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Social Analytic Tips

Social Analytic Tips to Improve your Marketing

Social Analytic Tips to Improve your Marketing

So you’ve made the jump to build up your company’s social media presence. You’re on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. You’re trying your best to measure your fan base, followers and interest online, but you still need more help. Sometimes, the biggest battle is knowing which metrics to track.  Not everything we do online is important, but when it comes to your business decisions, things like what time your customers are most active, or where they’re getting their information from, is crucial. Take these categories into account when trying to determine your marketing analytics for your business.

Post Timely Updates

Using Twitter to reach your customers? Be careful – Twitter is such a constant platform that your tweets can easily get buried if you fail to tweet at the optimal times. Use tools like Tweroid to make your life a bit easier. It grasps information like the past tweets of your followers and tells you when they are most active based on these factors. It will even send you a report outlining the best times for you to tweet to your followers.

Limit Your Number of Posts

This is a crucial factor to figure out for a company. Most studies agree that a business’ Facebook page should post 1-2 per day. Is that true for your company? Let’s find out. Facebook has this great new data reporting system called Insights. It breaks down data in a really comprehensive way and can even tell you how many people your post ‘reached’. It has an engagement section and will let you know the best way to interact with your fans. It’s basically spoon-feeding you the perfect number of posts for your company per day! You can also use insights to find out when your fans are seeing your posts – which can help you decide the best time to post them!

Click-Through Rate

Are you sharing content from your blog, YouTube page or Pinterest? Are you interested to see how many customers are actually clicking on that link? There’s a simple and easy way to determine the CTR or click-through rate of a link: you just need to use a URL shortener. The link shortener Bitly allows you to shorten links, and after users click on them, you can actually measure the CTR. Pool Guard USA started using this when they wanted to find out the CTR rate of their new blog links. They learned the optimal times that their posts got the best results. Bitly can give you a breakdown of where the users are clicking from and what time they are clicking, all presented in a nice graph.


Hosting a social media campaign? Hootsuite has just introduced social analytics, a comprehensive report that breaks down the success of your social media campaign across multiple social media platforms. The beauty of Hootsuite is that you can see all of your social media platforms in one area. These analytics take the best of Facebook insight, Google analytics, etc. and create a mega-report with all the data you could ask for from your business’ page.

These are just a few examples of the great ways social analytics is changing online marketing today.

About The Author: 

Scott Huntington is a writer, reporter, blogger, and social media guru. He currently lives in PA and with his wife and son. Follow Scott at @SMHuntington

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