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fibromyalgia urine smellfibromyalgia urine smell

Hi, Im sad to say that Ive developed this awful experience myself. Something like visualizing massaging the painful shoulder area, and something about looking into a mirror and doing or imagining something- sorry, I don't remember . Talking only about smell may imply that those conditions could or are purely psychological in nature and not physical. Stress makes symptoms of fibromyalgia worse. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. I have this same problem. Others just see lazy. Michelle P. The fatigue. I got so excited when I read original post! Symptoms and signs include painful, hesitant, frequent urination and high temperature lasting for more than three days. But, I just want you to know that you are not alone with this strange condition. It is depressing and can drive you insane so don't buy it from your doctors or from these random brain washing lies doctors website saying it is something you smell that is not there because it is a BS ! Ive asked others if they smell it and they say no, nothing. I always feel awkward telling my doctors about my GI-related symptoms, whether it be nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Mattie M. I have diarrhea. Children can have fibromyalgia, but it is more common in older adults. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. unpleasant breath odor. People with fibromyalgia may be more sensitive to pain than people without fibromyalgia. Hi Everyone, Re: continual smell of burning everywhere I go. This was 6 months ago. Thanks to the internet, I no longer need to troll the grocery stores smelly soap aisle for my odor-free products. Trimethylaminuria ('fish odour syndrome') Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) is an uncommon condition that causes an unpleasant, fishy smell. Narrowed arteries can reduce blood flow and affect the function of your organs. My senses have become so amplified, but the strong smells were not expected. It's like acquiring a new sensation you never had. Hi there yeah I get that I am hypersensitive to just about most things, smell usually cripples my breathing making me reach for my inhaler. I forget words, stumble over them, say words that make no sense. We live in a $600,000. calicuddlebunny 1 yr. ago thank you, but gabapentin is not a sulfa drug. Eventually you get labeled as that person. Lauren H. Its embarrassing to me to have to cancel plans with not a lot of notice. But it has become much worse. I have been dealing with this for 20 years. I have been putting it all down to anxiety. Therefore, even though the most common symptoms are pain and fatigue in muscles and tendons, often it is seen that those suffering from fibromyalgia will have other associated conditions and symptoms. Anyway, the worst part is i can't find a solution. I am highly sensitive to smells as they can trigger migraines for me, but to have it all the time must be hell, especially if it's smokey. Its shocking to them and almost impossible to explain. The weirdest thing is that i smell it worse indoors [anywhere - shopping centre, my house, someone else's house] but not so much outdoors, but still smell it. My name is Aimee.I am so tired of this smell in my noseI to think it's worse indoorsnot as bad outsidesometimes I have a hard time falling and staying asleep as a result. K i just changed depression meds and am getting that smell, also noticed someone else with depression who had same smell issue. Some people with fibromyalgia may experience certain symptoms regularly. Yes, I too have had this though intermittently. I smell it tooits driving me crazy..at first I thought it was someones woodstove but my husband cant smell it..i smell it most when I breathe very lightlyif I take deep breaths It isn't there but if Im breathing normal shallow like, then its strongim coughing a lot also and clearing my throath..sorry, bad speller..its worse indoors than out..I went to a doctor because I was coughing up blood one day and he had me go for xray..said it was normal, no phunomiaI didn't even know that was what he was looking for..sent me home and that was that..i would think he would have looked further than that and do a cat scan..I hate doctors cause ya have to diagnose yourself..lol..sorry, spelling again. We just came back from a 14 day cruise to Noumea. The brain does make associations. smell the same for me (the difference is intensity). contemporary art in region 7 brainly; marc klopp instagram. i randomly ended up here while looking for answers to my own smell related problem. flourescent lighting bothers me too. Started a few weeks ago. My GP sent me to an ear, nose and throat specialist, whom sent me off for an MRI scan and also put me on expensive nasal spray. Unusual Odor,Strange Smell in So Cal that no one else can smell, recurring smell once a year for a week or two, does anyone else smell this? Below are several lifestyle changes and tips that may help relieve symptoms and make fibromyalgia easier to live with daily. I cough and my eyes water also! 2022 Mighty Proud Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maybe yours just happened to go away when it did. Yesterday we had 39 celcius, i smelled it once or twice for a short time, however, the day before, 41 degrees celcius [The English Barmy Army got sun burnt at the WACA Cricket ground badly lol], it too wasn't that bad? You're not alone in this. Im not a coffee drinker so its not super pleasant. It happened inside the house, outside and in hot or cold weather. I can smell it when I start thinking of it. Urinary frequency and abdominal bloating is quite common amongst fibromyalgia patients, particularly women. Am considering going back to counseling. I constantly smell this strange odor. There is currently no cure, but an anti-inflammatory diet might help. Mold and fungus Ian the cause of smelling chemicals and amnia ,bleach ,methanol ,fumes ,pretos like formaldehyde smell and so on .It is aused also by bacteria.Your body is composed by good bacteria but when bad bacteria turns in and when you have an accumulation of solvents and chemicals in your body these onco-bactrias and fungus attached itself to the damaged tissue and make a room inside your switched off cells growing and reproducing like crazy ,it necessary doesn't cause cancer in short therm but in long terms causes cancer ,Alzheimer's and all chronic disease existent .Chemicals itself doesn't cause cancer it actually damages your immune system making it weak and unable to find infections and inflammation ,it also causes your tissues to die so patgens can infect the area and reproduce ,all diseases has an infection behind it ,cancer is an infection caused by various patgens which accumulates in dead cells and necrosed tissues .I cured my terrible nose smell after 3 years of hell and I can guarantee you it is caus d by fungus ,mold and bacteria . Pain is often felt in the arms, legs, head, chest, abdomen, back, and buttocks. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Bladder incontinence, urinary frequency, and painful sexual intercourse are just a few of the urinary disorders and pelvic symptoms that fibromyalgia can cause. It overtime will give you cancer .Dont trust these doctors and laboratories because they won't diagnose you and their tests are scammed so they will make sure fungus infection won't be diagnosed .The problem is that over the years the pharmaceutical industry has created super fungus( Candida albicans for exemple) that mutates like crazy once is inside human tissue and to kill it will be a very hard challenge ,if you let it too long and becoming chronic you will get an auto-immune disease such as cancer in maybe 10 years time or less .To be healed from this there is a challenge but I have overcome this problem after 3 years of misery smelling amonia bleach fumes formaldehyde smell like ! These may include, genetics, infections, and physical or emotional trauma. but what stood out for me was the cough and clearing your throat..this is happening to me too! It did not cause me to feel any physical discomfort but I found it, as you say, distracting. However, changes in brain chemical levels and central nervous system function may play a role. Methods: The diagnosis of fibromyalgia was made according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria. I don't know why, but as i have never opened up about anything on a forum to complete strangers, i though i might have been put down, like i was at my jobthat self defense auto pilot mechanism is always on stand by..LOL. Ironically, I often find doctors offices are some of the worst offenders. I started smelling poop all of the sudden for a while every now and then and after sometime it change to like the smell of wet dirt after it rains the weird thing was, that it was summer and I was inside my house. Flare-ups can happen without warning but often have noticeable triggers. . God No.. this would be awful. She started describing her symptoms: weird odors that no one else could smell (like burning plastic, ashes) and difficulty breathing when lying down. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I also sometimes have a sore tongue and sometimes my teeth hurt. I can smell some things when I exhale intensively with my nose, but it is miserable compared to what I had previously. Hey foggy, i too suffered with Migraines for years and they went away when i stopped taking anti-depressant medication, which i was on for about 20 years. When the cold eventually cleared up I found that I had no sense of taste or smell but had THE smell, which even woke me up at night. John can you be specific what you took? I have had an issue with a woodyburning smell for many months, I had a nose op 7 years ago and have used a prescription nasal spray for allergic rhinitis but no longer feel a real need for it after the operation. Nobody else smells it but it cant be in my imagination its just too strong! Hi. It is reassuring that other people suffer from similar smells however it is a concern that there doesn't appear to be a solution or quick fix for it. To the uninitiated, it seems impossible that an odor could cause physical symptoms, such as headache, nausea, fatigue, confusion, and dizziness especially when the odor isnt even a particularly unpleasant one. The stress of coping with a condition can also lead to anxiety and depression. Its nearly as difficult to explain multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) to someone unaffected by it as it is to explain fibromyalgia. It can come on at any time and there are no houses around that have coal fires and there are no fires around either. Regarding the burning smell mentioned earlier, this can be caused by an infection in the nostril. Was it because out of the whole 120 employees, i received 8 customer service awards for doing the right thing and knowing my stuff in a short 9 months of being there? If anyone in my house has been cooking, even hours before I arrive, Im nauseous the moment I open the door. The neurologist did look into my nose and said it is still not right? Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. And just googled smelling a smoky smell and first hits show that it could be brain cancer. Add the smell or smoke from a kitchen, be it at home or in a restaurant; barbecue is my nemesis. I suffered from this same disorder "phantom smells" for many many years! This past Thanksgiving I had to sit and watch everyone eat. The first time it happened, I had moved into my new house and I thought it was the AC. Dangerous levels of PFOs have leached into drinking water finding their way into fish caught in U.S. rivers and lakes. Copyright 2023 Handcrafted by Clearfix Inc. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Fibromyalgia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. SO glad to hear Im not the only one, and that this is an actual thing! Now toldI need an MRI.. About 6 years ago I had a 'normal' heavy cold with a cough, which because of my other problems left me in bed for nearly 10 days. Thanks for making me believe I am not crazy ( though I didn't think me crazy for a second LOL! I couldn't do it. I've always enjoyed wearing perfume, have worn the same for that last 30 + years and miss it so much. I can barely smell things, although I had exceptional sense of smell. Thats why we asked our Mighty community to share some of the embarrassing fibromyalgia symptoms theyve experienced symptoms we may not talk about often, but ones that deserve recognition and understanding nonetheless. I have been experiencing periods where I wake up smelling a strange smell, kinda like fresh blood, When I go to get up i am dizzy and lightheaded. Many also have problems with incontinence (inability to hold urine) and urinary retention (inability to pass urine). Maintaining a log of activities, meals, sleep times and duration, and symptoms of fibromyalgia may help to identify particular triggers. We have found that a 10 day course of a broad spectrum antibiotic knocks whatever it is down. Gp.ENT.Neurologist.. 'cant find anything wrong' 'poss psychosomatic' blah blah. Home; Begin People will be very concerned and ask whats wrong they just saw me and I was fine a day or just an hour ago. Urinary urgency is described as the urgent need to urinate. It has happened again, hence the reason I found this site. Privacy Yes, eating this healthful vegetable can make urine stink. I too have Fibromyalgia and Asthma. I smell and taste Smoke when I breathe in. Whats worse is I work with children and the parents just look at me sometimes and I feel so [silly] not being able to get my thoughts across smoothly. It's now recognised by my very good GP. The smallest amount of movement and I am overheated and sweat dripping down my face. What is worse is that I am losing my appetite for food, because everything I eat tastes the same way - bland; it is just solid stuff in my mouth. I'm also amazed how many people smell this Smoke. Resistance and strengthening exercises may improve muscle strength, physical disability, depression, and quality of life. Yes. I can't identify any lifestyle, work, leisure, activity etc. Why do Black women get triple-negative breast cancer more often? I have to avoid certain foods just because Ive become so sensitive to them. <3. Its awful. Molly S. For me, I think its the excessive sweating for no apparent reason. I do find this problem worse sometimes than others but it's always there. While reading the first posts of 3 years ago, something triggered a memory. The big problem is that one does not get enough body signals that something is seriously wrong; namely having accumulated too many poisons in body, until the immune system suddenly dives of the cliff, with a big painful splat when hitting bottom. How many mgs did you take daily. And I am also super sensitive to body odors. Fibromyalgia has several symptoms, which means that no one treatment will fix them all. The non-typical migraine comment caught my eye because my mother has actually been dx with these but hers causes her to lose her sight when it happens. My trigger seems to be dental infections. Asparagus. It's called Phantosmia, which pretty much means Olfactory Hallucinations, or you are smelling things that aren't really there. Update 2/11: I started noticing when and how do I get the smell. All the time. Terms. You have extreme fatigue, ongoing thirst, and increased urination: Along with a strangely sweet smell to the urine You have back pain: Along with chills, fever, and foul-smelling urine that looks pink or red You have ongoing fatigue with yellowing of the . But recently, some people have been reporting a strange new side effect from the vaccine. I try to warn the people I work with on a bad pain day, that if I burst out crying or seem irritated its not them, its the pain. Trish G. The most embarrassing symptom of mine is the sudden shooting pains causing me to automatically change expressions and stop whatever Im doing, whether Im at work or with family. Sometimes I get the cigar smell but generally it is a smell I can not describe. The diagnosis: atypical migraine. When and how to treat smelly urine When it is an emergency. I could taste the smell all night and choked back nausea until morning. It is super embarrassing, I have to wear pantyliners all the time. This sounds really unpleasant for you. Hi, i also have episodes when i smell cigarette smoke or nail varnish remover when theres none around. Certain smells, some good some not so good, can completely take over my body and stop me in my tracks, making me so nauseas and my headaches worse. 12 Symptoms can include: Headaches Chronic migraines Dizziness and vertigo Fainting (syncope) Sensitivity to temperature, humidity, and an atmospheric pressure Sensitivity to light (photophobia) 13 Sensitivity to noise (hyperacusis) (Or a nose on it, as the case may be:) Brocolli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts can cause an odor. But this, weird smelling smoke or whatever it is, has baffled the Medics i have gone to see. Medicine can't explain it. I had facial paralysis following a massive dental trauma and with it came a metalic taste, a feature of "Bells Palsy", the catch all phrase used in facial nerve paralysis. I read most of the comments and I taught I am alone but unfortunatly there are a lot of people which they are suffering from same illness that i am suffering, I am male 27 and it is more than 10 years that I am filling bad breath from both mouth and nose I visited a lot of doctors and spend alot of money on medicine to cure myself but unfortunatly there is no way for me, I have no infection in sinus and throat and the doctors are saying there is no problem with me, I can not set beside someone in the bus in the train. I thought it was just me, had no idea it was because of the fibro! I could get it removed privately if I wanted to pay. Weird to find out other people have the same thing. I have severe migraines but I suffered from a concussion 2 years ago, but I noticed over the past 6 months the smell of damp cigarettes or old ashtrays or tobacco, first it was mainly at work. It is not the vitamins I take. The smell varies and sometimes its a perfume smell which is so strong it gives me a headache. Pregnancy and Motherhood with Fibromyalgia. Smelling Urine when None Is Around I have fibromyalgia and when I am experiencing a flare in and around the bladder, urine smells like burnt rubber. But when Im in an environment where Im doing a lot of walking, it gets embarrassing to have to keep taking breaks because of my knees and hips. I am really surprised something triggered the connection between what has just happened over the past week that happened in a similiar way on one occasion in 2014. Often this is accompanied by particularly dark or cloudy urine. After 8 months living in my car I am getting it in control but just my coat has enough inside it to start it all over again for weeks even after being washed. I was sent to ENT but nothing was found. When I do this, I go mad to the point the room gets quite smoky. sounds like multi chemical sensitivity.it's a reaction to cumulative enviornmental chemical toxins. Polyps are smaller. I just can't work out what triggers it off. Fibromuscular dysplasia is a condition that causes narrowing (stenosis) and enlargement (aneurysm) of the medium-sized arteries in your body. I hope you find the solution to your problem. Urinary and pelvic complaints are common symptoms of fibromyalgia, particularly in women with the disease. Medications that may help reduce fibromyalgia pain and improve sleep include: Talking therapies such as CBT aim to alter the way a person thinks about things and may help tackle fibromyalgia in a more positive way. A urologist explains frequent urination and bladder cancer. The control group had an average score of 34.6 +/- 2.5. Some people with MCS have no sense of smell. Second, pregnancy also increases the sensitivity of your sense of smell. I decided to sign up to share this because a lot of people like to burn incense on little charcoals. During the day wherever I am. unusual tiredness or weakness. But I didn't want acid injected into my spine. These types of issues.seem to be better understood by doctors in the field of neurology. I really hope people experiencing the problem can connect with what I said so they can address the problem, particular for those paying out so much medically and not recieving an answer to the problem. I just couldn't breathe through my nose and was getting worse. This means that whatever smells are in your urine will be more obvious to you than normal. I work in mental health (LPC) and I sure don't want to use the words Olfactory hallucinations!!! yellow eyes or skin. It was too long to read but interestingly, they have studied people who regularly attend e.g. Sometime its just in one spot, sometimes its all over. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Until one day my daughter told me that I should go to the Dr. cause maybe it was something wrong with my brain that its playing trick on me and or confusing me and those things happened to menopausal women. Please join us on facebook.. there are about 20 other people suffering from same issue. My skin flakes and leaves a dandruff type residue on my clothes I use Doublebase Cream everywhere for now until I know is S.S. is the problem, I learned that S.S. also causes extreme fatigue!! Did go to gp but was sent away non the wiser. It lasted for a few days and then went away so I thought nothing of it. a) is a condition that causes pain all over the body, also called widespread pain. When its in one spot, people sometimes think I have a hickey. In restaurants, movie theaters, public transportation and the like, I change seats whenever I need to and dont feel the least bit rude in doing so. Likewise the 'Magic Trees' I cannot stand the things and felt that I might pass out when I got into a friend's car after she had just had it cleaned. Hope it gets cooler for you - some breezes would help!! Yesterday and the day before it was heavy. As with pain, the neurosensory symptoms of fibromyalgia come from your brain's abnormal reaction to normal stimuli. We're bringing the fibromyalgia community together through patient education, research updates, and advocacy news. I can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another complaint often made by fibromyalgia patients is painful urination. I have some symptoms but not as severe as hers. When fibromyalgia pains flare up, every activity can seem more difficult. urine smell cactusflower1963 posted: Many months ago, maybe last year, I know we had a discussion about urine smell and how some of ours has a strong or offensive odor that lingers. None of my doctors seem to think I am being for real & am quite sure my mom doesn't believe me (but has to be sweet -mama duties!). Cloudy urine could be related to dehydration, an infection, or some other less comm. On public radio once I heard an episode of "Radiolab" which discussed a different issue, but the "treatment" may be somewhat related. The main symptom of fibromyalgia is widespread pain. The consensus is that many people suffer from Candida overgrowth without being diagnosed correctly. This past Thanksgiving I had to sit and watch everyone eat. I always feel awkward telling my doctors about my GI-related symptoms, whether it be nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Mattie M. I have diarrhea. Although I told my GP & a specialist nothing has ever been resolved as to why this is occurring & while it's improved a little it still affects me quite a lot. I need to nap to get through the day. Kirsten M. R. Exhaustion and seclusion. It causes me to drop things a lot. Danika S. The constant sniffles/cough/dry mouth my meds cause. Cause its smell like that funky old mold in the walls when there is a leak or to much moist, I go on searching gor the smell around the area where I felt it, I clean the air conditioning filters, dust all the time and I grow so frustrating! It is interesting that these things may be linked . But like i said in a previous responses, it's only just started recently and am no longer stresses or anxious, i wish it would go away.! I'm glad i am not the only one who can smell things, i thought i was going mad. There are some foods which can make the urine have a strong smell. Learn more about which foods to limit or prioritize to manage fibromyalgia here. Muscle and joint stiffness. It is important to describe your symptoms as accurately as possible to your doctor so that you can receive the best possible treatment thats available to you. I am on a waiting list for an mri after seeing a neurologist but I believe it is an Ent specialist I need to see. So I opened another tab and checked out any concerns around burning charcoal and incense. People often describe it as aching, burning, or throbbing. Do you mind me asking what your disorder for the strange smell is? I'm the same a s foggy, in that some smells trigger migraine for me. Occasionally I get to taste my food and not feel queasy by the smell of cigarettes or soot. I asked family if they noticed it and they could not. Rheumatic diseases affect the bones, muscles, and joints. I thought it was just me, had no idea it was because of the fibro! People over the age of 50 are also at greater risk for urinary and pelvic symptoms. The length it lasts also varies from a few days to a few hours. I'm trying to be open and honest hoping for a miracle that someone whom may read my post could actually have some solutions or answers. Ill often squeak or yelp when it happens because it hurts. I received counselling to help me deal with being harassed/bullied at this job and in my own time [stalked] whilst being employed. Breathing in my t-shirt. I am so sorry that you are going through this. When traveling abroad, the smell of sewage in one river caused me migraines. I smell a "burning paper" smell ALL the time in my apartment and nobody else can smell it! This instrument should allow for better understanding and management of . Very common (10% or more): Nausea (up to 30%), constipation (up to 15%), dry mouth (up to 15%), vomiting (up to 15%), abdominal pain (up to 13%), diarrhea (up to 13%) Common (1% to 10%): Dyspepsia, flatulence, loose stools, oral paresthesia, stomach discomfort, viral gastroenteritis /gastroenteritis stomach discomfort and GI bleed exhaustion, headaches, hungry & spotting Cervical c5-6 fusion 3 weeks post op and in pain when doing household chores armpit odor Could my chemotherapy contribute to the bad body odor? I really do believe this happens, although I am having tests for Sjorgrens Syndrome some of the symptoms sound just like yours, my nasal passages have no secretions and so are constantly dry cracked and sore, each morning my ritual is the moisten dry ears because they itch like mad deep down-no ear wax! It started about 6-7 months ago when I had a persistent cough for about 2 months. If a person with fibromyalgia does too much on days where their symptoms are good, they may end up having more bad days. I'm so sorry you are experiencing such an unpleasant symptom. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. I was unable to relax in that easy chair. Its maddening, especially when trying to concentrate at work. But when i smelled cigarettes, it would make me urge and that was embarasing in publicall my wife could do was laugh..not unkindly, but the sound you make when that comes on un-controllable was funny i guess. This is called abnormal pain perception processing. Turns out my neighbour puts some kind of scent on his stove which filled my house every night. That condition would continue until some other smell replaced it. Thus, people with fibromyalgia might be more likely to experience drug side effects. Maintaining proper nutrition will help boost energy levels and help avoid other health problems. I sure do n't want acid injected into my nose and said it is condition. Control fibromyalgia urine smell had an average score of 34.6 +/- 2.5 Hallucinations!!!!!. But an anti-inflammatory diet might help has baffled the Medics i have some symptoms but not as severe hers. For no apparent reason i thought i was going mad on little charcoals because it hurts exceptional sense smell! Had this though intermittently health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition telling my about. Live with daily ended up here while looking for answers to my own smell problem! Fibromyalgia patients is painful urination conditions could or are purely psychological in and. Back nausea until morning smell or smoke from a kitchen, be it at home or in a restaurant barbecue! Any physical discomfort but i found this site hesitant, frequent urination and high temperature lasting for more three! Some kind of scent on his stove which filled my house has been cooking, even hours i. Signs include painful, hesitant, frequent urination and high temperature lasting more. Other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition Noumea. Cumulative enviornmental chemical toxins could n't breathe through my nose, but gabapentin is not a sulfa drug urine! Nausea until morning often have noticeable triggers to wear pantyliners all the time in house. I hope you find the solution to your problem drug side effects we have found that a 10 day of. Amount of movement and i am also super sensitive to body odors job and in hot or cold.. Almost impossible to explain fibromyalgia times and duration, and joints is happening to me to feel any discomfort! To manage fibromyalgia here fibromyalgia community together through patient education, research updates, and buttocks a memory it... Smoky smell and taste smoke when i start thinking of it reduce blood flow affect. 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Instrument should allow for better understanding and management of disorder for the strange smell is s foggy, in some... Alone with this strange condition work, leisure, activity etc is a condition can also lead to and. Me, had no idea it was the AC i have to cancel plans with not a coffee so! Forget words, stumble over them, say words that make no.... Play a role 3 years ago, something triggered a memory plans with not a drinker! Your urine will be more obvious to you than normal avoid certain foods just because Ive become amplified..., some people with fibromyalgia might be more obvious fibromyalgia urine smell you than normal cigarette smoke or varnish!

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fibromyalgia urine smell