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blood type of presidentsblood type of presidents

This answer is: Anonymous . He shall build me an house, and I will stablish his throne for ever. Again in II Chronicles 13:5 we find, Ought ye not to know that the LORD God of Israel gave the kingdom over Israel to David for ever, even to him and to his sons by a covenant of salt? Finally Jeremiah states in chapter 33, verse 17, For thus saith the LORD; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel;. US President Donald Trump, who will land in Gujarat on February 24, will head directly towards the Sardar Patel Stadium in Motera, in 'The Beast'. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. Do you have such great chance to be even far cousin with Bush, Nixon, Kerry, Clinton ? After the blood transfusion for the president Feng Teng's sister, Shanshan is rewarded with pork liver rice. We can, therefore, conclude that Bush is type O, but can only say he is probably Rh-positive. I am 70 now and my hair is still dark brown, with very few gray hairs, and reddish highlights in the sunshine. Is astigmatism more common among rh(D) negative persons? Click here to login He told Meyer Amschel that the family from which he descended would produce the Messiah in the last half of the twentieth century. www.myspace.com/sheeplerevolt. Lvl 1. Are there no gender roles in Rh negative relationships? Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe, but took his stepfathers name as a teenager. Positive blood has the Rh factor (it contains the D antigen), and negative types lack it. __________________________________________________ Blood typing was only discovered in 1901. Using that book as a reference, Mr. Brooks-Bakers claims are nonsense. Through de Montford, Clinton is related to every ancient aristocratic family in Britain today.. After the men see you Levitate, you then become a person of high rank /social standing.. Gerald Ford and William Taft are related to 14, and Barbara Bush is a member of the Pierce family, and is herself related to Franklin Pierce, our 14th President. All rights reserved. I remember reading that it was rumored he was O negative, because that is what the emergency room called for as he was rushed in. Original Question: Is it coincidence that almost all U.S. Presidents have had the same blood type? Buckingham Palace politely declined to comment on the recorded royal connections of either candidate. The famous thirteenth century Rabbi Meir (also spelled Meyer) of Rothenberg, Germany, claimed direct descent from Nero. The only point to studying royal ancestry is that it is the only provable ancestry is that it is the only provable ancestry to be studied before 1400. I began to have recurring Levitation dreams in 1965 after my Grandmother Sarah passed over ( and interestingly my sister and I saw her spirit the night Grandmother Sarah died. Which type of donation is best for you is determined by your blood type, as well as . His most prominent ancestor may be Englands King Charles II, who shared the governors vision of a strong military. 3. There is overwhelming evidence that the monarchs of the British Isles and northwest Europe are all descended from the marriage of the Zarah-Judah-Milesian high king of Ireland and his bride the Pharez-Judah daughter of king Zedekiah, Tea Tephi. 4 major reasons why blood type tests can show different results, O and Rh-negative blood types may already have COVID-19 antibodies. More answers below Will Pasto Below is a chart showing blood types (A, B, AB, O) and Rh Rhesus status (Rh-positive and Rh-negative) by country. He then said this : ( and again, this was in 1974 ) Even though America has been referred to as a melting-pot of immigration, this genetic diversity has NOT been fairly represented among White House occupants. Were the ancient Etruscans an important link to rhesus negatives today. However the royal researchers are hedging their bets saying their dig through the documents continues. For example Colgate Palmolive, traced back to relationships of kings of countries and the church (pope). Rather the red genes seem to remain able to lightly express themselves through whatever dominant color is inherited! King Tuts Rh factor was never determined. Clintons royal roots include several medieval monarchs and Simon de Montford, a statesman and soldier under King Henry III. confirmed And the antiquity of the Cheney line explains why they pulled Dick out of retirement to help Dubya run things. [Bush] is closely related to every European Monarch both on and off the throne, says Brooks-Baker. Royal U.S. Presidential Bloodlines Why Voting in America Doesnt Matter, The Atlantean Conspiracy In 1974, I stumbled upon a Past Life Reading Ad ( and this was a VERY RANDOM find ) in the Dayton Daily Newspaper in the Classified Ad personal section of the Newspaper. 21 Chester A. Arthur View In the same way, many babies born with blue eyes have brown or hazel eyes by a month old: the genes for color seem to be still competing for dominance. They also show William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton as both adding up to 666 but the numbers are off as published. Humans are believed to have evolved from a similar ancestor. Although my cousin Connie is a RH positive. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; What are the rh negative personality traits? Here is a chart that shows how 25 of our Presidents have all been related to one another: There is this AmeriKan myth that anyone can become President of the United States. Are most British Royals and U.S. Presidents Rh negative? 2007 Kentroversy Papers My grandmother and grandfather fled their birth home ( KY ) to Ohio, The name Clinton appears on a list of 750 ancient Gaelic surnames which are descendants of the Milesian kings of Spain invaded and settled Ireland hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. I do however believe that our Soul chooses a certain time, and a certain Physical Body because of that particular Physical Bodys connections with other Souls ( our family , friends, ancestors linage ect ) and historical events that are probable in that particular Body, for example, my journey with a very diverse family which as far as I recall, O positive Rh negative blood is very rare and there are pros and cons to having this blood type. __________________________________________________ Clintons ancestry can be traced back, on his mothers side, to King Henry III who ruled England from 1227 to 1272. 32 Franklin D. Roosevelt View Red hair is said to be recessive, but I am not convinced that the genes express themselves in total either/or fashion. __________________________________________________ Gore is running a bit behind Bush in the European royal count, his blood-line runs close to some American home-grown nobility, including Thomas Jefferson. They are distant cousins! I believe that through our Eternal Soul we can tap into another realm of existence, and I believe Did you know all 43 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? Not all redheads are rh negative. Malcom X was RH neg as well. Further, the autopsy specimens had been on exhibit at the museum for several decades, suggesting that the line of Lincolns privacy had already been crossed. her family, and my Grandfather to be hung, by the Ky locals when they ( the locals ) were privy In both the 2000 and the 2004 Presidential elections, George W. Bush and both Al Gore and John Kerry are cousins. constituents. Are you an Rh negative mother with an Rh positive mother? I Kings 8:25 confirms with, .There shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit on the throne of Israel; Also, I Chronicles 17:12. In fact it trumps the royal ties of every other President to date, including his fathers. Were the ancient Etruscans an important link to rhesus negatives today. The name King does appear on The Kane Ancestral Map of Ireland. The Crimson ran a story by the Associated Press regarding the royal lineages of the two presidential candidates (Oct. 28). It seemed strange to us at the time that they denied knowing anything about Clinton. A few weeks later I read in The Jewish Festivals by Hayyim Schauss (published in 1938) that the Roman Emperor Nero had faked his death, escaped and married a Jewish woman. A more detailed account is on my Royalty and Jeremiah and Tea Tephi pages. They come from the Pierce bloodline, which changed its name from Percy after fleeing England in the wake of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the English parliament. After donating blood several years I received a card from the blood bank saying I am B-. the world is a stage humans are slaves this is a prison planet. Of course, I also contacted the people who examined it, but have yet to receive a reply. No. Moreover, he is related to all those who have married into the British royal family, like the Queen Mother, the Princess of Wales and the Duchess of York. Jan 12, 2017 at 12:49 pmExhaust Fan Said: (function(d, s, id) { Dear Brother Jack, I am one of the 10 to 15 percent of the population whose blood is negative (versus positive). No exceptions. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. My brother and I are both redheads as well. 7 Andrew Jackson View Your Soul has always incarnated on Earth in Times of Great Upheavals, and it frightens I also spoke with a top scientist now who informed me it wouldnt be an issue to determine it now. The Milesian kings were Zarah Judahites who originated in Egypt and left prior to the Exodus in ships owned by the Tuatha de Danaan (Tribe of Dan). 31 Herbert Hoover View js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; 4. Obama: Biden has never needed medication or electrical treatments to deal with that condition, the physician said. In the recurring Levitation Dreams ,they all start out with me running from a group of people , whom I do not know. Jan-Feb 1999 Triumph Prophetic Ministries, __________________________________________________. J. R. Church continues the incredible story: Over the past six years, efforts to uncover Clintons personal history have been nigh unto impossible to confirm. Lynn Cheney, wife of Dick Cheney, while doing an interview with Houston, Texas talk radio station KTRH 740 AM dropped quite a bombshell. Clinton is of the tribe of Judah] The most basic of information the Word provides us about the Messiah is that he is from the tribe of Judah a son of David. that Linear Time is an Illusion. Even if his claim of a descent from Robert I of France were true, in 1992 he beat George Bush, whose known royal ancestry is much more prominent than Mr. Clintons. Whether one can prove it or not is a matter of chance and researchand it certainly has nothing to do with winning or losing presidential elections. By Eric Dubay His most prominent ancestor may be Englands King Charles II, who shared the governors vision of a strong military. My half sister ( on my mothers side ) survived Breast Cancer ( which Ashkenazi Jews have higher percentages of Breast Cancer ), My maternal Grandfather suffered with Rheumatoid Arthritis ( I suspect my Grandfather, also of mixed blood ancestry was also RH neg Recessive. For a better understanding of the whole subject area, I invite you to see all the Lost Tribes pages. Surprising, but there it is. Gores family members werent exactly peasants. The presidential candidate with the most royal genes and chromosomes has, up to now, always won the White House, say the researchers at Burkes Peerage. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. L O N D O N, October 25, 2000 Malcom Littles nickname was Red because of his Reddish Hair and light skin the Reader said this : If you want to look at the Family History I can give you an URL. Does anyone have any good theories about the image of the beast of Rev:13:14 that the people of the earth are to make and worship? At least 25 American Presidents are related to each other. The books Burkes Peerage & Baronetage and Burkes Landed Gentry have, for 175 years, recorded the genealogies of the UK and Irelands titled and landed families. What are the odds? But what about America? The vice presidents family tree includes Charlemagne and three Holy Roman emperors. __________________________________________________ But the truth is that since O negative is the universal donor, it is what is always called for in emergency situations where the actual blood type is not immediately known. Biden takes Crestor to address hyperlipidemia, high levels of lipids in the blood. While it is known that RH negative blood - (type 'O') is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative factor originates, as it is generally theorized by evolutionists that there is an unbroken bloodline from early human prototypes (pre-humans) to present day human beings. Again, they told us that no work had been done. At least 34 of 43 Presidents come from the same family line, and the chart above traces 25 of them, whom all come from the same family tree. Burkes publishing director, Harold Brooks-Baker says Bushs royal connections are startling. CHENEY AND OBAMA ARE COUSINS! confirmed In Psalm 89 Nathans Davidic Covenant is sung to us by a son of Zarah. simplest genetic squares show 25% chance of that happening. One idea is that Rh negative people may be resistant to some of the effects of the parasite Toxoplasma. In addition to being related family members, Bush and Kerry are both members of Yale Universitys Skull & Bones occult fraternity. In fact, in this century, only Theodore Roosevelt, Class of 1888, William H. Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt 04 and Bush were of royal ancestry and elected to the presidency. Also, (and although I dont know my maternal Grandfathers Blood type ), I suspect that if he was RH positive, I believe that he was RH neg Recessive, which I believe that I am RH neg Recessive as well, and was my mother, aunt , brother and cousin. and I did NOT know this fact while growing up. But 10-15% of people do not carry this gene, which means there is a small amount of people on the planet who are RH negative.Such people lack not only that rhesus monkey gene but the proteins that come with it as well. I went to the Readers Home. GOVERNMENT, WORLD You cant just write off 200 years of accurate predictions, says Brooks-Baker pointing out Mike Dukakis learned about the royal factor the hard way. Burkes Peerage hasnt guessed wrong for almost two centuries! And although I dont know this until fairly recently , I HIGHLY suspect that my maternal Grandmother Sarah was an RH neg. Blood types determine who you can give blood to and receive blood from. 35 John F. Kennedy View Aug 2000 I think Spain anyway, because the soap was and is still known as Castile. 99 Conference of American Presidents , 213 Conferences , AEC supported , 223 Congressional . And its interesting that Jeremiah specifies the house of Israel. "At least 33 of the first 42 Presidents of the United States have been related to England's King Alfred The Great (849-899) and Charlemagne (742-814), the famous monarch of France, and 19 Presidents are related to England's King Edward III (1312-1377), who has a thousand blood connections to Prince Charles. 22 and 24 Grover Cleveland View Are rh negative people more likely to have red hair and/or freckles? It does not cite its sources nor give a complete ancestry of each president. Ukraine SitRep Media Ignorance, Counter-Artillery War, Three Lost Armies, Cause for Grave Concern: FAA Tacitly Admits that Pilot EKGs Are No Longer Normal, Memos Expose Bidens drive to tap earnings potential with China Deal, Joe Biden Spent 163 Days in Wilmington Home No Visitor Logs Exist, Bidens Use Of Lawyers Raises Additional Concerns Over Classified Material, Retired FBI executive is imploring Agency to Reverse drift toward Politicization, Twitter Drop: Exposing Big Pharma Bullying [Video]. Are rh negative people more likely to have red hair and/or freckles? Whats interesting is that Malcom Xs mother was Biracial In a blood transfusion, a patient must receive a blood type that is compatible with his or her own blood typethat is, the donated blood must be accepted by the patient's own blood. The discovery was made by the president's personal . False. Shortly afterward, we came across an AP story that linked Clinton to a Gypsy kingciting Burkes Peerage as a source. Visit our blood types blog if you want to read more. it also contains a bunch of medical suppliesincluding a refrigerator full of blood matching Trump's blood type . My dog tags say B+. My maternal Grandmother, Sarah ( born in KY 1895 ) Family linage Blessings The vice presidents family tree includes Charlemagne and three Holy Roman emperors. A work of genealogical scholarship does exist: Ancestors of American Presidents,edited by Gary B. Roberts. allows both the A and B blood marker proteins to co-express themselves together is unnatural. Unless someone has been going around actually digging up past presidents' tombs or remains for DNA or blood samples preserved well enough to be tested for blood type. Ford: "If you want to get a job at the White House, know your blood type because you're going to get thrown overboard at some point," Pelosi said, speaking during the show New Day on Tuesday. Used with permission. These seem more Rh Negative characteristics than Rh Positive. The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . In addition to several sinus surgeries, Biden has had his gallbladder removed and has had several non . They say Bushs blue blood runs thicker than Vice President Al Gores. Interesting, huh? 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Type it into the search bar below, and it is probably here: True or false: All U.S. Presidents but one are/were Rh negative. confirmed The vice presidents family tree includes Charlemagne and three Holy Roman emperors. George W. Bush. A negative If the blood types are not compatible, red blood cells will clump together, making clots . Hi Tommy, I was unaware that King is the birth name of President Ford. NOT! ______________________________________________________________________________ 26 Theodore Roosevelt View It was first seen in Aboriginal Australians. According to Meet the 'Beast': Donald Trump's new bomb-proof car that carries guns and President's blood: In the boot there are firefighting system, an oxygen system in the trunk in case of a chemical attack, tear gas and smoke-screen dispensers along with bags of the President's Rh-negative blood type in case of an emergency transfusion. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Tweets by @RhesusNegatives What are the rh negative personality traits? A health worker draws blood during COVID-19 antibody testing in Pico Rivera, Calif., on Feb. 17. My Father had a Widows Peak, a trait found in high percentages of Scottish people. Harold Brooks-Baker, the late Publishing Director of Burkes Peerage and Gentry said the following during the 2000 American Presidential campaign: The Presidential candidate with the greatest number of royal genes has always been the victor, without exception, since George Washington.. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; George Bush and Barbara Bush are from the same bloodline. Cheney and Bush are related to one another by a completely different common ancestor.. Richard Nixon: A negative confirmed Ford: A or O negative Jimmy Carter: A negative confirmed Ronald Reagan: As far as I recall, O positive GHWB: As far as I recall, A positive Bill Clinton: As far as I recall, AB negative George W. Bush: Rh positive Obama: AB negative confirmed Donald: A negative confirmed Some sources: 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. Please remember that the information I forward is only as good as the sources available to me. Why do so many Rh negatives believe that we come from aliens? Doesnt he highly resemble Malcom Little AKA Malcom X?? And with the amount of energy these people spend hiding these facts from the general public there is a great likelihood that she hasnt heard of any of this before because of this program of concealment. Fast Forward to today and throughout the years, I have had a gazillion Esoteric Experiences and Dreams If you go back eight generations, they have a common ancestor.. Never in the history of the United States have two presidential candidates been as well endowed with royal alliances. However the royal researchers are hedging their bets saying their dig through the documents continues. In 1994, when Mr. Clinton was planning a foreign trip, Dr. Mariano wrote, Dr. Bob Ramsey, an Army colonel and a blood specialist in the White House medical unit, gave doctors at the host. It doesnt matter who is who or what family tree they came fromNONE of that matters because when Jesus comes again to rule the world, EVERYONE will be judged by God equally from kings all the way down to servants. sealed. The presidential candidate with the most royal genes and chromosomes has, up to now, always won the White House, say the researchers at Burkes Peerage. Two days later he called me back, and said Yes! A1 Steak sauce. My aunt ( on my mothers side ) died of Pancreatic Cancer which Pancreatic Cancer,too has high percentages in Ashkenazi Jews. Duh how stupid do you think we Jews are no Jew will believe Clinton is the Messiah. Those connections are harder to trace. Thus Burkes Peerage leaves open the possibility for an October surprise and either a Bush, or a Gore, coronation Nov. 7. February 24, 2015 Trump is also rh negative and has a royal connecton as does Hillary Clinton and the are both cousins. That means 10 presidents of the 20th century were not of royal ancestry including Presidents Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy 40 and Ronald W. Reagan. JFKs personal life was complicated but there is no doubt JFK was far more concerned with a peace and uplifting citizens as well as creating and maintaining good relations with all humanity working toward a peaceful world community more so than any other president. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a41e517db373f9c3bc1be5a4b70eee93" );document.getElementById("ad10372649").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Trump Will Be Joined by Sen. Lindsey Graham and South Carolina Gov at 1st Campaign Event, DOJ declined to monitor Biden Documents Search, Every Facet Of Government Is In The Censorship Business, Judge Strikes Down New Yorks Orwellian C-19 JAB Mandate, Texas Lawmaker Drops Bill To Make It A Federal Crime For Whites To Criticize Minorities, Shocking Admission from an Ex-Intel Official about Hunter Laptop story, Greta Thunberg arrested in Germany [VIDEO]. 41 George H. W. Bush View Ford happens to be my mothers maiden name also. I asked about this on one of my mail lists and got a few additional bits of confirmation. But my father was A-, and it was undoubtedly from his family that the red hair gene was passed to me to be passed to my daughter and first grandson, for my paternal grandmother was said to have been auburn haired as was her own mother. This common ancestor has been identified as Mareen Devall a 17th century immigrant from France. Download a free copy of The Atlantean Conspiracy: When it comes to picking the winner in the American presidential race, Britains leading chroniclers of royal ancestors say theyve never been wrong not once in almost 200 years. It was used to determine his haplogroup, but blood type was never publicly revealed. We are MORE than our Physical Blood Bodies, What about carriers of both Rh-/+ types you can be both. I know jfk was O+ it was on his dog tag. He is descended from King Robert I of France. My cousins ( name Connie ) daughter ( Tippy ) IS a RH neg. Contact Spring for services Business Consulting, HR Consulting, Data Reporting, Human Resources (HR), Payroll Services, Strategic Planning, and IT Consulting able to escape them. Bill Clinton: Harvard owns this as well; and I admit to being mentioned in the acknowledgements of this work. Are there no gender roles in Rh negative relationships? As far as I recall, A positive Win McNamee/Getty Images. But both candidates have a remarkable number of royal connections and both are related to Queen Elizabeth.. 4 James Madison View The following is a genealogy chart that appears in Bloodlines of the Illuminati, by Fritz Springmeier. There are many artifacts still available covered with Lincolns blood, has too much time passed to discern his blood type? SIGN IN TO E-MAIL Yes, I do. Fr.Dmitri+ He would see Bill at family get-togethers wearing a Jewish skullcap. One of the things I discovered [in doing research for my forthcoming book] is that Dick and Barack Obama are eighth cousins. js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; 6 John Quincy Adams View And if you think its just a probability game, then check your own genealogy and those of all the people you know. A total of 901 units of blood were collected last year, surpassing 874 units in 2021 and 810 in 2020. 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blood type of presidents