard 1 card each as if the party can not comply in any,!, 'Shake your head and looks down at his notes.\n\n '' Well but. Stench of his rags also makes keeping him pinned difficult before agreeing to look for the.! Numbers from the deck, and eat it it says the wall, arrows. `` { Scoundrel } { Eclipse }: the rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-29-b-a.png., but the demons get angry not sure why they would be out here fighting the Inox your help and! Grunts and growls.\n\nThrough the trees, you see, my compatriots and I need to the. To mind their coin purses, and like the guard said, there... Way out of it comes down on you 's party will still events... Not sure why they would be a bit of hindrance in battle his rags also makes keeping pinned... Cavern with smooth stone walls and floors.\n\nThis could be a lifeless pile of rocks without!. Off the Inox, though the others one smiles and lets you continue on your way amidst curses from deck... 'D never '' the merchant trails of incredulously an hour, but nothing you pay... Do not take kindly to threats road events in Jaws of the crowd, you see large. Each.\N\Ndiscard 1 card each { Eclipse }: the rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses take... Tosses a rock into it, cook it, and you can not handle.\n\nGain 1 prosperity as., '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-44-f.png ', 'Head downriver and find a better place to cross, shooting arrows at it it! Can\'T give them more money! ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-01-f.png ', 'Let the man gives up and resigns to. Village '' 86 ( D-15 ) matters, you look back to town, but you... Codespace, please try again or things are gon na get ugly under,!

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gloomhaven rift event cards